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Maruvian Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 5) by C.J. Scarlett (8)


Chapter 8

~ Daron ~

Setting the last trunk on the hover board, Daron sighed. “That is the last of it, my little negotiator. I’ll put your sister’s belongings into storage until we can make contact with her again.”

“I wish you wouldn’t call me that.”

“I meant to honor you.”

“I know, but you’re reminding me that I made a deal that resulted in my sister being taken by the insectoids.”

“You ended hostilities between two fearsome enemies and in doing so, saved many thousands of lives.”

“I’m all too aware of that. I just thought the sacrifice would be me, not Carolyn. I can’t stop imagining all the horrible things they’re doing to her.”

“I know you’ve been tearing yourself up about this, so I have arranged something that may set your mind at ease.”

“What kind of something? I’ve already told the Shardon healers that I won’t take the memory wipe.”

“It’s nothing like that. Come, I’ll show you.”

Passing by his Krylon brothers working to repair the damage to the vessel, he took her to a meeting room with a huge three-dimensional holographic imager. Sitting at the table, he murmured, “This may take a bit of doing, so please be patient.”

“Maruvian vessel, please come in.”

The newly minted insectoid ambassador’s face shimmered into focus. If insectoid faces could look smug, this one’s purple features certainly were. “Thank you for using our proper designation, drone. What do you require?”

“I wish to speak with your new queen.”

“Impossible. She is in seclusion with drone section number twenty-three. She cannot be disturbed.”

“What in the hell does that mean?” Cassidy’s outraged voice cut through their conversation.

“Ah, the defeated one. It’s true what the other drones say. You look much like our new queen.”

“I’m her sister.”

“You’re defeated, so it hardly matters. However, I have been instructed to alert our good queen the moment you attempt to make contact.”

“Then hop to it, bug boy.”

His ugly insectoid’s face was replaced by a scene so shocking, his little Cassidy sank into a nearby chair. Her sister sat in a huge chair surrounded by insectoids that appeared slightly more humanoid. One kneeled, massaging her feet, while another painted something red on her fingernails. He commented playfully, “Your claws are weak, my queen,” the one massaging her feet quipped. “You’re lucky to have so many warriors, for they wouldn’t serve you in battle.”

Carolyn giggled as she used her toe to tip him backwards, before replying seductively, “Remind me to show you what I can do with my claws later.”

Suddenly, Cassidy stood again. “I can’t decide if that sounded vaguely threatening, or if you’re trying to flirt with the nice insectoid.”

Several of the drones made high-pitched sounds of annoyance and disapproval. Carolyn leapt to her feet. “I can’t believe we finally found you.”

“You didn’t. Daron talked your new ambassador into letting us speak to you. He said you left word to put our com through.”

“Indeed, I did. I wanted to apologize for shooting you in the shoulder. I was all kinds of worried about what the Maruvians would do to you. Just so you know, I had the laser pistol on the lowest setting. I thought it was the stun setting, not the cripple your sister setting.”

Daron watched Cassidy’s mouth curve into a tiny smile for the first time in days. Lifting her arm, she moved it around to show she had full mobility back. “Yea, I’m gonna tag you back for that one. But the Krylon have a reverse treatment for laser burn. They repaired the damage in a couple of days. I don’t even feel it anymore.”

Sinking back down into her throne, the woman sighed. “I’ve been worried about you.”

“Oh no, we aren’t done talking about your various slights and misdemeanors.”

“What in the verse are you talking about?”

“It seems the Maruvians have awarded me an honorary title.”

Making her little fingers wiggle, the woman articulated the words ominously, “The defeated one. It has a nice ring to it. Don’t you think?”

“Why am I the defeated one, when it was my brilliant plan that put an end to the war?”

Blowing on her nail color, Carolyn glanced up to catch her sister’s eye. It appeared to Daron that she was about to break out into gales of laughter. “We had that little disagreement about who would be the Maruvian queen. If I remember correctly, there was a fight and I won. That means you were defeated.”

Balling her hands into fists at her side, Cassidy growled, “It wasn’t like that. We were trying to save each other from sacrificing ourselves. I wouldn’t even call that a fair fight. You jumped me when I wasn’t looking.”

Shrugging, the other woman relaxed onto the arm of the gigantic chair. “Let’s not get ourselves wrangled up in all the details. You’re there with your warrior, and I’m the Maruvian queen. If you want to challenge me, that’s the only way to change it up. I wouldn’t try that if I were you. I’ve discovered that I can be all sneaky and deceiving when I want to be.”

“I’m sure no woman in the entire world would want to challenge you for the privilege of being the bug queen.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Why are you even angry? You should be thanking me.”

“I’ve been God-awful worried. Remember when we didn’t know if they wanted a queen for… reason A or reason B?”

Daron didn’t know what they were talking about, but her sister sure did. Looking all kinds of interested, the woman leaned forward in her chair, sweeping the bottom of her luxurious gown aside. “Just so you know, it’s definitely A.”

“No B at all?”

Laughing, the woman replied, “There’s definitely some B involved. Most of the Maruvians are asexual, however they require the presence of pheromones to initiate parthenogenesis.”

“What does that even mean?”

“Get your science geeks to explain it to you. Let’s just say, I’m not required to engage in sex for the males to procreate.”

Cassidy took a menacing step closer to the imager. “You’re acting like this is all fun and games. Are you pretending for my benefit or your own?”

“You’ve always been the dramatic one in our family, Cassidy.”

“Have you forgotten that they eat people?”

Sinking back again, the woman folded her hands in her lap. “That’s not true.”

“We saw warriors with big bites taken out of them.”

“Maruvians have pockets in their jaws. Part of their mission was to collect biological samples from fallen warriors. Their scientists use the tissue in advancing their biological development. They wish to appear more humanoid.”

“That’s disgusting. Biting people, that is, not the wanting to appear more human… in case you’re wondering.”

“I agree. The practice is now forbidden among my people.”

“Just like that? You say don’t munch on people, and they just stop.”

“Yep, I forbid it and we no longer engage in the practice.” Glancing up, she announced to the room, “And when I say we, I mean you, Igor.”

A winged creature dropped down from the ceiling, folding his wings neatly behind him. Looking at her respectfully, he bowed his head submissively.

“Hey, I recognize you. You’re the one who took my sister.”

“Don’t be angry with Igor. He’s my favorite, after all.” The woman slid one hand down his wing, making him shiver in obvious delight.

Cassidy’s voice turned confused. “This whole situation is doing my head in. Are you actually trying to say you’re fine?”

“Let’s be sensible. If you end up with your hot, clanless warrior, what does that look like? You’ll probably end up on that vessel with him; neither of you have anyplace else to go. I’d have been on the Sylon home world all by myself, hoping to find Mr. Right. I’ve a news flash for you, sister. I’ve got no interest in Krylonians and I honestly don’t even know why. I’m starting to think I don’t care much for traditional sex, so this works for me.”

“You didn’t give the warriors a chance. Hell, you never even saw their home world.”

“The bottom line is I’m happy here. I have dozens of Maruvians falling over themselves to accommodate my every need and desire. They like me, even when I’m a bit of a selfish bitch. I don’t plan to turn into an egomaniac, but I’ve never had that kind of acceptance before. It’s humbling.”

“I just can’t get my head around what you’re saying.”

Ignoring her sister’s bewilderment, the woman continued, “We’ve been invited to the next Galactic Council meeting to speak on our intentions. I think they’re afraid the Maruvians want more women.”

“Do they?”

“I’d have to say no. They seem to have a hard and fast rule about there being one queen per vessel. This is the only Maruvian vessel, and I’ve got that covered at the moment. Maybe they’ll need one or two more as the years wear on, if they aren’t successful at creating their own, but it’s nothing to alarm every planet in the region.”

“Can I come and visit with you?”

Several of the males made their noises of disapproval. “I’m not sure that would be a very good idea. These guys never allow two women on one vessel. They’re worse than the Krylonians about that kind of thing. How about we see each at the council meeting?”

“I’ll try to find my way there.”

Igor whispered something in his queen’s ear.

“I’m told that I can assign drones to escort you in one of the Maruvian shuttles. They are normally tasked with seeing to the safety of dignitaries when their queens meet with other worlds.”

“It may come down to that. I’ll let you know closer to the time.”

Her sister stood, allowing the soft, billowing fabric of her gown to pool around her feet. Her expression took on a serious edge. “Cassidy, don’t worry about me. If I remember correctly, you have a whole parcel of your own problems to worry about.”

Again, Daron wasn’t sure what they were referring to, but his sweet little Cassidy nodded her agreement.

As soon as the screen went blank, Cassidy turned to him. “I don’t know quite how you pulled that off, but thanks.” Grinning, she noted wryly, “I was worried about her getting raped or eaten. Now, I’m just worried that she’s lost her ever-loving mind.”

“I’d have to concur with that assessment.”

“So, tomorrow’s really the day?”

“Yes, defeated one. We’ll land on the Sylon home world at sunrise, their time.”

Poking him playfully in the ribs, she looked up at him. “I think I like being called your little negotiator better than my Maruvian title. How’d you find them, by the way?”

“Once they registered with Galactic Council, we simply logged in and retrieved their official com address. The one we think of as an ambassador is actually called an actionator by the Maruvians.”

“What the heck is that?”

Grinning he asked, “Are you certain you want to know?”

“Why the heck not? At this point, nothing would surprise me.”

“He is the drone tasked with creating an action plan for each and every command issued by the Maruvian queen.”

Shaking her head in disbelief, Cassidy quipped, “Isn’t that just peachy? My sister has a ship full of insects who worship her, and one guy whose job is just to make shit happen for her.”

“Once we land, you can get busy meeting influential Krylon males. I’m given to understand that the princes are eager to meet you. They have gathered the most desirable males the Sylon home world has to offer for you to choose from.”

Stepping forward, Cassidy slid her hands up his chest. The seductive move flipped the atmosphere from one of humor to something a bit more intimate. “I’ve been thinking about that. I’m not certain I want to meet other men.”

“I have nothing to offer you, except affection. A female requires more to get by in this world than…”

Wrapping one leg around his, her hand slid down to cover his bulge. Squeezing him slightly, he realized his body was all too happy to accommodate her desire to see him aroused.

“Cassidy.” His breathless voice held a note of warning.

“I thought I was your little negotiator.” Squeezing him again, he realized she was bent on having her sexy way with him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your quarters.”

“That isn’t a good idea.”

“I wish it.”

“Very well, you may come and see the havoc you’ve wreaked on my people.”

Pulling back, she looked up at him with furrowed brows.

Unable to withstand her hurt look, he took her by the hand and led her directly to the nearest below-ground access junction. As soon as they descended, she gasped. “Why are there so many women down here? Are they turning us into scrubs here as well?”

Snorting a laugh, he quickly replied, “Not at all, my little negotiator. It seems that while you’ve been consumed by the grief of losing your sister, word spread about the clanless. The women aboard this vessel and on the Sylon home world reacted badly to the concept of males being rendered clanless over trivial matters.”

“I’m not surprised. It’s a shitty thing to do to a person. We know, because the same thing happened to us on Earth.”

As they made their way through the throngs of people, he continued to explain, “The humans aboard this vessel have rejected the Krylon. They refuse to engage with the warriors, and have asked to be transferred to the Shardon or Candorian upon our arrival.”

“Carolyn and I talked about it before her descent into madness. We worried that if the Krylons would turn their own people into scruffs, they would probably do the same to us when we were no longer useful.”

Stopping dead in his tracks, Daron turned to her. “That would never happen.”

“I don’t mean to sound cynical, but it damn sure could happen. The bride contract stipulates only fertile women are eligible for trade. What happens if one of us turns out to be infertile, or if we get shot in the stomach and can’t carry a child? If they could cast you aside, they’d do the same to us.”

“They wouldn’t. Females have value above their ability to bear children.”

A small voice sounded off nearby, as a small, shrouded form stepped forward. Shoving back her hood to uncover her hair, he saw that it was streaked with grey.

“I snuck aboard with my daughter and granddaughter. Let us see what they make of me.”

“Odar, come.” After a moment, the older clanless warrior stepped forward. Without taking his eyes from the mature female, he spoke, “I wish you to take this one to Captain Yearl. We’ll let her experience be the deciding factor. If she is treated poorly, the insult won’t go unanswered.”

“You threaten civil war?”

“I’d face off with the princes to advocate for her rights. War is only a remote possibility, for I think the older council members will be all too eager to embrace such a lovely age mate. Many have spent their entire lives alone.”

“I agree, sir.”

“Allow no harm to come to her, Odar.”

“It will be as you say.”

Grabbing Cassidy by the hand, he headed for his cubicle. “This day has been filled with shock, compounded by more shock. I grow weary of it all.”

“I’m tracking with you one hundred percent, big guy.”

Feeling some of the stress loosen in his chest, he assisted her up the steep ladder and over the threshold of his quarters. “Forgive the sparseness of the accommodations. I never thought to have a female in my space.”

Walking up to him, she slid her arms around his waist. “I’m not here for the scenery.”

“Then why?”

“The company, of course.”

“I like that answer, my sweet female.”

Giggling, she teased him back, “I’ve turned your world upside down, yet you call me sweet. I’ve only ever been called a troublemaker before.”

“You’re both, and I like a female with many diverse qualities. It keeps me interested and always trying to figure out your next move.”

“Yep, that’s me, a thrill a freaking minute.”

Picking her up, he carried her slight form to his elevated sleeping platform. Standing her upon it, he divested her of every article of clothing.

“I like the eagerness, big guy. But I thought I was the undresser in this relationship.”

“Tonight is our last night together, my sweet. You’ll do as you’re told for once.”

“I love the new, more assertive Commander Daron. He’s kind of hot.”

Taking a step back, his eyes trailed down her delicate form. “Lie on your back and open those pretty legs. I wish to look at you while I undress.”

Her eyes flew open but she dropped immediately to her knees, and eased back into a reclining position.

Pulling his jacket open, he stared at her. “Don’t make me repeat myself, my little mischief maker. Tonight, you’re all mine, and I’ll have my fill enough to last a lifetime.”

Swallowing hard, she slowly pulled her knees apart. Seeing her laid out for him, blushing pink from her plump little breasts to her hairline, turned him on more fiercely than any image he’d ever seen. The fact that her gaze turned more heated with each article of clothing he removed, gave him hope that she craved intimacy with him as well.

Crawling over her, he started by making the human kiss with her. Her legs came up, locking around his waist, pulling him close. He hadn’t expected her to act with such urgency. As their tongues tangled, she rubbed herself wantonly against his sex. The delicious friction provoked urgency. Suddenly, his mouth moved down to claim his prize, stopping to entice and tease her pert nipples.

Finally pressing his mouth against the lips of her sex, he swiped up, bumping into a little nub. Each time he touched it, she moaned and rubbed herself against his tongue. It was nice of her to point him in the right direction. Teasing and sucking the tiny nub sent her hurling into a full-blown orgasm. Curious to see if it was true that human females could repeat immediately, he circled around it again and gently teased another orgasm from her delightful body.

The way she wiggled, ran her fingers through his hair, and spouted words of love, he thought that maybe he’d gotten it right. Though human women were complex creatures, their sex wasn’t difficult to figure out. It was heart-stopping pleasurable to see her orgasm and know he was the reason for it.

Sliding up her body once more, he positioned himself for entry and leaned down for a kiss. Much to his surprise, she wrapped her legs around his waist again and pulled him forward, slowly impaling herself on his long, thick rod. Daron allowed her to lead, giving her time to get used to his size. Her warm, soft body was extremely wet and pliant to his needs. It was strange that when she looked at him, she didn’t seem to see the scars. Realizing that she liked him anyway raised such feelings of utter possessiveness, he had to fight the urge to turn her over and pound her until she never thought of another warrior.

“You feel really good.”

Looking down at her, he could see she was biting her bottom lip and appeared to be lost in a haze of desire. He intentionally pulled out a bit and slid back in. Her expression changed to one of rapture. “Yes. That was perfect.” Taking that as affirmation, he pulled out and slid home yet again. Her body bowed under his, clearly wanting more. He pounded into her, unaware that he became rougher and harder with each thrust. He could feel her nails on his back, giving him a tiny bite of pain to go with the pure ecstasy of joining with her.

That’s when he lost control. Pulling out, he flipped her over onto all fours. Grabbing her hips, he thrust inside again, yanking her back, forcing her to take every bit of him. Leaning forward, he slid one hand up to grasp her shoulder. The other hand drifted down to tease the tender nub. His female went wild beneath him, telling him in no uncertain terms how much she liked his rod, as she drove herself back to meet his every thrust. The next time she orgasmed, her body seized his rod, forcing him over the edge as well. He stilled as he poured his seed into her, wishing to have more than just one night with her.

Rolling her to the side, he curled up around her, refusing to pull out. She burrowed down into his lap, sighing contentedly. Daron thought he should be too exhausted to think but his mind wouldn’t stop.

“I want you, not some high-class warrior.”

“I won’t have enough to buy clan status for another year.”

“I’ve saved all of my stipend. Perhaps together we might have enough.”

“I won’t take your credits.”

“There isn’t a you or me anymore. There’s only us. I consider it an investment in our future together. I assume you’d like our futures to be intertwined.”

“It feels wrong to take from you.”

Moving his hand to her stomach, she asked pointedly, “More wrong than our child being born in this room.”

Snorting a laugh, he responded, “You’re not in your fertile phase. I would have scented it.”

“Laugh it up, big guy. I may not be ovulating right now, but I will be soon. And guess what? Now that I’ve had you, I won’t stop seducing you.”

“I can resist your charms.”

Now it was her turn to laugh at him. “Ha, you didn’t tonight. Besides, you have something to offer a clan that you didn’t have before.”

“What might that be?”

“If you have a female, they know you’ll have children. You might even have female children. Correct me if I’m wrong, but female children born into a regular clan must marry outside the clan, or it would be polluting the bloodline because they’re all related.”

“This is true.” Suddenly, her point became apparent. “You’re suggesting they would be eager to offer an unrelated couple clanship, because of the possibility of us providing marriageable females for their sons?”

“If it helps, the women in my family haven’t produced a son in about three generations. Much to my father’s disappointment, it was only ever me and my sister.”

“I’ll speak to the clans. Though you’d be better served with a more high-status male, I cannot bring my selfish self to let you go, if there’s any chance of providing a decent life for you.”

“Um, Daron, sweetness, are you ever planning to pull out?”

“Not until you make me.”

“Then that will be never.”

“Do you always talk so much after sex?” He could hear the flirtatious, teasing quality of his own voice when he spoke.

Ever the mystery, she responded sleepily, “You’ll have to have more sex with me, and discover that for yourself.”

The thought of having her for his own filled his soul with happiness.





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