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Manwhore Heir (The Heirs Book 2) by Brandy Munroe (17)

Chapter 18


“You’re wondering how Michael fits into all of this, aren’t you?” I was finding it easy to read his body language, the subtle twitches he thought he kept hidden from me as I conveyed my story.

“You will tell me when you’re ready. I don’t want to push you, Mac. I want you to know I am here for you, even if it takes all day.”

I was enjoying his soft caresses. We had been so hot, so passionate, I was not sure we could touch each other without ripping our clothes off.

It was nice to know we could, although that thought had crossed my mind.

It was hard to mask his arousal when I revealed what was entailed with Laced. I could have taken care of that for him at the time. I knew this was a story I needed to finish. Then I could take care of the bulge in his jeans.

“One night Charles came in with an entourage, a bachelor party for a friend. He offered Bernie ten thousand dollars for me to sprawl myself across their table so they could each take a turn getting Laced.

He wanted to pass me around the table like a whore.”

“The bastard. I hope Bernie, your boss I assume, said no?”

“Not only did he say no, he told Charles this would be the last time he would be visiting his establishment. He told him the only reason he wasn’t throwing him out on his ass was because this was supposed to be a bachelor party for his friend.”

“Good, I know guys who run strip clubs get a bad rap for being sleazy, but this guy sounds decent.”

“Bernie was, he took care of all his girls.” I could feel his hot breath in my ear as he spoke softly to me. The stirring in the pit of my stomach confused me.

I thought I would be on edge, defensive. Instead, what I was experiencing with Richard was anything but.

I needed to finish and get him out of those clothes soon. I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to last without having him buried deep inside me.

I was sure retelling my ordeal would have me withdrawing from him, not making me more aware of his scent, his heat, his arousal. My arousal.

Michael had helped me through the initial shock. This was the first time I had talked about since then. It was healing, cathartic.

“Charles did not take lightly to being embarrassed. When I left work that night, he was waiting for me at my car. He was red with anger, spewing filth. He grabbed me.”

“Oh god, Mac, did he hurt you?” I heard the panic in his voice.

“Not much, not because he didn’t want to. He was going to take what he thought he deserved because he was rich and felt entitled to anything or anyone he wanted. Charles Langford the twentieth or something always took what he wanted.”

“Chuck Langford? That bastard.”

“Chuck? Really? I should have known, money follows money.” I tried not to sound bitter but it was hard not to. Of course they would know each other. Old money, they called it. Richard’s money wasn’t as old as Charles’ family. Still, it went back a couple of generations.

“Do not compare me to Chuck Langford. He’s the type of guy who gives all men a bad name. Not just the rich.” I struck a nerve, it was evident in his tone. “I don’t know him, I knew who he was because of our parents.

The women I’ve taken to my bed were there because they wanted to be. I never took advantage of anyone who was too drunk to make their own decision or said no. He is a predator, Mac. I’m nothing like him.”

“This came out wrong. What I meant was that I should not have been surprised to find out you would know him or of him. You associate in the same circle.” I sighed deeply. “If you thought he was a bastard before,” I leaned into him and buried my face in the comfort of his chest and continued.

“He managed to tear off my shirt,” I clung to him, “and got my underwear down to my knees.”

Richard let out a few curse words that would make a sailor blush.

“Like I said before, he didn’t hurt me, not really. One of the men in his entourage pulled him off, causing a scene. I barely got my panties pulled back up and Michael’s jacket around me before a crowd appeared.

Michael had taken him down a peg or two.

Bernie made it very clear that if Charles ever showed up anywhere near me or any clubs on that block again, he would be taken care of. Not ‘call the cops’ taken care of. ‘You touched one of my girls’ taken care of.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “I never saw him again after that.”

“Michael was a friend of Chuck’s?”

“No, Michael was the cousin of the bride who was sent to make sure Charles did not get the groom into any trouble. He said there was something about Charles he did not like and was afraid he might want to push his weight and money around.

They were suppose to hit a few more clubs but Charles bailed out. Michael said he had a bad feeling and at the last minute opted out and went in the same direction as Charles.”

“Michael saved you.”

“Yes, he did. He asked if he could show up for the next few shifts to walk me to my car, just in case. I noticed him on campus the following day. We attended the same college. We started hanging out.

He was my first and only lover, and I was his.”

Richard kissed me on the forehead. “Until me.”

I sat up and faced Richard. “It’s the little gestures he did, make me breakfast, give me a foot massage after a long night at the bar. Those are the memories that flood back when you do small things. Not the big ones that money can buy. The ones from the heart.”

I kissed him, gently at first. Within seconds my mouth was all over him. I was hungry for him, I had waited long enough. Talked long enough.

“I’m done talking, can we fuck now?” I was undressing him with a need that suggested it was the first time I was going to have him. For me, it felt like the first time I could connect, not physically, but emotionally.

I needed that connection before I could give him an answer. The one he had been waiting for.

Could I do this?

I wanted to take care of his arousal that had been progressing between us from the time he took me to the sofa. “Sit back,” I ordered, “I want to take care of this opportunity that has popped up between us.”

Despite being bold I knew I was blushing. I was wet from my own arousal. That I would let him take care of after I was done with him.

I released his engorged cock. Enormous, hard, salty. I flicked the top with my tongue, circling the tip of the head. He moaned and gave a caveman grunt of approval. Once I knew he was a prisoner to the sensations, I plunged his cock into my mouth, taking it all the way to the back of my throat.

Pumping, gripping lightly with my teeth, I sucked on him. I had never had so much pleasure from giving in to another’s torturous excitement. I pulled back short of his explosion and climbed atop him.

I stared into his stoic brown eyes as I lay my palm on his rock hard abs. I straddled his toned trim thighs, bent to his muscular chest and began to work on his nipples. I flicked them with my tongue the way I had his cock.

“Look at you, I didn’t even have to beat you at strip poker and here you are, naked while I am still fully clothed.”

That was the bait that hooked him. He rose and proceeded to release me of my clothing.

He laid me back onto the sofa and ran his hands down the sensitive skin of my abdomen. His tongue followed suit, traveling the same path as his hands.

“You’re thinking of those shots, aren’t you?” I looked in his eyes. Of course he was, he was a man, after all. “It’s okay, maybe someday you will get to, just not today.”

He rewarded me his wicked grin. The one that made my insides melt.

He messaged my folds before plunging into me with his fingers, crooking them slightly, rubbing the walls of my pussy. This move was new. My excitement ran to a fever pitch. My head thrashed from side to side.

“I can tell you like that,” he said, his tone seductive, masculine. It was his turn to take control and bring me to the brink. His thumb circled my clit with perfect precision.

He came down on me with his mouth, plunging his tongue into me. His hands gripping my hips allowed him to enter me completely. His assault had me bucking against his face.

When he took one long lap from ass to clit I shattered. An explosion dissolved my brain as I clung to consciousness.

“I can taste that you are ready for me, baby.” His breath came in short and shallow pants.

He placed himself between my thighs. “I want to try something new,” he enticed as he took my legs and hiked them over his shoulders.

I had no idea what would come of this but I felt my excitement rise. He teased my opening with the head of his cock before spearing me with it. He pumped into me boldly, wilder than he had previously attempted.

He was fucking me to unconsciousness and I did not want it to stop. I begged him to go harder, deeper, faster. I bucked my hips to his rhythm and still I couldn’t feel him far enough.

“Find the spot,” I begged, “stop teasing me, you know where it is. I want you to hit it, please.”

He slowed his rhythm, lowered my legs and brought me to him. Our breasts pressed against each other. “Do you want to see fireworks, baby?” he tormented.

“Yes.” I pleaded.

“Tell me you love me.”

I looked into his eyes, they were glaring possessively. Taking me over the top meant I was his. He was claiming me. Did I want to be claimed?

“Yes, oh god, yes, I love you.” The words were out before I could stop them. The only thing I wanted right now was him taking me to sensations beyond normal.

He took me fiercely and completely. I would ache afterward but didn’t care. The awareness of my sensuality was all that mattered.

As he exploded into my womb he confessed, “I want to fill you, Mac. I want to fill your belly with babies. Enough for a baseball team if that’s what you want.”

His revelation froze me in place. I had just experienced the most exquisite orgasm of my life. I had told him what he wanted to hear so I could.

How was I supposed to explain I would have said anything in that moment to get him to take me there?