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His Lover's Vows: Mpreg Romance (My One-Night Stand Series Book 4) by Giovanna Reaves (13)

Chapter Thirteen

Lucas stared at Seth Harrison and wondered why the fuck he was there and how the man irritated him so much when they’d only met a couple of hours ago. “Look, Seth, I’m not going to roll over easy and let Gianni get to my family and me. Did you conveniently forget who I am or who my father and brother are?”

“Oh, trust me, I didn’t fucking forget. I know exactly who you people are,” he snapped, and Lucas was a bit taken aback by the guy's attitude even though he’d been rude to Seth as well.

“Then you know that I got this.”

“So, you’re going to put your daughter and husband in danger all to assuage your ego?”

Lucas sighed and took a step back. He needed to get his temper under control. He realized that since he got pregnant, he got angry quicker when he’d normally laugh things off as if they were a joke.

“How can he protect you when he looks more like a corporate guy . . .”

“He works for the fucking FBI, asshole, as a matter of fact, he’s an assistant director,” Lucas said proudly and with a mental thump on his chest.

“I . . .” Seth started to say.

“Save it,” Lucas told him.

“What’s your fucking problem with me? You’ve only just met me,” Seth snapped.

“I don’t know you, and I damn sure don’t know if I can trust you,” Lucas told him.

“You’re lying. From what I’ve read about you, everything tells me you trust your gut.”

He hated that some guy who he didn’t know just called him out on his shit. Fuck, he had no mask to hide behind now that he’s pregnant.

“Okay,” Tucker said walking into the room, looking shook-up as if he’d just received some bad news. “Jaxson and the rest of the team are on their way. Mayson is on his way as well.”

“Are you all right?”

“Yeah,” he said shrugging his shoulders, but Lucas noticed he wasn’t looking at him but through him. Not wanting to argue in front of Seth, he nodded.

“You better get to the office,” Lucas told him.

“Yeah, about that, I’m going to coordinate with Erich from here. I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“Do you trust him?”

“With my life and now yours and our children.” That time Tucker looked directly at him when he answered.

“So, him you trust and me you don’t?” said Seth.

Wait, why the fuck does he sound as if he’s jealous? “Yes,” Lucas answered. “I trust his words and instincts. You I don’t know from a hole in the wall.”

“All right, that’s enough,” Tucker said stepping between them, putting his back to Seth and resting his hand on Lucas’ shoulder. “When was the last time you ate?”

“It’s been a few hours, but honestly, I can’t eat anything right now.”

“You still need to eat, while you were out I ordered some Chinese and put a carton of your favorite in the fridge. Why don’t you go get a plate,” Tucker instructed, and he had the strangest feeling his husband was trying to get him out of the room.

He looked over Tucker’s shoulder at Seth who was staring at him. Again the familiarity hit him, and he still wished he could figure out who the other man reminded him of. “Okay, but don’t let him try to talk you into protective custody.”

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Tucker told him.

He looked at his husband and couldn’t get the thought out of his mind that Tucker was hiding something from him, but he nodded and backed out of the room not ready to turn his back to Seth who hadn’t taken his eyes off him. Why don’t I like the guy? he asked himself for the second time of the night.

* * *

“You need to tell him who you are,” Tucker said turning to the man.

“How did you figure it out and he hasn’t?”

“He has, he just doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but once he does, it won’t be good for you or anyone else.”

Seth sighed and walked over to the couch, sitting down. He threw the file he was holding down on the table and stared at Tucker. “Do you know how long I’ve been dying to meet them? I tried to keep up with their lives so that when I finally met them, I would feel like one of them and not some outsider.”

“Does Asher know about you?”

“No,” he whispered. “My mother told him she lost the baby.”

“Fucking hell,” Tucker cursed. “What’s your true motivation for being here? To cause trouble or get some of Hamilton Enterprise? If that’s what you want, name your price and I will write you a check right now. I’m telling you now, I’m not going to let you hurt the man or family I care about out of spite.”

“It’s nothing like that, I promise. I told you I studied them because I wanted to be close to them. My mother was a Seeker agent, and once I knew my father and brothers were too, it’s all I wanted to be. I imagined myself working alongside them. The three Hamilton boys taking down one bad guy at a time. Trust me, I don’t need your money or theirs as a matter of fact. My mothers are Helen and Ann-Maire Harrison, fashion icons and owners of over three hundred ready-to-wear stores and haute couture boutiques. They moved to London when they found out that Helen was pregnant with me and stayed away from the public eye, letting Ann-Marie be the face of the company until I was born."

“But how did you find out?”

“When I was eighteen, I asked my mother who my father was, and she told me the entire story. They were on a mission both missing their lovers and decided to have one too many, and one thing led to another. The next morning, they were so ashamed of what they did my mother came clean to her lover. Both my mums are wonderful together, but sometimes I think Ann-Marie still resents the fact that Helen cheated on her. I wasn’t a surprise to their friends, everyone in their circle knew they wanted to have a child, so no one questioned it when I was born. Helen quit being a Seeker agent, and as far as I know, she never spoke to Asher again. For a while, I had no idea that I had brothers. I knew that I had a father out there and I simply wanted to know about him. I never in a million years expected it to be Asher Hamilton. What happened between them was not supposed to happen which was why Helen lied to Asher. 'A drunken mistake' was what my mother called it. They love each other, and oddly enough, Helen’s cheating brought them closer together.”

“Fucking hell,” Tucker said sitting down heavily on the couch beside Seth. “This is such bad fucking timing.”

“Why, is there more going on than Alphonso Gianni?”

“Yes, and no,” Tucker said feeling tired all of a sudden.

“What else could there be? Lucas has no idea who I am, or I don’t think he does . . .”

“Your father and Tyler are on their way here.”


Tucker didn’t get to answer because the doorbell rang, and Lucas walked back into the room with a large plate of food. At least he’s eating. He got up and answered the door, and was happy to see that it was Mayson, but he wasn’t expecting to see Tyler walking up behind him so quickly.

“Hey, boss,” Mayson said in greeting.

“You remember that I’m no longer your boss, right,” he said stepping aside for the man to enter but stood by the door waiting for Tyler as well.

“Hey, bro-in-law, can I tell you it’s weird saying that to you.” Tyler pulled him into a friendly hug then pulled back. “It’s good to see you.”

“I wish it were under better circumstances,” Tucker told him.

“Catching the bad guy is always a good circumstance to get together.”

He closed the door and waited to see if Tyler would notice anything about Seth or ignore it the same way as Lucas.

“Who’s the new guy?” Tyler asked.

“That’s Seth Harrison,” he said walking over to Mayson and Seth who didn’t seem to know each other. “Do we want to wait until the others get here so that we don’t have to explain things over?”

“Yeah, I think that will be a good idea,” Lucas said to the group.

“I briefed the others not too long ago so that they would be up to date when they got here,” Tucker told them.

“I think you should go. If I have any other information about Gianni, I’ll call you,” Lucas said to Seth.

“I think he should stay,” Tucker said looking at his husband.

“Why?” Lucas asked. “What did he say to you while I was in the kitchen?”

“You trust me, right?”

“Of course,” Lucas answered without thinking about it.

“Then trust me on this, he needs to stay.” He might be making a mistake, but everyone needed to know about Seth.

“Fine,” Lucas said sitting down. “What were you and January arguing about, before we found out about Gianni’s daughter and wife?”

Tucker watched as Seth looked between Tyler and Lucas. Tyler hadn’t said a word other than to ask him who Seth was. He could tell that Seth was nervous, and he felt bad for the guy, but he would soon meet his father and get to know his brothers the way he always wanted to if they could get through the family drama.

“It wasn’t anything, really. I hadn’t thought about his family. I mean I read it in your report, but I didn’t think Gianni would have found out where the organization had hidden them. The only other person that worked that case with you died the night Gianni was arrested.”

Tucker’s eyes immediately snapped to Lucas who looked down for a second then back to Seth.

“Daniel, his name was Daniel Ritter, and he was a damn good agent,” Lucas said.

“He was,” Seth agreed with a shy smile that reminded him of Lucas when he was up to something. “I wish I could have met him. I’m sure that I would have liked him.”

Tyler reached over and grabbed a wing from Lucas’ plate. “Hey, you jerk,” Lucas mock yelled at his brother. “I’m pregnant, you know.”

“Are you going to use that excuse for everything?” Tyler asked.

“You’re pregnant?” Seth asked right after.

“Well, it’s the truth,” he said patting his stomach then let out a satisfied belch only a mother would be proud of.

“I can’t believe you're pregnant and I didn’t know,” Seth said which Tyler and Lucas ignored.

“I feel sorry for Tucker. He has to put up with your disgusting and crazy hormones.”

“Bite me, asshole,” Lucas shot back.

Mayson snorted and shook his head. “What?” the twins asked together looking at him.

“You two will never change,” he told them.

“Never,” Lucas said, and Tyler nodded.

“So why is it we only get to see you in a crisis?” Tyler asked him.

“I’ve been busy,” Mayson said.

“Who’s the guy?” Lucas asked.

“What guy?” Mayson pretended to be confused by his question.

“The one you’re seeing and keeping away from my mom so that she doesn’t start talking wedding bells,” Tyler said.

Mayson groaned. “Your mother is relentless when it comes to planning weddings, which we are nowhere close to,” Mayson said, and Tucker wasn’t sure his friend realized he gave into their question.

“Now, you’ve got my interest,” Lucas said putting his plate down on the table.

“Richard,” Tyler said, and the brothers looked at Mayson who was wearing his mask.

“No, it’s not him,” Lucas said. “Mayson likes the more twinkish type.”

“You two are idiots,” Mayson told them with a smile. “You guys are not going to figure out who it is, so give up now.”

Tucker was watching Seth the entire time that Lucas and Tyler were ribbing Mayson. He could see the longing to be a part of their group. He was completely caught off guard when he found out that Lucas was pregnant and hurt when the twins completely ignored his question. He wanted to go over to the guy and reassure him that this was who they were, and he wasn’t being ignored on purpose.

“Answer me one thing, is he treating you great?” Lucas asked.

Mayson smirked. “I’m almost in love, that’s how good I’m being treated.”

Tucker more than anyone knew how much Mayson wanted to be in love and have a family of his own. “Not close to marriage but almost in love.” Tucker snorted, and everyone turned to look at him. “Just send me the wedding invitation when he says yes.”

“Nope, we’re going to elope the way you and your man did,” Mayson said to him.

“Please tell me you’re still not angry with me?” Tucker asked. Since Mayson went to work for the Seeker organization, they transitioned from coworkers to friends easily. Like the twins, he was curious as to whom Mayson was dating but knew he would find out when his friend was ready to tell him.

“I’m so angry, I went out and bought you guys a new toaster that’s currently sitting on my kitchen counter. You guys owe me fifty bucks by the way,” Mayson said with a cheeky smile.

“You guys are pretty close, huh?” Seth asked.

Lucas tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at Seth, and that’s when Tucker knew that his husband figured it out. He went to move to stand between Lucas and Seth, but the front door opened. He was surprised when Asher walked in. Lucas stood and looked between his father and Seth. Tucker watched his husband’s face go from shock to anger in a matter of seconds.

“How fucking could you? How could you do that to Mom?” he yelled, shocking his father and everyone else in the room.

“What . . .” Asher went to say when Seth stood beside Lucas and Tyler going over to his brother. Asher’s face paled as he looked at all three men. There was no denying that Seth was his son.

Fuck, shit is about to hit the fan.

* * *

How could he do this?

Lucas glared at his father, the instant pain he felt in his chest hurt more than when he found out that his parents lied to him. The veil he’d been wearing over his eyes whenever he looked at his father fell. The man he saw as his hero in every way, but this second, he had no idea who he was staring at. The anger he had towards Seth since the first time they met now turned to pity. Did he know? By the terrified expression on his face, I guess he did.

“Lucas, Tyler, I can explain,” Asher said.

“Explain what?” Tyler asked.

“How could you?” Lucas asked again. “How could you have done this to our family?”

“Will someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?” Tyler yelled.

“What color are Seth’s eyes?” Lucas asked his brother.

“What the hell do I care about his eyes?”

“Just look,” Lucas demanded.

“Fine,” Tyler said stepping closer to Seth staring in his face. “They are green and blue, so what?”

“Look at his facial features and then at mine and then Dad’s.”

“What . . .”

“Just fucking do it, Ty.”

“All right.”

Tyler stared at Seth who looked completely uncomfortable, but he needed his brother to see the resemblance between all three of them. Tyler’s eyes widened and then he looked at him, then he turned and looked at their father, who still looked as if he wanted to run out of the room. But the Asher Hamilton he knew never ran from a fight.

“Gods, Dad, what did you do?” Tyler asked. It wasn’t anger that Lucas heard in his voice, but disappointment. “How could you do this to Mom?”

“It’s not what you think,” Asher whispered looking ashamed knowing he disappointed his children.

“What I think is that you cheated on Mom,” Lucas yelled unable to hide his anger. “Gods, does Mom know? Does she know that you cheated on her, or that you have another son? How many more secrets do you have that will come out to bite us in the ass?”

“Yes, she knows, I’ve never kept anything from your mother,” Asher defended. “And, no, I don’t have any other secrets. What happened between Helen and me shouldn’t have happened.”

“May I say something?” Seth spoke up for the first time since Asher walked into the room. Lucas turned to look at Seth and raised an eyebrow, pretty much telling him to speak up now. “He had no idea that I was alive, my mother told him she lost the baby.”

“As fucked up as this situation is, we have another situation that we need to deal with first,” Tyler said to the entire room.

“Wh—” Lucas started but was cut off by Tucker. “You’re letting things go just like that!”

“I agree with Tyler. Once we find Gianni, we will deal with the family drama with everyone in the same room.”

“Always the rational one,” Lucas snapped at his husband. His emotions were high and he wanted—no needed—Tucker to be by his side on this.

“Yes,” Tucker said to him not backing down. “Because right now, you want everything out on the table and it’s not so simple.”

“You’re right, that’s because I want to know,” he exploded letting all his anger out. “I’ve worshipped the ground he walked on all my life, and you’re telling me that I need to simply forgive him.”

“Did I say that? No. All I’m saying is put your anger aside for right now,” Tucker roared, and it took Lucas’ breath away. He’d never heard him raise his voice, it was strong and sounded as if thunder cracked in the air. They both turned their heads when they heard Zoi crying.

Her crying lessened some of his anger, and it made him realize that this was his and Tucker’s first disagreement. He was angry and directing his anger towards everyone, especially his husband, when he should direct his anger at his father. Not saying a word, he backed out of the room and up the stairs. He needed to get away from everyone even if it seemed as if he was running away.

* * *

“I shouldn’t be here,” Seth said and went to leave.

“Yeah, you should be,” Tyler said stopping him. “It seems you are a part of this family now.”

“Aren’t you angry?” Seth asked.

Tyler looked at his father and then at his new brother. He was fucking livid, but unlike Lucas, he knew how to hold onto his anger, but he also wanted to hear his dad’s explanation as to what happened. “Yeah, I am, but you are not who I’m mad at. Look, give Lucas some time. He’ll calm down in a bit and you’ll find out that he doesn’t hold on to his anger for long. He’ll be back to being the sarcastic and funny asshole we all know and love.”

Seth nodded, but Tyler could tell he didn’t believe him, and truthfully, he didn’t either. He’d seen his brother angry before, but there was more hurt than anger behind his words. Tyler loved and adored his father but he knew the man was not a superhero, everyone is prone to mistakes. But Lucas had always put Asher on a pedestal and to know that his father could be knocked off his feet so easily hurt.

Gods, this was so fucked up beyond all repair, who knows if we will be able to get back to the family we used to be.

“Go up and talk to him, we can have Seth fill us in,” Tyler said to Tucker.

“Yeah, and thanks.” He went to leave but stopped. “I have a friend stopping by, Erich Meadow, don’t give him a heart attack with all the family drama. Just stick to the case.”

“Will do,” Tyler answered.

Tucker nodded and went up the stairs. Tyler turned to look at his family. “Let’s get to work.”

* * *

Tucker walked into Zoi’s room, closing the door quietly. Lucas looked over his shoulder, putting a finger to his lips telling him to be quiet. He nodded, moving closer to his husband and placing his hands on his shoulders. Lucas tensed then relaxed when he kissed him on the crown of his head. Looking over at Zoi, she had gone back to sleep and was none the wiser as to what was going on with the adults around her. Lucas leaned down and kissed her on her cheek then got off the bed, but before he could go anywhere, Tucker pulled him into his arms. Lucas was a proud and independent man, and even with him sometimes.

“It’s okay to be angry,” Tucker said.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around Tucker’s waist. “When did you figure it out?”

Tucker sighed and held him close. “When I walked downstairs and saw you both in a staring match.”

“You know what happened between his mother and Dad, don’t you?”

“I do, he gave me a brief explanation.” He leaned back and cupped Lucas’ cheeks. “I hate to say this, but he’s innocent in all of this. He knew who you, Tyler, and Christen were and from what I gather, he had no intention of coming forward but . . .”

“Gianni happened,” Lucas finished for him.

“Yeah,” Tucker said with a smile. “I know you’re angry at your dad, and I don’t blame you, I would be too. But right now, let’s focus on Gianni. Let’s put him back behind bars and then you can yell at your dad all you want, and I will stand right beside you.”

Lucas nodded and leaned back in, putting his head on Tucker’s chest. “I hate when you make sense.”

Tucker smiled. “One of us has to.” Things were going to be okay. It might take some time, but things will work out in the end.

* * *

They walked back downstairs, Lucas was going to do what Tucker and Tyler said. Put aside my anger and deal with the issue at hand. Tucker squeezed his fingers encouraging him silently that he could do it. “All right, what do we have?” he asked entering the room.

“Well, we already figured out that we have a double agent, the question is who?” Seth said.

“I hate to think it was January,” Lucas said.

“I don’t think it’s him,” Seth said shaking his head, just then his cell rang. His brows creased together and without saying a word he got up and walked into the kitchen. “Harrison.”

“Who else would know where the organization had them stashed and their new identities?” Mayson asked.

“No one other than me, January, and Daniel Ritter. January was the one that took care of giving them new identities and a place to live,” he said with a shrug. “Daniel Ritter is dead. I was the one that convinced Gianni’s wife and daughter to testify against him, and January was the agent to make sure they were taken care of.”

“I’m going to ask this and please don’t take this the wrong way,” Erich said. “Are you sure Daniel Ritter is dead?”

“Yeah,” was all Lucas could say. Daniel Ritter had saved his life, the same bullet that he was hit with was the one that killed his friend and partner.

“Okay, then our only candidate is January,” Mayson said.

“Not anymore,” Seth said getting everyone’s attention walking back into the room.

“What do you mean?” Tucker asked.

“That was headquarters, January is dead, and it looks like he committed suicide.”

“What the fuck?” Lucas said in shock.

“And that’s not all. He left a message. 'They will be forced out of the shadows.'” He looked up at Lucas. “Is that supposed to mean something?”

“Fuck, things aren’t making any sense,” Lucas said tiredly.

“Could it have something to do with you? I mean Gianni was your case, and you are the only one still alive,” Asher said to his son.

“Shouldn’t you know, old man, you were in charge of handing out my missions. Besides, I haven’t been a part of the organization in two years.”

“Not on that case,” Asher answered. “It was decided that I needed to let Carter be your handler since it would involve Hamilton Enterprise. Carter died last year, so we can’t ask him. Anything he knew, he took it to his grave.”

“Fuck,” Lucas cursed and rubbed his face, sitting back down. They seemed to be going in circles.

“You must have pissed someone off,” Erich added to the conversations. “And I’ve got to say if the public found out that millionaires and billionaires were moonlighting as secret agents, shit would hit the fan, and I’m not talking in a good way. It’s not like the comics where the heroes are worshipped and adored.”

The room was silent for a few minutes before Stephen spoke. “That couldn’t be it?”

“What?” Jaxson asked.

“I could be wrong but what if Gianni wants to pull Lucas out of the shadows as a Seeker agent for putting him behind bars? He obviously knows all about you now. January had to be giving him information if he really is the double agent.”

“Shit,” Lucas cursed again.

“Now will you think about going into hiding until we can find him?” Seth asked.

“You offered to put him in protective custody?” Stephen asked, and Seth nodded. “Then I think you should take him up on it.”

“What?” Lucas snapped.

“I agree,” Tyler added.

“Wait a minute, I can take care of myself,” Lucas defended.

“Yeah, and I get that, big bro, but did you forget that you’re pregnant,” Tyler said to him.

“I agree with Tyler,” Seth added.

“Being pregnant doesn’t make me unable to protect myself,” he answered. “Look, I get that everyone is worried about me . . .”

“I think you should do it,” Tucker said.

“What?” he asked, looking at his husband. They’d decided that they were going to do this together and now he wanted him to run and hide.

“Seth, Mayson, and Tyler, go handle whatever you need to find out from January’s files,” Tucker ordered them. “Copy whatever you can from his files and get it to Stephen. Jaxson, Brenden, and Stephen go with Erich and find out what you can from FBI headquarters. Find out every fucking thing that wasn’t in the database about Alphonso Gianni. Look in the deepest darkest hole you can find and get back to me. Asher, you might want to call your wife and let her know what the hell happened here tonight. Also, arrange for a safe place for Lucas and Zoi to stay for a couple of weeks.”

Everyone stood and disappeared doing what Tucker ordered without saying a word.

“Now that you pretty much ordered everyone out of our home, care to tell me what the hell you mean by agreeing with them. I thought we were going to do this together?”

Tucker sighed and sat on the couch. “I don’t want to argue with you anymore tonight. But they are right, and we have so much to lose; I have so much to lose if something were to happen to you.” Whatever anger he was feeling deflated after seeing the fear in Tucker’s eyes. He lost his first family to a senseless tragedy and to lose Lucas, Zoi, and their babies could break Tucker in more ways than one. He sat beside Tucker, resting his head on his shoulder. “I need you, Zoi, and our twins to be completely out of the picture so that we can find Gianni."

“I don’t want to go,” he said honestly.

“I know, and I don’t want you to go either,” Tucker said wrapping an arm around him.

“Do you know how hard this is for me? It feels as if I’m giving in to fear.”

“Don’t feel that way; you are stronger than anyone I know. And yeah, I know how much it’s killing you, but remember you are doing this to keep our family safe.”

“Promise me you will find him quickly and bring us home, back to you.”

Tucker didn’t answer, he raised Lucas’ face and claimed his lips in a kiss that promised more than words could say and all he could do was take all that his lover was offering him.

* * *




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