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Maruvian Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 5) by C.J. Scarlett (21)


Selene walked through the cloning center with an escort on each side. The high-tech environment was a sharp contrast to the rest of the ship. There were at least fifty large cylinders, each with a clone growing inside. Selene couldn’t deny that they all looked kind of similar. Each male had varying shades of blue skin and were buff for guys grown under glass. Each evidenced the rolls of extra skin along the back of the skull that the other clones scrunched with clips.

“I honestly thought from looking at the rest of your ship that you weren’t technologically advanced.”

Lar Jalon dipped his head in acknowledgement. “Since our race is on the brink of dying out, the Shardon have poured our collective resources into medical technologies.”

“That makes sense. Your young are…”

“Immature. Age is a meaningless term to the Shardon. We grow each clone until maturity then they are trained with whatever knowledge they will need to perform the work assigned to them.”

“That sounds a little cold.”

Staring at her, Lar Jalon replied carefully. “They are all maintained at exactly same temperature. We take quality control very seriously.”

“I meant cold hearted.”

“Their hearts are all the exact same temperature.”

Sighing, Selene tried one last time. “Cold hearted is Earth slang. I mean to say that I find it disrespectful to train whatever knowledge you think they need into them. It would be better if they got to choose what they wanted to do.”

“They are blank when they first wake and would have no idea what they want.”

“Yep, humans are like that as well. We give them about fifteen years to grow up before we try to get them to make important decisions for themselves.”

“That would not be efficient.”

“What does training look like?”

“If you like, we can visit the training center.”

“Can I speak to the people there?”

“Certainly. We have nothing to hide. You are welcome to speak to anyone you like.”

The training center was more like a cross between military barracks and a grade school with adult-sized furnishings. They headed to the dining hall. Selene was impressed. The long tables were all neatly spaced exactly the same width apart. There were at least a hundred people present, all male. They wore dark pants, white shirts, with no sleeves and black boots. All of them had strange skin rolls running horizontally across their heads. They looked a little like Shar Pei puppies, or at least their heads did. They sat staring straight ahead.

“Why are they so quiet? Can they speak?”

“We are still teaching them social interactions. They are quite capable of speech.”

Walking over to a table with a few empty spaces, Selene sat down. The physician giving the tour, must have gotten a com; he touched his ear then made gesture that he would be back momentarily. She was left with the two males who normally escorted her around.

One of the officers wearing clear plastic over his uniform ran up and put a tray in front of her.

“I do not wish to eat this.”

Several people around her turned to look at her. She got the feeling it never occurred to them to choose their food.

“What would you like?”

“Fruit and nutrient pouch please.”

Nodding, the male rushed off with her tray. The clone nearest to her looked but did not speak.

“Hello. My name is Selene. What’s your name?”

“My designation is 15985347. I do not care about names. My focus is on mastering our training as soon as possible so I can participate in supporting our soldiers. Our numbers are decreased because of a glorious battle to advance our species.”

Smiling at his innocence, Selene grinned at him. “I know. They were fighting to get me, and here I am. Guess you guys won the battle.”

“You are unlike us. What is your purpose?”

“I am here to donate genetic material to make future clones more unique.”

“Then we thank you. Our greatest desire is for less homogenization.”

“Do you mind if I as why?”

“A high degree of similarity in our appearance is undesirable because it perpetuates the myth that clones lack individuality. That in turn leads other species to marginalize our people. Being marginalized makes it more difficult for us to initiate normal trade relations which impacts our ability to survive.”

“Would I get a different answer if I asked other individuals in the room?”

“I think so. This is only my impression from reviewing the training material.”

Another male spoke. “I believe it is because they worry we will start to see ourselves as too similar for it to matter if we continue our existence.”

Another clone spoke. “Don’t be absurd, 15985398. We think therefore we are. What difference does it make if we all look alike? We know that we are individuals.”

Selene made the time out motion with her hands, as the plastic-covered man slid a piece of fruit and a nutrient pouch in front of her. “I have another question. Why aren’t you eating?”

The clone referred to as 15985398 answered. “Most of us prefer not to eat until we can drink. We have not been trained on opening nutrient pouches.”

She picked up his bag and stabbed the sharpened end of the straw into the proper location. “The trick is to hold it by the top instead of wrapping your hand around the bag. If you wrap your hand around it, you run the risk of squeezing liquid out the hole you punch. Also, you must jab it hard and fast in order to get a good clean puncture. Give it a try.”

Several males followed her instructions and almost all were successful on their first attempt.

“Now take a minute and go show five other people how to do this. Just grab the attention of a small group, show them what I showed you and then come back to eat before your food gets cold.”

The eight or so males who’d watched her demonstration abruptly stood and fanned out, following her directions. They were back in a matter of minutes and dug into their own meals. They watched as the second group of males showed others and came back to their meals. Soon the small wave of temporary teachers had moved all the way across the room and everyone was now eating.

The clone sitting nearest, 1585347, commented dryly. “Thank the gods we got that out of the way.”

“I’m surprised they didn’t show you that on day one.”

“Sometimes they get suck on just doing it and moving on to the next person. I know they have efficiencies to meet.”

“Why do you all have numbers?”

The clone smirked a little. “Guess.”

“No one’s had time to give you names yet because of the aforementioned glorious battle?”

The others nodded and she asked conspiratorially. “Why not just name yourselves?” Looking over her shoulder at one of her escorts, she asked. “Are we allowed to do that?”

The man nodded indulgently but 1585347 spoke worriedly. “We know nothing of names. What if we attempted to name ourselves and chose the names of others? It would be unnecessarily confusing.”

“I could help with that. I’ll tell you common names on my world and you just pick the one you like.”

The others leaned in and watched her expectantly.

“John is a common name. Other variations on that name are Jim, Jamison, Jacques, Jacob, or even Santiago. Do any of those strike your fancy?”

They went back and forth throughout the duration of the meal and she managed to name her entire table of twenty males and half the next table.

Suddenly, Lar Jalon was at her side again. “Is all well with you, Lady Selene? Did you learn what you wanted from the clones?”

One of her escorts responded wryly. “You should ask what they learned from her. She taught them they could eat whatever they want, taught the entire room to open their drink pouches, and assisted about a fourth of them in choosing names from her home world.”

“By the gods, I’ve not been gone but a half a micron.”

“I would like to spend the rest of the day with the clones. Would that be possible?”

“I do not understand. Why would you want that?”

“They are nice and I like them. Maybe we can work on social skills or something.”

“That is generous of you but I have scheduled a procedure to remove hair, skin and nail samples. It should not take long. Perhaps afterwards, you can visit with our new ones.”

The clone who’d come into the room with a number designation of 1585347 spoke. “You are lucky to be going to the medical center. I’m fascinated by the work they do there, but I got assigned to perform maintenance on the ship’s engines.”

“Why don’t you come with us, Jacob? We can talk while they scrape cells from skin.” Looking at Lar Jalon, she queried. “Would that be okay?”

“Of course. Whatever will make you feel comfortable with the procedures.”

“Everyone here is so nice. If it weren’t for that whole glorious battle thing, we could probably be friends.”

Jacob smiled slightly. “You’re doing a great service. I expect we will do everything in our power to make you feel at ease.”

Once they were in the medical center, Jacob excitedly talked about all the equipment as they passed each piece.

Selene was impressed. “You really know a lot about the medical center. How did you learn all that if you’re being trained as a mechanic?”

“We all have access to the ship’s computer system. We are encouraged to learn as much as possible.”

“It seems a waste to have you working on engines. You should be trained as a physician.”

Lar Jalon glanced up from clipping her nails into a tiny clear dish. “I’m inclined to agree with you. Perhaps I will speak with Shar Jalon about a reassignment.”

Jacob practically vibrated with excitement.

“So what kind of samples are you looking at taking from me?”

“Everything you offered, we humbly accept. Hair, skin, nails, muscle and bone. I wouldn’t mind some tiny samples from your organs.”

“I wonder if my elevated hormone levels will affect your samples. I am nearing the time when my body will purge the lining from my uterus.”

Jacob immediately spoke up. “We will need to harvest your eggs before that time, or they will be lost. It would be a terrible waste when we could make such use of the material.”

Lar Jalon stated flatly. “Miss Selene has asked that we not harvest eggs.”

Jacob frowned. “I believe it is a rudimental procedure involving no risk to the female or her reproductive system.”

“I didn’t really think about it being wasteful when I talked to Shar Jalon. If I donated my eggs, would there be people who look like me running around?”

Jacob laughed. “I do not believe that would be possible. Eggs are rich in material that would lend biodiversity to our people. You may see a hint of your eye color or a red tint to their black hair, but nothing more.”

“I suppose that would be okay. I just didn’t want to make children with anyone other than my mate. I didn’t know cloning would make such a different use my donations. If I could be put to sleep for that one, it would be for the best.”

Lar Jalon’s head jerked up. “You would permit it?”

“I don’t think my new mate would object to me helping your people. He’s probably pretty pissed about the attack on his vessel, but he’s not a total butthead.”

“Are there really people with butts for heads on your world? I have never heard of such.”

“It is just a saying for someone who’s really mean to others.”

“We are just about finished with your samples for today. I hope you enjoy your time with the clones.”

Selene slid off the exam table, landing on her feet. “I hope we can get this sampling done soon. I need to get back to my mate. He’s really protective and probably losing his mind.”

“We have been in contact with Prince Korban. Arrangements have been made for you to speak with him via holo-vid in three days’ time.”

“Wow. You guys patched things up darn quick. Good for you!”

“Shar Jalon will be pleased to hear of your praise. He works ceaselessly to ensure our survival and your safekeeping.”

“I’ll be sure to thank him. Just feel like I should point out that attacking our ship wasn’t a good idea. Shar Jalon tends to create more problems than he solves in a day when he makes choices like that.”

Jacob smiled. “We’ll mention that fact to him. If all Earth women are as generous as you, I am certain we’ll never do anything so foolhardy again.”

“We’re headed for Earth? My mother’s ship was coming to meet us. Would it be possible to meet up with them?”

“You wish to bring your mother onto the Shardon vessel?”

“I want us all together. Maybe she’d share samples with you as well. She’s always been one to support a good cause.”

Lar Jalon stepped back reverently. “I will speak to Shar Jalon immediately and advocate on your behalf.”

Stepping forward, she hugged the older gentleman around the neck briefly. “Thanks. I really appreciate it.”

Lar Jalon looked down at her when she pulled back. “I am told your new mate will be meeting us and we have welcomed him aboard our vessel.”

“I don’t know how smart that is. He a lot more tightly wound than the Shardon.”

Beaming, the older man murmured. “Thank you for the warning. We will be careful.”

Selene squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. “I have another favor to ask of you, but I’m afraid to broach the subject.”

“You have nothing to fear from us, Miss Selene. Speak your mind.”

Taking a deep breath, she spoke. “We did an extensive study of your ship and determined that you have been dealing honestly with me.”

“We? There are spies among the Shardon? That is not possible.”

“Promise you aren’t going to flip out.”

Jacob stepped closer. “We are not going to be upset. Just tell us what worries you so.”

With a wave of her hand, Shafra and Tref shimmered into view.

Lar Jalon took a hesitant step backwards. Immediately, he began to address the princess. “Krylon female, please remain calm. You are in no danger. We can remove the human female from your presence. Do not attack.”

With a wave of one hand, Shafra’s frustrated voice sounded off. “I told you this was going to be a really bad idea.”

Lar Jalon kept talking anxiously. “Everyone, just remain calm. There is no need to panic. We can come to an understanding with the Krylon female. There is no need for violence.”

Selene scrubbed her hands over her face. “Look Lar, the only person not calm is you. Shafra is my best friend. She’s not going to become aggressive. We need a favor from you.”

Looking suspiciously between the two females, he queried. “What kind of favor? I cannot cure her. Krylonian females have been getting progressively more unstable for generations.”

Shafra scooted back and sat on an exam table. “I’m not unstable. Some of the women of my world are, but not me. I want you to use your advanced medical technologies to prove it.”

“I don’t understand.”

Selene asked pointedly. “What happened to all the Shardon women?”

“The longer a species exists the more fragile their genome becomes. We have never been able to determine exactly why, but nature begins to naturally select the weaker female chromosome out.”

“How is it that some planets have fertile women and some do not?”

Shafra interjected. “We all know the ancients were a race of humanoid explorers who traveled the verse, sharing their genetic material with the worlds they passed. I believe older races like the Krylon and Shardon were the first to meet the ancients, and therefore the first to experience the evolutionary anomaly.”

Selene added her two cents worth. “Perhaps Earth was one of the last known worlds they had contact with and that explains why we are not yet experiencing the phenomenon.”

Relaxing a little, Lar nodded. “That seems like a reasonable hypothesis.”

“Wouldn’t it be valuable to figure out if I am compromised in ways less noticeable or if I am immune from the phenomenon?”

“That would be a question worth investigation at the expense of advancing our own cloning technologies, as it affects all the worlds touched by the ancients.” Everyone looked from Shafra to Shar Jalon, who was now taking up the doorway.

“Welcome, Imperial Princess. Welcome, Commander.” His dark gaze spoke volumes about how little he cared for stowaways aboard his ship.





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