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LOVER COME BACK : An Unbelievable But True Love Story by Scott Hildreth (24)

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I modified Baby Girl III to include a chapter of Kelli counting orgasms no differently than Jessica did. After reading the manuscript one last time, I published it, satisfied that it was exactly what I wanted it to be.

In the time that followed, we saw each other daily. I couldn’t imagine life any other way. Her presence was exactly what I needed. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I felt like my life was complete.

Furthermore, for the first time in my life, I was certain I had found love. Having found it, I was further certain everything I had in the past was nothing more than me settling. Jessica’s existence provided me with something I couldn’t explain. It was as if her simply being at my side gave me the last piece of my life’s puzzle, completing an unfinished picture that had been missing a chunk for my entire life.

Looking at my life with her in it, I could see my future with clarity. In the past, it had been jumbled and incomplete.

She was my missing puzzle piece.

She had shielded her children from me – and me from them – since we met the first time. During the days, they were at daycare. Her daytime schedule at work varied considerably and the time we spent together was primarily during the day, when her calendar allowed us to.

A few hours in the morning before she went to work was typical. She would also walk to my house from work when she had a break, which was oftentimes an hour or two during midday. Then, in the evening, just before the children were released from daycare, she would stop by for a few minutes.

We typically chose a weekend evening to spend together, with her opting to get a sitter for a few hours. Her children were an important part of her life, and she cherished them. Although I was anxious to meet them, I wanted to do so when she was comfortable, and not a day sooner.

A week or so after the thirty-day mark, she discussed having me meet the children. Eventually we chose the upcoming Saturday, deciding we’d all go to lunch together. The weather was supposed to be unseasonably warm and should be a great day for us all.

On the Friday that preceded the weekend in question, she called, frantic.

I learned during the course of that conversation that the sitter she had been using was the mother of her children’s father. The father, her former abusive boyfriend, had been out of the picture in respect to the children and their care. His mother, unbeknownst to me, continued to have contact with them despite her son’s lack of involvement in their lives.

On that night, however, her ex was in the picture. In fact, he was creating complications with her dropping the children off.

I’d seen tears seep from the corners of Jess’ eyes on a few occasions. She had cried in my presence on the night we met, and on one other occasion, when we parted ways. I had not, however, heard her cry. I hadn’t experienced the emotion of feeling the need to care for her, and not being able to do so.

Hearing her blubber on the phone that night crushed me.

He didn’t touch her, nor did he threaten her. He simply argued with her about the children, when they could or couldn’t be dropped off, and at what point in time they needed to be picked up. Furthermore, he was a drug user and a drunk, and he had a gun with him in his car. She feared for the children, for their safety, and for her own if she opposed him.

In the picture or out of the picture – at that point – no longer mattered to me. Her former lover was creating problems with her, the children, and in turn, me.

The temper I desperately tried to keep at bay exposed itself. When I got off the phone with Jess, I paced the floor of the loft. Anger leeched from my pores. The more time passed, the clearer it became. It was out of my control. At that moment, there was nothing I could do to fix what I felt was broken. The anger soon turned to rage.

Furious, I called Chico.

“Got a little issue, Brother,” I said. “Something that needs taken care of.”

“You alright?”


I could hear the fellas in the background. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for them to meet at the clubhouse on Friday nights in the winter months to barbeque or simply hang out and drink beer.

“Who do I need to cut?” he asked with a laugh.

“Jess’ ex,” I said dryly.

“What the fuck happened?” he asked, his tone elevated with anger.

I’d previously explained the problems Jess had with her ex to the fellas, and what she’d endured throughout their relationship. I further explained that he was out of the picture, and that as long as he didn’t reappear, I’d do my best to forget it ever happened. Although by Kansas law he had no legal right to see the children, he was their father.

“He reappeared.”

“Good or bad?”

“With him, it’s all bad. Just seeing him makes her shake. She curls up into a ball for a few days afterward. You know how women are after something like that.”

“When can we talk?” he asked. “In private?”

“Clubhouse?” I asked. “Tomorrow?”

“Miñana it is, ‘Mano. I’ll bring the Big O.”

Big O was our six-foot-eight gentle giant. He was muscle from head to toe, but not the typical meathead from the gym. He was quiet and had a keen sense of humor. When it was time to administer an ass whipping, he promptly transformed from a joke-telling gentleman to a monster.

“Probably a good idea,” I said.

I saw Jess later that night for a few minutes. She wasn’t her normal self, nor was I. Seeing her in such pain wasn’t something I was willing to do ever again. I knew if I must, I would sacrifice myself to give her a moment’s relief.

The next morning, upon waking, I called my father.

“Saw you got another one published,” he said. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks, Pop. I didn’t call about books, though.”

“Just finished my second cup of coffee, and I’ve got a belly full of bacon and eggs. I’m all ears,” he said.

“Remember the guy I told you about that used to see the girl I was seeing a while back? The girl that had the gun put in her mouth on the first date?”

“How could I forget a fucktard like that? Yeah, I remember you telling me about her.”

“Well, I’m seeing her again. For real this time.”

“This isn’t about her, is it?”

“Why do you say that?”

“You started the conversation asking me about him. What’s going on?”

“He’s raised his ugly head.”

He cleared his throat. “Didn’t touch the girl, did he?”

“Not yet, but it’s only a matter of time.”

He exhaled. “What’s your plan?”

“Don’t have one yet.”

“Bullshit,” he snapped back. “I raised you, Son. I know better. What’s your plan?”

I forced an audible sigh. “I’m headed to meet Chico and The Big O at the clubhouse.”

“Damn it, Son. I don’t know that I can make it through another three years of you being in the joint.”

“So, what do I do?” I barked. “Stand down? Seriously, Pop? Would you do that?”

The phone fell silent. “I doubt it.”

I laughed. “You doubt it?”

“I’d probably start with feeding him his teeth,” he said.

“Sounds about right,” I replied.

“Cocksucker puts his hands on a woman, he needs to be taught a lesson,” he said, his tone rising as he spoke. “God damn it, Son. Be careful.”

“Will do.”

“I love you, Son.”

“I love you, Pop.”

“Keep me apprised of the situation?”

“Sure will.”

“Bring her by, will ya? You mom and I would like to meet her.”

“Will do, Pop.”

“Remember what I said,” he said.

“Which part?”

“Man puts his hands on a woman, he needs to be taught a lesson.”

“Been hearing that one since I was a kid,” I said. “Hard to forget.”

“Talk to you soon,” he said.

“That’s my plan,” I responded.

In an hour, I was at the clubhouse. Chico, King, and the Big O were all drinking coffee. The flesh surrounding Chico’s eyes was dark and swollen from exhaustion. The pile of clothes in the corner gave hint that he’d been sleeping in the clubhouse for a few days.

I explained the situation to them, including the problems that Jess had had in the past. I further explained that her ex carried a gun under the seat of his car. Big O hadn’t met Jess yet, but it didn’t matter to a man like him. He was a protector and took pride in stepping in when most men would step away.

“Chico and I will let you know what happens,” Big O said.

I cocked an eyebrow. “Excuse me? I’m coming with.”

His eyes went thin. “No, you’re not.”

“The fuck you say,” I snapped back. “This is my responsibility.”

He folded his arms over his chest and shot me a stern look. “Your responsibility’s the girl. If you come with us, you might end up in the joint. Again. You’ve been there twice already. The next time could be life. You take care of the girl, and we’ll take care of this.”

“Goddamn it O,” I pleaded.

He grinned a sly grin and flexed his eighteen-inch bicep. “I got this.”

I looked at Chico.

“Tell her I want to fuck her neighbor,” he said with a laugh. “And that I said hi.”

I looked at King. He nodded toward The Big O. “He’s got a point. Next time, they’ll keep ya.”

I shifted my eyes to O, hoping he’d reconsider. “I’d be more comfortable if you’d just let me come with. I’ll stay out at the street. You guys can--”

He spit out a laugh. “Stay out at the street? That’d be the day.” He slapped his open palm against my bicep, all but knocking me over in the process. “Like I said. I. Got. This.”

Filled with emotion, I bit into my quivering bottom lip and gave a nod. “Appreciate ya, Brother.”

He looked at Chico. “Ready?”

Chico gave a toothy grin. “Let’s roll.”

What happened was never discussed. Big O simply laughed when I asked, saying he didn’t want me to be a conspirator. I do know, however, that starting on that day, Jess was never once contacted by her ex, nor were the children at risk from the dangers he’d exposed them to in the past.