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Manwhore Heir (The Heirs Book 2) by Brandy Munroe (29)

Chapter 30


I woke to the sun shining in the window. Richard must have opened the curtains before he left for work this morning, preventing me from sleeping in. I should have been irritated with him for that move, but since he took such good care of me last night, I was unable to be upset with him.

He had helped me to bed and made me comfortable. He made sure I drank enough water to alleviate the hangover dehydration would bring. I felt much better than I thought, given the amount of alcohol I consumed last night.

I decided to head to the kitchen to make coffee and eat something. I would shower and dress later.

I took the time to peek in the living room to see if Richard’s OCD kicked in and he felt the need to deposit the papers I left strewn across the coffee table back in its box.

To my surprise, nothing had been touched. There on the coffee table, all my papers were scattered from one end to the other. Some were laid out on the floor as I tried to separate the maps and charts from the analysis and contracts.

Today I would spend the day sorting things out. Did Richard remember to ask for Aleksander’s help in deciphering some of the legal documents? I’d tread lightly when inquiring.

Why was there noise coming from the kitchen?

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” I was shocked to find Richard casually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, cooking up a storm.

“I am working,” he frowned. “I texted Haley and asked her to give me a second opinion on the launch ads, I took my conference call via Skype, and now I am very busy making my beautiful, but hungover, girlfriend breakfast.”

Guilt crept in. I was the reason he had not gone to work this morning. I did not want to become one of those complications that interfered with business. “I love that you did this, but I wish you hadn’t missed work because I can’t hold my liquor.”

Richard laughed and placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. “Jam or syrup, you never did tell me?” He had that wicked grin that melted my insides and cause a now familiar pooling between my thighs.

Last night was the first night since I moved in that we had not made love. My body felt like it was a lot longer. I did not want to seem needy, like he could not leave me alone without worrying about me.

I quickly changed the topic.

“How hard was it for you to sit and stare at that?” I pointed to the mess in his living room.

“Not at all,” he walked over and kissed my forehead. “It reminded me that I needed to talk to Aleksander about those documents you wanted him to look at.”

He sat down beside me. “I invited Haley and Aleksander for dinner. I made a list of how he would like you to sort the papers into specific piles. He will take the ones that are only legal.” He looked pleased with himself.

“You made a list? Where is it,” I held out my hand, waiting for it. It was pretty basic, all charted maps in one pile, anything that looked like analysis in another, and anything with a signature would be construed as legal in a separate pile.

“I started this,” I excitedly announced. “I was feeling a little overwhelmed last night when I started going through everything.” I shrugged, “it seemed confusing at first. It started to make sense when I sorted them into categories.” I kissed Richard on the cheek. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” then he walked over to the sink like he was afraid I might deck him and winced. “I also accepted an invitation to have dinner Saturday at my parents.”

“And you thought I would be upset because you didn’t ask me first?”

“I should have, but you’ll come to see, you can’t say no to my mother.”

“It’s okay, I knew your parents were going to want us over eventually. I’m sure your mom is anxious to find out who’s the woman shacked up with her son and keeping him away from the office in the middle of the week.”

“You’re in a very good mood for someone who should have a headache.”

I loved the way Richard laughed. It was husky and masculine and made my inside churn.

“Who else should we expect at dinner Saturday? Will there be an inquisition?” I teased.

“No inquisition, but Evonne and Dickie will be there. It might be a good idea to ask him about his dealings with the charters before you make any decisions.”

I could hear the unasked question in Richard’s voice.

What was my decision?

“That’s a great idea, I look forward to meeting the rest of your family. If they are anything like your father,” I walked over to Richard and gave him a passionate kiss, “or you,” I snickered, “then I have nothing to worry about.

Thanks for breakfast, I think I need to shower and get dressed. It looks like you gave me a lot of work to do today. Sort papers, cook dinner.” I headed for the stairs. “Do I get any payment for all this work you expect me to do?” I glanced over my shoulder with a come-hither look, then ran up the stairs with Richard on my heels.

He caught up with me at the top of the stairs and lifted me off my feet and carried me to the bedroom. “Do you know how sexy you look in virgin white?” he drawled.

“But not as sexy as your birthday suit.” He lifted the nightgown over my head, picked me up and laid me on the bed.

I watched in appreciation as Richard removed his shirt, then his jeans. I bit my bottom lip in anticipation. I had no idea where the nervousness came from. It wasn't the first time I had seen him naked. It wasn't the first time we had made love.

Something happened last night that bonded us in a way I could not describe.

Richard prowled onto the bed and hovered above my naked body. “Come here, beautiful,” he growled huskily.

I giggled and ran my fingers across his taut masculine chest. I traced the lines of his abs to his lean hips. I raised my knees and let my thighs fall to the side. Richard positioned himself so that his cock was brushing the entrance to my slit. I lifted my hips to reach for him.

“Patience, baby, I’m just getting started.”

He ran his tongue down my flat stomach, stopping at the apex of my opening. He gently nudged my thighs wider. He swirled his tongue around my sensitive nub. He took it in his mouth and sucked on it. The sensation was unbelievable.

With a loud cry, I sunk into the mattress and let Richard take the lead. I was enthralled with his skilled mouth and wanted to only feel the excitement building from inside. I was close to climax and he stopped.

I moaned in exasperation. I had been so close and he left me hanging.

But not for long.

He moved his way up my body and took my beaded nipples between his teeth and nibbled. I arched my hips, trying to make contact with his body. I wrapped my legs around his waist and threaded my fingers through his hair.

He gently took my legs and removed them from his waist. He came down and claimed my mouth, preventing me from protesting. Then he took my legs and lifted them so they sat over his shoulders. “Remember this, baby,” he rasped.

He ran his hands up my thighs, the soft traces of his fingers tickled and I giggled.

“Are you ready for me, baby?” He cupped my wetness and smirked. “I can feel you’re close, just a little further,” he enticed. He slipped his fingers into my pussy, thrusting, working his way to my inner walls. He thumbed my clit while thrusting in and out.

“Cum for me, baby,” he said, his voice soft, seductive. He did not need to ask, I had been praying for the release he had held back from me earlier. The throbbing of my inner walls tightened around his fingers. The look of satisfaction on his face verified I was reaching my peak.

He pulled his finger out and rammed his massive cock into me until I felt his balls against the globes of my ass.

The actions was seamless, rendering me mesmerized by the ordeal. It didn't matter how many times he brought me to the happiest place on earth, I relished it completely. The sun shining through the window landed on Richard, making his hard body appear god-like.

How appropriate, since he took me to heaven.

His shaft rubbed against my walls as I continue to climax. Each thrust enhanced the sensation. His large cock should have been painful. My body softened and made way for all he had to offer. I joined him, in matching his thrust. I bucked my hips taking him completely each time he entered me.

This time there was no barrier between us. Raw skin on raw skin. This was how it should always be with us. This was how I could allow him complete access to my body, mind and soul. That was what he wanted last night. That was what he was going to get every time.

“You're very quiet, baby, do you want me to make you scream?” He did not wait for me answer. He lifted me slightly and pounded into me, hitting my sensitive g-spot.

My body vibrated with an explosion that took my breath away. I didn't scream, I couldn't. All I do was try to breathe through the waves after waves of aftershocks of my orgasms.

At some point I came off the high long enough to know he had found his release as well. He was positioned carefully as not to put too much weight on me. Our breathing began to sound more normal, my lungs getting much needed air. He was still implanted deeply within me.

He gently lowered my legs, massaging them, encouraging the circulation to return.

His face held an almost painful expression. His cock continued jerking, releasing its hot liquid in rhythm to my spasms. His expression softened and I knew, he was as empty as I was full.

Still embedded deeply in my body, he whispered, “Take your time, baby, I won’t leave you until I’m sure you’re done. I don’t want to hurt you.”

I understood that as long as my walls kept gripping onto his shaft, he was not going to soften enough to withdraw. I knew I needed to let my body relax, to ride the waves and let them run their course.

Maybe I didn't want him to leave. What if I choose not to let him go?

Would he lie there with me and make love to me until neither of us could perform any further?

Had I earned the right?