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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4) by Dana Arden (16)


This will be the first night the kids have slept in a room other than ours. We turned the basement into mattress central. Three mattresses with seven rambunctious kids equal crashing at midnight.

I’m not complaining at all since Beanie decided to be on-duty slumber party babysitter, which means time with my girl alone.

She exhausted, but her spirits are high. Between lack of sleep and constantly worry about if she’s enough for the kids, she’s on an emotional and physical overload.

The bath tub is filled with bubbles and lavender aromatherapy. She’s needs to relax and decompress. Hopefully, this is exactly what she needs. Stepping into the tub first, I hold out my hands to help her step in.

“Come on, darlin’. Let’s sit, soak and talk.”

She takes my hand and we both slowly ease into the water. Her moan as the warm water hits each inch of skin has my already hard cock twitching.

Sitting with her back plastered to my front, she sighs. “Thanks for this, Trigger. I thought I was going to have a mental breakdown in the mall with Emerson.”

“It couldn’t have been that bad. She’s an angel.” I chuckle because I know exactly how bad it can be because I had to deal with quiet Xander getting anxious when Razz was gone longer than he wanted.

“At first, it was awesome having someone to go shopping with and then I realized the only thing we had in common were flashy shoes. I had to hide jeans for her because all she wanted were dresses. Then she was cranky because she didn’t get to take a nap.” I rub my hands up and down her stomach. “But I learned a valuable lesson.”

“What’s that?”

“Nap time is the most important time of the day. If I ever have to go somewhere again, it’ll be before or after the alloted nap time.”

I chuckle. “Got it. Now how about we get back to this relaxation?”

I move my hand lower brushing her clit with my middle finger as it trails down her slit to her center. I watch the water ripple with each buck of her hips. Her head falls to my shoulder as I ease two fingers inside her pussy. I curl my fingers upward and slowly stroke. With each motion, her nails dig into my thigh and bicep. Applying pressure to her clit and increasing the rhythm of my strokes, her pussy ripples and tightens around my fingers. A final press of her clit sends her into ecstasy as she bites the inside of my bicep to muffle her moans of pleasure.

As the spasms subside, I remove my fingers and turn her to face me. “Straddle me.” She does as told. Not allowing her to sit on my thighs, I grip my cock and align it. “Sit.” We both moan with each inch that disappears into her honey hole. She sits motionless for a few seconds with her eyes trained on me and begins to move. Her movements are sensual and slow, but within a couple of minutes, she slams her pussy down on me splashing water over the side of the tub. “That’s it darling’. Ride me hard. Take what you need.”

“Oh…oh…my…Trigger!” She screams my name as I grip her hips as I thrust into her and release inside of her.

Wrapping her in my arms, I smooth my hands up and down her back as she rests her forehead on my shoulder. She lifts her head and meets my lips with hers in a delicate kiss as I deepen it by grabbing the nape of her neck and tugging her hair as she gasps.

“I love you, darlin’”

“I love you too.”

Exiting the tub, I dry her off and carry her bridal style to the bed. Placing her down and sliding in behind her, I enfold her in my embrace. Her breathing evens out as she sleeps and lulls me along with her.


I wake to an empty bed, the aroma of bacon and giggling. Feeling a puff of air on my nose, I open one eye to see Emerson up close and personal.

She starts whispering. “Razz said to let you sleep, but I missed you.”

Touching my nose to hers giving her an Eskimo kiss starts her giggles again. “I missed you too. Have you eaten breakfast?” She nods bumping her nose with mine. “Can you go down and make sure there’s still food left for me?” She nods again and hops off the bed running out of the room.

Turning onto my back with a smile on my face, I realize I could spend the rest of my life with my nights filled with Razz, mornings waken up to Eskimo kisses and my days filled by Razz and the kids.

Hustling to get clothes on before Emerson comes busting through the door, I put on a wife-beater and sweats. I go into the bathroom, take care of my business and brush my teeth. Coming out of the room, a small body collides with mines.

Xander’s panting and sweating. “Dude, what’s the rush?”

“We’re playing hide and seek. Beanie is seeking and I don’t know where to hide? Everywhere I go he finds me.”

“Alright, bud. Hide and seek is my favorite game. You know in your room in the closet there are all those extra blankets on the floor.” He nods. “Well we are going in there and I’m going to cover you up with the blankets.” He nods again. “You cannot make a sound.”

He takes off towards his room and I proceed to cover him with blankets before I make my way downstairs.

Downstairs you’d think it was Christmas morning with the number of people roaming around in pajamas and kids dodging adults, and not the morning we bury the kids’ family.

The women are in the kitchen chatting while they finish breakfast and set it on the table. The men are either in the living room or out on the back porch enjoying the brisk morning with a cup of coffee.

I snag Razz around the waist on her way back to the kitchen island and bury my nose in her hair. “Good mornin’, darlin’”

“Mornin’, hun. Did you sleep well?” She whispers.

“Yes and my wakeup call was even better.” She looks at me perplexed and then shakes her head. “Emerson decided I needed to get up so I didn’t miss breakfast and Xander needed a hiding spot.”

She giggles. “Sounds about how I woke up, except I didn’t get Eskimo kisses. I’m kind of jealous. I got Xander’s stinky breath letting me know he was up and Emerson’s cold feet on my stomach.”

“You should have woken me up.”

“No, you needed your sleep and I had everything under control other than explaining to Emerson why I didn’t have any undies on.”

“How’d that go?” I chuckle.

“Well, I told her sometimes our girly bits needed to air out, so I didn’t wear any underwear to bed.” She looks up at me seriously.” So for now on my girly bits will have to be suffocated in panties to make sure I don’t have that conversation and other ones with Xander.”

“Yeah, but I like it when your girly bits need to be aired out.” She smacks my arm. “Easy access.”

Dani gags from beside us. “Perv. Get a cup of coffee and join the men. This is woman territory and we don’t need the likes of you.”

“Whatever Dani. You probably need to let your tootie air out with as many babies that have come out of that thing. You probably have a bra made just for your junk to hold it all up in there.” Dani grunts. “If you aired it out you wouldn’t have BFI.”

“What the hell is BFI?” Dani questions.

“Booty Funk Infection. Gosh, don’t you know anything.”

A slap on the back of my head has me whipping around to face my mom. “Boy, get your ass out of this kitchen before I put you over my knee.” The women laugh. “You're gonna have the kids talking about booty infections if you’re not careful.” She whips me with a dish towel. “Get your coffee and get out of here.”

“Fine.” I kiss Razz’s cheek. “But Dani, they make creams for that stuff.” I get my coffee and hightail it to the porch where it’s safe from the womenfolk.

Stepping out my dad and Ryker are gazing out at the backyard. “Mornin’, son.” My dad greets.


Ryker turns to me. “You ready for today.”

“Not at all. I can only hope it goes better than I’m expecting.”

My dad nods. “That’s all you can ask for. Emerson and Xander are blessed to have you and Razz as well as the club. Their situation could’ve been a lot worse.”

“Yeah. I just want to be enough for them. Razz included.”

My dad pats my shoulder. “You are and you will continue to be.”

“The more I learn about Razz, the more doubt I have. She’s independent and doesn’t exactly need me and that terrifies me.”

Ryker clears his throat. “That’s how I felt when I found out about Dani and the kids. She didn’t need me, but she wanted me to be a part of her life just like Razz has always wanted you to be a part of hers.”

“You’ve always been enough for her.” My dad states confidently. “You were just too stupid to see it. There were so many times I wanted to smack some sense into you when it came to Sadie, but your mom wouldn’t let me. She told me that everyone has their time and we learn from our mistakes.” I nod. “It wasn’t your time with Razz and Sadie was just a road bump that showed you what you didn’t want in your life.”

“Noted.” I watch Razz in the kitchen laughing with my family. “I love that girl more than I ever thought I could love one person. She’s extraordinary.” They both agree. “I’m gonna marry her one day soon. I won’t be a fool and put it off longer than necessary.”

My dad chuckles. “Sounds like a good plan.”

“Funny how one minute I thought I’d be single forever and then the next I’ve got a woman who respects me and hopefully two kids who I’d love to call my own.”

Ryker slaps my dad on the back. “Prez, our little boy is growing up.”

I flip them off and go back inside to be closer to my girl.