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Mammoth's Claiming of Merida: The Grim Reaper's Mc 3 (The Grim Reapers Mc) by Barnett, By Stacy, Barnett, Stacy (10)


Walking out that front door was one of the hardest things I have ever done, not only for the fact I am going to go drag an old lady back here, but my Merida will be facing one of her parent’s killers by herself.

I quickly jump into one of the club’s cages, as I must bring a small frail woman back here, to have a serious talk to her about her worthless husband. But also, she might know how to deal with that bastard Caspian, without any further bloodshed. Driving out the main gate, I head directly towards their new house in the centre of town and sit on the opposite side of the road, to see what she was up to. As I was sitting there minding my own business, I nearly jumped out of my skin when my phone rang and the eerie theme song of the Jaws movie sounded. Flipping it open I see it was my woman calling, “hey baby, I just left you, so there shouldn’t be anything wrong”.

She chuckles and I smile even though she can’t see me, “I know your smiling honey”.

“How did you….”.

Grunting, I look around the dash of the ford territory and see a small camera staring at me, about the size of a small bead that was lodged in between the cooling vents. Shaking my head, I smile at the thing and chuckle, “sometimes I wonder how you do the shit you do. I thought you were going to nab your grandfather, while I brought his wife back with me”.

Merida sighs tiredly, before I hear her soft voice again, “I wanted to do a little more research on Caspian, before I take the bull by the horns and rip him apart. Anyway, I was just calling to let you know I hacked into my grandparents’ home and found my grandmother is sitting on the sofa knitting alone. I have put the camera feed on a constant loop, so when you go in and take her, no one will be the wiser”.

Scratching my chin, I look directly at the camera in the vent and smirk, “always wondered what it would be like to take out an evil granny and make her sweat”.

My woman sighs, and I can see in my mind’s eye she was rolling her head on her shoulders, “look take her however you like but I need her to be in one piece, so we can talk to her. If she is as twisted as her husband, I see no reason to keep her breathing”.

Nodding to the camera, I look across the road and nearly jump out of my seat, when the woman in question was standing beside my window looking at me. My drops down to my chest and I open the window, “yeh what do you want granny?”.

She looks at me sweetly before smiling and lifting a small bag, “if you insist on sitting in your car watching my house, you should at least have snacks”.

I didn’t say anything for a minute or two and as she keeps looking at me, I quickly realised I forgot to turn off the camera speaker, when Merida speaks up again, “who is there with you Aiden, because I can’t see shit from here”.

Merida’s grandmother gasps and puts her hand over her mouth, “that young lady sounds just like my late daughter in law Emma, who is she young man?”.

My woman hears her and sighs, “sorry to tell you this but I’m not my mother grandmother…”.

The lady drops her small parcel on my lap and leans into the cars cab and smiles wetly, “is that you my little angel Merida? Alistair said you were dead right alongside my beautiful boy Patrick all those years ago, and he said he didn’t know what the hell happened, for you to end up in that situation. Where are you sweet one, so I can come look at you?”.

I sit there as silent as I can and wait for my woman to decide on what she wants to do. She sighs down the line before saying, “you can come see me willing or not, but know this grandmother it was your husband that ordered the hit of my parents”. The phone clicks off and I am left with a confused and crying old lady.

Opening my door, I step out and stand in front of her, “so what will it be, you going to come willing or not?”.

She looks up at me with her big green eyes swimming with tears and simply nods, “yes, I’ll come with you. I always suspected something wasn’t right with Patrick and Emma’s deaths, but for Alistair have them killed is a hard pill to swallow young man. I need to know what is going on before I move onto the next life with my son”.

I take the shocked woman’s elbow and lead her around to the other side of the cage, then as I helped her get in, I tell her softly, “I hope you’re on the up and up lady, or you are going to find yourself in a heap of dog shit. My Merida doesn’t need to be jerked around anymore than she already has. You got me…”.

The little grandmother nods her head and looks towards the front of the cage, as I run back around to the driver’s side. Hoping in, I listen as she whispers, “that little girl is my precious lost granddaughter and no one is going to hurt her again, not while ever my arse points to the ground. No sir….”.

When I start the cage up and start to drive off, I look across at the small mumbling woman, and chuckle at the fierce scowl she has on her face, because she looks just like my sweet terror when she’s pissed off at something.

As we drive back towards the club house, I decided to get her talking and see if I can catch her out in a lie, “so you had no clue your husband put out a contract on his own son and family?”.

She looks at me dead on and shakes her head, “Alistair’s business is in the security sector not the killing sector. He told me, our son and his family had been gunned down by a bunch of bikers trying to hit a grocery store. I don’t understand why he has done what he has done, but I am going to make sure I find out the truth and set this cluster fuck straight”. My eyebrows shoot up into my hairline when this little woman, swears with all the ease of a seasoned marine.

She rubs her hands together and looks out the side window, “what’s Merida like, is she happy with her life?”.

Tensing up a little, I didn’t know if I wanted to talk to this woman about my Merida, but when she turns and looks at me for my silence, she sighs, “I understand if you don’t want to answer that question young man, it’s just I have missed out on so much and she was always so happy to spend time with me. Then again, she was a lot younger before her father and mother took her away. I never understood that either. God, I sound like I am not very in touch with my family at all don’t I and if Alistair had his way I still wouldn’t”. She looked out the windscreen and smiled softly, “from the way you talk about her, I would hazard a guess you love her very much and I should be thankful she found someone to look over her”.

Turning down the road, I see the club house gates and smile at Merida’s grandmother, “I love her very much and I am very protective of her and the baby she carries. What your husband did to her parents isn’t going to go unanswered, so be prepared for some serious shit to hit the proverbial fan”.

We pull into the front carpark of the club house and as I turn off the engine, my woman walks out to meet us. She stops on the top step and watches as her grandmother breaks down in the front seat of the cage, “she looks just like her mother, with all that beautiful red hair and green eyes”.

Getting out I smile at Merida, and see she is crying as well. Not thinking about what I was doing I left Kaitlin in the cage and ran up the steps to my girl, “hey, hey none of that shit. I think you have a family to greet and tears aren’t going to cut it”.

Merida looks up at me, “I heard everything you two said in the car and I know from my research she had nothing to do with my parent’s deaths”. She turns her head as we hear the cage door open and close, to see her grandmother standing there with her arms open, and whispering, “my sweet little angel”.

My woman doesn’t even hesitate, as she fly’s down the steps and into the arms of her grandmother crying out, “mhamo, ‘grandma’…”.

I watch indulgently for a few minutes before I walk down the steps and pull the two apart, “I think this shit has to stop, until we know which side her bread is buttered”. Tucking my family into my side, I look down at the old woman and find she has the same crooked smile my woman is now sporting, “don’t look at me like that. How do we know she is here to help and not set you up or some shit”?

Merida sighs but nods her head in okay, “alright I get you big boy. Come on grandma, time for you and me to a have small heart to heart chat about your husband”.

As we walk inside together and head around the corner to go into the main living room, Harmony cuts us off, “so is this one of those dangerous grannies or is she a sweet one?”.

Kaitlin looks at my quirky prez and wiggles her eyebrows, “I’m only dangerous to people who hurt my family, who do you think taught Patrick everything he knew. It sure as hell wasn’t his father…...”.

Harmony stands there with her hands on her hips like Peter Pan and raises one of her own eyebrows and smirks, “I like you”, before turning on her heel and going into the living room ahead of us. Walking behind her, I sit my terror down in one of the plush sofa’s and then stand and watch as Kaitlin takes her own seat. She slaps her hands together and smiles, “so what do you want to know?”.

I cross my arms and smirk at the woman, “you seriously want to help take down your husband?”.

She looks at me blankly, “that man took away my son, daughter in law and granddaughter. Only to turn the truth of their deaths into an absolute bullshit lie and say a group of thug bikers took them out. Young man, I may be in my senior years and all that but I can still kick some serious butt. I believe everything you are saying about Alistair, only for the fact my beautiful granddaughter is sitting beside you and not six foot under like I was lead to believe. When I helped, Alistair start his company, I always believe he was going into legal security not killing innocent people or his family, to get ahead. I have over the years been watching him and I have helped where I could. Like the last fellow, I helped get out of under my husband’s thumb, a young solider by the name of Taylor O’Connor. He looked like he was slowly dying so I had him assigned to me, as a sort of errand boy, then I let him go do what he wanted”.

Leaning forward I stare at the woman hard and as I go to tell her I was Taylor’s brother, the bastard shouts from the other side of the room, “Mrs Caspian, what are you doing here?”.

We all swivel in our seats and watch as my blood brother stomps over to us, “she is a good woman and doesn’t deserve to be mistreated. So, whatever you’re doing fucking stop it”.

Shaking my head at him, I chuckle, “settle down Taylor, were just talking and have no plans to hurt her”. Turning back to Merida’s grandmother, “so can you tell us where your husband is right at this moment Mrs Caspian?”.

She screws up her nose and blinks a couple of times, before clicking her fingers, “he will be at the Packer Hotel on the south side of town. He said he had a meeting there that involved a new client. Are….are you going to kill him young man?”.

Before I could speak up, Merida puts her two cents worth in, “no I am, do you have a problem with that grandmother?”.

Mrs Caspian simply shakes her head and says, “no I don’t have a problem with that little one. I just wish my hands weren’t so bad with arthritis and I would do it myself”.

I move away from the women, to let them continue with their conversation and walk over to the prez’s. As I sit down next to Storm, I look over to my sweet terror and smile as she starts waving her hands around talking animatedly to her grandmother.

Running a hand through my hair, I turn to my friend, “I need a few men as back up, to go get this piece of shit, just in case he has a few of his merc’s with him”.

Storm nods his head and grins at Harmony, “give him a kick for me when you get him, for trying to take me out”. His woman turns around and looks at us gasping, “who blabbed?”.

They look at each other and Storm chuckles down to his wife, “you did when you had a nightmare one night. I didn’t say anything because it was dealt with and I knew I would eventually have another run at it with the prick”.

Harmony looks at me and smirks, while ignoring her husband, “take Tex, Brick and Sniper with you…. oh, wait don’t take Sniper, Eden’s about to pop, well at least she believes she is. Take Tiny instead with a cage alright?”.

Nodding I get up from the table, “thanks prez, it shouldn’t take us long to get him back here for a little one on one chat”.

The prez’s both smile and wave me off. Walking out the front door I put the call out for the brothers I need and as I stand there waiting for them, I smile at one of the prospects cleaning his bike, “yo…. Tiny, go grab a cage and meets us at the main gate”. He looks up and nods, before running to do as he was told.

My brothers walk out the door and I greet them by saying what we will be up to, “where going to the Packer hotel over on the south side of town to take Alistair Caspian into our custody. Anyone have a problem with that?”.

When I was greeted with silence, I nod to them before turning around and getting on my bike and riding out. It will take about thirty minutes to get across town and only a few more minutes to find out where the bastard was hiding.

I can’t understand why he told his wife, he was going to meet a new client when he should know by now he has no business. Pulling up in a side alley, we park and decide to go into the hotel via the employee’s door and make our way through the corridors, without causing a scene. As we came to the stairway door, my phone chirps with an incoming message, “he is on the fifth floor, room thirty-four and he isn’t alone. Proceed with extreme caution…”. It was signed Joey.

Shaking my head, I put my phone back in my cut pocket and turn to my brothers, “we go in hot. Joey says he is on the fifth floor, room thirty-four and he isn’t alone. We need to take him alive but if he ends up with a few holes in unimportant parts of his body, then so be it”.

Brick chuckles and nods, before I turn around and we make our way up to the fifth floor. Staying in the shadows, as to not to alert any other guests, we slowly but carefully make it to the right floor. Looking around the corner of the hallway, I see he has one man guarding the door and another at the other end of the hallway.

“Tex, you take out the one at the end of this hallway and Brick you take the one at the door, do it with silences on your weapons. Soon as they are out of the way, I’ll kick the door down and take out any others in the room”.

Which each give a silent nod to each other and fix our weapons.

Tex and Brick both step out in the hallway at the same time, shooting each of the guards simultaneously. As the big bastards slide down the walls, I quietly make it to the door and kick near the latch hard. It breaks like a fucking toothpick and swings open to hit the wall behind it.

As I rush into the room, you could have knocked me over with a feather, because the cagey old bastard was in the room fucking a teenage boy up the arse. When he stops, and looks at me, I quickly take stock that the young boy was not there willingly.

Pointing my nine mill at Caspian’s head, “I would suggest no sudden movements but I think the kid your raping, would rather you get out of his arse right about now”.

The old bastard slowly slips out of the tortured young man and sits on his haunches, “who the fuck…. do think you are, coming in here like you own the place”.

As the fat fuck tries to stare me down, the teenager rolls off the bed crying, “please I want to go home…. home”. I look at him and see he is a lot younger than I thought, at about twelve or thirteen years old. Growling at the paedophile in front of me, I don’t take my eyes off him, while I talk to one of my brothers, “Tex get Harmony on the phone and tell her we have a terrified rape victim on our hands. Also, let her know he is a young teenage boy, who has a home to get back to”.

Stepping forward, I grab Caspian’s arms and pull them behind his back where I snap a pair of zippy handcuffs on his wrists, “you do realise I am going to make you pay for doing that to that kid don’t you and your granddaughter is going to take your life for taking her parents away from her too”.

He starts to splutter, but I just ignore his naked arse and drag him out of the room with Brick right behind me. Walking down the stairwell, Caspian starts to barter for his poor excuse for a life, “I will give you whatever money you want, if you just left right now and never look back…”.

Bowing his arm back harder, I sneer down at his shivering form, “I am not going to take your money when my woman was so looking forward to make you pay for her pain. Besides your probably broke with your business getting bought out and taken over by a rival company”.

The old fuck starts to swear like a drunken sailor and looks at the cage we were going to. Nodding at the prospect, I shove the naked bastard again and smiled thanking the prospect for picking a vehicle with soundproofed lining inside and blackened-out windows. Opening the door, I shove Caspian inside with a grunt and as I go to slam the doors, he tries to rush me, snarling at him, “not happening”, and shut the door quickly.

One loud thump later and I hear him swearing again, as he swiftly realises that the inside of the van is set up like a dog carrier, with steel mesh on every opening not allowing him a way out. Hitting the side of the cage to indicate to the prospect it was time to go, I jogged over to my Harley and got on to follow behind him.

I click my head mike to connect with the cage, “yeh, Mammoth what do you need?”.

“Go through the underground garage and park up against the load dock. The dirty old prick, still has to much fight in him”.

“Sure, thing brother”.

We travel back the same way we came and as we drive down to the underground carpark Merida calls, “Aiden, can you do something for me?”.

Tensing a little at her timid request, I answer her softly, “anything for you baby, you just have to ask”.

She sighs and as I pull up beside the cage, she asks me something I never expected, “can you handle my grandfather and his disposal. I don’t feel well and I can’t seem to stop vomiting”.

The baby must be really giving her hell and if I must deal with this situation to get to her sooner, then so be it. She sounds down and tired, I just hope this baby doesn’t take too much out of her.

“Do you need me or can I get you something to help settle down junior?”.

Merida chuckles lightly, “no my grandmother has gotten me some flat lemonade and a few slices of dried bread to help settle my stomach. I just don’t think I can deal with what my grandfather has done and by the looks of my grandmothers face right now, she wants to give him a few choice words, before you pass judgement”.

Scratching my beard, I thought I better warn the old lady about something, “ah…you might want to warn your grandmother we caught her husband raping a thirteen-year-old boy, in that hotel room. She might not be able to handle what I have planned for the piece of shit”.

My woman was silent on the phone for a few minutes before talking again, “grandmother said, my arsehole grandfather needs a baseball bat shoved up his arse and be raped with it. Her words not mine. I didn’t realise the older generation could be so violent, go figure” …Merida starts laughing and as she tries to calm herself, I pointed to the door I wanted Tex and Brick to take Caspian through.

“Look honey I have to go and deal with this crap. Why don’t you take a relaxing bath and have a lie down, while I do my work”?

She sighs again but before she can say okay, my woman drops the phone and takes off running. Yelling into the handset, “Merida…. baby”.

“Don’t you worry none young man, she just sticking her head in the toilet again. I will get her organised then come down and watch you deal with my low life piece of shit husband. Make him hurt Mammoth, he doesn’t deserve to live for what he has done to this family and for what he has been doing to innocent children”.

I don’t get to say anything back to her, as the crazy woman has already hung up and probably gone to see to my sweet terror. Putting my cell back in my cut pocket, I walk into the compound and down to the cell block. As I walked into the room we were going to use, I found it was semi full with Storm, Harmony, Brick and his woman Isabella standing off to the side it.

Looking at Storm, “I don’t think it would be a good idea to have the women in here for this one prez, it’s going to get fucking painful for the prick”.

Storm doesn’t take his eyes off Caspian when he says, “no they can stay. Harmony wants a little retribution herself for him threatening the club and Isabella says she can tell if he is lying about anything from just listening to his heart beats, so get to it brother”.

Sighing I stand up to my full height of six four and grab the trolley that has all my usual tools on it. I have a very medieval outlook on some of the things I like to do to my prisoners.

Nodding at Brick and Tex, who still have a firm hold on the struggling prick, “put him face down on the saint Andrews cross and hold him down spread eagle”. My brothers do as I ask them and have him pinned down in seconds. I pick up a heavy hammer and a rail spike, then proceed to put a nail through each hand and foot. As his screams become louder, he starts up again with the begging, “I didn’t do nothing to you fuckers, let me go or so help me, I will make you bastards pay”.

Laughing at how he thinks he is getting away, I lean down to his ear, “you put out a contract to kill your son Patrick and his family. His beautiful daughter got away and became my old lady and one very pissed off woman. Then you had the hide to try and take her from me, while hurting this club. Then when we find you raping a kid, well that was the last straw in my books and I must say, you are one sick motherfucker….”.

His eyes bulge out of his head, but nothing comes out of his mouth. So, leaning over to the side, I picked up a pointed crow bar that was about a foot and half long and put it at his back entrance, “since you like fucking little kids you should enjoy this”. He whimpers but doesn’t say anything, so with a hard shove I push the thick tool up his arse and when I hit bottom, I grabbed the hammer and hit the end, lodging it right up there. The screams that were coming out of the man, were some of the best I have ever heard in my life.

Stepping back, I watch as he begins to bleed all over the place and as he slumps down, I lean in and ask him, “do you have a contract out on my old lady Merida McDougal, that I need to worry about”.

Caspian whimpers and yells out, “yes…yes, I have one more…. more man coming after…. after her. Please take it out….”.

Looking across the room at Isabella, “is he telling the truth?”.

She looks at me straight on, “no his lying, his breathing and heartrate are off the charts. The pain you have caused him, only elevated his pulse rate marginally, so he is into pain, but when you asked about the contract, his heartrate went through the roof”.

Taking a deep breath in, I happy to know my woman is now safe from this fucked up monster and she can live a long and happy life with me.

Turning back to our unwanted guest, I growl at him, “why did you have your son and daughter in law killed?”.

He doesn’t say anything for the longest time, but with another swift hit to his arse, he screams out, “he was running away like a little bitch after he ratted me out to the justice department and he was taking my granddaughter with him. She is everything to me and when I finally found them, living happily, I had Axel take them out and to bring my angel home to me. When…. when he couldn’t find her straight away, I started the hunt and eventually found her living in a fucking outlaw clubhouse. She’s mine…”.

That last part makes me see red and as I lean forward I whisper into his ear, “NO…. she is fucking mine and so is the baby in her belly, so fuck you, arsehole”. Before I could do anything, Merida’s grandmother stands in front of her husband and bends over to his height, “you took everything from me and I just wanted to tell you one thing before you go down to hell”. She draws back her hand and slaps him as hard as she can with her arthritic hands, “I hope you live a long miserable life in torment with the devil, kicking your soul around”. She steps back and nods at me, which has me stepping forward without hesitation, and slitting his throat from ear to motherfucking ear, before stepping back and watching as he bleeds out.

Not standing there for much longer, I turn and leave the room, to go and find my family…...




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