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Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Roxeanne Rolling (19)


Oh my God!” says Hailey in an exaggerated voice. “You fucked him?”

“Shhh!” I say, looking around nervously.

We’re in a crowded coffee shop near our apartment.

“Don’t worry,” says Hailey, waving her hand dismissively. “Everyone here’s on their laptops.”

It’s true. Supposedly, coffee shops used to be a place to socialize. But here, in the modern world, everyone’s just on their laptops, with their headphones on.

“I think I even saw a guy over there watching porn,” says Hailey.

“Eww,” I say, making a face.

“Don’t give me that,” says Hailey. “Now you’re one of us. You’re one of the initiated. And you can obsess about sex all the time like the rest of us.”

“It’s not like that…” I start to say, but Hailey cuts me off.

“Oh,” says Hailey, her face falling. “It wasn’t any good? His cock wasn’t… you know?”

I have to laugh at this. I may be inexperienced, but Ryan’s cock was completely massive.

“It was…”

Hailey’s face is too funny, waiting expectedly for me to say it… She’s hanging on my every word.

“It was amazing,” I finally conclude, getting some enjoyment out of her face.


“Yeah,” I say, lowering my voice. “It was… really incredible… I had no idea it could feel that way.”

“You did everything?”

“I think so,” I say.

Her face lights up in surprise.

“Oh,” I say, realizing she thinks I’m talking about anal or something. “Maybe not… everything, if you know what I mean… But it was everything for me… I’m no longer a virgin.”

I know Hailey likes to talk about sex a lot, and I’ll sometimes hear her talking about it with her other friends. I know she’s going kind of easy on me, knowing that I might not feel comfortable discussing exactly everything about the experience.

“Well, cheers,” says Hailey, raising her coffee mug.

We clink our mugs together and grin at each other.

“So now you’ve just got to find a decent guy,” says Hailey. “I don’t see you as the type for a bunch of flings… Then again, it might do you some good… embracing that side of yourself… until you get a little more experienced, and then you can go after exactly what it is you like…”

“Well,” I say. “About that…”

“About what?”

“Finding another guy…”

“Oh no!” says Hailey, her eyes almost popping open in worry. “You’re not falling for him, are you? Really? The douchebag billionaire?”

“Oh,” I say. “No…” But inside, I’m wondering if I’m not. After all… Well…

“I can see it in your eyes,” says Hailey. “It’s already happened. I should have warned you about this.”

“About what?”

“About falling for the first guy you sleep with. You know, when you’re a virgin, it just seems so wonderful, but trust me, there are better guys out there than the douchebag billionaire. Didn’t you see all those articles about him?”

“You mean that first one that you showed me?”

“Oh, you haven’t seen the new ones then,” says Hailey.

She pulls out her phone, taps away for a moment, and then hands the phone to me.

“And that’s just one of like ten,” she says.

I start reading, just to appease her. But I have to admit, I have some curiosity of my own. What do I really know about Ryan, after all? Not a whole lot.

I feel my eyes growing wide as I read. “Oh my God!” I say, after half a page. “Did he really do that?”

The article starts off describing how Ryan Hudson didn’t show up for an important press conference once, so they all started. There were about a dozen high class business guys there, as well as a ton of reporters, seated. About halfway through, noises started coming from behind a curtain, where Ryan’s presentation for the press was supposedly set up, in waiting. There were grunts and squeals and moans, and less than thirty seconds later, Ryan and a naked woman fell through the curtain… and continued fucking.

“Yup,” says Hailey.

I get through two of the articles before I’ve had enough. They describe Ryan’s various sexual exploits, which include more than a few instances of him having sex in public places. And a host of other things.

“I can’t read any more,” I say, handing the phone back to Hailey.

“I don’t think he’s exactly boyfriend material,” says Hailey, apologetic now. “But don’t worry, we’ll find you a nice guy. Just let me work my magic.”

My own phone rings.

“Hey,” I say as I pick up. I’m conscious of the fact that my voice becomes somewhat girlish and flirty. It is Ryan Hudson, after all, the man who made me feel things I’ve never felt before.

“Is it him?” mouths Hailey, motioning for me to hang up the phone.

“He’s my boss, remember?” I mouth back at her, but I’m not sure how good I am at mouthing, and I don’t know if she understands.

“We need to work on the algorithm today,” he says.

Oh shit!

I can’t believe I forgot that I still have a job to go to.

The trauma of the fire, and the huge event of losing my virginity to Ryan Hudson… it pushed everything out of my mind. Instead of heading into work, I agreed to meet Hailey for coffee.

“Are you at the office?” I say.

“Not yet,” he says. “I’ll meet you there, OK?”

“OK,” I say, not sure if I should tell him I’m not there.

My mind is going a thousand miles a minute as I imagine how I could beat Ryan to the new office. First of all, I don’t even know where it is yet. I’d have to use my phone to get there, and I’d have to take a taxi or an Uber. But Ryan has all those fast sports cars. There’s no way I could beat him there.

“You still there?” says Ryan.

“Actually,” I say. “This sounds really dumb, but I forgot to go to work…”

I have no idea how he’s going to react. I hold my breath. He still is my boss, after all.

“Whatever,” says Ryan. “Just meet me there.”

He hangs up and I put the phone down, confused. He didn’t mention last night, or talk to me any differently than before we had sex.

“You forgot to go to work?” says Hailey, starting to laugh.

“Hey,” I say. “A lot’s happened to me in the last 24 hours.”

“You’d better get going,” says Hailey. “Don’t want to keep the boss waiting.” She winks at me.

“It wasn’t like that,” I say. “Actually, he didn’t even mention last night…”

“… the douchebag billionaire,” says Hailey.

I grab my bag, which has my laptop in it, thankfully, and rush out the door after saying goodbye to Hailey.

I’m trying to hail a cab when I realize that I’m just dressed casually, not in my work clothes. I’m wearing a casual sort of spring dress with flower prints on it. The hemline is certainly higher than would be considered appropriate for an office, showing off a good bit of my thigh.

Oh well, they’re just going to have to deal with it.

Plus, I hope Ryan won’t mind. Maybe he’ll even think I look sexy.

I imagine him telling me I look hot today, and I imagine it sending a shiver down my spine as he looks me up and down, his eyes full of desire like last night.

I’d better not keep thinking about this, or I’m going to get the taxi seat soaking wet.