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Mammoth's Claiming of Merida: The Grim Reaper's Mc 3 (The Grim Reapers Mc) by Barnett, By Stacy, Barnett, Stacy (4)


When I hung up from talking to my disappearing woman, I turn around to the now quiet in the room and find the prez’s Harmony and Storm, staring at me expectantly. Putting my hands up in surrender, I start talking quickly, “all I can say is Merida is doing a job for your stepfather and he is getting her to do it, as a favour to your uncle Johnathon, if that makes any sense”.

Harmony steps forward with a phone to her ear and starts talking agitatedly to I would presume was her Uncle Johnathon, “what are you making Merida fetch for you this time Uncle?”

The prez’s face screws up and goes beet red, before she roars into the handset, “you have got to be fucking kidding me…, I will not stop fucking swearing. You have put her and Isabell into unnecessary danger, all for your stupid fucked up mistake. No…no…I will handle this and if you send any more of my people off on stupid missions like this again, I will come home and shoot you myself”. She doesn’t let her Uncle who is on the other end of the line to answer, before she disconnects the call with a huff.

She begins to pace the room in front of me and when I can’t take her ramblings any more, I grab her arm gently, “Harmony that is mine and Bricks women out there in possible danger. Now what the ever lovin fuck, is going on?”.

The prez stops and looks at us two straight in the eyes, before growling low, “my Uncle Johnathon was robbed, when he came to the main land to retrieve a very important artefact he just bought, off a Russian diplomat. When I asked him what it was that would warrant, two of my people in harm’s way. He said it is was one of the last imperial Faberge eggs of the last tsar of Russia and it was worth a cool thirty-three million dollars. He also said that the people that stole it, don’t know what it’s worth and before they figure it out, he has sent in both Merida and his adopted daughter Isabella to retrieve it. He said Samuel told Merida, not to say anything to anyone, as it was time sensitive or some shit. So, I don’t know if he bought the thing legally or not, but considering he is in such an all-time fucking rush, I better help out…”.

Harmony begins pacing the room again, for a few minutes before she comes to a clear decision and points at us, “I am sending you and Brick after them Mammoth. You are to help them any way you can and just know this, those two women better come home in one bloody piece or I will be rightly pissed off. Merida knows what she is doing and as I just heard your woman say what the ground rules are, I will leave it at that”.

Harmony turns to Brick and wiggles her finger at my brother, then narrows her eyes at him warningly, “don’t underestimate Isabella or it will get you both killed and you Mammoth, Merida has been doing these kinds of jobs, since she was sixteen years old and has been able to work in the shadows even longer than that. I should tell you Mammoth, even though Samuel had unofficially adopted her after her parents were killed and had given her a safe home, she was away training more often than she was at home. God, I love training with her, whenever she was on the island and she could whip my arse every time. Now you two better get going, because they are supposed to be heading for gang country somewhere in Sydney, unfortunately of course that might have changed in the last hour, as Uncle Johnathon wasn’t so sure”.

Before I turn around to talk to a worried Brick, I say to Harmony, “Merida wants to meet in Coffs Harbour first, so I don’t think we will be going as far as Sydney in just one day. Besides when we meet up, it will give me time to try and talk her around to my way of thinking and let me take the lead on this assignment”.

Harmony looks at me and smiles with her eyes, before chuckling those around her, “sure, but I suggest you pull the lead out of your arse, if you want to get to her before she pisses off again to parts unknown”.

Nodding silently at her, I look across at my tense brother Brick and grin because I know what he is going through. Slapping him on his shoulder, I nod towards the door, “come on Brick, let’s go catch us, a couple crazy women”.

As I begin to walk out, Joey Harmony’s number one techie comes running up to me with a slip of paper waving in his hand. Bending over puffing he smiles and says, “Mammoth, can you give this urgent message to Merida for me, it came through her private email before she took off and since she is in an internet black zone, I thought she might want to see this straight away”.

Looking down to the slip of paper, I felt all my blood drain from my face, when I read what it said, “Miss McDougal this letter is to inform you, that you are two weeks overdue for your contraception shot and would need to come in for a follow up appointment. Thank you Doctor West” ….

Scrunching the paper up in my hand, I shove it in my jeans pocket and I stomped out of the room, to go find my woman and possible baby. I wonder if she knew she wasn’t protected and was trying to trap me into fatherhood. Growling I shake that thought out of my head, and think to myself there is no way my terror would do that shit, there must be a perfectly reasonable explanation to what happened.

Rubbing my hand down my face, I look down at my full saddle bags, and sigh. I remember I distinctly chose not to wear a condom last night, just so I could feel every flutter of her pussy and her sweet cum coating my cock. This dilemma was as much my fault as it was hers. Just thinking about last night and that sweet cunt of hers, has my cock quickly filling with blood, and going ramrod hard ready to take care of its woman.

Sighing, I run my hand up and down my jean covered cock, knowing I couldn’t ride with a fucking boner, so I began to think of the grossest thing I can, to make it go down. The first thing to pop into my head, was the beatings I use to get from my old man, before I got bigger than him and fought back. Letting out my held in breath, I looked down to my jeans, and smirk at how that thought did the job. I quickly finish packing my saddle bags and slinging them over my shoulder to walk out of my room.

I am down in the underground garage strapping them on, five minutes later, when Brick comes over and does the same thing with his bike. Nodding to him, “you ready to go chase down your woman?”.

“Hell, yeah and I am going to give her a spanking, that will make her think twice about this type of shit ever again”.

Chuckling I get on my bike, shaking my head at his veiled threat to his woman’s arse, I yell out, “let’s go then”.

We pulled out of the compound and get onto the Pacific Highway before we floor it and shoot off down the near empty road. I needed to get to my sweet little terror, before she does something stupid, like putting her and Brick’s woman in some serious, danger. She told me she knew about my skill set and I hope to god she was telling the truth. I learned from different people along my life path, how to both defend and attack with my brute strength. So even though I am a big muscled bastard, and can do some serious damage, I can also sneak with the best of them and take out the trash without so much as a fucking whispered sound.

The things I learned, helped me to survive the streets of Brisbane alone, and without any help from my lost cause of a family. Which to this day I am thankful for, as I believed the coppers would be after me, for slitting my old man’s throat and making a run for it. The prick believed that he was punishing me for being a heathen and a true disgrace to the lord Jesus. I finally snapped out of my shell and slit his throat, then watched as he died before my eyes. I felt nothing but disgust for the prick and as his life finally filtered away, I turned and ran. I found out sometime later, the fucking cops couldn’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that I killed the mongrel, and seeing as I don’t trust coppers in this town, I left them behind scratching their arses.

When I was old enough, I took up fighting in the underground fights, to put food on my table and roof over my head. It was one of the toughest times of my life but when I was approached by Mr Caspian, to work for him I did it under assumed name, in case my father’s death ever caught up to me. I told him my name was Samson Creed and I won’t answer to anything else. He was okay with that and I started working for him a day later. When I found out about two years later, there was a plan in the works, to have me as the fall guy for a big job coming up, I quickly went off the deep end and made myself disappear from that life. Only to come back to life as Aiden O’Connor once again six months later. I bulked up even more, let my brown hair grow out and took out the brown contacts I always wore. Man, it felt good to be able to see through my normal blue eyes and not have everything tinged brown. Yeh and so far, I haven’t heard a peep from the underworld community, that I was being looked for and I am just as happy to let sleeping dogs lie.

Pushing my bike harder, I peel down the road until we hit the outskirts of Coffs Harbour, and as I click my helmet mike, I look across to Brick, “you know where the tourist centre is?”.

He looks across at me, and nods, “Yeh, follow me”.

My brother rides up in front of me and as we weave through the streets, I look over my shoulder to find we are being followed rather badly. Clicking my mike again, I say to Brick, “don’t go to the centre, were being followed and I don’t want to lead them to our women. Do you know of a place we can corner them and take them out?”.

Looking in one of my side mirrors, I see we have two men on bikes trying to follow us discreetly and failing. Clicking my blue tooth, I ring my girl and the first thing she says, when she answers is, “I know you are being followed my love, because I am the one following them. They are from the Ghost Sinners Mc out of Sydney and have been sent to intercept me. Is Brick on the line too?”.

Without answering, I connect Brick into the conversation, “Brick it’s Merida and she is following the bastards following us. She wants you to listen in on what’s going on”.

Brick chuckles, “you still got my woman Merida?”.


“Is she okay?”.


Growling into the mike impatiently, I speak up, “can we move this along please people, we are going to run out of road soon”.

Merida sighs happily down the line, then chuckles, “Brick since you know your way around this place, I want you to take them out to the Corambirra Point warehouses as there are some old abandon buildings out there we can use. I need you to pull into the first old warehouse on your left, then look to you right and pull into the old storage crate situated just inside the door. When you disappear in there, Bella and I will take care of your hanger-on’s. That is of course, if you don’t want to beat the shit of them first, like you used to do for my grandfather that is”.

My mouth falls open at her parting shot before the line goes dead without me giving her an answer. As we ride down the rough road to the point, it finally hits me like a sledge hammer, she knows about my fighting and she is Caspian’s missing granddaughter. My woman is this missing puzzle piece that has had that Caspian fuck tied up in knots for years…

He once told me his eldest son Patrick, sold out a large group of his men to the government, then left without a trace and judgement from the law or him. Alistair would rant and rave about wanting to bring his little granddaughter back into the fold, so he can make her into his heir, but he could never find hide nor hair of her.

I tried to ring her again to try and sort that parting shot out, but she wouldn’t pick up and the call would just go to message bank. So, I simply said, “call me Merida, you can’t leave me hanging with that type of shit hanging over my head. Your Caspian’s granddaughter and you thought I didn’t have the right to know”.

Merida’s phone cuts me off before I could say all I had to say and as I go to ring her for a third time, we make it to the ware house and park where Merida said to park. As I turn my engine off and climb off, Brick and I run out side to two men screaming and rolling around on the dirt floor.

Looking next to them, I feel my mouth falls open down to my chest, as I watch Isabella casually standing beside both men with a six-foot wooden staff held in front of her. Brick’s woman tilts her head up and to the left and smiles wide, but doesn’t say anything.

Swinging around, I look for my angry better half and see her standing about twenty feet away, with a still smoking gun in her small hand.

Walking over to her slowly I put my hands up as if to reach for her, when she narrows her eyes and growls before lifting the gun and pointing it at my chest, “are you here to take me back to my grandfather or do I need to put a bullet in your head to stop you too?”.

Taking the last two steps determinedly towards her, I wrap her up in my arms tightly, “no, I will not be taking you back to that mad man. He nearly destroyed my life, before I got out on my own. I don’t own that bastard, one ounce of my loyalty. That is all for you and any future kids we might have. Why didn’t you tell me, you missed your last contraceptive shot and were unprotected when we made love last night?”.

My Merida tenses up in my arms and sighs before flicking her sidearm safety on and putting it in her side holster strapped to her thigh, “um…. I only just remembered, I hadn’t had it done until first thing this morning, after I woke up”. I go to say something but she cuts me off, by quickly talking over me, “and before you say anything, I didn’t go and try to get pregnant to trap you. I am not like that. You are the most important person in my life and I will not do anything to hurt that fact. Now before we get to far into this conversation, I need to talk to a man about an egg”.

Giving her a squeeze and a kiss on the top of her head, I let her go for now, “you’re right this conversation is not over by a long shot, so reassured I will be talking to you more about it later. Now what is this about a fucking egg?”.

She sighs and nods, pinching me on the arse, as she walks over to the pricks laying on the dirty floor bleeding out. Merida looks over her shoulder at me and smirks at me, “these dumb bastards, stole a thirty million dollar Faberge egg of Uncle Johnathon’s and he wants it back, preferably in one piece”.

When she stands beside the biggest one, she doesn’t ask him anything, just stands on the bullet wound in his leg and listens as he screams out like a little girl. When he nearly passes out from the pain he is in, she lifts her foot, and turns to the other one and leans down to look him in the eyes, “does your wannabe boss, know I’m coming?”.

He looks at his buddy and then quickly nods affirmative, as my woman goes to put her foot on his own bullet wound, “yes…fuck yes, he knows your coming but he doesn’t know what you’re after. He…. he moved everyone in close to the club house at Coffs Harbour instead of Sydney and put the place on lockdown”.

Merida growls at that little bit of information, but then suddenly smiles as an idea forms, “that wouldn’t be the club house he has in South West Rocks by any chance, would it?”.

The idiot’s eyes bug out of his head, as she asks about a club house that is supposed to be a secret, “how…how did you know about that place, only the club know about that place”.

My girl stands up smiling and pulls her glock out of its holster then proceeded to put a bullet in each of their heads without answering him. Jumping, I go to take the gun off my trigger-happy woman, when out of nowhere I am stopped by a pint sized blind woman, with impressive speed and determination on her side.

Isabella gives me a ghost of a smile and hauntingly says, “I wouldn’t if I were you, she told you she runs this show or you wouldn’t have been invited. Are we clear on that?”.

Growling down at her, I go to push her out of the way because I can see my woman needs me, but the crazy bitch steps back in front of me and twists, sweeping my legs out from under me with her fucking staff. Landing with a loud oomph…. I swear up at her, “if you weren’t a woman, I would take you the fuck out. Now get out of my way, because my woman is standing over there silently fucking crying and I need to get to her and hold her”.

Her eyebrows go up at that and she quickly steps out the way, mumbling to anyone who would listen, which ended up being Brick as he has pulled her in tight to his chest, “go…. go, I am so sorry, sometimes I forget I can’t see everything and……and….”.

I don’t stay around to listen to the rest of her apology and went to my woman, who was standing at the open doorway silently crying. Walking up to stand behind her, I pull her in close to my chest and kiss the top of her head, “what’s wrong sweetheart?”.

She throws one hand up in the air in defeat and talks to me quietly, “I don’t know what is wrong with me, I mean I have taken out the trash before, but this time, I feel like I was being a bad person, like them, only without the stealing from the family part”.

Squeezing her a little tighter around her waist, I lean down and suck on her little earlobe, and then whisper into her ear so only she can hear me, “could it be because I got lucky and got you pregnant with my first try?”.

Merida chuckles patting the arm wrapped around her, before she looks over her shoulder, to say, “oh honey, a woman’s body doesn’t work that fast. If I am pregnant, I won’t get any of the symptoms for a least another couple of weeks”. She turns fully in my arms and looks up to me hopeful, “You almost sound happy at the idea of knocking me up straightaway?”.

Lifting her chin up a little to give me better access to her petal soft lips, I whisper down to her, “nothing would make me happier my little terror. I didn’t think I would ever get the chance to have a family of my own and when I saw that email from your doctor, I felt like I was flying high with the thought of being a daddy. Do you….do you want kids with me?”.

My woman goes up on her tippy toes and pulls my head down to me, to whisper back to me, “hell yes, I want your kids and I hope one day, we will have a house full of them to call our own…. So, big boy, you gonna kiss your baby momma and make her happy”.

Not taking any chances that I was dreaming, I wrap my arms tighter around her and slammed my lips down to hers and kissed her with all the passion I have in me. As our lips connect, it feels like I am kissing her for the first time all over again, as her sweet honey flavour hits my tongue like one of the most exquisite aphrodisiac’s I have ever tasted. Sipping at her mouth, I groan, as I enjoy every nip and suck of her sweet lips long enough so it will hold me over for more interesting things down the road.

Chuckling into her neck, I realised I had picked her up by her arse cheeks, and had her legs wrapped tightly around my waist.  So, when I slowly lowered her down, until she was flat on the ground again, all I wanted to do was chase her lips, not wanting to let her go. As I finally released her soft swollen lips away from mine, I smile crookedly at how bright her lust glazed green eyes were and how she was giving me a secret smile.

Looking quickly across the floor at the dead men, I turn back to her and tell her what I was going to do, “I’ll take care of the bodies baby, I’m sure there will be something around here, that we can tie their bodies down with. Then all we need to do is chuck them off the jetty on the other side of this building. By the looks of it, no one comes out here very often, so we should be alright. After we finish clearing up, we can get going and get that Faberge egg back for your Uncle, alright?”.

Merida takes a deep breath and smiles softly as she listens to me talking avidly, before she puts up one finger for me to hold on a sec, “hold that thought my love while I make a quick phone call, and then we can get a move on without any more time wasted”.

Nodding I take a step back, when she takes out her mobile and places a quick preprogramed call. When she starts talking, I keep an eye on the situation while keeping my ears open to what she was saying on the phone, “clean up at Corambirra Point, first ware house on the right, two bodies, complete eradication. How much?...... Yes agreed. Time till arrival…... yes, we will be gone. You know where to send the bill…... Good…...”.

When she hangs up, she walks straight over to me, taking my hand and pulling me over to the others, “we need to leave right now, as the cleaners don’t like an audience and they get twitchy trigger fingers if they are even noticed. Bella, I need you to go with Brick on his bike and Brick we will meet up at Rox’s ink shop over on Albany street. The proprietor is a friend of mine and he will put us up for the time we are going to be in town. Ah…before we get going, you should know he is a little warped and he loves to flirt, but I wouldn’t have him any other way. So, you two men, need to prepare yourselves because I will not see him hurt in any way, got it… and another thing he has a thing for guys in a big way and would like nothing better than to ride either one of you bareback, so be careful”.

I was growling as she talks about this dude with affection, right up until she said he was gay and I eased up a bit. No gay bastard is going to take my woman from me, and if he knows it, everything should be fine. Before I could voice my opinion, she pushes me towards my bike and races out of the large door, going to hers. It seems we must get out of here sooner rather than later, for the cleaners to do their thing….

Not wanting to be left behind again, I jump on my bike and back out of the storage container so I can pull up beside my woman. Nodding she looks behind us and nods at my brother and her friend, before she revs her bike and burns rubber away from the warehouse. As we travel back the way we came in, Merida speaks up through her helmet mike, “whatever you do, ignore the van coming our way and just keep on riding past them. Don’t acknowledge them or even look at them alright?”.

Brick speaks up from behind us, “Cleaners?”.

“Yes, remember you never saw them, just follow me and stay close”.

Minutes later we are passed by a simple white generic van, with tinted windows, that didn’t allow anyone to be able to see inside anyway, heading out to our previous location.

Nodding slightly to our group, Merida rides harder down the road and as we weave through the traffic, heading down Harbour drive we get onto Albury street in no time. Chuckling into my helmet, I forgot my mike was still on when Merida, simply asks, “what’s funny my love?”.

Adjusting my position on my bike, as my dick goes from soft to hard in seconds, all just from thinking about shoving my cock deep into that beautiful arse of hers. She chuckles, “oh really you like my arse that much. If you’re a good boy, I will let you in it tonight handsome”.

My mouth falls open at her willingness to play and I also shake my head at her smiling, “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”.

Isabella was the one to speak up from behind me and what do they say, ‘oh the kicks keep on a comin…...’, only this time in the form of a cheeky little blind woman, “you sure did and it was hilarious. I mean sure she has a nice arse from what the guys at the club say, but hey if you’re into the whole dick up the arse kind of thing, I say go for it and enjoy”.

“I’ll remember that gorgeous when I finally get you into my bed”. Yep…Brick had to put his two cents in and as I tried not to listen, I decided to keep a keen eye on my woman’s arse, as it moves on her bike seat. Growling again, I had to readjust my cock again and swear to myself, “fucking…. tight jeans”.

My woman sighs on the open mike and says, “As soon as we get to Rox’s, I will take care of that huge problem for you and if you are lucky, I will let you cum in me bare back in any hole you want…”.

Groaning at the picture she just put in my head, I accelerated to ride alongside her and leaned back on my seat to show her my swollen dick, “this is all your fault, now get us to that ink shop and take care of it woman, before my balls go purple and my dick explodes”.

Merida squeals with laughter and as she throws her head back she takes off even faster. The crazy woman hits one hundred miles per hour in a sixty zone, and doesn’t give a shit, all she wants is to get us there faster. Looking quickly over my shoulder, I see that the others are keeping up nicely and know we will get there in no time, with my crazy arsed lover in the lead.

When we pull into the parking lot of the ink shop not ten minutes later, a large behemoth of a man walks out wiping his hands on a towel and smiles at my woman, “glad could you make it sugar, who’s the arm candy with you?”. The bastard licks his lips and smiles questioningly at Brick and me….

My woman lets out a huge belly laugh and wags her finger at the big man, “now none of that. The big man beside me is my old man Mammoth and the other big boy is his club brother Brick. The woman on the back of Bricks bike is Isabella and my friend. Is the apartment set up for visitors?”.

He stands there smiling at Brick with lust in his eyes and talks to my woman at the same time, “For you sweet cakes always, follow me lover boys”.

Growling at the big bastard, I whisper under my breath to my Brick, if he calls my woman one more, sickly sweet nick name, his arse is going six feet under with my foot up his arse for posterity. Standing up to my full six foot four, I cross my thick arms and stare at how, my Merida just laughs at the pansy and loops her arm through his, while handing over to him her saddle bags, while saying, “you so must meet my man’s brother Rider, he would just love you”.

Snarling at the suggestion my brother would be into gays, I growl at my woman for her bullshit, “Riders not gay woman, so stop saying that shit”.

She looks over shoulder and smiles wide, “oh yes he is, he just doesn’t flaunt it. He is also a dominate gay and Andy here would be perfect for him, as he is a submissive, even though he is one big fella”.

Merida turns back around and keeps walking, while I stop at the door and pull my phone out. It rings three times and my brother Rider answers, “yeh Mammoth what’s up?”.

Not one for beating around the bush, I ask him straight out, “are you gay?”.

Rider being Rider, answers just as abruptly, “Yep my friend, but I am what is considered as bi sexual, that’s why you only seen me with woman in the club. I go to men outside of town, when I am out on runs. Why you interest in my hotness now?”.

Scoffing at the idea, I lightly say, “No, just shocked when my woman was trying to set you up with her male friend is all. Don’t worry about it brother, I will see you when we get home”.

Before I get to hang up, he chuckles and asks, “Bring him home, I might like him”.

Shaking my head, I look at the front door again and watch as my woman was expressing herself by waving her hands around, “sure why not, see you soon”.

God, I am turning into a fucking match maker now. Scratching my cheek, I walk in to see what was going on…