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His Lover's Vows: Mpreg Romance (My One-Night Stand Series Book 4) by Giovanna Reaves (14)

Chapter Fourteen

Two months since they’ve been searching for Alphonso Gianni and, gods, Tucker really missed his husband and stepdaughter. They spoke every night on a secured and untraceable line, but it wasn’t the same as having Lucas in his arms or hearing Zoi’s infectious laughter. The message sent to Hamilton employees was that Lucas was taking some time off, and no one knew when he’d return.

Considering that he just got married, everyone took it as him needing to spend time with his new husband. Tucker could tell that Lucas was starting to get impatient, especially since he had another doctor’s appointment coming up. Tucker was trying to figure out a way to get Doctor Wilson over to Lucas. It would be easy to have one of the Seeker organization doctors take over his care, but he and his team didn’t know who to trust.

Things were not going that well with the rest of the family either. Christen found out about his father’s infidelity and refused to listen to Asher’s explanation. Tucker could also feel the warring tension between Asher and Tyler each time they were in the same room. They hardly spoke unless it had to do with Gianni or Ethan since it was getting closer to his due date. Poor Seth was in the middle of it all, and probably felt terrible for causing all the trouble.

Everything is so fucked up. I’m not sure when things are going to work out in the end.

“Come in,” he answered when there was a knock on his office door. Jaxson walked in and closed the door.

“You got a few minutes to talk?” Jaxson asked.

“Is this personal or business?”

“Both,” Jaxson said sitting down in the chair in front of him.

“I just got a call from Seth. They still haven’t been able to pinpoint where or who hacked into their system last night, our guess is still Gianni.”

Sometime around midnight the night before, someone tried hacking into the Seeker servers, and Tucker’s only thought was that they were trying to find Lucas. The good thing was only Asher, Tucker, and a trusted IT tech knew exactly where his husband was. They wanted it that way since word hadn’t gotten out that they were married.

“What else?”

“Stephen is working with that guy, Chance, the computer analyst from Seekers. They’re trying to crack January’s computer, and with what little we got off it, Mayson and Tyler are following up on the clues. We’ve already confirmed that January was the double agent, but I have to tell you, boss, the guy was in debt up to his eyeballs. We’re still not sure how January and Gianni came into contact, but the night the guy killed himself, three million dollars was deposited in his account. But that still wouldn’t have covered his debt.”

Tucker sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, clasping them at the base of his neck. He was tired in so many ways. Leaning forward, resting his elbows on the edge of the large desk, he looked around the conference room at all the files, maps, and photos hoping something would lead them to Gianni. So far, things were adding up to a whole lot of nothing and leading them nowhere.

The team had commandeered one of the offices and a conference room in the New York FBI building. They had brought one computer analyst with them from Seekers—the only one that Asher and Tyler seemed to trust. They were working under the assumption that Gianni had more than one person working in Seekers on his payroll and they weren't taking any chances. Thanks to Erich, everything was done through back channels, and their group's day-to-day investigation didn’t interrupt the daily working lives of the New York agents.

“Things aren’t adding up,” Tucker said. For two months he’d been wracking his brain as to why things felt so clean cut—all except finding Gianni.

“No, they aren’t,” Jaxson agreed then sighed. “It doesn’t seem as if we are going to figure business out today, so let’s see if we can figure out the personal part. What are we going to do about the other thing?”

“Hell if I know,” Tucker answered. “I can’t force Lucas to talk to his father, just as you can’t force Christen to do the same.”

Jaxson leaned forward nodding. “I have to admit. I’m disappointed in Asher, I mean . . . hell, I don’t know what I mean.”

“Every family has issues, Jax, and this is just one of them. They are a close-knit family and as simple as I’m saying this, things will get better. They will argue it out, and Seth will be welcomed in the family as if he’s been there the entire time.”

“Fuck, I didn’t realize how right Lucas was about you.” Jaxson chuckled.

“What’s Lucas right about?” Tyler said walking into the conference room.

“That Tucker's a rational thinker,” Jaxson answered.

“That is true. I never realized how much Lucas needed someone like you in his life,” Tyler said. “Don’t get me wrong, I loved Rebecca, we all did. She showed Lucas how to love, but with you, I see a side of my brother he probably didn’t know was there. He listens more, and he thinks before he says the thing that pops into his head. I just hope you love him as much as he loves you.”

That surprised Tucker, Lucas is in love with me? Did he say that to Tyler? He looked at Tyler when he heard his chuckle. “Shit, you two haven’t even said the words to each other yet, have you?”

“Things have been a bit hectic,” Tucker said in defense.

“I get it,” Tyler said shaking his head. “The next time you speak to him, tell him how you feel.”

“All right, let’s get back to business,” Tucker said hoping to change the subject.

The conversation started around him, but Tucker’s mind kept going around the words Tyler just said. The only one he’d ever said the words to was Rochelle. He remembered every aspect of his wife, from the way she felt to the softness and warmth of her touch. But lately, he didn’t yearn for Rochelle’s touch, he wanted for Lucas’, for his strength, to hear his laughter, and feel his passion.

Closing his eyes, he remembered the last time they made love and how passionate but sweet Lucas felt in his arms. The sexy way he looked riding his cock, with sweat soaking his hair and glistened off his body, and begging Tucker to give him more. He remembered being amazed at the small baby bump that was forming and was sure Lucas wouldn’t think it was cute. The thumping in his heart grew louder the more he thought about his husband.

“Hey, boss, are you all right?” Jaxson asked.

“Yeah, I’m good,” he said realizing he must have made a noise during the time he was sorting out his feelings. Tell him how you feel. And Tyler was right. He wanted Lucas to know how he felt and not because he was carrying his children.

* * *

Lucas was going out of his damn mind. He’d never spent so much time with himself, and he honestly hated it. He hadn’t realized how much noise and life Tucker had brought into his world until now. He missed his husband, and he wasn’t the only one, their nightly phone calls were the highlight of his and Zoi’s day.

“Daddy, Papa come soon?” Zoi asked again for maybe the hundredth time in the last two months they’d been in hiding.

“Yes, sweetie, I promise you will get to see your papa very soon.” She started talking and expressing herself a lot more lately.

“And baby,” she said cheerfully.

Lucas smiled, he hadn’t guessed how she would take being a big sister, but she loved the idea even if she didn’t understand everything. “Yup, and the baby too.” He and Tucker still hadn’t told her that she was going to be a big sister of two and not one. They were waiting to tell everyone the gender, and that they were having twins. There was a knock at his door, and Lucas froze for a second.

No one knew where he was except for his father and Tucker. He’d spoken with his husband the night before, and he didn’t mention anything about visiting him. As a matter of fact, Tucker wanted to keep as much distance between them as possible just in case Gianni was watching them. He was in Virginia where they hoped no one knew who he was, staying in a rented house under an assumed name.

“Zoi, do you want to play a game of hide-and-seek?” She nodded excitedly. “Okay, how about you go and hide, and Daddy will try to find you?” Before he could finish his words, Zoi hopped off the couch and ran out of the room. He waited until she was completely up the stairs before he got up, walked over to the cabinet in the hall and pulled out his gun checking to make sure that it’s loaded before walking to the door.

“Who is it?” Standing to the side of the door not looking through the peephole.

“Lucas, it’s your mother, now open the door.”

What, what the fuck is she doing here? She cannot be this damn stupid.

Only then did he look to see if it was actually his mother. Unlocking the door, he shook his head at the absurdity that his mother would risk both their lives by showing up. “Mom, what the hell are you doing here? And how the hell did you know I was here, anyway?”

“Once you let me inside, then I’ll answer your questions.”

Sighing, he stepped aside giving her entrance then closed the door and putting the lock back on. He walked over to the cabinet and put his gun away. “Mom, you really shouldn’t be here? What if you were followed?” he asked turning to face her.

“Where is Zoi, I’d like to see my granddaughter before I answer all of your questions?”

“Shit, Zoi,” he said hurrying out of the living room and up the stairs to find his daughter in her hiding spot. He didn’t have to search long, the lump on the bed and her giggles told him exactly where she was. Walking over to the bed, he pulled back the covers and yelled, “Found you!” She squealed with joy and started giggling. Sitting on the bed, he tickled her pulling more laughter from her.

“There is my little Zoi-monster,” his mother said at the door.

“Grammy,” Zoi screamed with excitement. She got off the bed and hurried over to his mom who picked her up and loved on her with kisses and hugs bringing more joy to his daughter’s life than she’d had in weeks.

* * *

“What are you doing here, Mom?” he asked for the fifth time. “No one, other than Dad and Tucker, know where I’m at, so how did you find out?” They were sitting down at the dining room table. His mom had made his favorite chicken and dumplings soup that he hadn’t realized he was dying to have until then. “I can’t believe you want to do this now.”

“How many times have I told you that your father could never keep things from me?”

“Yeah, not when he was cheating on you,” he snapped. “How long was it going on?”

Marilyn set her spoon down and moved her half-eaten soup bowl away from her. Folding her hands, she looked directly at him. “Gods, when in the hell did you become so judgmental?” She shook her head and sighed in disappointment.

“I’m not judging you, Mom.”

“No, just your dad,” she snapped.

“Well, he is the one that cheated on you, why aren’t you angry about it?”

“Because not everything is as black and white as you think it is.”

They glared at each other and Lucas was trying to figure out who the woman was that was standing in front of him. The Marilyn Hamilton he knew would have raised hell finding out that her husband cheated and had a kid by someone else.

“Explain things to me, Mom. Because it’s obvious you didn’t get the family memo we’d deal with this shit after I was no longer in danger.” Lucas was angry at his parents for putting his and his children’s life in danger with no regard at all.

Sighing, she closed her eyes then opened them looking at him. “A little over thirty years ago, just a little after you boys were born, I was going through a few things, and no matter how much your father tried I kept pushing him away. Understand I’m not excusing his cheating even if it was one time, but it was my fault in some small way. I felt as if I was losing my identity. I had plans for my life, and instead, I got married and had kids and couldn’t figure out what to do with myself. Don’t get me wrong I love you all, but at one time in my life, I didn’t. So, I pushed your father away no matter how many times he tried to help me. I went as far as moving out and filing for divorce. For six months, your father and I were separated, and it was the worse six months of my life. Your father wasn’t the only one who cheated, Lucas.”

“What,” Lucas yelled, surprised at his mother’s admission.

“We never slept together, but during our separation, I became close to someone I became emotionally invested in, and she made me realize I was running away rather than facing what I really wanted.”

“Does Dad know?” Lucas was so shocked by the lives his parents led, he didn’t know how to take the news.

“Yes, when we were finally ready to work things out I told him, and it was when I found out about Helen. I also went to see her, and that’s when she told me that she lost the baby. Now we know that was a lie. Seth is a sweet man, he will fit in well with our family and so will Helen and Ann-Marie.”

“Are you mental?” Lucas asked her. “Why would we want to have anything to do with them or with Dad, as a matter of fact? I feel like I’m living in the Twilight Zone and I have no idea who my parents are. I get that you developed feelings for someone, but you didn’t give into your feelings and sleep with her.”

“You cannot be this stupid? No, I didn't sleep with her, but I wanted to, that's the point I'm trying to make.”

“I get it, all right. I get that you found someone else that you connected with; we all need someone like that. But you didn’t go as far as Dad did.”

“Don’t you mean you?” she snapped. “That’s why you’re so upset, isn’t it? He didn’t tell you everything that was going on in his life so that you could protect him.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t need to protect Dad from anything.”

Marilyn sighed and shook her head. “You idolize your father so it’s hard for you to see that he did something wrong. But guess what, Lucas, he is a man, and you are no longer a child so grow the fuck up!”

“I still don’t get what I need to protect Dad from.”

“Me, you need to protect him from me. I know you think I’m unforgiving when it comes to you and your brother, but give me some credit, Lucas, I’m not the person you think I am.”

“Clearly, I didn’t know anything.”

“I also know I coddled you and your brothers and as any parent should. But I also try to step back and let you guys live your lives because, just like your father and me, you will make mistakes and learn from them. Just like the night he spent with Helen was a mistake, and they both deeply regret it.” She reached over and took his hands in hers.

"Mom . . ."

"He’s a good man, and I love him," she said cutting him off. "I know he loves me, but there are times I tie him in knots. You're right about one thing, I had no idea about the Seeker organization, but I knew Hamilton Enterprise was more than what it appeared to be and figured Asher would tell me when he was ready.”

She got up and walked to the sink, looking down. Lucas pushed his plate to the center of the table joining hers. She turned and looked at him, tears brimming in her eyes.

“I know you must think I’m an idiot for going back to him. But even finding someone I connected with emotionally, I realized she wasn’t what I wanted. You need more than an emotional connection to make things work. That man that you once thought was the king of world is the love of my life and I will be damned if I let one mistake pull us apart. We both did things to hurt each other, and it forced both of us to get help. I started seeing a counselor, and there were times your father would join those sessions. We also made a promise to each other, no secrets, no matter how much they might hurt. It is also why I knew you were here. It took us a while to earn the trust you see today. Marriage and love are hard, Lucas, it’s not all sunshine and roses. You should know that. There are times you argue and fight, but I learned you have to not give up. We were both young, and even though we loved each other, somewhere along the line, we forgot that. So, I will only say this once . . . you and your brothers have no right to say what happens in my relationship, just as I don’t with yours.”

Lucas mentally whined at her last statement that was a definite jab at him getting married without her or any of the family there. He knew she wasn’t completely okay with it.

“Your father and I are not perfect, but we are still your parents.”

“I understand,” he said to her, and he really did.

“I truly hope you do, you’re a lot like your father, and I know that hearing what he did probably scared you into thinking that you might do the same. But you won’t.”

She was right, he’d been holding onto his anger because of that very reason but there was something more, and he couldn’t put it into words what he was feeling. “How are you so sure I won’t make the same mistakes he made?”

Walking over to him, she cupped his checks. “Because you’ve seen the outcome of what will happen if you do. I don’t think Rebecca or Tucker would be as understanding as I am.”

“Rebecca no, Tucker, I’m not so sure, he seems to be the rational one out of the both of us.” He felt a smile grace his lips and his mother gasped.

“What? What’s with that gasp?”

Smiling she shook her head. “It’s nothing.” Bending down she kissed him on his head then reached for his empty bowl of soup. “You need to eat more,” she said lifting the cover off the pot. He stood to his feet and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Thank you, Mom.” He kissed her cheek, resting his face in the crux of her neck.

“Things are going to be fine, Son, I promise you we will get through this.” She tapped his hand, and they stayed in that spot for a long time. 

“I’m still pissed that you risked putting me and my children in danger.”

“I know, and you have a right to be.”

They didn’t speak anymore and simply stood there and held on to each other.

* * *

Lucas stood at his bedroom window of his rented home looking out, thinking of the conversation he had with his mom. He still wasn’t ready to forgive his father, granted it was one night and they were both drunk, he wasn’t ready to let bygones be bygones. He rubbed his stomach and thought what he would do if Tucker were to cheat on him.

Would I forgive him as easily as my mother did with my father?

 Both of his parents cheated, and as much as he wanted to brush his feelings under the rug, his mother’s emotional attachment to someone other than his father bothered him a little. Lucas took his marital vows to heart, and he knew Tucker did as well. No one was perfect, it was something he kept repeating to himself, and he knew that in his heart, but in his head, he couldn’t reason with it. He smiled when he felt quick movements in his stomach. The twins were more restless at night, which kept him up. He missed Tucker and wanted his husband to be with him, to feel his masculine arms wrapped around him, and embrace their safety.

He realized the irony that four almost five months ago he couldn’t fathom the thought that he’d want to be in the arms of another man, but at that moment, he wanted Tucker next to him. Lucas closed his eyes and rested his forehead on the window pane wishing that Tucker was really there with him. He opened his eyes, reached into his pocket and pulled out his new cell phone, bringing up Tucker’s number.

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” Tucker asked in a sultry voice that went straight to his cock.

“What are you wearing?” he asked instead of an answered.

Tucker was silent for a second before answering. “Blue shirt and slacks.”

Lucas closed his eyes and turned, resting his back on the window, his hand slowly drifted down to his crotch palming his erection. “Which blue shirt?”

“The dark-blue one you bought me before you left,” Tucker whispered.

“Are you wearing the tie I bought to go with it?”


Lucas instantly conjured an image of Tucker wearing his dark-blue shirt with the first top three buttons undone and his blue tie loosely hung around his neck in his mind. “I want you to tie me up with that tie,” he said not giving Tucker a chance to say anything. “Put my hands above my head, blindfold me with another.”

“What else?”

He smirked, loving that Tucker seemed to go along with his imagination. “I want to feel your hot wet tongue on my nipples before you bite down hard making me scream out your name.”

Tucker grunted on the other end of the phone. “Turn on your laptop.”

Lucas opened his eyes and walked over to his bed and saw the app they used so that Zoi could see her papa was already up, and Tucker was already on the screen; he hung up and turned up the volume. He was in Lucas’ office and just as he had imagined his husband in the dark-blue shirt with the top three buttons undone and his blue tie hanging loosely around his neck.

Gods, he’s sexy.

“Is your door locked? I don’t want anyone to interrupt us.” Lucas nodded. “Good, now get on your knees and take off your shirt.” Throwing his phone on the bed, he reached for the hem of his shirt and was about to pull it up but stopped when Tucker spoke. “Stop, I want you to do it slowly. And keep your eyes on me.” Lucas nodded and watched as Tucker started unbuttoning the rest of his shirt leaving it open, sliding one hand under his shirt pinching his nipples. “Come on, baby, let me see that sexy body of yours; take off your shirt.”

Slowly he pulled his shirt over his head and smirked when Tucker grunted and licked his lips. “Suck on your fingers, pretend it’s my cock.” Lucas brought two of his fingers to his mouth as he reached down with the other hand to touch his cock. “Don’t you dare touch your cock, not until I tell you to.”

Lucas moaned around the fingers in his mouth. He loved seeing this side of Tucker when he took control, and he happily gave in doing what his man wanted. His cock was hard, tenting the sweats he was wearing. He didn’t feel worried or embarrassed showing this side of himself to Tucker, the man accepted and embraced him, made him feel sexy with the growing changes in his body. Before he went into hiding, Tucker would rub and kiss his growing baby bumped.

"Rub your wet fingers over your nipples."

Pulling his fingers from his mouth, he rubbed them over his nipples pinching the sensitive nubs, watching Tucker’s eyes dilate. Slowly he moved his other hand down slipping them inside his sweatpants and circled his cock. That time Tucker didn’t stop him.

“I want to see you,” he told Tucker.

“What do you want to see?”

“You, stroking your cock, fucking your hand and telling me all the things you’re going to do to me when we see each other again.”

“I’m not sure if you deserve to see that,” Tucker told him.

“Why not?” he whined.

“I told you not to touch yourself until I gave you permission.” Instantly, Lucas pulled his hand from his pants. “It’s too late,” Tucker told him. “Do you have lube?”


“Good, get it then take off your sweats and get on your back.”

Lucas didn’t question Tucker. He reached for the lube that was hiding in the back of the drawer of the night table, then hurriedly pulled off his sweats, throwing them to the floor then getting on his back. He blushed and was happy that his husband couldn’t see his face knowing exactly what Tucker was going to ask him to do.

“Is this what you want? Is this what you want to see?” he asked opening his legs as far as they could go, exposing his hole to his husband.

“That and so much more,” Tucker told him, his voice deep and lust-filled. Lucas heard rustling and knew Tucker was getting naked as well. “Let me see you stretching yourself, fuck your pretty hole for me, baby. Let me know how your finger feels inside of you while wishing it was my cock.”

“Oh fuck, Tucker, so hot.”

Lucas wet his fingers with lube and threw the bottle to the bed then moved down to his ass, wetting his hole. He gasped at the first touch of the cold liquid waiting for it to warm up. He grunted when he inserted his finger as he lazily stroked his cock. “Oh gods, Tucker, I want your cock inside of me, so bad.”

“Soon, I promise, baby.”

“Please hurry, I want to feel you stretching me, getting me ready for your cock.”

“Tell me how it feels,” Tucker instructed.

“Tight, so tight, and hot.” Lucas closed his eyes, licking his lips before he added another finger. “You make me burn inside and out just from your touch."

“Fuck, you are so damn sexy, and all mine,” Tucker whispered. In his lustful haze, he heard the change in his husband’s breathing. Lucas started fucking his fingers and stroking his cock faster. “Lucas, gods, I want to be inside of you so damn bad, have you riding my cock. Feel you squeeze and hold onto my cock.”

“Tucker, I need to cum.”

“Not yet, baby, I need more, give me more of your sweet moans.” Tucker’s deep voice washed over him making his cock painfully hard.

“Have I ever told you I love your voice?" He moaned, hooking his fingers and massaged his prostate.

“Yeah, tell me what else you love.”

“I love feeling your hands on me, love when you hold me showing me how much you care.” His fingers started moving faster, and Tucker’s moans grew louder.

“What else? Come on, baby, talk to me.”

“Want you inside of me, Tucker, love when you take control, love being yours, love knowing that I’m all yours.”

“Yes, fuck, all mine. Going to tattoo my name on your ass.”

“Oh fuck,” Lucas' cock spasmed and his balls drew up as cum spurted onto his chest, loving the thought of being Tucker’s for all time. He milked his cock fucking himself wanting more, wanting to feel Tucker pounding in his ass, hearing him grunt and groan his name.

“Love watching your sweet tight ass take my cock.” Tucker’s voice was low and graveled. “I’m so close, make me cum, baby, talk to me. Let me know what else you love.”

Lucas sat up and looked at his lover, his husband, and his friend. The man that has become his safety net. Sweat gleamed on his skin. His head thrown back with his eyes half open and his hand vigorously stroking his cock.

“You,” Lucas said. “I love you.” He said the words he’d wanted to say for weeks but was too afraid to say.

Tucker yelled as cum spurted on his chest, Lucas licked his lips wishing he could have swallowed his lover's cum. He fell back on his back breathing, looking at the ceiling wondering if Tucker heard his admission of love.

“Look at me,” Tucker said. Lucas sat up and looked at his lover. “I love you too, and when you get home, I’m going to show you just how much. You mean the world to me, Lucas, and not because of the twins. I think this was supposed to happen. It just took us a while to get there.”

Lucas smiled and was surprised when he felt tears rolling down his cheeks. “Fuck, you have a way of making me speechless.”

Tucker chuckled. “Clean up and go to bed.”

“Okay,” Lucas said obediently.

“Oh, and, Lucas, I meant what I said.”

“What’s that?”

“I want my name tattooed on your ass, so everyone can see it.” Tucker closed the app before Lucas could object which he wouldn’t, but the other man also missed the blush that was now present on his cheeks. Something to file away for later.

* * *




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