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Mammoth's Claiming of Merida: The Grim Reaper's Mc 3 (The Grim Reapers Mc) by Barnett, By Stacy, Barnett, Stacy (5)


When I walked into Andy’s shop, I couldn’t believe how much the place had changed since the last time I was in here. The place was wall to wall pictures of tattoo’s and art, that would make a grown man blush. Sighing softly, I look up at my friend, and I couldn’t help myself by wrapping my arms around the gentle giant, “I’ve missed you Andy. I’m sorry, I haven’t been back for a while, but hey, I am here now, so it is all good, right?”. He simply nods and I continue talking, “Um…have you still got your ear to the ground around town, because I need some important information on the Ghost Sinners Mc’s club house, that is located here in town”.

Andy nods slowly and turns to walk towards the upstairs apartment, while I keep talking, “Now if it is the house I am thinking about, I can get into that one without any trouble, as it used to be halfway house for the homeless and kids that were like me when I was little. Not that it was one for long, but hey, I’ve got to go with what I know, so to cover all my bases I want to make sure I am right, before I break into the place”. We come to stop in front of the upstairs apartment doorway and I keep on smiling up at him, “Now until I can find out a few more things, we will need to bunk down here for at least the night and get our end organised”.

Andy looks back down to the front door licking his lips and smiling at how my man, was standing there talking on the phone. I wave my hands in front of his face giggling, “hey Andy, you really need to stop staring at my man and his very large cock, while I am standing right here next to you. Also, if you behave yourself, I will introduce you to a tall drink of water, that will have you cuming in your jeans, like a damn teenager, just…... from the look of him alone”. That swiftly diverts his attention back on to me and making him smile wide.

He quickly nods, and crudely says, “I’ll get what you need, if you can get me some new meat to fuck, that looks like your biker dude…”.

Smirking at his enthusiastic tone of voice, I chuckle while rubbing his thick arms, “you are on big guy. Rider will just love you and what you’ve got packing down there between those thighs of yours. Of course, you must remember he is a little more dominate then you, so be careful okay”.

He doesn’t say anything just lowers his head and blushes, “I have been looking for the right man for me for ages, but keep coming up with nothing. If you have found the one for me, I will do anything you say and more”.

Nodding I turn to look at the door as my love walks through and giggle as he looks at Andy funny, and says, “my brother Rider wants to meet you and I told him, you would come home with us. You have any problem with that?”.

I begin laughing my arse off because I just got through saying I was going to set him up with a bad arsed biker, when Andy being Andy, jumps up and down squealing like a little girl, “I am so there. I will start to organise everything and when you are ready to leave, so will I”.

Shaking my head, as he quickly rushes downstairs and around his shop with his head cut off, yelling for all his staff to meet him in the office without delay. When I look down the stairs, I smile that my friend has just dropped my saddlebags at the door and made a run for it, leaving me to deal with my family and friends. Snorting a laugh as I hear him, squealing again, I turn to look at my group, “come on people, he will be at that for a least another couple of hours. That man doesn’t have an off switch and can keep on running around like he has an energiser battery up his arse, until he finishes organising his life around a move”.

Turning around, I unlock the apartment and pick up my saddle bags, before walking in with my man right behind me, laughing at the squeals going on downstairs. Looking around the place, I see Andy has kept the place clean and tidy, for whenever I was over for the night. So, dropping my bags on the lounge, I walk into the kitchen, and start pulling out the makings for sandwiches for everyone. When it finally clicked in my head, there was complete silence around me, I looked up and smiled at how my love and his brother were staring at me gob smacked. Taking a bite of my sandwich, I spoke with a mouth full of food, “what….”.

Aiden chuckles and walks behind me to wrap his arms around my waist, “you baby, are one complex soul. You can take out men twice the size of you, no worries. Next you convince your over enthusiastic gay friend downstairs to work for you, in exchange for a booty call and then you come up here as calm as you please and make sandwiches for everyone. Like I said, a complex soul and all…. Mine”. He kisses me on the top off my head and then smiles down to me, with that sweet smile of his only reserved for me.

Shrugging my shoulders, I swallow and smile up to him, “well I can’t have my family going hungry and fainting from low blood sugar now can I. We need all the extra energy we can get, so we can go all robin hood and shit, by stealing an egg from a rival club’s office safe. Now can I?”.

Aiden nods and strolls back into the lounge room, after grabbing a few beers for everyone. I finish dishing up the rest of the sandwiches to tide everyone over and then go and sit down next to my Aiden on the sofa. Bella was the first one to speak up in our little group and she got right to the point, between mouthfuls of her own sandwich, “so what’s the plan of exalted one? Do I get to kill someone or to put down an evil maniacal sex trafficker…?” She bounces in her seat and smiles wider, “oh…oh I know, we get to steal from a bunch of wannabe bikers trying to look big, by stealing from someone who is bigger than them”.

Smirking at her fun idea’s, I humpf….and begin telling them what I was going to do, “god Bella you’re such a dork and I love you for it, but simply the men are going to cause a distraction down at one of their businesses, while you and I, slip into their idiot president’s office and steal the egg back. Samuel said, if I must deal with anyone, I was to use extreme prejudice, so long as I am not seen. As an added precaution before we go, I will make sure all their cameras are on a continual loop, so we won’t be seen that way. If anybody walks in on us, or our men they are to be taken care of with deadly force without leaving any witnesses”.

Brick sits forward in his seat and puts his elbows on his knees to say, “out of curiosity Merida, how much do you get paid to do a job like this one?”.

I put my sandwich down on the plate and wipe my lips with a napkin to smile at him, “for this particular job, I am getting paid ten percent of the market value of the egg. So, that would be about”. I wave my fingers about, then say, “three point three million dollars give or take a few thousand, oh and I get reimbursement for all my expenses. You know, like for things like the cleaners or extra weapons and shit. Samuel said that will be the dealing price, when I bring it back to him and he hands it over to his brother”.

There was absolute quite in the room after I answered Brick, you could probably hear a goldfish fart in his tank. When out of the silence, Bella starts laughing like a loon and tries to talk between laughing bouts, “you get three mill, I get one just for watching your back, and to keep you from getting yourself killed on assignment”.

Bella starts laughing again so hard, she quite literally falls off her chair and on to the floor in front of the sofa. As she rolls around clutching her stomach in hysterics, Brick watches her with silent amusement and I just shake my head at the crazy woman. When I turn my eye’s back on to Aiden, I start to worry as he is as pale as a fucking ghost and keeps opening and closing his mouth without saying anything.

Patting him on the chest softly to help him calm down, I whisper something only he can hear, “it’s alright baby, that is a normal amount for my services. Some days, I might get paid a hundred dollars for a job and others, I can get paid ten million. It all depends on what I am retrieving for my clients or their companies. It is a good thing honey, as I am trying to save up enough to finish buying out a certain company, that needs to be overtaken carefully and with deliberate caution”.

He looks down at me and stares blankly, before letting what he wanted to say in the first place, past his lips, “what…. what company?”.

Looking at him straight faced, I simply say, “Caspian industries and all its subsidiaries. I am going to buy it and strip my family of everything they have. Then I plan on killing the people responsible for murdering my parents”.

Aiden pulls me in close and growls into my ear, while trying to squeeze the ever lovin’ shit out of me, “oh, my blood thirsty woman. Your mine”.

“Yes, yes, I am and your mine, don’t forget”.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to my lips, to kiss him like there is no tomorrow, as he lifts me up and over to straddle his lap. We kiss for a few minutes, before I whimper as he takes those soft lips of his away from mine. Only to lean down to my ear, to whisper in my ear, and rub his hard cock against my wet slit, “this is for you baby. I need to be buried deep in your cunt, like yesterday”. My man pushes his hard-swollen cock into my jean covered pussy again and we both groan as one. When his softly spoken words get through my lust filled brain, I begin to pant into his chest and as I slip a hand down between us, to get to his cock. I don’t care where I am when I begin to rub his very hard shaft up and down, until he growls into my neck and goes to bite me, when Brick speaks up behind us, “ah guys, if you plan on putting on a floor show, could you hurry up before I have to go out”.

Lifting my head from my lover’s chest, I look deeply into Aiden’s equally glazed eyes and purred demurely, “I am not giving him a floor show and if you want in my pussy anytime soon, you will give them something to do while I find out how big you are again”.

Aiden looks down at me and smiles, before turning to Brick and quickly becoming Mammoth the club’s lead enforcer, and a very determined lover, “why don’t you take Isabella on a ride for a few hours and pick up some dinner on the way back. I need to fuck my woman hard, before my balls turn any bluer and fall off from misuse”.

Gasping, I slap him in the chest and my face goes bright pink, “god Aiden, don’t advertise what we are going to get up to…”, I huff and say under my breath, “cheese and crackers”.

He just chuckles and nods to the door to Brick. His brother gently picks up his woman and her guiding staff, before walking out the door chuckling into Isabella’s hair. As soon as the door closes, my love is on me, throwing me over his shoulder and groaning into my thigh. The poor bugger is racing down the hallway with a very big, very hard pole trapped between his legs, that I know will be inside me soon.

Aiden suddenly stops in the middle of the hallway, and looks around trying to figure out where he can go. Lifting my head giggling, I point to the second door on the right, that has him quickly dashing inside and throwing me down on the large bed.

He steps back swiftly before looking down at me and letting me know what he wants, “Clothes…off…”. Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth so I wouldn’t laugh, I think to myself, my poor beautiful man, he has finally reverted to caveman language and if he follows through with what he has flashing in his eyes, I am going to be stripped rather crudely before too long. Giggling in anticipation, I do as he asks, and watch as he quickly starts to divest himself of his own clothes. When I am fully naked on the bed, I spread my legs wide and show my lover how swollen and wet my pussy is for him. He looks down while licking his lips and suddenly stops from pulling his jeans down all the way. Smiling softly, I reach down between my thighs and run my fingers, over my engorged clit and moaned, “oh god Aiden, I need to cum so bad, please…please, help me….”.

He still doesn’t move, so I go for gold and slowly thrust two fingers into my channel and start pumping them like I was trying to cum by myself. I lose myself in the pleasure, when a long hot tongue joins the mix. Opening my eyes, I look down to between my legs, and there is my love going to town on my cunt. Aiden pulls my fingers out of the way and growls, “mine…. not yours…. mine”.

He then fills me up with his large fingers and begins to tongue fuck me at the same time, until I have no choice but to lay back and scream, as my climax hits me as hard as a fucking meteor, “Aiden, please of god please don’t stop” ….

I know I was starting to babble, but the man has seriously talented tongue and can do wonders on my sensitive clit. His done for it now, because I am never letting him go and I over the moon knowing he is all mine. As he sucks on my pleasure centre a little bit harder, he starts pumping his fingers in faster, pushing my climax pending climax closer. Until it hits again, with all the force of rocket shooting to the stars and me in the front seat watching it all happen. My climax explodes behind my closed eyelids and my screams echo out into the room and as I begin to float back down to earth, Aiden crawls up my body to slam his dick, in hard.

Screaming out loudly, at the sudden intrusion, I feel like my body is on fire and Aiden is the only one who can help me put it out. I whimper into his shoulder, as the intense feeling of his cock runs along my unprotected channel, and straight to my core. I groan again, as he pulls out and pushes in hard hitting my cervix with a small bump. Shouting from the pleasure and touch of pain, I grip his biceps and whisper into his chest, “god Aiden my love, make me cum…I need to cum for you……”.

All my man can manage to say between his hard thrusting was one word, “Mine….”.

He keeps thrusting into my hot channel harder, showing me he doesn’t seem to won’t to go slow and gentle this round. No, my man fucks into my body, like I man on speed trying to chase the rabbit of his addiction. His thrusts become stronger and faster, to the point he must put his hands above my shoulders to stop me from moving up the bed. When I squeeze my pussy muscles tightly around his invading cock, it has the both of us giving each other a sensual growl.

Then as he leans down to me and kisses me gently on my lips, he whispers, “are you really not on any protection love?”. As he asks his question, he doesn’t break his stride and keeps pistoning deep into my channel, every now and then, bumping my unprotected womb.

Shaking my head, I look him in the eyes, “no I haven’t had a chance to get the shot, so if you don’t want kids you better pull out when you cum. Although considering we have already had unprotected sex it might be too late and could be pregnant now”.

Aiden looks me in the eyes and smiles wide, “I don’t want you any pills and if we get lucky, I want to keep it. No woman of mine is going to keep me from knocking her up with my kids. Now sweet baby girl, I fully intend to fill you so full of my seed, you will feel it running down your legs for days”. He sucks on one of my nipples into his mouth, until it hurts just right, then swiftly switches to the other and giving it the same glorious treatment. My channel tenses as my climax builds once more, leaning up I nip on his neck and give him a small sweet hickey.

As he keeps fucking me hard, he looks down at me and groans, “Do you want kids my sweet little terror?”.

I look up at him and smile, “I would like nothing more than to have your baby to cherish, so like I said if you don’t want that to happen, you better pull out”.

My love just grins wide and ups his pace of thrusting, sending me into a tailspin. When he pushes down just right on my clit with the base of his cock, I fly high once again, screaming, “god yes…yes I’m cuming…. yes”. He doesn’t pause for a second, as I tighten around his steel shaft, in the strongest orgasm I have ever had in my life.

“God baby, your so fucking tight and wet, when you cum all over my cock. It feels like my own piece of heaven, with only you and me living here”.

Aiden pumps into my swollen cunt, three more times and tenses as he cums with a roar, “fuck yeh……baby. Take all my seed…...”.

When he finishes pulsing into my well used pussy, my beautiful man slumps down on my chest and I smile wide, as I can still feel him pumping his cum into my already full channel.

Smiling serenely, I rub his sweaty back and whispered happily, “you my love made me see stars again and….and I…I hope you gave me a baby for us to love together”.

My big bad biker lifts his head, and smirks down at me, “hey baby, my little men, know what they are doing. You will be pregnant in no time with me around”.

He rolls us to the side and pulls me tighter into his arms so his still half hard cock stays within me, before he talks to me again, “baby, are you sure your grandfather was the one to order a hit on your parents or is there something else going on here that I don’t know about”.

Tensing at his innocent and somewhat out of the blue inquiry. I try not to look at him, just in case I see something I don’t want to see, like annoyance or disgust with my vengeful thoughts, I sigh and tell him some of my story, “when I was seventeen years old, I hacked into his computer server and found out that he was the one who paid one of his fucking mercenaries to take out my parents. He originally paid to just have daddy taken out, but momma got in the way, so she was done for free. The man that did the actual hit is said to be long since dead, so I set my sights on my arsehole grandfather instead. I am going to make him pay for what he has done Aiden, and I hope you will back me up when I need your help. The man has been ruining a lot of innocent lives for years now, my love. The side of his business that deals with the merc’s, is one he does for the money and not the justice of using them to right wrongs. So, make no mistake Aiden, I am going to take him down, not just for me, but for all the people he has hurt in his long lifetime”.

The room goes deathly quiet for a minute, before he says anything to me, “I am not going to stop you honey, but you need to know, I have to protect my family any way I can and if that means being the front man in this operation, then so be it”. He runs his finger down my cheek and whispers softly, “If your pregnant, I don’t want my family in the line of fire, when I am perfectly able to take care of this type of shit storm, alright?”.

Lifting my head again to look him in the eyes, I smile and touch his cheek too as I say, “yes alright honey, but you don’t have to worry just yet. I have been symptomatically buying up his business through a company I created when I was eighteen and pissed off. I only needed one more million, to finish what I have started. Then when I have ownership of at least ninety percent of his holdings, I fully intend to have him watch, as his wife and his remaining sons, are all killed in front of him, before I end his life. Then I will be taking over the empire and running it for the good of people, not as mercenaries for hire”.

My man just nods and smiles warmly, while running his hand over my bare pussy. He slowly and methodically starts pushing his seed back into my pussy and chuckles in my ear, “got to make sure I get enough in there to do as it is supposed to do”.

Chuckling, I lean up on my elbow and kiss him gently on his lips, “let’s go have a shower and then strategize about us snagging an egg, so I can finish this job”.

I jump off the bed and try sprinting to the bathroom before him, when I am scooped up into a pair of strong arms, that has me squealing in delight at being caught. Aiden whispers into my ear roughly, “don’t run you could hurt the baby….”.

Freezing, I look up at him and smile warmly, while placing my palm on his bearded cheek, “I would fight the world and win, before I would hurt our baby. Come on handsome, you can shower with me in case, I slip over and need a pair of strong hands to keep me up right”. He doesn’t say anything, just carries me into the bathroom and washes me from head to toe, making sure my belly was as clean as possible. After we get out of the shower and head back into the bedroom, Aiden looks at me funny and asks me, “Do you know, if your grandmother was involved in any of this shit with her husband?”.

I look at him sadly and shrug my shoulders, “I don’t think so”. Chuckling, I was just thinking the same thing as him when he asked, “I will make sure where she stands in all this before I go too far with her, okay? If she is not involved, then I will just make my grandfather feel as if he has lost her and let her go on her merry way with some spending money”.

Aiden simply nods and turns towards his duffel bag and starts rooting around in it, looking for fresh clothes.

When I went to put on my own clothes, I get a text from Andy saying yes, it is the same house I knew about and that it is indeed in lockdown. Shaking my head at the silly bastards, thinking they would be able to keep me out and keep themselves safe. Sighing, I walk over to my saddlebags that Andy had brought up and looked for my outfit for tonight’s hidden activities.

I work best of a night and in the shadows, so that is why I pulled out a full body armor skinned cat suit to wear. When I laid it down on the bed, I reach in and pull out the tools of my trade, which involved a small handheld earphone amplifier I use to crack open safes. Next, I pull out five, scalpel sharp knives and then a glock with a small silencer on its barrel. Final thing to pull out was a small hard cased back pack, that will cushion the egg perfectly, so it won’t get broken if I was to say get blown up or fall from a great height.

Getting dressed methodically, I turn around to see my still naked man standing behind me still as a statue, staring at my arse, drooling…... Giggling, I walk up to him and put my hands on his smooth chest, patting him, “you better get dressed because were hitting the club house in an hour, with or without you my love”.

That got him going as he began growling under his voice, while quickly getting dressed in dark street clothes, “not without me woman, you won’t”.

Shaking my head, I plaited my long red hair, until it swung down hitting my arse and when I grabbed a couple of bobby pins, I wound it around my head as if it was a red crown. Next, I grasped my soft materialled ski mask out of my back pack and walked back over to my man, “you ready?”.

He simply nods, and takes my hand and leads me back out into the living room. Just as I walk into the room behind my man, he swiftly puts his hand over my eyes and growls at his brother, “what the fuck, are you doing walking around butt arsed naked for?”.

I go to pull my man’s hand away laughing, and all he does is turn me around whispering with a little bit of vexation in his voice, “you’re not looking at another man’s naked dick, while I am still walking on this earth”, he swings back around to face his brother to say, “and you brother, get some fucking clothes on before I nix your arse for sending my fucking blind”.

Brick snarls back at my man, then sighs as I hear him shuffling around the room, “I didn’t think you and Merida would be out for hours yet and my girl can’t see shit”.

As he stands there opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, still mumbling under his breath, Isabella yells out from the other side of the living room, between bouts of laughter, “I know your…...your naked Brick, and how big your man parts are. Echo location is my bitch. God, you are a silly bastard, I can tell your at least eleven inches long and as thick as my wrist”. She taps her chin and looks thoughtful at us before saying, “although I can’t tell you the colour, so there is that…”. She starts laughing manically again and falls on the floor holding her stomach.

Brick blushes like a little girl caught in the cookie jar and dashes into the spare room to finish getting dressed. When I hear the bedroom door slam, I swing around to a smirking Aiden and a happy crying Isabella.

Smacking my love on his chest, I giggle along with my friend, “well at least you got to tell how long it was, all I got was a quick flash, but from what I saw you are one lucky girl”.

Isabella stops laughing, and looks me in the eye whispering sadly, “he wouldn’t want me, I’m no good to anyone the way I am”. She claps her hands together, knowing I was going to say something about what she just said and asks instead, “so what is the plan woman”.

Shrugging my shoulders at her quick change of subject, I walk over to the fridge and dug out a soft drink can for each of us. As I hand them out, Brick comes back into the room and I can begin telling them the plan, “first things first, I am going to send a computer virus into their security system, so it will shut everything down, like from cameras to all of their security locking systems”. Taking a deep drink of my soda, I watch as Brick leans forward and looks closely at me, to ask, “do you know what you are doing with all that computer hacking and shit, because I have watched Joey, Harmony’s guy and it totally confuses the shit out of me”.

I look him in the eyes and smile sweetly, “do you know who Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking’s are?”

He nods, “sure, everybody does why?”.

“Well in the world of genius’s I would be their queen and almighty ruler. I chose to be an artefact retriever, instead of another egg head genius playing games in a think tank at area fifty-one in America. Does that answer your question?”

He nods and I go on, “right, next part of the plan is for Aiden and Brick to create a distraction, which will be by blowing up their warehouse four blocks down from their clubhouse. While the members scatter to find out what the hell is going on, and who is starting shit with the club. And after my virus does its job. Bella and I will break into the club’s office and take back the egg. Then for added insult, I will be taking anything else I find in there, you know just for kicks. The bastards knew about the last Russian tsar’s egg but just not what is financially worth. So, someone working on the inside of the auction house, must be feeding them intel, because when they took it from Johnathon, it was the only thing they took. The bag that Johnathon had the Faberge egg safely tucked away in, also had a small gold box with a huge motherfucking diamond in it and they left that behind to be returned to my Uncle. So, whomever is doing the dirty on my adoptive family from this so called respectable auction house, are going to pay big time, when I catch up with them”. Giving myself a small shiver, I continue, “now Bella will be watching my back for any stragglers left in the club house, as I get into the safe and take everything not nailed down. Then we will sneak back out and hightail it out of there and back to Brisbane, where I hand the artefact off to its proper owner. Any questions?”.

Aiden goes to open his mouth to ask something but I jump back in first and say, “you can blow up the warehouse anyway you see fit and if you think the whole thing needs to go up in smoke, then do it”.

Looking at Aiden, he seemed satisfied with that statement and a little excited to finally blow something up, as he hasn’t done it in a while. I was just happy in the knowledge he trusts me to make this work after all.




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