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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2) by Erin Raegan (19)

Chapter 19


Apparently, the Dahk had sex to have a baby. While everyone was watching.

Vivian and I stayed in the far back of the room as Haytu humped Byda into the bed. Tahk found our mortification hilarious. In fact, all of them did. Syn particularly. He could not stop laughing at us every time Haytu or Byda made very loud noises. The strangest part was that Haytu sounded distinctly like he was in pain. 

I would have left, but I didn’t want to insult any of them. This was clearly a really big deal. No one overtly watched the mated pair get it on. In fact, they carried on separate conversations all throughout the room like it wasn’t even happening. Myrna’s cool composure fascinated me, and I found myself watching her the most. There must have been over thirty Dahk in the room, and she traveled the room, welcoming each of them as her mate screwed his other mate on the massive bed.

Pyntera and Wayka huddled near the healers, directing some of them while they set up random supplies, and aiding others while they chanted low around the bed.

I suspected some of the Dahk were Haytu’s mates’ parents, but I couldn’t be sure. A lot of them looked older but not by much.

Syn watched Kudeyas in between teasing us, and the female seemed totally indifferent towards him. She instead grilled Tahk on Earth after he had gotten frustrated with her asking me and Vivian. I hadn’t minded when she did, though. I would gladly take the distraction from what was going on at the other end of the room. Just how long did they have to go at each other? Haytu’s stamina was impressive.

After Vivian and I made it clear that was not how humans gave birth, he told us it was totally normal with the Dahk. Something about coaxing Byda’s female canal to open and present the dahkling. Haytu’s skills would get her canal ready, and his seed would encourage her womb to soften for the dahkling’s departure.

Vivian giggled uncontrollably throughout Tahk’s entire explanation, and I worried she would upset him and everyone else. But he and the others laughed with her. It was clear we were shocked, and no one seemed to take offense. Yilt stayed close, but he had visibly relaxed after hearing Vivian’s giggles. It was a relief to see her open up and enjoy herself. I hoped it would last, but I knew eventually thoughts of Hector would tear her down again.

But in that room, we were like two little girls peeking through our fingers every few minutes and laughing uncomfortably every time Haytu or Byda roared. Vivian had asked Tahk why Haytu sounded like he was being tortured when I couldn’t summon the courage, and I wished she hadn’t.

Tahk had looked us strangely before calmly stating, “He finds release many times. Not even the strongest of Dahk accomplish the feat without a great deal of pain. Byda’s womb rejects him, but he proves his strength and desire for a dahkling by enduring the pain.”

“How does she reject him?” Vivian asked in alarm. I pinched her. Hard. “Ow, dammit Peyton, I want to know.”

“Well, I don’t.” I widened my eyes at her pointedly. Why was this knowledge we needed to have?

“You might want to know if you’re going to have Tahk’s babies.” Vivian squinted back and pinched under my arm. I yelped and glared at her. She had a point, but still. I think I’d rather worry about that if I ever got pregnant. I hadn’t gotten my period yet, but I wasn’t due for another week, at least.

Tahk sighed and rubbed my injured arm. “Females.” He scowled at our pinching fingers. “Byda’s canal contracts. Haytu forces himself through. If he does not, her canal will not be stretched for the dahkling. It does not injure her. It eases her pain greatly, but in this Haytu takes on her pain for her.”

“Oh, that’s kind of sweet.” Vivian smiled while blushing.

“When you have my dahkling, yula, I will endure this pain for you as well,” Tahk stated proudly. Vivian snorted while I flushed hotly.

“Oh, that’s really sweet.” I glared when Vivian snorted again. “But, humans contract in their womb.” And by the way, I was so not ready to have Tahk’s babies. But I just could not wipe that endearing lovesick look from his face. Besides, it’s not like I was on any birth control way out in the middle of space. Not that I hadn’t tried. Gryo was so horrified I never brought it up again. I swear he was about to lock me up if I had continued to ask him. Now I knew why. Dahkling were so rare here that it was unheard of to prevent them.

“Your womb?” Tahk glanced down in alarm.

“Here.” I rubbed my pelvis.

“My member will not ready your canal? Will my seed soften your womb?” Tahk eyed my hand uncertainly.

“No…” I trailed off when he stiffened.

Vivian laughed. I glared at her again. “Tahk, human females bear the pain all on their own. You can hold her hand, though.”

“Yilt, call for Gryo.” Tahk stormed away. “I will speak to him immediately. I wish to know all he has learned of my mate's womb.”

I squawked and grabbed for him. “Are you serious? He studied my womb?”

“Yes, you know this.” Tahk clutched me close to him. “We will find a solution mate. I will not allow you to bear to the pain of our dahkling’s birth on your own.”

Vivian snorted through more laughter.

“I’m not pregnant with a dahkling yet, Tahk,” I said dryly.

“And you know this for certain?”

Oh man, Tahk looked devastated. I kissed his arm. “No, honey, I don’t know for certain.”

I was going to kill Vivian if she didn’t control herself.

Tahk’s lids lowered. “I like this word. Hooney.” His hand drifted low and brushed over the curve of my ass. I squirmed.

“Not here.” I scowled and pushed away from him. He could not turn me on right now. It was all kinds of creepy and inappropriate.

Tahk grinned devilishly and nuzzled my neck. “If you do not already carry my son, I will make it so this eve.”

I laughed despite myself and ran back to Vivian. I had to turn away from Tahk to get control of myself. His hot look of promise was killing me. I suddenly couldn’t wait to try for a baby.

“Your man is going to be impossible when you give birth,” Vivian whispered cheekily. “I can’t wait to see him freak out when you scream in pain rather than Byda’s good-time growling.”

“Nice, Viv. So glad you look forward to my pain,” I said dryly.

“You know I love you.” She hugged me and giggled. “This is weird, right?”

I nodded. “So weird.” We giggled again when Byda cried out Haytu’s name.

In the end. Haytu deserved a gold medal for how long he went at her. We must have been hanging out in the room for hours. Even I grew accustomed to the noises and entered random conversation with Tahk’s siblings. Kudeyas was great, and Vyndor wasn’t so bad, if not a little pompous. But he was growing on me. Vivian and Tahk spoke quietly at one point, and I tried not to worry. I didn’t want him to upset her by bringing up Hector, but she was smiling and excited and kept glancing at me mischievously, so my worry pointed more towards myself. She refused to tell me what they talked about and Tahk kept scowling every time I brought it up, so I dropped it, for now.

I met Myrna’s parents, who were just as haughty as she was, but Byda’s mom was so sweet, or really all three of her moms were. I would never be able to look my father-in-law and Byda in the eyes again, but my new family wasn’t so bad as I had thought the first day I arrived. They needed time to get to know me just as I did them. All the family love was a little depressing, though. It made me think of my mom so much I struggled not to break down.

But when Haytu rolled off Byda in an exhausted heap, and she spread her legs, flashing her goods to the entire room, I felt nothing but love. So much love. The room oozed with it. Total silence encased everyone as she bore down on one loud roar. I watched in shocked wonder as a tiny little ball of dark purple slipped out of her surprisingly humanoid vagina. She didn’t have fleshly labia like us humans did, but other than that, and her lack of a clitoris, it looked like a vagina.

And when that little baby slipped out, the room erupted in cheers of relief and joy. The healers wiped the baby clean, slicing what was clearly an umbilical cord, and laid it on its mother’s chest. She cuddled it close, smiling through her exhaustion. Haytu covered them both and pulled her into his arms. His other three mates climbed on the bed and surrounded them, grinning big and nothing but happiness and delight on their faces. One by one they touched the baby’s crown and whispered something low.

Byda did the same before passing the baby to its father. He lifted the tiny squirming dahkling and whispered to it, then he grinned and held the baby out to the room. “A female.” More cheers and shouts of happiness. He smiled softly and nuzzled the baby close. “I call her, Saysa.”

I smiled through my tears. Tahk’s arms squeezed tight, and I startled, only realizing just then that he had folded me into his arms from behind. He leaned down and nuzzled my neck, licking along my jaw. “I long for a moment such as this, with you.”

I blinked back more tears. “Me too,” I said, surprising myself. Maybe I got caught in the moment. But when Tahk left me to be the first sibling to hold Saysa, and I watched him gaze down at her so adoringly, I knew right then I wanted to give him a baby of his own to look down at like that. Tahk touched her brow and whispered a word, before passing her to Vyndor and then Kudeyas who whispered before passing her through the room.

The moment was long and silent as everyone whispered their blessing. Every whisper was felt by everyone like a precious gift was given. When Tahk took the baby from Yilt and walked to Vivian and me, I looked to him in surprise. He motioned for me to spread my arms and I did without thought. He placed the tiny baby in my arms gently. I gasped in wonder as I got a look at her up close. She was so little and purple. Her tiny hands waved around the room, not a claw on them. Her skin was smoother than any Dahk I had seen, not a single scale, and her eyes were a deep shade of silver. “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered to her. She made a little gurgle, and I laughed in wonder. Her tiny little head had stubby ridges in a neat row above her brow. I could feel her tiny wings wriggling in the cloth in my hands.

Vivian stepped into me and sighed breathily, “Oh, so worth the show.”

I nodded in complete agreement. I would watch Haytu get his freak on all day long to witness this again.

“What do I say?” I asked Tahk without taking my eyes off Saysa. I knew they were blessing her, but I didn’t know how.

“Bless her with whatever is in your heart.” His voice was so low and husky I couldn’t help but look up at him. His eyes were on me, not the baby. And they were hot and filled with so much longing I knew it wouldn’t be long until I was holding my own little dahkling.

I looked back down at Saysa’s crystal eyes and felt deeply for everything I wanted for her. For an innocent baby born into a universe of pain and fear, and so much beauty it was a miracle I got to experience so much more than just a piece of it. I cradled her in one hand, touched her brow and bent close, so my lips almost touched her little forehead, and I whispered, “Love.

I blessed her with a love like I felt for Tahk and Tahk felt for me. A love for a world like I felt for my old one and my new one. Love for all the things in her life. So much love that she would burst with it like I wanted to every time Tahk looked at me the way he was looking at me in that very moment.

I smiled when she grinned a mouth of gums and laughed when Vivian sighed, “No tiny fangs.” She shook herself and wiggled her hands. “My turn.” I passed her the baby and watched as she studied her with a concentration that worried me. Vivian was feeling something immensely sad at that moment, and I thought it was for all the children she would have had with Hector.

But I found out I was very wrong after she whispered something to Saysa and passed her back to Tahk. Her hands fluttered down to her stomach and rubbed softly. “Viv?” She looked up at me, tears welling in her eyes. She smiled, looked back down at her stomach and shrugged her shoulders.

I watched her, stunned and stupefied, as she kissed my cheek. “I’m gonna go back to the castle with Yilt, okay?”

I nodded dumbly. Vivian was pregnant. Vivian was pregnant with Hector’s baby.

I grabbed her hand before she could pass me. “Does he know?” She shook her head, and I bit my lip. “He’ll remember you, Viv.” I shook her arm when she looked away. “He will. Mountains remember?”

She smiled a sad, heartbroken smile, but didn’t answer. I watched helplessly as she left, followed by a very concerned Yilt. Tahk grabbed my shoulders. “Do you wish to return with her?”

I shook my head. Vivian needed space right now. My concern and hovering were not going to help her. My friend needed one person, and he wasn’t who he used to be. But I believed Hector would remember her. I believed it so deeply I trembled with the need to make her believe. She may not have told him about the baby, but Hector had to have known. She never could keep a secret from him. She would have given it away, somehow. But if he did, he never would have left her to go back to Earth. Would he?

I stayed in the room with Tahk as everyone congratulated the happy family. I was sad and scared for my friend, but I couldn’t help but get caught up in the excitement of the room. I was exhausted by the time we left. Yilt had taken the ship back to the castle, and I suspected Haytu had more, but I didn’t object when Tahk lifted me and flew into the sky. I wanted to be as close as possible to him. And if that meant braving my fear of heights, then so be it.

I was glad I did. Though it was warmer in Ilyndahdus, it was still cold so high up in the sky, but the sights distracted me from most of it. I could see ice for miles surrounding the warmer landscape. The mushroom forests were spectacular, and the blue grasses and vines made for a magical view. There were dozens and dozens of sharply pointed mountain formations. I could make out several Dahk zipping in and out of caves on the sides of them. Tahk took a sharp turn and flew far and high above one of the tallest mountainsides, and I gasped at the new sight. I could see a purple shaded moon just in the distance, hovering over the curve of the planet. It was so massive from where we hung in the sky, I could make out the canyons and craters all over it.

Tahk silently watched me take in the view with a small smile on his face.  I grinned up at him, enjoying this time alone with him.

He fluttered his wings and spun in a circle. I yelped when he let me go with one hand and dug my hands into his shoulders. He chuckled wickedly and carefully maneuvered me, so my legs were wrapped around his waist and he could cup my bottom with his other arm. He pointed with his free hand back the way we came. “Look, that is Ilynda.”

I gulped and turned my head following his finger to where he pointed. “Oh wow.” It looked like an enormous golden-stone city. The buildings were massive points in the sky, shaped after the mountains but clearly built stone by stone. The golden light radiated out into the sky like a beacon. There were dozens of structures and tons of Dahk flew in circles around the sharp points. “What’s there?” The Dahk didn’t strike me as having shopping malls and restaurants.

“It is our central trading post. Our armies training center and academy is there as well.”

So, sort of like a shopping mall and a university. I laughed and shook my head. I just couldn’t imagine Tahk or the others flying in and out carrying shopping bags.

“What kind of trading?”

“We trade with many different species. Our toyl stone for their wares. Our fire-stones are of great value. They are used by many species residing on colder-climate planets such as ours. Others weaponize the stone. It is the one trade I did not agree with Aryx continuing after his father passed on. Our planet's resources should not be used in such a way.” Tahk gazed out in the distance, and I shivered, hugging him close.

“Where do you mine the blue stone from?” I hadn’t seen any blue landforms, and I knew the fire-stone glowed just like the other shades of toyl.

“It is deep underground. We use the stone to mine the tougher purple toyl. Igniting it loosens the area, but not enough to mine it in large amounts. We use the fire-stone to run the ships. They are filled with a great amount of energy.”

“Which is why they can be weaponized?”


I shivered again. Looking around at my new home I tried to take it all in. I was on an alien world. I never could have imagined being here, not ever. But here I was, and it was so different from anything I had ever known. Blue plants. No sun. Weaponized fire stones?

“I’m scared, Tahk,” I whispered in his ear.

He stiffened and looked down. “Tell me.”

“I’m scared for the humans, the Earth. I’m scared of the Order. I’m scared for Hector and Vivian. I’m scared for us.” I took a deep breath, confessing on a whisper. “I’m scared of this new planet and the enemies you’re going to be facing every day.” I hugged him tightly. “I’m just scared.”

“Thank you, my yula, for trusting me with your fears.” Tahk kissed my neck and slowly fluttered down. I looked around and realized the tall mountain we had been hovering over was Tahk’s home. My home. He landed on the balcony that led to our room. He cupped my face in his hands when my feet touched the ground. I sighed when they warmed my cold cheeks. “Fear is not a weakness.” He grinned, and I smiled thinking of his words to me on a rooftop on another world so far away. “It will drive you. Strengthen you. You will live with fear, and it will allow you to feel all that the rest of the universe offers you. I feel fear as well mate. But I will use that fear to ensure nothing touches you and all that you hold dear. Trust in me and your fear, and we will conquer it, together.”

I smiled at my mate. He was an alien and so very different from me. But he was everything I never knew I needed and so damn handsome. I kissed him, relishing in his warm lips caressing mine back. Savoring every lick.

“Bed, my Pythe. I will have every fear banished from your mind using only my tongue.” He flashed his fangs arrogantly when I squirmed against him.

I ran my hand down his muscular chest enjoying his low, pleased rumbles. Placing a kiss on his chest I stepped closer, rubbing my hips against something very hard. Tahk growled. I grinned and nipped sharply at his nipple. Tahk laughed, throwing his horned head back. “I feel nothing there, mate.”

“Hmmm.” I hummed against his nipple and moved my hand down to his pants. “Here?” I rubbed him lightly through his pants. 

He rumbled low and gripped my waist in his hands.

“How about here?” I cupped his heavy-weighted balls in my hand. So much larger than any man I had ever been with. I squeezed. Tahk choked. I laughed and jumped back from him.

“You think to run from me?” Tahk growled menacingly from behind as I ran through the floating curtains into our room. Laughing, I darted for the door. My fingers barely brushed the handle before I was tossed over his shoulder. A sharp smack landed against my backside, and I shouted his name in outrage.

Tahk tossed me onto the bed, and I bounced once before sinking into the soft bedding. He growled again when I scrambled back against the edge. “You wish to play?”

Smiling I unbuttoned my coat slowly. Tahk watched avidly as it slipped from my shoulders. Next, I kicked off my shoes, and then slipped down my pants, keeping my tunic low and covering all the important parts. Tahk stood rigid, breathing heavily. I winked and lifted to my knees, fingering the hem of my tunic, glancing at the barely restrained male coyly.

“You do play.” Tahk gnashed his teeth and stepped up to the bed. I quickly tore off the tunic, flashing him briefly before chucking the cloth at his face. He growled and tore it away, then roared when I jumped from the bed and ran for the bathing room. I giggled uncontrollably as his heavy steps chased after me.

All night I played with him. I teased and laughed with him, and when we fell into an exhausted pile of limbs on the bed, I watched Tahk drift to sleep. I cuddled him close, rubbing his stomach and kissing his chest, smiling to myself.

Tahk hadn’t taken away my fears. They were still there. They likely always would be. But for one night I had distracted him from his own, and that did wonders to settle mine. Tahk wouldn’t always be the one to fix everything. I needed to be there for him just like he was for me.

I lived on a new planet, with new enemies, when back home they fought an invasion and likely would fight many more. None of it would ever stop, I suspected. But here I was safe, next to Tahk I had never felt safer. No matter what happened, I knew we would be okay because Tahk would make us okay.

So, I would use my fear like he said. Not to make us safe, because I knew he had that under control, but I would use my fear to live every day like it was my last. Enjoy every moment with him because he had earned that from me. He had more than earned it. And I was content to be with him. Even on an alien planet so far from Earth. So far from my mom. I loved Tahk and I would take every fear being with him brought me. Because the good outweighed the bad, tenfold.

Tahk was wrong. I wouldn’t use my fear to feel everything the universe had to offer me. I would use it to feel everything he had to offer me.




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