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Maruvian Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 5) by C.J. Scarlett (5)


Chapter 5

~ Daron ~

For the first time in years, Daron had something truly pleasant to look forward to after his shift. Getting involved with a human female was a treasonable offence for an un-clanned Krylon male. If it was discovered that he acted outside the bounds of propriety with her, no male would speak up on his behalf, least of all his captain. Was it the lure of a beautiful woman, the illicit thrill of not getting caught, or the admiration in her eyes when she looked at him that made being with her worth any risk?

Whatever it was, the thought of spending time draped across that settee with her eyes warming his very soul was irresistible. There was something erotic about knowing every stroke of her hand was busy creating a likeness of him. Spending time with her made him feel as though he mattered in the verse. Even if she just tolerated him long enough to create art, that was enough for a male whose life was filled with endless hours of loneliness and no hope of ever having a woman of his own.

No one would begrudge him for following a female’s orders, regardless what they entailed. However, stepping one toe outside the scope of her orders would bring swift and painful penalties by his people. So many times, he’d longed to touch her, but forced a self-discipline upon himself, knowing it wasn’t his place to initiate such intimacies. His situation was precarious. Nonetheless, he’d chance the harsh judgement of the clanned to spend two more nights in her quarters.

“Stop daydreaming, sir. You make yourself obvious. Word has already spread that you spent an entire night with one of the brides. Take care, for you risk much on a female you can never mate.”

Daron turned his gaze on the older clanless soldier, whispering words fit to break his spirit, “I know you speak out of concern, and what you say is true. I’ll heed your wisdom in this matter.”

Thumping him on the back like warriors were wont to do, the older man moved on.

Of course, Odar was correct. Daron was being a fool and risking his one chance to rejoin society. He was all too aware that nothing made properly clanned warriors angrier than an un-clanned male attempting to capture the interest of a female.

Shaking off thoughts of Cassidy, he got back to work on the injection assembly. It was dirty and dangerous work, a fitting task for one such as he.

His mind drifted back to the subject over and over as the day wore on. Daron turned the situation over in his mind as he worked, trying to reframe it in a way that would make it hurt less when she cast him aside. Every male knew that females were whimsical and pernicious creatures. Perhaps his lovely companion had already changed her mind about inviting him to her quarters.

The thought of not seeing her again bothered him greatly, but there was nothing he could about it. As the day came to an end, he tried to shove it from his mind. His com sounded and he realized that he need not have worried about it.

“Hey, handsome. I’m just checking to make sure you’re on your way. I have dinner almost ready.”

“Is that a demand or a…”

“Don’t make me pull rank on you, big guy. Get yourself to my quarters.”

“I’m not certain being in your quarters two nights in a row is a good idea.”

“Look, if you aren’t here in the next three microns, I’ll tell all the women that your people are housing us in the section of the ship with the weakest shielding.”

Grinning like a mad fool, he replied, “Captain Yearl doesn’t approve of you provoking the women into hysterics. It’s a wonder any of them still believe you.”

“I can be very convincing when I want to be. Now, get your sexy self to my place.”


“See, I just got my way with you.”

“That would hardly be considered an accomplishment, since I’m obligated to follow your orders.”

“Don’t be a sore loser.”

“See you in a bit.”

Shoving his com in his pocket, he turned to find several warriors staring at him. Some seemed awestruck, while others had expressions of annoyance stamped on their stern faces.

The chief engineer approached him. “I’d like to be angry with you, but you did try to dissuade the female from forcing you to her side.”

“You know how fleeting is a woman’s interest. Tomorrow, she probably won’t remember my name. In fact, I’m not sure she knows it now, since she prefers to use descriptors like big guy.”

The other man eyed him suspiciously. “Be very wary of such things. I’m told that such descriptors are considered endearments by human females.”

Daron snorted a laugh. “I don’t think that information applies to the clanless. I just go, we eat, and she draws my image. She considers replicating my scarring a challenge.”

“Then you should go. We don’t need her rousing the women against us, yet again.”

“I don’t think she was serious about that, but I’ll discourage it in the future.”

“See that you do, commander.”

Hurrying to her quarters, he found he greatly anticipated seeing her smiling face. Daron didn’t even mind that she was a bit mischievous. In fact, he liked her playful and irreverent attitude, suspecting there was truly a sweet and innocent person behind her impetuous behavior.

Stopping abruptly in front of her door, he caught his breath before waving his hand over the door announcer. Knowing the computer would announce his presence at her door sent a thrill snaking through his gut. The door slid open with a hiss.

“You’re right on time.” Strolling in, he saw Cassidy busy setting food on her tiny table for two.

“Your food smells nice.”

Shaking her head, she smiled. “It’s not really my food. I just pick it up from the dining hall and jazz it up a little. You look like you just got off. Wash your hands and we’ll eat while it’s still hot.”

Moving behind her, he washed his face and hands as she finished up. They sat across from each other, making him feel uncomfortable.

“You look displeased. Do you not like the food choices?”

“I’m very pleased with the selection.”

“Don’t make me beg. Just tell me what’s up.”

Looking down, he murmured, “Sitting directly across from a female… so we’re looking at each other face to face… well… it’s considered very confrontational. The way humans insist on feeding themselves is strange to us.”

She immediately pulled her chair around to the side. Sliding his plate between the two of them, she asked, “Is this better?”

Now he felt like he was being demanding. “I didn’t mean to imply that you should…”

“Shut up and feed me, handsome. I’m starving.”

Unable to keep the pleased grin off his face, he did just that. Carefully bringing a slice of kamal to her lips, he spoke, “I don’t know if you’ve tried this vegetable, but it’s one of my favorites.”

Chewing, she appeared to think it over. “It’s orange like a carrot but it tastes like old socks. Put that in my mouth again and we’re gonna rumble.”


“No, I was just joking. I honestly like it. We have something similar on Earth. It’s a cross between a pear and an apple. My sister told me it was fantastic but I didn’t believe her.”

Relief washed away some of the nervousness. “You have a sister aboard? I’d love to meet her. Wait, do you two get along?”

“We’re sisters, of course we get along. Don’t start that ridiculous sepal about how all women fight with one another. You know we aren’t like that.”

“You’re very unlike the females of our home world. Not only do you not fight with one another, you’re even nice to the males.”

“That’s because you’re all so sweet to us.”

“Will your sister join us for dinner tonight?”

“She’s staying with one of her girlfriends. I don’t typically invite her for date night.”

“It’s considerate of you to feed me a meal, and make pleasant conversation. I have never enjoyed the attention of a female before. I find it immensely pleasurable.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true. The scarring made me unpopular with our women, even before I became clanless.”

“I don’t care for the whole concept of making people clanless.”

“Then we’ll talk about something else. How was your day?”

Shrugging, she accepted another bite from him. “I spent the whole day learning about clanlessness.”

“Apologies, my attempt at changing the topic of conversation didn’t go as planned.”

“Let me try. How was your day?”

“It went well. I delegated duties to ones I supervise and rebuilt an injection assembly.”

“Well, it must have been dirty work. You’re covered in this blue, sticky stuff.”

Embarrassed, he replied, “It’s the lubricant that we use to decrease the stress on the pistons inside the assembly. My apologies for coming to you dirty.”

“Don’t keep apologizing to me. I couldn’t care less if you have muck on your clothing. Besides, I’m the one who rushed you to come right away.”

“I’ll make an extra effort to ensure none of the lubricant gets on your furnishings.”

“Don’t worry, big guy. We’ll get a shower, and I’ll put your clothing in the little drawer that magically cleans things.” Trying not to smile, he lost the battle when she spoke again, “Tonight will be another clothing-optional evening for us.”

“I like using the cleanser with you. I have never heard of males and females cleansing together. Do all the people of your home world pair off to cleanse?”

Laughing, she shook her head. “Only couples do that.”

Frowning, he was loath to point out the obvious.

“Or women who enjoy seeing males naked.” He could tell she made another attempt at Earth humor.

“Why do you not take off your clothing? The last time you wore swaths of cloth covering your intimate places.”

“Human women like to take things slow. I’m planning to take that sarong off you this time, if I can only figure out how.”

Suddenly catching her meaning, he teased, “You mean to say, you prefer to move fast for me and slow for you.”

“You got that right, handsome.” Her bright, mischievous eyes captured his heart, prompting a lighthearted reply.

“Since you’re operating from a position of strength, I can’t argue the unfairness of that decision.”

Leaning over, she whispered conspiratorially, “I’ll let you in on a little secret. Human women like being fair. We aren’t all that interested in getting our own way. We like it when the men speak up and try to get their way sometimes as well.”

Truly confused, he asked quietly, “Why would any female want that?”

Sighing, she sat back in her seat for a moment. “If the guy does everything I want all the time, it’s fun for a little while, but I don’t get to experience new ways of doing things. After a while, it starts to feel like I’m dating myself.”

“You value the male contribution?”

“It’s more than just that. We’re only happy if we know the man is having a good time as well. If I have to make a man do something for me, it takes the fun out of it.”

“You’re much different from other women. Krylon females enjoy the control they wield over others immensely.”

“Some Krylon women enjoy control and conflict. Studies have recently proven that many of your women are perfectly normal.”

“I’d have to see those studies to believe them.”

“You’re a funny guy. Now, let’s go shower. If you’re really nice, I might even take off my top this time.”

“I’d do tricks like a pet for the privilege of seeing your breasts.” It was his first attempt at Earth humor and he was eager to see how she responded.

“I’ll hold you to that,” she teased playfully.

Maybe he could understand human females after all. Daron stood still as she undressed him again. Nothing could be better than the feeling of her hands on him. Standing naked in the shower with the water drizzling over his body, he watched her undress. She was intoxicatingly beautiful, especially when she removed the top swath of clothing, revealing two small, rounded globes to his eyes, causing his manhood to rise. If she noticed his brazen display of need, she didn’t speak on it.

“Turn around, I’ll wash your back.”

“What is a date?”


“You said the word date twice at dinner. The multi-language virus interprets the word incorrectly. It’s using a variety of words that mean couples spending bonded time together.”

“That’s exactly what a date is.”

“We’re not a couple.”

“Then we shouldn’t be naked together.”

“Are you attempting Earth humor again? It’s confusing me.”

“Maybe, I just like to fantasize that we’re a couple. It’s an enjoyable little game I play in my head.”

“Females are fantastical creatures, so I suppose there’s no harm in your innocent game.”

“So, does that mean I have your permission to have all sorts of naughty fantasies about you?”

That sounded an awful lot like the pretty females asking permission to think about them mating. “I’m unclear on what kinds of fantasies you’re referring to.”

Running her hands around his waist, she gripped his manhood in a shameless display of daring. Stroking him slowly, she leaned her cheek against his back.

“Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to stroke you until you peak. Would that be crossing the line?”

Leaning both hands on the wall, he allowed the pleasure of being touched intimately to roll over him. Her hands were small and soft, yet her grip on his rod was firm. “I don’t think you need my permission for such things.” Pulling forward and out of her grasp, he tried to get his bearings again.

She stepped closer, placing her hands on his hips. “Say stop, and I’ll stop.”

“I’m clanless, therefore you shouldn’t be…”

His stammering stopped when he felt her front slick against his rod, and her hands dropped down slightly to his testes. Did she even know what she was doing? He suspected not, until she leaned over and ran her tongue over his nipple. It hit him hard and fast that the little human was seducing him, and she was very good at it.

Throwing his head back, he rubbed himself against her soapy front. Every fiber of his being called out for him to strip her, pull her legs apart, and bury his face where her womanly scent would be the strongest. Pleasuring a female was every warrior’s dream, yet this one only wanted to pleasure him. The moment she bit gently down on his pectoral muscle, he came with roar. “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

Looking up at him with a rather pleased expression, she quipped, “Best day of my life, that’s what today is, big guy.”

He tried to focus his vision again, realizing he didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. Within moments, he was dry and sitting on her settee, much like the night before. Again, she spread the round, glowing lights around him.

“You look like you’re about to fall asleep.”

“I won’t, this is my promise to you.”

“You better not. If you nod off, I’m coming over there.”

“In that case, I may sleep intentionally.”

“Now who’s trying to be funny?”

“May I see your drawing when you’re finished?”

“Sure, you can. On my world, models usually get paid to pose.”

“I’ll consider looking at beautiful breasts payment enough.”

“That was forward.”

“Shall I apologize, Miss Cassidy?”

“I’d rather have more compliments on my breasts.”

“Are you doing the date with me? I thought we agreed not to do that.”

Gliding her drawing implement gracefully down the page, she responded, “You said it was a bad idea, and I distracted you with sexy, naked time. Did it occur to you to wonder why I did that?”

Knowing crept forward from the back of his mind. “You wished to prove that making the date with me was a good idea.”

Nodding, she repositioned her drawing.

Daring to make some date himself, he stated, “In that case, you should know your attempts didn’t convince me.”

Glancing up from her drawing, her eyes caught his. He saw her admiring him again. This time there was also some heat. “That wasn’t my best effort. Not by a longshot.”

“You don’t say. Tell me, human, what does your best effort entail?”

“What would it take for you to consider dating me?”

“I wish to taste your body.”

“I didn’t think Krylons kissed.”

“It’s taking the multi-language virus a short paragraph to explain the human kiss. I’m getting images as well to demonstrate. It looks interesting. However, that isn’t what I meant. I wish to put my mouth on your female parts.”

“Oh, my word, that’s something women usually have to coerce their males to do.”

“We’re not on your home world. Every Krylon warrior worth his sword wishes for this.”

“Even the clanless?”

“Because I cannot keep you doesn’t mean I must forgo the pleasure of your company during this trip.”

“Let us talk some more on this tomorrow. I wish to think about it.”

“That you’d even consider engaging in such activities with a clanless male astonishes me.”

“Sharing sex with you is a definite yes. I’m just worried about starting something with a guy that I’m already falling in love with, who’s telling me from the start he doesn’t want me long term. It feels like asking for a heartache.”

Sitting up straight, he spoke, “You think you’re falling in love with me? That is simply not possible. I’m not handsome or socially positioned to take a mate.”

“Correction, you’re totally hot. And I’m getting tired of hearing about your clanlessness.”

“I apologize for my clanless state. It’s an ugly subject to discuss with a lady.”

Slamming her drawing implement down, she took a deep, steadying breath. “Did it even occur to you once that you have a right to be angry about being cast out of your clan?”

“Being angry serves no practical purpose. My stepmother had every right to de-clan me. Women have the power on our world, they sometimes use it unfairly. It’s an unfortunate fact of life for one such as myself.”

Instead of having a calming effect, his words provoked more ire from the small human. “Repeat after me. “I’m honorable, strong, and competent.”

Attempting to appease her, he did as she asked.

“I didn’t do anything wrong, nor did I deserve to be cast out of my clan.”

Feeling a surge of genuine adoration well up in his soul for the sweet human, he repeated her words. Had any female ever been outraged on his behalf?

“And I don’t need stupid Earthlings to tell me how to stand up for myself.”

His head snapped up to look into her eyes. His heart sped up at the playful and admiring look she gave him.

“Apparently I do.”

“Now, it’s our turn to be assertive.”

“You’re correct. I didn’t deserve to be de-clanned.”

“You can do better than that. Be convincing and I’ll give you a little reward.”

“I like your rewards. How about we agree for me to make a formal complaint about the de-clanning tomorrow and you reward me now?”

Smiling, she scooped up a tiny pad and sat with him.

“What is this?”

Holding it out to him, she bit her bottom lip before speaking. “It’s the tiny pad I use to sketch ideas in. Would you like to look through it?”

“Yes. I’d love to see your work.”

Taking the palm-sized pad, he flipped through the sketches. His heart sped up a bit, with each turn of the page. She had filled the entire pad with sketches of him. Some were close ups of his face, others were of him stooped down making a repair, and others were of him wearing only his sarong. The last one was him standing in her shower wearing only the sarong as the water drizzled over his body.

“I’m shocked that you seem so fascinated by my scarring.”

“I’m fascinated by you in general, not just your scars.”

Handing it back, he struggled to figure out an appropriate reply.

“Keep it. It’s my gift to you.”

“Will you teach me to make the human kiss?” Unsure where in the verse those words had come from, he glanced away. “This is the first time I have made a request to a female.”

“This female likes getting such requests from you. She might even respond to a demand every now and then, if it’s sexy and phrased correctly.”

Though a smile sprang unbidden to his lips, he couldn’t imagine making demands of a female. It wouldn’t feel quite right to him.

Feeling a soft hand turning his face back to her, he watched her move closer. It felt like time stood still for them, as her lips touched his. The brief moment, just before their lips met, he felt her chest touch his. It snapped any resistance he had managed to hang onto. He realized a moment too late that he had absolutely no natural resistance to her smooth seduction. Before he could think to stop himself, his arms pulled her roughly to him. Rather than struggle, she came willingly. Her submission felt better than any victory earned in battle.

Her mouth opened and her tongue swiped against his lips. Opening for her, he enjoyed the human custom of the kiss. Their tongues touched and it reminded him so profoundly of their custom of pleasuring females with their mouths that he craved her all the more.

The moment she broke long enough to breathe, he allowed his lips to slide down the side of her delicate neck. Nipping and kissing his way to her shoulder, he heard a small, strangled cry break from her lips. Looking up, he saw her expression was thoroughly aroused. Continuing, he captured her blushing nipple in his mouth. Sucking and tonguing it until it formed a firm peak. Satisfied, he switched to the other.

Taking liberties without asking seemed to make her hotter for him. Not wishing to disappoint, he covered her hand with his and brought it to his rod. Needing very little prompting, she delivered long, languid strokes. Just as he began sliding one hand down the front of her sarong, an alarm sounded.

“I’m sorry, Miss Cassidy. I must go. The ship may be under attack.”

“I’ve never heard that sound.”

Pulling on his dirty clothing, he rushed towards the door. “It’s reserved for serious danger. I’m locking you in this room. Don’t attempt to leave. You’ll be safe in here if we’re boarded.”

“Just don’t forget about me. I don’t want to be locked in here for days by myself.”

“No male could ever forget you.”

Engaging the lock command as soon as the door snicked shut, he trotted down the corridor towards engineering.





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