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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2) by Erin Raegan (24)


Two months later.

Noodle.” I stood, staring at my rooster, scowling. He had escaped his pen again and was running through Untya’s kitchen. I swear she was going to chop him up one of these days. Noodle fluffed his feathers, ignoring me. I sighed. He was looking for Ham, my dia bird. Tahk had given him to me last week. The baby bird was gorgeous but injured. Tahk found him outside our home one day and brought him inside. The poor thing had a damaged wing and looked so pitiful that I immediately fell in love with him. I kept him in the animal's cavern separated from the chickens, but his dia singing was so beautiful he often sang the chickens to sleep.

A few days ago, I had felt sorry for keeping him by himself and mistakenly took him into the chicken pen to socialize him a little. Jilly was the same as me and had taken one look and fallen in love―as much as a chicken could―and treated Ham like he were her very own chick. This did not make Noodle happy. Instead of taking on the role of papa rooster, he squawked and nipped at the tiny dia bird. She took offense and went all mama bear-chicken on him.

Thus, the great Jilly and Noodle divorce commenced.

No longer did Jilly allow Noodle to crowd her and hover. She pushed him away and avoided him altogether most times. Noodle was looking for Ham, to fight the poor little thing. I had to move Ham upstairs. Ham cried and sang for his chicken mom, and Jilly became distressed with him so far from her. They were both with Isin now, in his hidey hole. Isin often took them into the kitchens to get them more exercise, much to Untya’s chagrin.

“They aren’t here, Noodle.”

My rooster crowed his displeasure.

“Syn!” I shouted. Noodle wouldn’t let me near him, and I had no intention of getting pecked today.

The wily Dahk poked his head through the door. “No.”

“Yes. I can’t get him. You have to.”

Syn shook his head stubbornly.

I sighed, “If I’m bleeding Tahk’s going to kick your ass.”

Syn grinned, “No, Borv is assigned to you. I am due to arrive at the castle later. Tahk will kick his ahss.”

I still had a guard in the House with me at all times. Word of our mating had gotten out, and the feedback wasn’t good. There were mixed feelings. The Dahk females and some males saw me as a threat to their way of life. But Tahk was more worried about what would happen once Uthyf’s plan to bring in more human women got out. He couldn’t keep it a secret forever.

“Borv’ll kill Noodle. You know he will. It has to be you.”

“The Noodul makes ungodly noises. I do not blame him for his ire. I feel the same.”

“He’s just crowing. You guys should be used to it by now.”

“No. My hima bleeds each morn, and night, and all throughout the day.”

“He’s not that loud.”  I scoffed. Noodle and the chickens were practically underground compared to the rest of the House.

Syn scoffed. “You do not hear as Dahk do. I cannot escape the screeching.” Tahk didn’t complain, but sometimes I did see him rubbing his flat ears when he came down to pull me away from my pottery.

Which was often.

I sold my creations, now. The Dahk didn’t have any monetary currency. They traded. I didn’t need much, but Tahk was enjoying all the new dresses and lingerie I had been ordering from the clothier. It took quite a bit of show-and-tell to explain a skimpy nighty to the older Dahk clothier, but after a while, he picked it up, and I started a new trend on Home World. I also had loads of warm clothes and soft furry boots.

Vivian had found her place on Home World as well. She was training to be a healer with Gryo. She sort of fell into the situation with all the time she cared for Hector. Hector who was still unconscious and changing more and more. Our hope was dwindling each day, his body starting to give into the infection. Gryo was nearly out of supplements for him. He worried he would need the Juldo’s nano-mites soon.

Not that we had any way of getting them. Things outside of Home World were tense. The King had been meeting with his allies, exchanging information they had gained on the Juldo’s movements. But no one knew what the Juldo Master planned.

The Order had been making moves against Earth, but the Kilbus had come through and stalled them for the time being. Tahk was torn about that. He was grateful on my and the human's behalf, but he didn’t trust their Lord. He and Uthyf fought about it often.

“Come on, please?”

Syn sighed. “Very well, but I require your assistance in return.”

“What kind of assistance? I’m not getting between you and Untya again. She served me all the fatty parts of a heetbull for a week last time.” I gagged. The meat was hard enough to stomach here. I couldn’t stop seeing Simon’s face every time I ate it, but Tahk wouldn’t let me turn it away. Especially now.

“Kudeyas comes tomorrow to celebrate with you. I wish to speak to her. You will aid me in this.”

I laughed. “You are crazy. She has no desire to join your harem.” I was convinced Kudeyas would not be happy as a consort. She often confided in me her desire to find a mate of her own. Seeing my and Tahk’s relationship lit a fire under her. Syn was not that male.

Syn nodded. “I know this. But I still must try. There has never been a more beautiful female than she.” He gazed off dreamily.

“Syn,” I pinched my nose. “You ever think about maybe not pursuing other females in front of her?”

Syn scrunched his brow. I laughed again. He looked so confused by the idea. Males. They were so frustrating. But I couldn’t change the views of an entire species, and frankly, it wasn’t my place.

“Fine, I’ll try, But I’m not tricking her. I’ll ask her about you, deal?”

Syn nodded sharply. “Deal.” I knew Syn’s House and Haytu’s had briefly discussed pairing Syn and Kudeyas, but the female had thrown such a fit, even Tahk had intervened. But Syn hadn’t given up. He was determined to make her a consort.

I watched amusedly as Syn corralled my pissed off Rooster. By the time he was captured, Untya had returned and was shouting, and Syn turned on the charm long enough for us to escape to the pens.

“Stay.” I pointed to Noodle. He turned away, ignoring me.

“He misses his mate.” Syn looked like he felt terrible for Noodle.

“I know, but he has a dozen more. He’ll be fine until he stops being so stubborn.”

Syn looked at me strangely. “You do not see the Noodul’s many mates as an offense.”

I grinned. “He’s a rooster Syn. Not a Dahk. It will always bother me that you guys mate so many, but I don’t hate you for it. It’s just not my culture.”

“Hmmm, the Commander will not even look at another female, much to Myrna’s displeasure.”

“And I am rewarded very handsomely for it.”

I spun, already grinning. Tahk was back. I ran and jumped in his arms. He chuckled as I rained kisses all over his face.

“Come, I have need of you,” Tahk growled and cupped my butt in his big hands, nuzzling my neck.

My thighs clenched. I felt how hard he was. I was already ready for him just feeling him. I gripped his horns and pulled his face to mine, sucking his bottom lip in my mouth. Tahk rumbled low, bumping into the cave wall. I chuckled, kissing and sucking down his neck.

“You drive me mad with your little tongue, mate.” Tahk squeezed my ass cheek hard. I squirmed again. My hormones were going crazy. I would go insane if we didn’t get to our room, fast. Tahk had been gone all night, and all day, it felt like it had been weeks.

Hurry,” I whispered, nipping at his pointed ear. Tahk growled and started jogging. My center rubbed along his abs with every step. I whined.

Tahk chuckled. “I enjoy you this way more and more.”

“It hurts all the time,” I whined again.

“I will take away the hurt, my yula.” My back touched soft bedding. I sighed scrambling to tug off my silky dress. Tahk bared his teeth when he saw the skimpy silk panties. They were a little tight, not much give in them, but they did the trick. Tahk jumped on me with a snarl.

His hands grabbed my thighs and spread them wide. He shoved his face between my legs and inhaled, humming. A claw moved down the line of cloth at my hip, ripping it away. I gasped as his warm breath fanned against me.

“You can’t keep ripping them.” I scolded him half-heartedly. I loved when he did that.

Tahk flared his nostril like a bull and glared at me. “They are for me, yes?”

I nodded. I liked wearing them, but they were for him.

“Then I will do as I wish.”

His hot tongue ran up my center. My back bowed, and my hands smacked down on his horns, gripping them. I shoved and pulled his head, writhing against his tongue. Tahk chuckled and nipped at my lower lips.

I gasped. “I c-can’t. Come here, come here. Inside me.”

Tahk grinned, licking and sucking, refusing me. He grasped my clit between his lips and rolled it. I exploded. I screamed, shaking and heaving. Tahk surged above me, holding my left thigh in his hands. He sat back on his knees and yanked my ass into his lap.

“I smell your need, mate.” Tahk’s nostrils flared, and he pushed inside me with one thrust. “So sweet.”

I gasped and clawed at his thighs as he hammered into me over and over. “Harder, please faster.” He was holding part of him back. I needed harder.

No,” he snarled.

“You can’t hurt me.” I gasped again when his ridges massaged inside me. He ground against me, rotating his hips. 

No.” He snarled and used a knuckle to rub my clit in quick circles. I tensed, my stomach contracting. My hands left his horns and grasped at my nipples, yanking and twisting, easing more of the ache. Tahk bared his teeth and thrust into me, hard. But still not fast enough.

I sighed and whined. “Faster, please, please. Right there! Right there!”

Tahk snarled and lifted my thigh high in the air, changing the angle. I cried out, twisting my nipple tight. “Tahk!

“Scream for me, mate.” He snarled, his hips hammering faster, and faster.

He pinched my clit and twisted. I screamed his name again, and again, mindlessly while exploding around him. Tahk roared and shot deep inside me. Shouting curses and nonsensical things. My name a chant on his lips.

I sighed when he dropped my leg, sagging on all fours above me.

His head bent, his breath heaving out of him. He nuzzled my belly gently. “How is he?”

“She’s good.” I smiled and massaged his neck as he kissed my belly affectionately.

“He made you sick last eve before I left.” Tahk moved his hands to frame my belly button. His lips still brushing my skin. “Be good to your mam. A Commander does not burden.”

“She’s a baby, Tahk, not a Commander.” I grinned stupidly as he scowled at my stomach.

He will be the fiercest Commander ever to serve the Dahk.”

I laughed at his conviction. He was so sure it was a boy, but I thought it was a girl. I knew if I had my way, she would be the biggest daddy’s girl to ever live. Tahk would worship the ground she walked on, even though I knew he wanted a boy, badly.

“How have you been?” Tahk kissed my stomach again before withdrawing. I gasped at the sensation of him leaving me, my legs quivering once more. Tahk grinned arrogantly and patted my thigh, moving it to the side so he could lay beside me.

I shifted against him, and he pulled me on top of him. My head fell against his chest, and my legs straddled his middle.

“Still a little sick, but its getting better. Gryo’s weird tea has been helping.”

“Good.” Tahk massaged the small of my back, and I hummed, nuzzling him.

“You have to stop worrying Tahk, Gryo said the dahkling is progressing well. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“I will not be satisfied until he arrives, until then you will have to be good with slow.”

I smiled, “But I want hard and fast.

“Ah, but we are very, very good at slow.”

I laughed with him. Enjoying his arms and affection.

“I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

Tahk hugged me to him. “I am―nervous.”

I stifled a goofy smile. “She’ll love you.” My mom was due to arrive tomorrow on Dahk One. Earth was far from out of the woods, but they had survived the Vitat, and Uthyf and Tahk were confident they would recover from the loss. There was a massive celebration planned, and I couldn’t wait to see my mother in person. Comm calls had been a blessing and went a long way to repairing our relationship, but I needed to touch her, hold her.

“How do you know this?”

“Because I love you. And my father would have loved you. And she loved him.”

Tahk sighed and nuzzled my neck. “I would have been honored to have met your father, my yula.”

I blinked away emotion, rubbing my nose along his chest. “He brought you to me. I know he did.” He was with me now, and he always would be.

Tahk kissed my head, humming.

I liked to think my father saved me on Earth from the Vitat, guiding me to Colt, and ultimately to Tahk. I don’t know what would have happened to me if Tahk hadn’t found us, and I was glad I would never know.

I worried about our future. When the Dahk found out about our baby, worry and speculation would grow. Tahk had told me our child would not be welcomed by a lot of the Dahk, but he was confident Uthyf’s plan to ally himself with the humans would take a lot of the heat off us. Why worry about the Commander’s pregnant mate when the King planned to bring on a whole hoard of pregnant human females?

It was awful that Uthyf’s problems would solve ours, but Tahk seemed totally fine with it. Haytu was our biggest supporter, often suffering through endless meetings with the other Council members, arguing the benefits and the possibilities of outer species mating. He was laying the groundwork for Uthyf.

We hadn’t been attacked, and no one stoned me in the streets. I only suffered through disgusted looks, some just curious, but a lot of scorn. I knew though that it was only the beginning. If they knew I was pregnant, it would be worse. Tahk wouldn’t have just snubbed his consorts for his human mate, he would have changed the game.

The future was unknown. But I was content in my place in it for now. I knew Tahk and Haytu held secret meetings with Uthyf, talking options and scheming on their own. They probably would have to for a while. Home World was changing, and they faced enemies from all sides. I only hoped the Dahk didn’t start a war they couldn’t afford at home.

Tahk was the Commander, but lately, he had been a spy. Watching the King’s Council, carefully. Waiting for them to slip up. He was needed in the stars with his army, but he couldn’t afford to leave. Though I knew he planned to take me with him when he did, I had a feeling Dahk One was returning for more than just to come home. They were coming for their Commander. Something had happened with Wohn a few days ago, and Tahk had told me he would tell me when he knew more. But I saw how Syn and Borv grew more alert when we left the House. The ten other guards assigned to me. How Tahk got more and more agitated when I wanted to leave. It was only a matter of time before I was forbidden to at all.

But I knew it was only for my safety. Tahk would never trap me, and I wasn’t safe here until Uthyf weeded out the traitors and those that sought to usurp him.

I just had to be patient, and I was more than happy to do that with a little dahkling on the way.

Tahk was my kidnapper and my savior.

My Pythen.

He would keep this baby and me safe.

I was lucky to have survived the invasion, but I was so much more than lucky to be here in Tahk’s arms. I had a long life to live with him and our baby, and I would cherish every moment of it.

The universe was scary and full of conflict and unknowns. But here in these arms, no matter what the universe threw at us, I was safe and loved and I knew I always would be.




My mate slept peacefully. The glow of the toyl stone shining off her skin, illuminating every dip and curve of her beautiful body. My hand curved around the round bump of her abdomen. My son was in there. Inside her. Growing.

I bowed over her slumbering form. My lips against her chest. I whispered words of thanks and gratitude, but not to the ancestors. I had visited temple some time ago for them, now I whispered to my mate. For her ears and that of her father’s. I did not know what powerful being granted the universe life, but I did know our hearts closest companions followed us even when they passed on.

Perhaps my mate’s father guided me that day on Earth to her, but perhaps not. I believed in fate, in my destiny. I knew without a shred of doubt, I was to do nothing more in this life greater than find her, to mate her and create the life I cradled in my palm.

She sighed, shifting against me. I chuckled as she whispered words of cahke and maarshmahlloows. My mate revealed quite a bit in her sleep since growing my son. I had a surprise for her in the morn. I had ordered Fihk on one last mission before leaving Earth. My mate would have all she desired in her dreams, even the peekels.

I would spend my remaining time in this life fulfilling her every need and desire. Some may say I was foolish to worship my mate in such a way. My father never coddled his mates. But I knew what they did not. Pehytohn was not just my mate. She was my Pythe, my confidant, my companion, and heart. There was no other in all the universe I would rather see, no other I would rather touch. And I knew down to my gut she felt the same of me. Her eyes shown with her heart’s love when she looked upon me. Her mouth spoke the words, but I saw them in her glorious sparkling eyes when they lifted to meet mine.

She whispered my name in her sleep and I clutched her to my chest, nuzzling her neck until she drifted back into a deep slumber.

There was no greater joy than holding my mate and son in my arms.

The future was a series of choices and risks.

I chose my mate, and I would choose her always no matter the Juldo, or any other that would harm my Dahk.

But I would never risk her.

I would risk many things for my kingdom, and I very well may be doing so very soon. But my mate would live a long life with me and our son. No matter the fate of the universe. Because there was only one truth I held close. One truth I would honor above all others.

She was mine, and I was hers. The universe be damned.

The End.




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