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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2) by Erin Raegan (6)

Chapter 6


Tahk had a consort?

I didn’t know who to take out first. Her for daring to have any kind of claim on him or the asshole who thought it was okay to touch said―soon-to-be-Dahk-mince-meat―consort. But somebody was going to feel every single bit of my bottled rage. Every single bit I had stored away since the goddamn Vitat thought it was okay to come to Earth and eat everybody.

If I could have breathed fire, they would have both been crispy-Dahk in seconds.

Her hand was still on my dick. I clenched my fists so tightly I broke skin. Tahk smelled it and took his eyes off the preening female.


“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Kyddyng?” The bitch asked derisively. “She speaks oddly.”

I was going to rip out every one of her neck-length ridges. It was a good thing they were so long. I would have a better grip.

“What is it?”

“You have a consort?” I asked the asshole heatedly. I was so mad my face was on fire.

“Two,” bitchface added happily. “Alyn will be unhappy I found you first. She will have to wait her turn to bed you.”

I choked. Was this really happening?

“Nonya, will you give me a moment with my Pythe?”

“But she has had you for so long! It is my turn!” She whined. It was as annoying as her pouting. “Do not think I have forgiven you for mating her before our mating. I will have to be second now.”


Oh. OH.

Daddy Tahk wasn’t the only one who got around. I was so stupid. First mother and mate meant first. There were numbers for them. Jesus H. I was only his first mate. He had one already lined up before me! He was engaged!

I was going to kill him. Or cry. Possibly both, but I would take killing him over embarrassing myself in front of them.

“Nonya,” Tahk rumbled in warning and finally removed her hand.

“Oh, very well. I will wait for you in bed.” With that she flounced off, shooting him a flirty smile over her shoulder he thankfully didn’t return. I was going to be sick.

“I―” Tahk reached for me, but I backed away so violently I nearly fell down the steps.

“You have consorts? As in more than one? You were going to mate her?” I clenched my teeth to keep emotion from breaking through. “Are you still going to?”

He did not say a word.

“You are.” Oh man, I was so, so stupid. Tahk never had any intention of dismissing his side action at home when he found me. If he had, I probably could have looked past this with some time. It was cultural. Tahk was an alien to me. Things were bound to be different here. But, if he wasn’t, and I had to share him?

I bent over and clutched my knees. Oh god, I was going to hurl all over the sparkly floors.

“My mate, this is our way.” He reached for me, and I swatted him away. Smacking his hands as hard as I could.

“It’s not my way!” I couldn’t get enough air. I was wheezing and shaking so hard I was going to pass out. “Do you love her?” Stupid, Peyton. What did that matter? Would you stay with him if he didn’t? It didn’t make this okay.

Tahk at least looked horrified at the thought. “No!”

“So, you’ll leave her and the other one? You won’t mate her?” I hated the pitiful crack in my voice. Tears were already gathering so copiously I knew they would spill over. I needed to be alone for that. Too many Dahk were already eyeing us from downstairs as they came in and out from outside. Where was Viv? I needed her.

Tahk was silent again, and I dragged in a ragged breath. I turned away from him, giving him my back, and staring at the railing. I deep breathed and bit my cheek until I could stem the flow of tears. This was so stupid. I hated him, I reminded myself. He betrayed me before, he would do it again. I needed to get back home, not get upset he was like every other man I’d ever dated.

But I couldn’t help the flow of devastation. I loved him so much. I knew right then. I loved Tahk more than I ever had anything. This was killer. He could have fixed us. He could have, I knew it. But not now. Now, we were done. I told him so. “If you don’t go up there right now and tell them both you’re done and only with me now, you will never touch me again.”

The silence slayed me.

I laughed grimly and turned back to him. Cold and unfeeling Tahk was back.

“This is our way,” he repeated. The emphasis told me what he wanted me to understand. It was now my way, too. Well, asshole had another thing coming. This Pythe was done with him. He could order me all he wanted. Tell the whole galaxy I was his, but I was not. I never would be again.

I ran down the stairs, ignoring his shout. He was coming after me, but thankfully Yilt was there just when I needed him. I ran right to him and shamelessly begged, “Please, Yilt, please. Take me to Vivian.”

The sweet Dahk took one look at my devastated face and infuriated Pythen and nodded. “This way.”

Dao and Ryt walked in behind us and stopped. Staring wide-eyed at the Commander.

“Do not dare leave, Pehytohn.” Tahk snarled.

“Come.” Yilt urged and pulled me into his side. Tahk lunged, but Ryt and Dao grabbed for him.

I looked away from Tahk as he roared. There was a scuffle and slaps of skin, but I ignored it all as I went with Yilt deeper into the bottom floor of the castle.

Ryt and Dao wouldn’t be able to hold him for long.

“Wohn will be inside shortly, he will speak to him.”

“Who is that?” I didn’t really care as long as he could keep Tahk away from me, but I needed the distraction.

“The old Commander’s second. Tahk will listen to him,” Yilt said certainly.

I hoped so.

If I ever saw Tahk again, it would be too soon.

Yilt and I walked a long time, and soon enough the beauty of the castle took all my devastation and diverted it to amazing carvings and twinkling decorations. It was peaceful and a relief after so much ugliness. There must have been hundreds of rooms throughout the castle, and we were only on the first floor.

Eventually, it stopped being opulent ballrooms and sitting rooms and became plainer, well as plain as it could be with sparkly walls. Yilt walked me through what must have been the infirmary. It was a large room full of gadgets and gizmos and cots lined up along the walls. There were a few healers wearing their golden robes rushing around and gathering supplies. They looked pretty harried, which was to be expected, seeing as they were going to be trying to save two humans when they probably had never even seen one.

“Wait in here.” Yilt crossed to a small room and showed me to a stool. “Veeveen will be here shortly with Gryo.” Yilt bowed and turned, but I stopped him.

“Yilt? Is it really normal for all males to have more than one mate?” The question sounded small and pitiful, and I hated it. I wished I could shove it back in my mouth the second it was out.

Yilt scowled at the wall for a long time, deep in thought. “Yes. It is how our species procreates. It was not always this way, but as births became fewer and fewer and more enemies circled our borders dwindling warrior numbers, it became as it is now. We must expand our numbers and females struggle with conception, some never being able to accomplish it.”

“He’s not going to get rid of them, is he?” It was a question, but I wasn’t entirely speaking to him. I needed to hear it for myself. It hurt the same now as it did when Tahk refused to answer.

“Pehytohn.” Yilt sighed and crouched down in front of me. “Our ways are very different from the humans, yes?” I nodded. “But you are no longer on Earth. You are on Dahk Home World. You must adapt to your new home.” He tutted when I went to shout at him. Adapt my ass. I didn’t even want to come here. “That does not mean there must not be concessions made by the Dahk on your behalf. You are the first Pythen mating in many, many sunrings. Hundreds. Give the Commander time to adjust and tell him why this troubles you. Though he does not hold any affection for his consorts, it is our way. He will face scorn and disapproval if he dismisses them so quickly. It would be a dishonor for the females and their Houses. And he does not wish to put you in the way of such derision. It does not seem so now, but he keeps them for you.”

“You’re right. It doesn’t seem that way. It seems like he wants to tag as much ass as he can.” I spat hotly.

“Tahg ahss?”

I sighed, “Forget it. Yilt, this hurts me. How can we be some great mating if he can hurt me like that?” I clenched my fists and scowled at my hands to keep from crying. I was so damn sick of crying over that prick.

“Do not hide your hurt feelings from him, little one. I know my Commander, he will see it, and it will drive him to act regardless. But you must be vigilant. Many already do not accept your mating, dismissing his consorts before finding them another potential mate will cause strife amongst the people I fear we are in no position to handle. We must focus on the New King and tracking the assassin. We must corral our people before the Juldo attack while we are still fractured from loss.”

“The Juldo? They’re really a threat to you guys?”

“Yes, they are our greatest enemy. But my Commander will drive them back. He needs his mate, Pehytohn, give him the time and allow him to earn back your trust.”

“I can’t just ignore it. He’s probably with her now.” How had I become this pathetic? You’d think an invasion would have toughened me up. But no, Tahk had reduced me to a miserable shrew.

“He is not. Tahk will not touch either female.” Another voice boomed from the doorway. It was one of the Dahk that had been fighting Tahk on the ship in the training pit.

“Wohn.” Yilt bowed and grinned, clapping the Dahk on the shoulder. “Did you manage to talk the Commander down, or does he tear the castle apart as we speak?”

“Yilt.” Wohn clapped him back. “He is not calmed. But he will give his Pythe space. For now.” The older Dahk was the first one I had really seen other than Hull that looked aged. Even Tahk’s parents looked young. Wohn’s chin-length ridges weren’t as lush and lively, but limp and slightly wrinkled, paler in color to the rest of his purple skin. It was the first time I wondered about Dahk ages. Tahk looked young to me, but what did I have to base it on? Commander status at least led me to believe I hadn’t taken advantage of a younger Dahk, unlike the vibes Yilt gave off of youth, but he could be as old as Colt for all I knew. Seeing Wohn though, I could gauge age slightly. The Dahk looked older. But how old? Forty? Sixty?

It felt too rude a thing to ask, so I refrained. But it was something I would be asking Gryo later.

“How do you know he’s not screwing her brains out right now?” I needed to know. I couldn’t follow Tahk around to make sure he kept it in his pants, and frankly fuck him if he couldn’t.

“The Commander is beside himself with worry,”

I snorted, cutting him off. More like he was pissed he wasn’t getting a happy little harem.

Wohn scowled. “Female, you misstep with your ignorance.”

I glared. Great, another asshole.

“Do you not think it is not you who should be upset, but his consorts? They were with him first. To them, you are the interloper. You have laid claim to who they belong to. You would have them tossed out so carelessly? I did not think you so heartless.”

Oh, wow. How did I look like the asshole now? This guy was implying I was a homewrecker and it made me stumble in my anger. Was I? If I had taken a guy from his previous girlfriend back home, I would be. He still would have been a dick, but I would have insulted the sisterhood. I didn’t know Nonya, she seemed like a bitch, but she could just be upset. What if she was this epically nice Dahk and I had pretty much fucked up her first mate plans. That had to hurt. Dammit, Wohn was a bastard for making me feel bad for Tahk’s consorts. I wanted to hate them, but oh it chapped me that he was right.

How would I have felt if Nonya gave Tahk ultimatums about me? What if he listened? She had him first.

I rubbed my chest. It felt like it was caving in.

“So, I should just ignore it and let him drag me into a situation that would devastate me? If he can’t drop them, then he needs to let me go.”

“You do not listen. Tahk has not touched one female on the ship the whole time you have denied him.” Wohn crossed his muscular arms as he scolded me. “Had he wished for another he would have taken Filiya as she sought him so desperately.”

How did he know, though? Tahk could have been doing anybody at night behind closed doors.

“Were you with him the whole time?” I raised a brow and crossed my own arms.

“No, but the healer’s frustration and anger was indicative enough. He denied her, as he will Nonya and Alyn until you come to your senses.”

Ooh. I bared my teeth at the arrogant prick. I was full of sense! I didn’t need to come to anything! Tahk was an idiot if he didn’t see how this would kill me. Culture differences or not, I would not look past this. And if his relationship with the others was deeper than for a mere consort, than he had no business stringing me along. But if it wasn’t? If he didn’t care for them? What would I do? Go back to him? He still took me from home and locked me up.

“He will not touch them even then,” Yilt said firmly, also glaring at Wohn.

Wohn chuckled. “Ah, I suppose not, he is quite taken with his Pythe. I doubt his consorts could even tempt him using all their trickery. You worry for nothing, human. Tahk will sit on his fury and move to rectify the issue. You must wait and allow him to come up with a solution that satisfies all. Besides, I do not see why you act with such hurt feelings after you have snubbed him all this time. One would think it would not bother you he turned to another?” Wohn raised his eyes pointedly.

Asshole. Assholes everywhere. He was right of course. Did I have the right to throw a fit about this if I wasn’t planning on being with him again? No, a human man would have cut me loose for a stunt like this. But as upset as his touching someone else made me, I was even more upset about how this was kept from me. He should have told me about the other females a long time ago. He should have told me right after that farce of a mating. We were practically married while he was planning on marrying another right after.

I sighed heavily. I wouldn’t tell Wohn he was right. Let him think what he wanted.

He knew, though. He chuckled heartily. “Ah, she sees. All will be well, youngling. Tahk did wrong you back Earthside, no matter he had no choice, keep him on his claws when he comes crawling for forgiveness. A little effort will go a long way in teaching him the art of female happiness.”

Yilt scoffed, “the Commander will not crawl for forgiveness.”

“You too, are young, Yilt. When you find your mate, I hope she makes you toil for her affection as well.”

The older male left. Yilt scowled at the doorway.

“You don’t have a mate?” I asked Yilt.

He flushed deeply. “I do not. I am in my first years under command. The youngest lieutenant to rise.” He puffed his chest proudly. “I have no desire for females. I wish to prove myself to my kingdom before I enter into such trouble.”

I laughed. Yes, relationships were trouble.

A commotion outside the door drew our attention. Vivian and Gryo had arrived with Hector and Ford. “Careful with him!” Vivian shouted.

“Viv?” I rushed from the room.

“They are all idiots,” she hissed to me. “They just toss him around like he’s not already hurt enough.” Her face was flushed with anger as she glared at the two Dahk carrying Hector on an alien stretcher.

“Calm, female.” Gryo scowled and directed the healers to put Hector on a table. “We must get them into the healing vats.” He rushed over to a big rectangle box sticking up from the floor, pressed a bunch of random buttons on top, and the box lit up and hummed.

“Where’s Colt and Bobo?” I asked her.

“I don’t know. He was walking here. He wouldn’t let any of the Dahk carry him while flying, and I don’t think any of them wanted him close to them anyway, so they’re escorting him over the ice.”

That was a long walk, but I couldn’t blame him. I would have rather walked, too.

Gryo and the others lowered Hector into a tank, first. The tank was filled with a thick syrupy liquid, and so deep they had to prop his head up to keep his nose and mouth from being submerged. Gryo covered his face with a mask and hit a bunch of buttons before letting his head completely sink with his body.

Viv gasped and rushed closer, “Can he breathe?”

Gryo scowled at her. “He is completely safe, female. Step back.”

“What is that stuff? He won’t drown?”

“Viv,” I grabbed and pulled her back as Gryo ignored her shouts. The other healers were growing restless and glaring at her. We had to be careful not to step on any toes here. I didn’t want to piss off the wrong Dahk.

“The healing vat is an old practice, but in a few sunrings your Hyctoor will be good as new.” Yilt patted Vivian’s shoulder and twirled a lock of her hair.


Yilt flushed as he got the full force of my best friend’s eyes.

“I vow it.”

Vivian relaxed into Yilt. He stiffened and gazed at the top of her head in longing. The poor guy had no idea what to do. Vivian was a powerhouse on her best day. But all damsel-like? She was a wrecking ball. Yilt said he didn’t want a female right now, but he sure had a thing for her. Poor guy, Viv was one-hundred percent taken. If I hadn’t loved Hector for her, I would think it was a shame. Yilt was so sweet. He deserved someone as amazing as Vivian.

After Ford was lowered in another healing vat, Gryo ordered us out. Vivian tried to refuse, but one worried word from Yilt and she gave in. He also didn’t think it was wise we lingered here too long. At least not until Tahk could threaten the whole castle. If these healers were anything like those on Dahk One I wanted to be far away from them.

Yilt took us upstairs. Which of course was as beautiful as the rest of the castle. Our rooms were to be right next to each other. We went into Vivian’s first and she ooh’d and aww’d at all the pretty stone furnishings. Looking at the sparkly glow, I had to wonder how we would sleep. I doubted it got much darker in there. Did the planet ever get any darker than it did now? For all we knew, it could have been the middle of the night already. But Yilt laughed when we asked and said the stone would dim somewhat. He seemed to think it was hilarious we thought it would always stay bright. I tried not to be snarky and point out all the science lessons I endured in school. Bioluminescence, and fluorescence, and phosphor- whatever it’s called would have been lost on him. The translator would have wigged out, and I’d be explaining it for days. Besides, he would just shrug it off and tell us how primitive our knowledge was.

He did say there were some Dahk who kept the stone out of their rooms and slept on padded bedding and furnishings from other worlds because they preferred it as dark as possible but that we should have no problem sleeping with the glow. As it was, it was like walking through the house at night with a few night lights plugged in. It made me realize how used to the dark I had gotten on the ship. My eyes were no longer adjusting. I could see everything around me just fine.

After Vivian ran over every inch of her room exploring, getting particularly hung up on the massive bathing pool, we went into mine.

It wasn’t empty.

Nonya and another female were there. That must be Anya.

Another slammed the door shut behind Viv and me.


All three of them looked pissed.




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