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Love Heals All (Once Broken Book 2) by Alison Mello (8)













What’s that noise and why is my face all wet? I jump up. “Shit, Brody. I’m sorry, bud. Need to go out?” he whimpers again. I hurry out of bed and throw on some shorts. I grab his leash on my way to the back door. I’m trying to hurry. He had a rough night sleeping in his new bed, and I don’t want him to have an accident. No sooner do we get out to the yard than he starts sniffing around. I lead him over to the far corner of the yard where I would like him to go. He digs around a bit but then does his business like a good boy. He’s really excited, he starts jumping around and running as far as the leash will allow him. “Tomorrow we’ll go for a run, buddy.” I tug his leash gently, telling him it’s time to go in. “Come on, Brody. I have to shower before Brooke arrives.” Brody lights up at the mention of Brooke’s name and runs for the door. I laugh. “Okay, okay, calm down.” We get inside and he goes straight to his bowl. I pour his food in and head to my room to get in the shower.

When I’m done getting ready I realize that I never called the gate to let them know I was expecting a guest. I grab my cell phone and quickly dial the number, hoping I get to them before she gets there. I told her to be ready with her ID because they won’t let her in without it. They tell me it’s all set, and that she hasn’t tried to get in yet. While I wait for her, I pack us a picnic for lunch. Nothing too crazy, just sandwiches, chips, fruit, and some carrots and hummus. I stick everything in the fridge to keep it cold until she gets here. I gather some essentials like bottled water for both us and the dog, a plastic bowl for his water, a couple of his toys, and a blanket for us to lie on.

I have everything together in the living room when there’s a knock at the door. Brody runs to the door, barking like crazy. “Brody, calm down. It’s Brooke.” Unfortunately my thought that those words would calm him are wrong. He starts jumping like crazy. I grab his leash and open the door to find Brooke laughing at Brody’s reaction. “Did you hear him? He got louder when I mentioned your name.”

“I know. I could hear him going crazy through the door.” I shake my head. She steps through the door and stops to pet him. She calms him down and tells him to go lay down. He listens and takes a seat in the living room. “What’s all this?”

“Well, since we’re going to the dog park, I figured we would have a picnic. I think I thought of everything for Brody, but can you make sure I’m not forgetting anything?”

She presses her lips to mine. “I love how concerned you are.” She looks through my pile of things I have aside for Brody. “I would add a small baggie of treats to reward him for good behavior. We don’t know how he’s going to react to the other dogs, and it’s a good opportunity to teach him your expectations.”

I laugh. “I’ve always loved dogs, but I’ve never owned one. What are my expectations?”

She bursts into laughter. “Well, for starters, we have to get him to calm down a bit and control his excitement. I have a feeling he’s going to be overjoyed when we get there, but we’ll see.”

“Okay, shall we find out?”

“Let’s roll.” She calls for Brody, who comes running with excitement. She puts her hand down in front of him and he slows, but still wags his tail like crazy. “Sit, Brody.” He listens and plops his butt on the ground. She clips his leash to his neck. “Stay.” She walks away, leaving him sitting there.

“How do you do that?” I’m amazed by how well she handles him.

“First, I’m a veterinarian. I know a lot about animals. Second, I spoke with the woman at the shelter before bringing you to meet him. I wanted a dog that was already pretty well trained for you. He’s young, but was taught well.” She scoops up the blanket and his stuff while I finish tossing our picnic into the cooler.

“We’ll take my car. It’ll be easier for us to get back on base after.” I grab the cooler and Brody’s leash.

When we get out to the car, Brody jumps right into the backseat like a good dog, and I load everything else into the trunk. Brooke and I get settled in the car and she leans in to kiss me. As soon as our lips meet, we get licked by Brody, who is very excited to be going out today. We both laugh and I set the GPS to the coordinates of the park. It’ll take us about twenty minutes to get there.

When we arrive it takes us a minute to find a spot, because it’s quite busy. There are trees scattered throughout, creating nice, shady spots. “Look, there’s the dog playground,” I point out.

“Too bad Brody is far too big for that one.”

Brooke climbs out, grabbing Brody while I get the stuff from the trunk. “Look, Vaughn. There’s a perfect tree right over there. Let’s start there.”

“Sounds good.” I push the button to lock my car and we head over to set up our picnic. Brody is so excited he’s pulling Brooke. “Brody, slow down.” Brooke giggles.

“Easy boy.” I try to calm him down. There are dogs everywhere. I can tell he’s itching to run free, but we won’t let him. He’s a bit bigger than some of these dogs and I’m worried he’ll hurt them. Plus I don’t trust that he’ll come back to me when I call him…not yet, anyway.

I get busy setting up the blanket and placing the basket down while Brooke introduces Brody to some other dogs. I love watching her interact with the dogs. She looks so happy kneeling in front of them, talking to the other dogs’ owners. She’s amazing.

She catches me checking her out in her fitted jean shorts and purple shirt. I didn’t think it was possible, but her smile grows even bigger when she catches me watching her. She stands biting her lip and holding Brody’s leash. She walks toward me, but Brody never budges. “Brody, come,” she says, never breaking eye contact with me. Lord help me, this woman makes my pulse race.

Brody sits at our feet as she looks up into my eyes. “Were you just checking me out?” She smirks.

“Guilty as charged.” I try to fight my grin but fail.

She grabs my shirt and pulls me down for a kiss. “My ass best be the only ass your eyes are on.” She looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

“You better believe it.” I place my hands on either side of her face and press my lips to hers one more time. Brody barks, letting us know he wants our attention. “We really need to work on that with him.” She giggles and the sound is music to my ears. We both take a seat leaning up against a huge tree trunk and Brody lays beside us. I put the bowl out for him with some water and he begins lapping it up.

“I bought him a treat.” Brooke digs into her bag and pulls out a Frisbee. “I’m not sure he’s ready to use it yet, because I’m not sure if he’ll run wild when we take him off the leash. I would recommend we try it while we’re together, so if he tries to take off, we can catch him.”

“Do you really think he’ll take off?” I ask, because realistically, I think he’s a great dog, and although it’s only been one night, he seems really happy with me.

“Test him. Walk away while I sit here next to him.” She scoots over closer to his leash when I get up.

I look down to see his ears perk up and he watches to see what I do. He starts to get up, but I stop him. “Sit.” I hold my hand out and he stops, but his eyes never leave mine as I walk the area. “Come here, boy.” He comes running full steam at me, but stops at my feet. “He’s trained pretty well.” Leaving his leash on the ground, I begin to walk away. “Come on, Brody.” He walks alongside me.

We’re both impressed. Brooke hands him a treat and praises him for his behavior. Once he settles, we both decide to dig into our lunch. “How’s the new job going?” I ask, curious to see what’s changing now that she’s an actual veterinarian.

“It’s great. I’m doing a lot of the things I was doing before, only now Dr. Kramer isn’t looking over my shoulder when I do them.” She bites into her sandwich. “Legally, he couldn’t allow me to do anything on my own because I wasn’t licensed, but now that I’ve finished school, and taken my license exam, we can work on separate animals.” Her face glows with pride as she talks about it.

“You really love what you do, huh?”

She nods. “I do.”

“How about you? Do you love being a mechanic?”

“Yeah, I went to a trade school to be an auto mechanic, but at the last minute I decided to join the Army straight out of high school.” I take a minute to pet Brody, who quietly lies beside me.

“Why?” She turns to look at me with her head rested against the tree trunk. Her hair pulled back into a ponytail showing off her beautiful face.

“Well, in New York you can get job placement straight out of high school if you go to a trade school like I did. The problem was the jobs I was being offered weren’t going to pay me shit for money. I loved my job, but wanted more than a minimum wage job. I worked hard in school to finish top of my class, hoping to get something decent and I got shit. That’s when I decided to be a mechanic in the service. This way I could do what I love and serve my country.”

She grins at me. “How much time do you have left?”

“My time is about up. I don’t know if you know this, but I met Remy in boot camp. We were separated for a bit, and then hooked back up later on. We’ve always stayed in touch.”

“I didn’t know that. He mentioned he’s known you for years, but didn’t really say how you guys met. What are you going to do when your time is up?”

“Well, Callen finishes right after me. We’ve discussed opening an auto shop of our own and working it together.” I shrug. “Give the local folks the small hometown shop they all love.” She grins. “It’s one of the things I love about the south, everyone loves to take care of the small town mom and pop places.”

“It’s so true. You guys would do great down here.”

“There’s that and then there’s the fact it would keep me close to you.” I lean in and rub my nose on hers. She slips closer to me, places her hand at the back of my neck, and pulls me in for a kiss. She instantly opens to me and our tongues meet, tangling together in a passionate kiss.

After a minute I pull away, not wanting to get out of control in public. “Stay with me tonight.” It’s more of a demand than a question, and I can’t believe I just made it. I never, and I mean never allow a woman to stay at my house. What if I have a nightmare and scare her away? I stare into her eyes, because despite my fears, I really want her to stay. She looks at me like she can read my hidden fears, but she finally nods. I press my lips to hers one more time. “Thank you.”

“Let’s pack up this mess and get Brody running around a bit before we leave. Then he’ll be good and tired when we get back to your place.” She wiggles her brows. My sexy girl is thinking dirty thoughts and a ton of ideas come to mind. My dick twitches, and I mentally tell him to chill the fuck out. She picks up the frisbee that she brought. “Brody, you want to play?” She shows Brody the frisbee and he jumps up, ready for some fun. She throws it near me, hoping he’ll run to me and pick it up. He does. I try to get him to give the frisbee to me, but he runs it back to her. She pets his head and she throws it again. He grabs it up and runs back to her. The next time she throws it, I scoop it up before Brody can grab it.

He barks at me, letting me know he’s not happy I took his frisbee. “Is this what you want?” He jumps up and barks again. “Go get it.” I throw the frisbee toward Brooke and he runs after it. We continue on like this for a good thirty minutes. We probably would go longer, but clouds are rolling in and we don’t want to get caught in the rain. I call for Brody, who runs to me like a good boy. I tell him to sit, and he listens. He sits still while we gather the remainder of our stuff.

No sooner do we get everything into the car than the sky opens up and it pours. “Looks like we’ll be spending the rest of the day inside.” Brooke pouts.

“I wouldn’t be too sad. There’s a lot of fun things we can do inside.” I pull out of the parking lot and head straight to my place.

When we get back, I grab the umbrella to take Brody out. He hasn’t gone since the park, and I don’t want any accidents. When I get back inside, I find Brooke in the kitchen unpacking the picnic leftovers. She’s so busy she isn’t paying any attention to me as I lean on the doorway watching her every move. She’s busy opening cabinets and trying to figure out where things go. “What are you looking for?” She jumps.

“Holy shit, Vaughn! Don’t do that! You scared me.” She puts her hand on her chest.

I take the few steps needed to close the gap between us. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Well, you did.” She smacks me on the chest playfully. I pretend to be wounded, and it makes her laugh. I take the cooler bag from her hands and put it down on the floor. I wrap her ponytail around my hand and pull back, exposing her neck. I can see her breathing has already changed. I lick up the vein in her neck to her ear, gently biting down on her lobe, I then lick her earlobe and whisper, “I want to taste every inch of you.” She whimpers when I step away. “First we have to figure out dinner.”

“That’s easy. Take out.”

“Or I can cook.” I pull some chicken sausage from the freezer and set it on the counter to defrost.

“Okay, Mr. I Can Cook. What are we having?” She places her hands on her hips and awaits my response.

“You’ll see. I promise it’ll be good, but first while that’s defrosting, let’s see if there’s a movie on.”

We both take a seat with Brody at our feet, and we scroll through Netflix looking for a movie to watch. We settle on How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. She tells me that she and Courtney have watched this movie a few times over. “This reminds me of the movie Twister. I made my brother watch that movie with me like a hundred times.”

“No way. When’s the last time you got him to watch it?”

She giggles. “When he first moved back to Georgia.”

My eyes go wide. That wasn’t all that long ago. This girl has her brother whipped and I can’t wait to bust his balls over it.

We sit watching, with her pointing out her favorite parts. The movie was a bit girlie for me but she’s happy and there were some funny parts. “Are you hungry?”

She shrugs. “A little.”

“I’m going to start dinner.” I pull some tortellini noodles from the cabinet along with a jar of white sauce. Once the water is going on the stove, I grab the broccoli from the freezer. “This is my version of chicken and broccoli tortellini. It’s quick, easy, and tasty,” I explain, since Brooke looks totally confused.

“Can I help?”

“Sure, can you grab an onion?”

“Sure, where are they?”

“In the fridge.” She makes a funny face. “I know some people keep them in a pantry, but I don’t have one, and I grew up with my mom leaving them in the fridge.” She shakes her head but gets one from the fridge and we begin making our dinner together, flirting as we do. We bump hips, fling water at one another, she even spanks me when I lick the spoon to see how it tastes. “What? I have to test it.”

“You could have let me test it.”

“No way. You don’t get to taste it until it’s done.” I strain the noodles in the sink and dump them back into the pan, adding the sauce to finish it off while Brooke puts the frozen garlic bread in the oven. I point to a cabinet. “Can you grab plates?”

She hands me the two plates. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” I start putting tortellini with chicken sausage and broccoli onto plates and by the time I’m done, the garlic bread is ready. “Look at that, only took about twenty minutes, and dinner is served.” We take a seat at the table and Brody sits in the middle of the kitchen whimpering over our food. “No, go eat your dinner.” I point to his dish but he doesn’t budge. “You can’t eat this.” I place our plates down on the table and we dig in.

“I need to find a place.” Brooke puts a napkin on her lap.

“Okay, do you know where you want to look?”

“Yeah, closer to the clinic, which works out good, because it puts me closer to you as well.”

“We can do some research if you know what you’re looking for.”

She takes a bite, her eyes close and she moans. “This really is good.” She continues eating and then adds, “Well, I’m thinking I would like to rent a house if I can find one that’s reasonable. Nothing too big or too fancy, because I want to save as much as possible to buy a house.”

“Why do you want to rent a house? Why not an apartment?”

I shrug. “An apartment would be the natural first step, but I would love to have a dog too, or be able to have Brody over, and if I rent a house I can have a yard to do that.”

“In my opinion, either way is fine. You have to go with what your gut tells you.”

“I’m not good with gut instincts.”

“I am, and mine tells me it’s time for dessert.” I quickly scrape our plates into the trash and then dump the leftovers into a container and place it in the fridge. By the time I’m done with that, Brooke has put our dishes into the dishwasher. She’s washing her hands when I come up behind her, placing my hands on her hips. I lean in and smell her hair. I love the way she smells of coconut all the time. “You smell delicious,” I tell her between kisses. Her head rolls to the side and I press my lips to that sensitive spot just below her ear. I slip my hand up over her shirt between her breasts to her neck, where I gently grab her throat and hold her still while I continue tasting her. She rolls her hips, pressing her lovely ass against my already hard cock. My other hand goes under her shirt to cup her tit. I press her back to my chest. She rolls her head back onto my shoulder, pressing her breast into my hand as I massage it. She’s biting her lip and moaning while I play with her nipple. The sounds she makes shoot straight to my cock. “I need to taste more of you.” I pull away. Taking her hand, I lead her down the hall to my bedroom. I stop myself, remembering I told her we’d go slow. “Am I going too fast for you?” She shakes her head no, and before she can say more, my hands are on the button of her shorts and I have both her shorts and her thong down at her ankles. She slips off her sandals and steps out of them. “Lay down in the middle of my bed.”

She crawls on, showing me her ass, which I playfully slap. “No worries, baby. I’ll claim that at some point too.” Her head shoots back to look over her shoulder at me. She starts to lay down, but I’ve changed my mind, so I grab her beautifully round cheeks, stopping her. I pull them apart to expose her soaking wet pussy. She lowers her upper body so her face presses against the pillow while I lean in to lick from her clit to her ass. She sucks in a deep breath as she begins to pant. “I promise you this will be good.” I continue lapping up her deliciously sweet juices. “Fuck, you taste amazing.” Using my thumbs, I attack her hardened clit. She presses her hips back into my face as I fuck her pussy with my tongue and rub my thumb over her clit. Her muscles tighten telling me she’s getting close, but I’m not ready to taste her release yet. It’s time for her to see how good it feels to have me devour her ass the same way. Again, I lick a path from her pussy to her ass, this time I stay put, my tongue poking at her tight hole, she’s whimpering and panting as I eat her up.

“Vaughn, please.” She’s begging for release. My name rolling off her tongue sounds amazing. Slamming two fingers into her soaking wet pussy, I continue to eat at her ass as I fuck her tight little hole. “Oh my…” She screams out before biting my pillow. I quickly remove my fingers and lap up her release as she grinds her hips against my face, riding out her orgasm.

She starts to laugh, because Brody barks outside the bedroom door. He probably heard her scream and is worried about her. “Brody, I’m fine. Go lay down.” He whimpers and we hear him plop down on the floor against the door.

I escape to my bathroom to grab a warm facecloth. When I return she’s still in the same position. I gently wipe her up and collapse down on my bed.

“That was intense,” she mumbles.

I chuckle, sitting on the bed next to her. I stretch out and her hand glides up over my leg. Her eyes are closed, but she still manages to go straight for my hard cock. My eyes close when she gently squeezes it through my jean shorts. I feel the bed move when she sits up and begins to unbutton my shorts. “What are you doing?”

“You’re not the only one who wants dessert.” She wraps her hands around my cock, freeing it from my shorts. She looks up at me licking the full length of my cock and then wraps her luscious lips around the tip. She slowly sucks me deeper and deeper into the back of her throat. It’s taking all of my might not to grab her hair and fuck her mouth hard.

“Shit, that feels so good, baby.” She slips her hand between my legs and massages my balls sucking me harder. “Fuck, I’m going to lose it.”

“Please do. I want to taste you.” She hollows her mouth and takes me almost all the way to the root, and then hums as she pulls back off. The vibration shoots straight to my balls. Thank god she never lets my cock leave her mouth because the second she sucks me back in, I explode. She instantly sucks me deeper, swallowing every drop I give her. Fuck me that was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. Once she’s sure she’s gotten every drop, she pulls away, licking her lips. To be funny though, she runs to the bathroom and comes back a minute later with a warm washcloth to clean me up.

“Oh, someone thinks she’s funny.” I grab her up and slam her on my bed, tickling her. She laughs and screams, causing Brody to bark.

“Ha, you better be nice or your dog will have to come protect me.”

“Yeah, how fucked up is that? He’s my dog.” She laughs and runs back to the bathroom. I grab her a t-shirt to relax in and a pair of my lounge shorts. We open the door to let the dog in and he runs straight to his bed. We decide to watch TV in here with him for the night.





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