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Love Heals All (Once Broken Book 2) by Alison Mello (11)













We both fell into a comfortable sleep while holding each other after an amazing night of sex. God, the things this man does to my body. He can just look at me a certain way and my panties are wet. Now I’m lying in his bed listening to him whimper. It sounds like he’s starting to have a nightmare and I’m not sure what to do. He’s never mentioned having a problem with nightmares before. He starts flinching slightly and beads of sweat are forming on his forehead. Suddenly Brody jumps up and starts growling at Vaughn’s side of the bed. “Sshh, Brody. Go lay down.” He doesn’t listen. He continues to growl as Vaughn starts to thrash around in bed. I need to do something, but I’m not sure of the best way to wake him. Brody jumps up on the bed and starts licking his face. I’m trying to get Brody off the bed, but he won’t listen.

“Thanks, buddy. I’m okay now.” Vaughn pets Brody’s head, he barks, jumps down, and goes back to his bed. He turns to me, looking embarrassed. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“It’s fine. Want to talk about it?”

He shakes his head. “It’s still early. Let’s get back to sleep.” He kisses me on the cheek and rolls back over, and I’m left with my mind reeling. How many of these nightmares does he have? Did something bad happen to him while he was away and he can’t get the memory of it out of his head?

I roll over onto my side and watching Brody sleep in his bed. Every move I make, his ears perk up just a tad more, and it’s in that moment I know we made a good decision in adopting him. I think it’s amazing how he knew something was off with Vaughn and he came to his rescue. Even now, he’s listening to see if he needs him.

I can’t seem to fall back to sleep. I’ve been lying here watching Vaughn for almost an hour now, my mind drifting in different directions. I can’t help but wonder if he has anything else that he’s keeping from me. I want him to know he can talk to me. I want to help him. I’ve liked Vaughn for a long time, and now I’m falling for him. It will kill me if he doesn’t let me in. I need to figure out how to get him to let me help. It’s almost six a.m. and I’m debating if I should get up and make us some breakfast. I’m on-call all weekend, so we’re just going to hang out. We need to make plans with Callen and Courtney for a game night…maybe next weekend. I also want to take Brody to the beach. I need to stop thinking so much.

A yawn escapes me, but I know I won’t fall back to sleep. I roll back over to face Vaughn, his back is still to me, but he seems to be falling back into a deep sleep. I want him to know I support him and I’m here for him. I scoot myself closer, wrapping my arm around him and pressing my front to his back. He flinches, reacting to my touch. His elbow flies back and he nails me in the stomach. Holy shit, the pain is fierce. I lose my breath and Brody starts to bark. I’m out of the bed and on my feet before Vaughn even realizes what just happened.

“Brody, calm down.” He turns over to see me holding my stomach.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine.” He jumps up with a look of fear in his eyes. I can see it clear as day. I stand up straight, trying to shake it off. I don’t want him to push me away any more than he already has.

“Don’t tell me nothing. What happened?” His raises his voice to me…something I’ve never heard him do.

I close my eyes as I contemplate my words. “I tried to snuggle up to you but you reacted, elbowing me in the stomach. I’m fine.” He runs his hands through what little hair he has and his eyes are all over the place, but he won’t look at me. I can see he’s panicking. He has no idea what to say or do. “Vaughn, look at me.” His eyes stay on the floor. I take a slow step closer to him. I want to be careful because I don’t know where his head is at right now. “Look at me.” My voice is soft, and because I’m shorter than him, he doesn’t have to lift his head much to look in my eyes. “Let me help you.”

“You can’t help me. I’m fucking broken, Brooke.” He shakes his head, holding onto his last ounce of control. “I’ve tried so hard to fight this, to be the same guy I was before…” his words trail off and his breathing has picked up.

“Take a deep breath. We don’t have to discuss this now.” I close my eyes. “I just want to be there for you. You mean a lot to me, Vaughn. I don’t want to lose what we have.”

He nods. “I don’t either, but I’m fucked up, Brooke, and I’m not sure that’s ever going to change.”

I nod my head. “Why don’t you shower? I’ll go make us some breakfast.”

He wraps me in a hug. “I’m sorry. Please know I would never intentionally hurt you.” I can feel his heart beating out of his chest.

“I know you wouldn’t.” He kisses the top of my head and walks off to the shower.

I throw on a t-shirt and some shorts and head for the kitchen. I find everything I need to make my man breakfast. I search the cabinets for the right pans and set the bacon to defrost in the microwave. While I preheat the oven and heat some oil up in a pan, I cut some onion and potatoes and toss it with the hot oil, adding some salt, pepper, garlic, and other seasonings to the pan. I stir it and let the potatoes start to cook. When the microwave is done, I lay the bacon out on a pan and slip it into the now hot oven. I stir the potatoes and grab another pan to start on the eggs when Vaughn comes into the kitchen. “Damn, it smells good in here.” Vaughn looks like he’s feeling much better after his shower.

“Well, I hope you’re hungry, because I’m making eggs, and there are potatoes in that pan, and bacon in the oven.”

He’s about to say something when Brody whimpers from the back door. “I’m starved, but clearly I need to take care of my buddy.” He grabs Brody’s leash and takes him outside while I finish breakfast. I peek in the oven to check on the bacon that is now almost done.

When Vaughn comes back in with the dog, he takes his leash off of him and tells him to go lay down. Brody listens and Vaughn steps up behind me. He presses a kiss to my lips and holds it there. I can tell he’s struggling. What I thought was him feeling better was simply a mask he slipped into place so I wouldn’t worry. Now is not the time to press him, so I’ll hold off, but we need to talk about this at some point. “You smell like breakfast and sex. That’s a pretty crazy combination. I’m not sure whether to eat you or fuck you.”

I burst into laughter. “Well, how about I feed you first, and then we can see where the day goes.” I wiggle my brows. “You’re stuck with me unless I get called in.”

“Stuck is not the word I would use, and that sounds like a good plan. My stomach is growling.” He rubs his stomach.

“Why don’t you check those potatoes while I take care of the bacon?” I grab an oven mitt to take the bacon out. He opens the door for me and steps aside.

Once I have it out, he closes it for me and stirs the potatoes. “These are done.” He puts a cover on them and shuts the burner off. I quickly make us each two eggs and serve up breakfast. He makes us each a coffee while I put our plates on the table, watching that Brody doesn’t help himself. I’m sure smelling the bacon is killing him, but he’s being a really good boy, sitting at the door without complaint.

Vaughn turns around with our two cups of coffee in hand and starts to laugh. “Think he’s itching for some bacon?”

“I know he is, but that’s a bad habit to form. That said, he’s your dog.”

“Nah, you’re right.” He looks at the dog. “Be a good boy and I’ll give you a treat when we’re done eating.” Brody collapses to the floor like he’s now heartbroken, but we ignore him and take our seats.

“What should we do today?” I ask as we both dig into our breakfast.

He shrugs. “I don’t know, maybe we can take Brody for a walk? It’s supposed to rain later, and I’d rather not take him in the rain.”

“Okay, after we’re done eating, I’ll shower, and then we can take him for a walk.”

We both finish eating in silence. I feel like there’s a bit of tension in the air, and I’m not sure if it’s because I feel like he’s hiding from me, but I don’t like it. I need to figure out how to get him to open up to me, and I will if it’s the last thing I do.

I’m so deep in thought I hadn’t noticed that he’s finished eating until I’m done. I look up to find him at the sink cleaning up. “I can do that.” I want him to relax a bit.

“I’ve got it. Go shower so we can go out.” I sigh but do as he asks. I don’t want to make things worse.

I put my plate in the sink, kiss him on the cheek, and head to the bedroom to grab the bag I packed. When I get into the bedroom, I see the light flashing on my phone. I scoop it up to see it’s the clinic. “Fuck,” I whisper to myself and hit the dial button. Sure enough, I have to go in. We have an emergency.

I walk back out to the kitchen. “What’s wrong?” Vaughn looks concerned.

“I’m sorry, but I have to shower and go to work. A cat was hit by a car and they think we can save him.”

He closes his eyes and takes a breath. “Go. Hurry.”

“I’m sorry.” I run back to the room, shower in record time, and quickly dress.

When I’m done, I find Vaughn in the living room, placing the leash on Brody’s collar. I can’t help but wonder if he was going to leave for his walk without saying goodbye, and to be honest, the thought of him doing that stings a bit, but I have to have a clear head if I’m going to save this animal. I press a kiss to his lips, and promise to call him later before running out the door to my car.






She’s gone. Just like that, she’s out the door to go do emergency surgery on a cat, and I miss her already. “Let’s go, boy.” I walk Brody to the door, grab my keys, and head out with him for a walk around the neighborhood. We didn’t even get to discuss making plans with Callen and Courtney, and after what I did to her this morning, I can’t help but wonder if I should. I can’t believe I hurt her. Fuck, this was one of my biggest fears, and now I have to figure out what to do. I tried really hard to slip my mask into place during my shower. I needed her to see that I’m okay, but I honestly don’t think she bought it. I feel like she sees right through me. This is why I don’t get close with anyone. This is why I haven’t dated in years. Women need a strong man, someone who can help them deal with their shit, not give them shit to deal with. I’m supposed to be there for her, be strong for her, and I’m so fucking weak. And God help me if Remy finds out. He’s my boy, but if he knew that I hurt her, he would fucking kill me.

Brody pulls me to the side of the street so he can take a piss on the same rock he uses all the time. I need to get my head on straight. Remy and Kenzie’s wedding is just around the corner and I’m supposed to be in it, but if I can’t pull my shit together, I’m going to have to back out. I turn the corner and walk past Callen’s house. His car is in the driveway, but I don’t bother to stop. I don’t feel like talking, and if he sees me, he’s going to know something is up. The guy knows me too fucking well. Apparently better than I thought, because before I get to the end of his street, my phone rings. “Hey, man. What’s up?”

“I thought Brooke spent the night. What happened?” He’s trying not to sound concerned but I know my boy just as well as he knows me.

“She did, but she got called in to work. Something about a cat and surgery.”

“That sucks. What are you up to today?”

“Not a hell of a lot. Probably going to take a nap and chill.”

“Want to play some Call of Duty?” I chuckle into the phone. He knows when I’m fucked up I sometimes bury myself in video games. It takes my mind off things and lets me live an imaginary life for a while. I get to pretend my brain isn’t fucked from the real live shit I’ve witnessed.

“Sure, why the fuck not?” I cut the call and slip my phone in my pocket. Callen shocks me when he runs up behind me. “Dude, were you talking on the phone from behind me the entire time?”

“Yeah, I saw you walk by and you look like shit. I could tell something was up and didn’t plan on taking no for an answer.”

“Asshole.” I shake my head and he pats me on the back.

When we get back to my place, Brody goes off to play with his toys and Callen sets up the Xbox. I need a drink. “Want a beer?”

His brows shoot up. “Dude, it’s ten in the morning.”

I shrug my shoulders. “We’re not working, and it’s after five somewhere.”

“Fuck it. Sure, why not?” I pull two beers from the fridge handing one to Callen. We both take a seat and start playing the game.

It’s been hours since Callen first came over and we’ve done nothing but drink beers, eat chips, and play video games. We’ve played Call of Duty, Wrestling, Football and more Call of Duty. He told me a little about his time with Courtney last night. He asked her out on a date. Brooke thinks Callen will be good for Courtney. Courtney is definitely Callen’s type. He used to be a bit of a player. Not that he slept with more than one girl at a time, but he’s always told them he was a no strings attached kind of guy. I think Courtney may be able to change that for him.

“Earth to fucking Vibe. Come in, Vibe.”

“Fuck, sorry, man.”

“Is Brooke coming back here?” He stares at me waiting for a response.

I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t think so.” I haven’t even bothered checking my phone, so I have no idea if Brooke has tried reaching me, but I can’t talk to her right now anyway. I have a nice little buzz going and I don’t need her freaking out on me. “I think it’s best if she sleeps at home tonight.”

“Why’s that?” he questions, never taking his eyes off the TV.

“I don’t want to talk about this shit right now.” I take out two enemy guys that were just about to shoot Callen. “Saved your ass again.”

“Fuck you. It’s about time. I’m always saving your ass.”

“Like hell you are.” This guy sucks at this game, and to prove it I let him get shot. He dies and throws the remote. “Break another one of my remotes and you’re fucking buying me a new one.”

“Sorry.” He picks up the remote and starts fighting again.

After another couple hours of video games and pizza, I kick Callen out of my house. I’m tired and I want to go to bed. I grab my phone and head to my room, leaving the mess we made right where it is. I’ll clean this shit up in the morning. “Come, Brody.” I call my buddy, who follows behind me. He plops down on his bed and I take a quick shower. When I finally slip into my bed, I’m pissed because all I can smell is Brooke’s coconut scent on the pillow, and it makes me wish I had called her. I sigh, grabbing my phone. I wonder if she’s thinking about me as much as I am her. When I unlock it, I find a few missed calls and text messages from her.


Brooke: How was your day?


Brooke: I miss you.


Brooke: Why aren’t you answering me? Are you okay?


Brooke: Vaughn, you’re worrying me. Please answer me.


The phone beeps in my hand one more time.


Brooke: I’m really worried about you. I’ve called several times and sent numerous texts. This isn’t like you. Please respond or I’m sending Remy over there to check on you since I can’t get back in.


“Fuck,” I shout out causing Brody to jump. “Sorry, boy.” He whimpers and lays back down.


Vaughn: I’m fine. I’m sorry I scared you. I was hanging with Callen and my phone was on silent. I just saw all of this now. I’ll call you tomorrow.


Brooke: Fine.


Now I’ve really pissed her off. I shake my head, put my phone on the charger, and lay down to try and sleep. I hope I can keep the nightmares at bay tonight.




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