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Mikial (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 2) by K.J. Dahlen (77)




When they got back to the clubhouse there was more than one surprise waiting for them. Four large trailers sat in the dooryard, all bearing Iowa license plates. When Melora got out of Sam’s truck, Mountain was right beside her.

When Deke and Cassie joined them Deke stated, “I wonder what the hell is going on here?”

Then the front door opened and four very large men came out followed by Gator, Wiley, Deacon and some of the other men. The men came to stand behind and around Deke and Cassie while the four new men stood on their own.

“What the hell?” Mountain whispered in shock.

Deke whipped his head around and stared at the other man. “Do you know these guys?”

“They’re my brothers.” Mountain nodded.

“Your brothers?” Melora whispered. “You mean I have uncles?”

One of the men stepped forward and held out his hand to Mountain. “Well hell, Talon, you look great.”

Mountain laughed out loud and grabbed his brother pulling him into a big bear hug. “Chance, you old sonofabitch! How the hell are you guys?”

The others grabbed him, hugging him close for a minute before Mountain turned to Deke. “These are my brothers Chance, Byron, Bowie and Dante.” Turning back to his brothers, he introduced everyone. “This is Deke, Cassie, Sam and my daughter Melora. I’m sure the others have introduced themselves by now.”

Chance nodded. “Yeah, they did.” He turned to Melora. “So this is your daughter huh? She’s beautiful, must take after her mother.” He chuckled while staring at her light silky looking hair. Her coloring was definitely Morgan, as all the men standing there shared the white hair and violet eyes the same as Melora did.

Mountain laughed along with his brothers then asked, “What brings you guys all this way and why the trucks?”

Chance glanced over at his other brothers briefly then turned to Mountain. “We decided to join you out here. We’ve all been apart for too long. When you called us a couple months ago to tell us you found your daughter, we decided to sell the farm and come out here to be with you guys. We sort of figured you’d move out here, if this was where your daughter was staying.”

“Dad would have wanted all of us together,” Bowie added. “So, when you called us a few days ago to tell us you were moving out here and why, we just packed up and hit the road. We kind of liked the idea of having a garage and building hot rods. It’ll be just like when we were growing up.” He snickered. “We all wanted to see you become a grandpa too. Man are you getting old, brother.”

“That is if you want us to.” Dante shrugged.

“Yeah, I do. It sounds great to me.” Mountain grinned. “The Morgan Brothers are back together again.” He paused then said, “If I’m getting older, so are the rest of you. You aren’t that much younger than me.”

“If we don’t kill each other first,” Chance said. “We haven’t always seen eye to eye on the small things.”

“That was when we were young and dumber.” Mountain shrugged.

“Are they all going to join the club as well?” Gator asked.

“If you’ll have us,” Dante said. “We did bring our bikes.”

Mountain’s smile widened.

No one present had ever seen the huge man grin so much.

“This group doesn’t much care for the idea of hot rods in their town. They prefer the two wheeled kind of vehicle.”

“Well, we’ll just have to convert them then won’t we?” Dante grinned.

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Sam scoffed.

“Oh, I have to tell you guys, the Morgan name and legacy will live on. She’s having a boy,” Mountain announced.

“That kid is a Tory all the way.” Sam growled.

Deke just rolled his eyes then grabbing Cassie and Melora by the arms, he led them inside. “Too much blond testosterone out here.”

Cassie and Melora giggled as they went inside. “I think I need a drink,” Melora stated.

“I think I’ll join you.” Cassie nodded.

Reva came out of the kitchen with a pot of tea and two cups just as Peaches came out with a plate of sandwiches. When they sat down, the others filed in and made their way over to the bar. Deacon grabbed a bunch of beers and handed them out.

While they were busy at the bar Cassie caught Peaches’ eye and said, “Someone has been hiding a secret.”

“And what would that be?” Peaches asked.

“Who she really is.” Cassie said motioning her head toward Melora.

“And who is she?”

“Danielle Shane,” Cassie announced proudly.

“What?” Peaches squealed. “Are you kidding me?”

“Nope.” Cassie shook her head. “She’s Danielle Shane.”

“We should have known that when she wrote another story using the character we loved.” Peaches grinned. “Great story by the way.”

“Thanks.” Melora smiled. “You guys gave me the idea, so it’s all your fault.”

“I’ll take the blame.” Peaches shrugged then smiled.

“Me too. I love your books.” Cassie grinned.

“Where did Izzy go?” Melora asked. “I thought she’d be here.”

“She went looking for houses today,” Reva answered. “Also, she said something about baby shopping.”

“That sounds like her.” Melora chuckled.

“So who are the new dudes?” Peaches asked.

“They are Mountain’s brothers. Can’t you tell?” Cassie replied. “Yeah, we could tell. Look at all those blonde heads and…Muscles.”

Melora snickered and nodded. “And they’re going to open a garage together.”

“Like Troy needs another motorcycle shop.” Peaches snorted.

“They aren’t building motorcycles,” Cassie informed her. “Try hot rods.”

“Hot rods?” Reva questioned. “Oh, that’s going to go over big.”

“Yeah, it already has.” Melora shrugged.

“Oh, well.” Reva shook her head. “They’ll work it out.”

“If they don’t spill blood first.” Melora scowled.

“So what did the doctor have to say?” Peaches asked.

“It’s a boy,” Melora replied and passed her the sonogram photo.

“Do you have a name yet?” Cassie asked.

“Yeah, I think so.” Melora sighed. “Sam isn’t going to like it but I don’t care.”

“Why? What is it?” Peaches asked.

“I’d rather not say right now.” Melora shrugged. “It’s kind of personal.”

“No worries.” Cassie nodded.

“So are you gonna marry Sam or what?” Peaches asked.

“Not anytime soon. I already told him I won’t marry him just for the baby.”

“No I didn’t think you would.” Reva nodded. “But if you did, it would only be because he loved you, wouldn’t it?”

Melora nodded. “Yeah, that’s important. He has to love me for me as a woman, not just the mother of his kid.”

“Honey, that’s the reason most women get married!” Reva exclaimed.

“I hope it all works out for you sweetie.” Cassie patted her hand. “And I do understand, I felt the same way. But you will find out that the Tory men are the best….They’re just a little bit slower when it comes to love.”

The women all laughed.

Just then, the door opened and Izzy came in with her arms full of shopping bags.


~*  *  *  *~


Izzy lugged her bags over to the table and sat down next to Melora. “I found us a house!”

“Good.” She stared at all the bags. “What else did you find? Everything the mall had or what?”

Izzy smiled and rolled her eyes then reached into one of the bags and pulled out a baby onesie. It was so small and proclaimed to the world, Future Biker.

“Oh, that’s cute!” Melora laughed. “The baby will love it not to mention the father too. The grandpa, not so much. It would have to say Hot Rod Kid or something.”

Again, the women all laughed.”

“So did you find out what it is?” Izzy asked.

“A boy.” She passed the pictures over to her.

“Cool beans, then you’ll love this.” Izzy reached into another bag and brought out a small leather vest. When she flipped it over, they all saw the words, Biker Boy.

Melora giggled. “Oh, Sam is gonna love that.”

“So will Mountain.” Izzy grinned. When she looked over at the bar, she saw all the brothers and her eyes grew huge. “What the hell? Did Mountain clone himself or what?”

“Those are his brothers.” Melora smiled.

“Wow,” Izzy whispered. “This could be interesting. Like all Viking and muscles…” She turned to her friend. “Did you know about them?”

“No I didn’t.” Melora shook her head. “I only met them a few minutes ago.”

“Yeah, this could be fun.” Izzy smiled as she stared at the men at the bar.

Melora smacked her hand.

“What?” Izzy asked.” I can look at all the blond candy in the room, can’t I?”

Laughter again, broke out among the women at the table.

While she was looking at all of them, her eyes were mostly on Mountain and she liked what she was looking at. She didn’t know where this was going but she hoped it was going somewhere. It wasn’t just that he was all sexy and muscles. She rolled her eyes. Yeah, lots of muscles. It was the look in his eyes, whenever he did look at her. It made her shiver down to her toes.

She glanced at her friend and saw a knowing look in her eyes. When Melora nodded slightly, Izzy smiled in secret. They’d been friends long enough for her to know Melora had just given her permission to go after her father. But to be safe, Izzy felt she needed to ask her in person.


~*  *  *  *~


Over the next several weeks, Melora was busy trying to find a house big enough for her, Izzy, the baby and Mountain. The house Izzy found wasn’t quite large enough to hold everyone. Mountain’s brothers were all busy setting up the shop they planned to open. It only took a week or so to find a place for the garage.

It was a warehouse not far from the motorcycle shop. They ended up getting two warehouses nearby. They were going to turn one of the warehouses into apartments for the brothers. The first level would be a common room with a kitchen and living room, along with two separate apartments. The second floor was divided into three apartments while the third floor was divided into four more apartments.

The men that came up from Texas with Mountain would also share the living quarters with the Morgan brothers. Six weeks later, the apartments were ready to live in and the shop was ready to go.

In those six weeks, Melora’s belly grew as she got closer to her due date. Izzy finally found the perfect house near the garage. It had five bedrooms and four bathrooms. One of the bedrooms they painted for the nursery while Izzy, Melora and Mountain all took other bedrooms. The bedroom left over became Melora’s office.

Sam continued to be there for her the whole time and his presence was driving Melora and Izzy nuts. He would drive by at all hours of the day and night. They knew it was him by the sound of his pipes. One time when he drove past at nine o’clock at night, Mountain stepped outside with a rifle in his hands. Sam didn’t stay around and Melora and Izzy giggled about the incident long after Mountain went to bed.

Night after night, Izzy watched and waited for the right time to make her intentions about Mountain known but that time never came. She was frustrated beyond belief when things finally came to a head.

She just watched as the man in question announced he was going to bed.

Melora glanced at the clock and saw it was only eight in the evening.

“Grrr…” Izzy growled. “That man is driving me nuts.”

“Why?” Melora smiled.

“Can I ask you a question?” Izzy finally spoke up.

“Sure.” Melora shrugged as she rubbed her expanding belly. The baby was moving around a lot tonight and she was trying to settle him down.

“Why is it you’ve never said anything to me about my liking your dad?”

“Do you like him?” Melora asked.

“You know I do.” Izzy shrugged. “I haven’t done anything about it yet, because I didn’t know how you felt about me liking him.”

“I thought you understood my nod of approval a few weeks ago.”

“I thought I did too, but you never actually said anything.”

“Just because he’s my father, doesn’t mean he isn’t a man. I’m the last one to preach to anyone about staying away from an older guy. If you want him, go for it. You two might be good for each other.”

Izzy wet her dry lips with her tongue as she stared at his closed door. “I think I’ll turn in too.”


~*  *  *  *~


Melora smiled as she watched her friend go down the hall to her own bedroom. She knew her friend was interested in him but she didn’t know whether to push the issue or not. She’d caught the looks Izzy and her father shared when they thought no one else was looking.

A few minutes later, she heard the shower running and silently wished her friend good luck. She got to her feet and went out to the backyard. It was warm outside and she wanted some fresh air.

She hadn’t been sitting there long when Sam came around the corner and quietly sat down beside her on the porch swing. She’d known he was somewhere nearby. Everyone in the house knew it. Sam would watch over them at night until the last light went out. Melora often heard him when he left and she always wished him good night.

“How you doing momma?” he asked as he rubbed her belly.

“We’re fine Sam. Are you sure you want to face Mountain’s shotgun,” she teased.

He scoffed and grunted as he shook his head. “Why are you sitting out here by yourself?”

Melora smiled in the darkness. “Izzy decided tonight was going to be the night when she seduces Mountain.”

Sam chuckled. “It’s about damn time one of them made a move.”

“Yeah, it’s been a trip watching them both ignore the obvious.”

“Do you think she’ll get him?”

“Oh, yeah. He doesn’t stand a chance and I really don’t think he wants it any other way.”

“Then that means you’re free to come home with me for the night,” Sam stated as he caressed her arm.

“And why would I do that?” His hands on her skin was making her crazy. His touch was what she missed the most and right now, his hand had slipped under her shirt and he was caressing her bare belly. She could feel her body respond and it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge.

“Because you need me as much as I need you tonight,” Sam whispered in her ear. “I have missed you like crazy and I want you so much, I can almost taste you.” He leaned over her and began kissing her neck.

Each touch of his lips on her skin made Melora shiver with need. “Sam even if we do this, it doesn’t change anything.”

“I know but I need you so much tonight,” he whispered as he sucked her ear lobe into his mouth and bit down on it gently. “Please come home with me.”

Melora trembled and nodded. “Okay.”


~*  *  *  *~


Sam got to his feet and pulled her to hers. When she agreed to come home with him, he wasn’t going to let her change her mind. When he touched her just now, he could feel the baby moving around and every time he did, he was in awe. He tried to stay away from her but found he couldn’t stay away for long. She was like a drug he needed every day in order to live. When she wasn’t with him, he had to find her, just to watch her. Sam had become very good at watching his family from afar over the years.

Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he led her into the darkness of the night. Down the alley sat his truck. He helped her into the front seat and quickly got in behind the wheel.

A few minutes later, he pulled into the driveway to his house and took her hand to lead her into the house. He barely had the door closed when he kissed her. She reached for him and pulled him to her. They never made it to the bedroom. Sam steered her to the sofa and before he could even take off all her clothes, he was inside her. He groaned as his cock slid in and out of her warm wetness. Each stroke stronger than the last. It took every ounce of control he had not to slam into her but he controlled himself.

It only took about a dozen strokes before her body splintered in passion.

Sam groaned when he felt her go and a few strokes more he joined her. Grinding his cock in as deep as he could get, he felt himself erupt as he bathed her inside with his cum. He slid to her side, so as not to crush her belly but he couldn’t bear to let her go yet.

“God, that felt good,” she whispered in his neck. “I almost forgot how good it was between us.”

“It came be that good again.” Sam promised. “All you have to do is come back to me.”

Melora sighed. “You know I can’t come back.”

“Why can’t you?” Sam urged. “I asked you to marry me.”

“And I told you I wouldn’t marry you just because of the baby,” she reminded him.

Sam growled. “Then I guess I’ll take what I can get.” He scrambled to his feet and pulled her up. Leading her to the bedroom they once shared, he swiftly stripped off her clothes and his. Moment later, he dragged her to the bed and laid her down on the bed. Following her down, he pinned her in place while his lips and hands stroked, licked and kissed his way to her core. He would convince her of how much he loved her by his actions. That was what she said, wasn’t it? Actions would speak for him.


~*  *  *  *~


Melora felt on fire. She couldn’t believe how quickly her body was responding to his. She hadn’t felt this overwhelming need in so long and she couldn’t control herself.

Now, she was lost again in her passion as Sam used what he knew would drive her crazy. “Please, Sam I need you inside me,” she whispered as her body blazed. She groaned as Sam slid his fingers inside her. First one then two and finally, three fingers fucked her but it wasn’t enough. Melora wanted everything Sam could give her. “Please I need you. Please…” she begged as she licked the side of his neck down his chest to the flat nipple he had. When her lips closed around it, Sam groaned and held her head to his chest.

Sucking lightly Sam began dry humping her core. Her juices coated his cock and then he couldn’t stand it anymore and he pushed himself deep inside her body.

Melora gasped and she could feel her pussy gripping him. Moaning, she wrapped her legs around him and lifting her hips, she pulled him in deeper.

Sam didn’t need more than that to thrust into her again and again. Sweat beaded on his body and mixed with her own but neither of them was aware of the fact as both were too caught up in their passion for each other.

She felt her body tighten, as she got closer to exploding for the second time. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she could feel the echo in Sam’s body. She felt the passion burst inside her and she screamed out his name.

Then she felt him go deeper than he had before and his body erupted inside her again. Sliding to her side, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close until his heart stopped pounding.

“Wow.” she whispered as she snuggled into his body. “That was unbelievable.”

“It could be this awesome every night,” Sam said quietly.

Melora shook her head. “Shhh, don’t speak, let’s just enjoy the moment.” She yawned slightly. “I have to go home soon.” She closed her eyes.

Sam’s arms tightened around her. “Silky Girl, you are home and I’m never letting you go. Not now, when I just got you back.” He smoothed his hands along her satiny hair as he held her tight.

Melora heard him but she was too tired to argue and she fell asleep in his arms.