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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (29)


Chapter Two



Sarra had been sleeping on the ship for days now. It used to take weeks for the shuttle to get to Udora. In the last five years, however, a higher-powered ship had been launched that cut the time in half. This meant it was easier for dignitaries to get back and forth from planet to planet. It also meant there was little time to spend with the woman of your choosing before everyone headed into cryo.

I’d exchanged pleasantries with the ever captivating Sarra before she had to attend to her work that first day on the shuttle. Although more time would have been preferable, I was glad to be with someone who I didn’t have to hand-hold or baby. I’d seen my fair share of choosings come back acting more like children than professional women.

Sarra had been put in cryo exactly one week prior. I had business to busy myself with, but I couldn’t help but visit her each night as the days went by.

Due to unfortunate instances in the past, only those with clearance were now able to enter the cryo chamber. Luckily for me, I had that clearance. I scanned my card through a reader beside the heavily locked doors and stepped into the darkened room.

The space was illuminated only by the light of nearby glowstones. These glowing rocks were collected from the sea depths in Udora’s waters. They shone a somber blue color. Riddell curated the room to make a more peaceful atmosphere for the girls when they awoke.

Personally, I could do without the stones. They made me feel uneasy, like someone was behind me at all times. And I’d learned the last thing that instilled faith or morale in a crew was to see a member of the Koth skittering across the blue room like a scared rabbit at the slightest noise. Not exactly masculine, either.

“Having fun?” came the familiar voice of my friend Eddrys.

“Buckets and buckets,” I said, my heart racing at the sudden noise.

“Don’t be so jumpy all the time!” he shouted as she laid a hand on my wing. “She’s a beaut, isn’t she?”

I smiled and looked down into Sarra’s pod. She had green eyes and pale skin made whiter by the contrast of her black hair. It fell just above her shoulders, and her bangs were cut straight across her face. She had lovely, almond-shaped eyes that I looked forward to seeing open once more.

“But a shapely thing, isn’t she?” he corrected slightly, taking a closer look at her.

I frowned deeply. Her figure looked just perfect to me. “You’re crazy,” I scoffed. She was incredible. Beautifully pointed breasts and round hips with a cinched waist. I was always a fan of those beautiful hills on a woman’s body.

“Reminds me of Zaphira a bit,”

“Don’t say that,” I frowned, looking down to give her another glance.

“What, devil horns don’t do it for you?”

“Stop,” I laughed. “I have a good feeling about her. Don’t wreck it.”

“I’ve met her,” he shrugged. “She’s a gem in the foreign ministery field, let me tell you.”

“So I hear,” I nodded.

“She’s also one hell of a flirt. I’d watch out for that.”

I thought on that for a moment and then gave a shrug before kneeling down to get a better look at her. “That’s okay. I’m not jealous.”

“Is that so?” he asked with a mischievous raise of his brow. “I’ll keep that in mind when I’m escorting her back to my room for some ‘official business.'”

I gave him a stern look, and his smile faded from his lips as he inspected me. “I was only kidding!” he shouted with a laugh.

“Don’t you have your own mate to attend to?”

“Yeah, Petra.” The green dragon rolled his eyes. “A sight to see, but she’s a real pain in my ass. She’s laid out her plans for the next five years for us. If I’m not dead from exhaustion by then, you’ll find me a ‘very different man.' That’s what she said!” He raised his brows in an exaggerated manner. “Word for word!”

“Well, that would be a sight to see. Here’s hoping it’s a change for the better. Let me know if she has any luck with you, and I’ll have to come and shake her hand.

Eddrys sighed and spun on his heel, brushing his wings back with a hard flap. “How did you get this one and I ended up with my own personal dictator?” He laughed. “Oh yeah, because I didn’t have Zaphira match-making on my behalf.”


“Yeah,” he continued with a yawn, glancing back at me. “Apparently Zaphira had a direct hand in your little match there. She does work under Zaphira; you know this, right?”

“I heard, but I thought it was strictly professional.”

Eddrys stared at me dumbfounded for a moment and then laughed. “Well, it’s not like they’re getting handsy with each other, Haden.”

I nodded, but the air in the room had suddenly changed. I looked down into the pod at the beautiful, angular face that met at a pointed chin. I felt my stomach drop. This one may be a challenge after all.

Zaphira was a woman who knew how to get exactly what she wanted. An excellent quality for her job; a bad quality for making friends. In fact, Zaphira had many scoffing in her name across Udora. There were also many who feared her.

I’d heard rumors that she had members of the Koth under her thumb. I’d also heard tales that she’d had a were killed in the past and helped cover it up. There were also reports of a pairing who’d gone missing around the time of one of her diplomatic visits, though the story was largely undocumented. Stories of her deceptive behavior had become so farfetched they’d turned into something of a legend.

If there was one thing the Koth didn’t appreciate, it was meddling.

She didn’t scare me. But the thought of her making a pairing didn’t put me at ease either. I knew enough that if Zaphira was making a personal pairing, it wasn’t without reason. I would just have to find a way to use it against her.

I looked back at the raven-haired woman next to me and bit my lip. Was I being played?

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Eddrys said casually.

“I’m not.”

He stretched his arms in front of him, locking his fingers together as he did so. “The only thing you’ll have to worry about is your girl coming home with me.”

“Oh yeah?” I dared with a raise of my voice. “How will Petra feel about that?”

He winced at the name and slowly made his way toward the exit, tapping his nose as he passed by me. “Well played, Haden; well played.”

The doors shut with an audible slide and click as they locked, leaving me the only one left in the cryo room. I looked over the pods several times now and couldn’t find anyone as lovely as the one I had chosen.

I set my hands on the glass doors of her pod and leaned in to get a better look at her. A woman working under Zaphira, of all people. The Riddell director had been digging her hands in deep as of late. She’d been fishing for corruption, a flaw in our dealings with the Earth.

If she found any, she would be able to bring an Earthly embassy to Udora. I cringed at the thought. Even though I was part of the Koth, I wasn’t always in agreement with how they let the earth come in and leave their mark.

Our sacred lands and shallow mines were suddenly overrun with humans and tests, taking samples and setting up their hierarchy. They build sky rises, brought in currency, and now had civil rights on our planet. And what did we get in return? Women.

Something about the deal seemed like we didn’t have competent advisors on board at the time. Now they had me. The Koth was made up of 10 dragons and 12 advisors, myself included. Other notables were Koth Eliligan, Chalicien, Umadith, and Ikar – a dignified white dragon who had been serving as a faithful Were soldier and a stand-in representative for the Koth for missions and meetings for 90 years. He’d been promoted officially after a long time Weredragon died four years prior.

He certainly had the experience, but some found him to be a little softhearted for the job. Myself included.

“Everything okay in here?” came the voice of lovely Meghan Klein, a longtime custodian of the shuttles to and from Udora. She stepped into the building with her white lab coat and long, curly blonde hair trailing behind her. Her freckled face always brought an air of innocence to the shuttle missions. But one look into her eyes and you would be aware of the pain that burned within.

“Hello, Meghan,” I said and raised my hand from my kneeling position so as not to startle her.

“Oh, Haden,” she said, pressing her left hand over her heart in relief. “Sorry,” she offered, “but, we’re locking up for the night.”

“Can I interest you in a nightcap?”

She smiled and folded her hands together, but shook her head in decline. “Thank you thought. I prefer to stay with the girls.”

I nodded. “Ah, yes. I’ve heard there was an incident on your flight to Udora.”

She pressed her lips thin and reluctantly gave a nod. “I obviously wasn’t, you know,” she shrugged, “awake for it and all, but I watched the footage. Scary stuff out there.”

“Indeed. That’s why we take precautions now, to protect girls like you.”

“It was my sister, actually.”

I nodded. I didn’t know much about Meghan’s first journey to Udora, but she hadn’t left in five years, so I couldn’t imagine she found it all that excruciating. She stared at me in a way that made me feel like I was expected to know more about her story. But, I didn’t.

In fact, remembering her name seemed like a feat in and of itself. No matter how hard I tried, names always seemed to escape me. In one ear and out the other. Another charming quality of mine that made me absolutely terrible at formal meetings.

She looked like she’d rightly given up on me when I finally remembered a tidbit about her. “How is that boy of yours?” I blurted out, standing up from the pod I had nearly attached myself to.

She smiled and her eyes beamed in the way only a mother’s could. Her face flushed and she gushed, “A handful. Getting to be more and more like his father every day.”

“Ah,” I chuckled. “And how does dear old dad feel about this?”

Her face fell again; her features twisting to some unfathomable pain. Clearly, there was something poignant that I’d missed.

“Uh, well he’s… He’s passed,” she mumbled awkwardly as the room continued to overflow with tension.

I cringed inwardly and berated myself for choosing such a stupid thing to chat about. Why, oh why couldn’t I just pay attention when people were speaking to me?

“I’m sorry to hear that. And that would be…?”

A deep crease formed between her thinly plucked brows, and she deadpanned, “Brenem, the Red Dragon.”

Brenem. Damn.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked up at her. “Right, I’m so sorry,” I expressed genuinely. “How could I not know that? He was my cousin.”

This sentiment caused her to brighten somewhat. Perhaps she’d thought I was going to judge her. After all, not only was Brenem a known hot-head, he had also chosen someone else during his time on Earth. Someone who was not Meghan Klein. Making her child one of infidelity and no doubt the scorn of his chosen bride.

Brenem was also an infamously violent fighter. He’d died putting a traitor to death, or so the rumor went.

“I didn’t know you were related,” she said, almost apologetically.

“We weren’t close,” I dismissed. “In fact, I didn’t know him very well at all. But, I’ve heard stories.”

“He had a soft side, too,” she defended in a small voice that almost sounded too tired to bother anymore. “Anyway… I guess I have to ask you to scoot now.”

“Right, right,” I breathed. As I looked down at Sarra once more, I began to feel a little defeated. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad deal, after all.