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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2) by Erin Raegan (8)

Chapter 8


I stood stunned as a gang of Tahk’s past and present lovers snarled and flashed wicked fangs at me. I would not step back. Nope. Not even if Vivian wasn’t plastered to my back. I could handle them, at least I hoped so. I would need to in the future, seeing as Tahk wasn’t going to let me go. These girls and I would be super close if he had any say. Which he didn’t.

“Who are they?” Viv whispered in my ear. Right, Viv hadn’t met Filiya and knew nothing about Tahk’s harem.

“We belong to the Commander.” Nonya snarled, looking both Viv and me up and down derisively. We must have looked grubby to them dressed in oversized coats, stuffed full in all the embarrassing places. I sighed and shared a glance with Viv. These mean girls most likely wouldn’t know the meaning of stuffing one's bra―in our case, asses―seeing as they were straight as a board and already looked at our lumps and rolls in disgust, but I still felt embarrassed about it anyway.

Viv’s face flushed as bright as mine in the face of the three beautiful Dahk dressed in long sparkly gowns. She shifted and tugged at her frumpy coat. I quickly brushed back the knotted mess hanging from my head. I needed a full-scale makeover to face my competition, and I doubted I’d find a tube of chapstick in this place, let alone a pair of tweezers. Hell, I needed a full-on salon. I snorted, Viv had to practically drag me to one back home, and here I was, wishing I had access to a professional makeup artist. Tahk was an ass, but he sure picked some beautiful aliens.

“What does she mean, belong?” Viv whispered lower, but the females heard anyway.

“I mean, we are his consorts,” Nonya sneered. “I am to be his second mate. I will satisfy him in ways a human cannot.” She looked proud and way too happy to be the cause of my high sound of distress. But it wasn’t because she hurt me, no, only Tahk could do that. I was more worried for the idiots grinning like they just won some great mean-girl throw-down. I wanted to tell Vivian on my own, where I could break it to her gently. Viv had my back, just like I had hers. Like we always had. There was no holding her back now.

“The fuck she say?” Viv stiffened and glared at Nonya.

“Viv,” I reached for her, but it was too late. She reached for her ears then made a sound of frustration not finding any earrings before tearing at the coat Yilt lovingly made her.

“He’s not yours.” Viv huffed throwing her coat off. “Tahk’s Peyton’s man.” Vivian rolled her sleeves up and took a threatening step forward. The consorts looked on amused.

“Viv,” I rushed in front of her and held her back.

“No, Pey, I’ll handle this bitch. No one disses my girl like that.”

“Vivian, she’s not lying.” It hurt to admit it. My face flushed even more from embarrassment. I was going to die from humiliation if I had to talk to her about this in front of these witches.

Viv stopped shoving me aside and looked at me closely. “What?”

I winced and looked to my feet. “The Dahk don’t do the whole monogamy thing.”

“You’re shitting me,” she whispered, horrified.

“What is this kyddyng?” Nonya snarled. “We are here because Filiya has told us of how you have pushed her away from Tahk. We will not allow this. You may be his Pythe, but he does not belong to you. We are all his, and I will have my time with him.”

“Peyton, what the hell is she talking about?”

“Viv, not here, okay?”

Vivian’s eyes roamed my face irritably and in disbelief. “Fine. But that wench better get the fuck out.”

“I will not until I have her agreement she will not capitalize his attention.”

“That is not a problem,” I whispered scathingly. She could have him.

The door slammed open with a crash, and we all jumped in place. Tahk stormed in and took one look at his harem and thundered, “What is this?”

“My lord, you did not come to me,” Nonya whined childishly.




Nonya snarled and stormed from the room, Filiya hot on her heels. Only Anya stayed. She was as tall as Nonya, and just as beautifully exotic. Her ridges were thin and flowing to the back of her crown, braided together. Her delicate face was a pale lavender and just as thin as her figure.

“Anya,” Tahk warned menacingly.

“You have not greeted me,” she replied simply. Her face not angry nor sad. Cold.

“I will speak with you later,” he said just as coldly.

“Will you?”

“Do not question me, go.”

She looked away from him and studied me emotionlessly. Whatever she saw must have satisfied her, because she looked away and walked to him. “Goodbye, my lord,” she told him meaningfully. Some of the cold left Tahk’s face as he nodded to her just as meaningfully.

“Don’t even think about it.” Viv threatened as Tahk took a step towards me.

“Leave,” he rumbled.

I stiffened and stepped in front of my best friend in the whole universe. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

Tahk snarled and punched the wall. The stone cracked straight down to the floor. Viv and I gasped and stepped back. He heaved through his nose, his wings quivering tight against his back. “I would speak with you privately,” he gritted.

“I don’t think so.” Viv crossed her arms and glared back at him. I tried not to laugh at Viv’s tough demeanor. Tahk was easily twice her size.

“Pehytohn, I must leave soon to meet with Galactic Council, there are things needing to be settled before I can depart.”

“You’re leaving?” I asked in disbelief, immediately regretting the accusation in my voice. Nothing was more important than helping everyone back home. I knew that. It didn’t help the uneasiness from spreading, though. I was not ready to take on the whole of Home World without Tahk to save my sorry ass. Jeez, I was way too dependent on a guy I kept pushing away. I almost felt bad for him. I must have been sending some seriously mixed signals.

“I leave in the morn. We must travel to our House, so I may settle you in and meet with― we must go.” Tahk looked away when he stumbled through his words, but he recovered and glared at us.

“I can’t just leave Viv here.” And she wasn’t going to leave Hector, not that I would expect her to.

“You may return to the castle after I have introduced you to the servants and shown you where you can stay. Vivian and the humans will return with you to our House after they have healed.”

“How long will you be gone?” It would be weeks before the guys were recovered.

“Six sunrings at most. The vats will heal Hyctoor and Foohrd in half that time.”

“Really?” Viv dropped the tough girl demeanor and gazed at Tahk with all the hope of a girl madly in love with her man.

“Yes. Hyctoor may take longer than Foohrd, but he will heal quickly.”

Vivian squealed and hugged me.

“Now, we must go.” Tahk’s eyes bore into mine with determination.

“I’m so grateful for all you’ve done for Hector, really, but I can’t let my girl go with you.” Vivian was less confrontational but still firm.

“Why not?” Tahk vibrated with holding back. He wanted to reach for me and drag me out of here, but he was checking the urge.

“Those bitches said you were screwing them while you were with Peyton. What’s up with that?”

“Scrhwyng?” Tahk growled low.

“Yeah, fucking, mating. CHEATING,” Viv spat and patted my arm in comfort. She was going whole hog at him, and it was sort of hilarious, so I didn’t bother correcting her. Tahk wasn’t cheating on me. He cheated with me. I was the mistress in this situation. Or not, according to Dahk culture, it was totally normal to go out and find yourself some side action. I rubbed my chest again. It hurt just to look at him.

“That is between my mate and me.” Tahk crossed his arms defensively.

“Well, it’s not cool, and she’s staying with me until you get your shit sorted.”

“Pehytohn, see reason, I must leave soon, we do not have much time.”

I sighed, he was right. Back home people were dying. Our planet was being overrun. I didn’t have the luxury of being stubborn and unreasonable because Tahk hurt my feelings. Lives hung in the balance of my childish behavior. “It’s fine Viv. I’ll come back tomorrow.”

“Peyton stay.” Vivian grabbed my hand, “You don’t have to go with him. You need girl time. I haven’t been a good friend on the way here. You were hurting, and I ignored you. I should have been by your side when you met those hags.”

“Hector is more important. We’ll get our time tomorrow.” I walked to Tahk and ignored her sputters of protest. “What about my animals?” I asked Tahk.

“They will be transported to our House. The castle is too cold for the Earth creatures.” It was too cold for humans too. I was still wearing my coat, and even inside I could barely feel my fingers.

Vivian ran over and hugged me tightly. “You give him hell, okay? We’ll find some yummy cotton candy pineapples when you get back and check out that cool-as-shit-tub in the bathroom, it looks like a pool, and we’ll try out some voodoo revenge on him over nasty tea.”

“Deal.” I hugged her back and followed Tahk out and down the hall. Vivian nibbled her lip nervously as she watched me turn the corner.

Tahk and I were silent as we went down the stairs. He watched me nervously, clenching and unclenching his fists. I bit my lip and watched my feet step down. My skin flushed this close to him. It felt stretched thin, tight, painful.

Jiminy Christmas,” Colt shouted, stumbling through the door. “It’s colder than my ex-wife out there.”

“You were married?” I asked Colt. I skipped down the last step to him. I had no idea. He hadn’t spoken about family or anyone since the invasion. I guess I just assumed he didn’t have anyone.

“Gretchen was an old harpy, always naggin’ me bout my guns and my drinkin’. I praised the Lord the day she ran off with Cramer down at the church. Glad He saw fit to get rid of her for me.” Colt shook off the cold as Bobo ran past him and into my legs. “Where you goin’, girl?”

“Tahk’s house.” I bent and gave Bobo scratches as he licked my face excitedly. His fur was freezing. He would need a doggy coat.

Our House.” Tahk glared at the dog. I rolled my eyes, possessive ass. Bobo was a dog, not a threat.

“You ‘spect me to stay here in this freezin’ hell hole?” Colt scowled at us.

“Your rooms will be warmed, and you will be given proper attire. Dahk do not feel the cold as acutely as humans. We had not been prepared on the ship, but we have some Findilis wear for you here.”

Colt grumbled some more but left with a few Dahk up the stairs.

Tahk and I went back out into the freezing cold to a small ship where Ryt waited at the door. He grinned at me as I boarded and thumped Tahk on the shoulder.

Inside Tahk’s parents waited, along with another female, and another male. They were standing by the window where they must have been watching us board.

“Daughter.” Haytu grinned and patted my shoulder. “This is my son, Vyndor, and my second mate Pyntera.” He pointed them out. Pyntera was smaller than Myrna but just as pretty, and Vyndor was slighter than Tahk and his father, leaner and shorter. Vyndor had a weird gleam in his eye that put me on edge. “Wayka, my third, will be along shortly, she is gathering the others and my fourth, Byda, is awaiting us at Tahk’s House.”

I stared wide-eyed at Haytu, how did he keep them all straight? Pyntera gave me a gentle smile I hadn’t been expecting, but it worked wonders at easing my nerves. She must have been Vyndor’s mother. They looked so similar. If he had two more mates, I had to wonder if Tahk had any other siblings. He had kept the other two from me. Was Kudeyas Myrna’s or one of the others? If it was so difficult to conceive, she was most likely Byda’s or Wayka’s daughter.

And I seriously hoped the others with Wayka weren’t Tahk’s consorts, but who else could they be?

“Hi, uh, good greetings.” I waved at Pyntera and Vyndor. I got a smile from the former, but a leer from the latter.

Myrna turned away from me with a sneer of her own and sat in a seat. Ryt clomped on the ship with the two Dahk that had been sparring with Tahk on the ship.

Behind them was a female and all three of Tahk’s consorts.

“Filiya will stay behind,” Tahk told Ryt and pushed me to a chair.

“Why?” Myrna asked sending me an accusative stare.

“She is not welcome at my House,” Tahk said simply and strapped me in.

“Whatever for?” Pyntera asked not unkindly. She watched Tahk carefully strap me in with shrewd eyes and a confused smile.

“You cannot just dismiss me so.” Filiya screeched from the door.

“You are not my consort. I will do as I wish.” Tahk stood against the side of my seat next to his father and glared at my feet.

“She was to be matched.” Myrna scowled and hugged Filiya to her side.

“Upon my return, I was to decide, and I have. I will not speak of it again.”

Filiya opened her mouth to rage but one of the warriors, the brawnier looking one, clamped a hand around her arm and pushed her from the ship. Her screeches trailed behind her.

I did my best to block her out, and all the negative feelings she brought forth.

“I am Wayka, mam to Kudeyas.” The tall female said as she sat beside me. Her short spiky ridges gleamed under the golden toyl stone.

“Peyton.” I waved again but then decided to greet her like Tahk did everyone and patted her shoulder. She startled and jumped away from me. Whoops. Guess that’s not how you greeted females.

“I am Syn.” The lanky Dahk that had wielded a sword so wickedly on the ship bowed dramatically. “And this is Borv.” He waved to the burlier Dahk that used his body more than anything else to pummel Tahk, as he thumped back on the ship. Borv grunted and sat in the pilot seat.

“Hi,” I reached up to tap his chest hesitantly. I couldn’t reach his shoulder. He grinned and bowed again. He reached for my hand. Tahk growled and bared his fangs. Syn chuckled and backed away. “Where is the evil Kudeyas. Did she not miss me?” He asked Haytu.

“She is off galivanting around Ilynda.” Haytu grinned and patted Syn a little too hard on the shoulder. “It is our Mother city,” he said to me. “Not far from Ilyndahdus, your new home.”

The ship rumbled and lifted from the ground.

“Is Ilyn-dah-dus far from here? You don’t fly there?”

“Ah with our wings? It is too far. It drains a Dahk, much easier to use a ship. No sense in freezing my delicate mates if there is an alternative.” Haytu grinned at Pyntera when she smiled.

The ship moved through the sky silently. I stared at my hands curled in my coat, avoiding the glares being thrown my way. They came from all directions. Nonya and Myrna sat together whispering heatedly. Tahk heard every word because he snarled and stiffened every few minutes. Vyndor couldn’t keep his creepy silver eyes off me. He perused me with a mixture of disgust and fascination, and Wayka did the same with a little more bewilderment. It seemed she couldn’t quite believe Tahk chose to stand so close to me.

This was to be my new family? I was never close to my mom, but that was after my dad died. Before? Our house was so full of love most days it was near bursting, and there were only three of us. As Tahk’s mate, I essentially gained a brother and sister, four new moms, and a dad, and that wasn’t counting my sister-wives. All of those Dahk, and I had never felt so alone. At least my sort-of-father-in-law liked me, and Pyntera seemed gentle and kind. She patted my hand every so often when Myrna or Nonya scowled. I hoped she didn’t prove me wrong. I could use a female Dahk to talk to about all the things I was struggling with.

Alyna was the only one who seemed bored. She stared at the wall, perfectly content to ignore the conversations and whispers around us. Haytu bickered with Syn, and Vyndor asked Tahk a million questions about Earth he refused to answer. I took a page from Alyn and ignored them all. Instead, I caught more glimpses of Home World out the window across from me.

It was a winter wonderland. The snowy mushroom trees and gigantic colorful birds distracted me as they flew next to the ship. They were long and had iridescent wings that caught color like a rainbow in a puddle. They could probably gobble me whole. I’d have to stay inside like my Nana’s chihuahua. When she was alive, she used to always shout at us not to let the dog outside, for fear of a bird snatching the three-pound rat away. These birds made hiding inside just as necessary as the cold weather did.

Once we landed, Tahk wasted no time ushering everyone off. Myrna protested trying to keep us on the ship while she prepared the House, but Tahk was having none of it. He lifted me a little roughly from the chair and tromped off the ship.

I barely heard her protests when I got my first look at my new home.

We had landed in a valley against the side of an enormous cliff. Several hundred feet above me was a castle not made of purple ice, but of smooth yellow glowing stone. It was carved right into the cliffside like Mount Rushmore. Only half a castle, the rest deep inside the cliff.

It was much smaller than the King’s castle but no less spectacular. And it had wildlife dangling from the terraces, mint blue leaves trailing down the sides, with golden and peach flowers blooming out. The mushroom trees were here as well, but the branches were not bare. They were full of the same blue mint colored leaves, and lush berries of all different colors dangling from the branches.

With the golden stone glowing in the night, lighting it up just slightly more than the purple toyl, it was a fairy’s utopia. I half expected to see a blonde fairy wearing a leaf flitter about.

There was actual grass beneath my feet. Blue grass. And I was hot! I was burning up in my coat. How was it so warm? There was a chilly breeze, but I imagined it would feel a lot like fall if I weren’t overstuffed with clothes.

I looked back up, and up, to the castle. “We have to fly up, don’t we?” I winced and let Tahk swung me into his arms.

He grinned devilishly and shot into the air. From high up, I could see the lush landscape stretch out for miles, but far in the distance it met a wall of light lavender. As if an invisible barrier cut off the cold from the warmer land.

How was it so warm? “We’re on a volcano or something, aren’t we?” I asked him nervously, twisting about in search of a river of lava.

“Far beneath the surface of the planet, yes. There is a pocket of warmth, a formation of high temperatures and liquid fire that allows this small piece of land to remain warm and grow more life.”

“That’s amazing.” And a little scary. I never could drum up the nerve to check out Hawaii, always afraid it would blow ever since fourth-grade science class. 

Tahk landed on the lower terrace of the castle. From here I could see all five of them jutting out from the castle walls. And inside there were no doors or windows. Just open cuts out of the stone and white billowing gossamer drapes flittering from the breeze. How could Tahk call this place a House, it was far too enormous and stunning.

“It’s so beautiful.” I breathed. And it was. There was none of the sad amazement I had felt seeing Uthyf’s castle, just total joy seeing something so remarkable for the first time. I grinned so wide my cheeks ached.

“This pleases me greatly.”

I was so amazed even Tahk couldn’t ruin it for me. His mother on the other hand―well I was just glad she wouldn’t be living with us. She landed with a flit of her wings and stomped past me into the castle.

“Come, let me show you inside.”

I let Tahk pull me through the door, anxious to see inside and take off my suffocating coat.

It would have to wait, though. The entry room was packed full of Dahk, and they all cheered when we entered. It was a damn party. A celebration. A mating celebration.