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Nocturnal Sins by Danielle James (12)



Since Sammie and I were going to Papa’s, he told me I could drive and he’d meet us there. Something happened to me and Sammie when the stars burned bright in the navy sky though. We lost inhibitions and we did what felt good to us.

Fuck the rules.

Fuck society.

“You look amazing, Sammie.” I glanced at her while we were stopped at a red light. The crimson glow it cast made her look illuminated by sin. I wanted to lick her clean.

The wind whipped Sammie’s golden sandy strands around while she smiled at me. The air was honeysuckles and tree sap while I steered down a road lined with thick trees. Sammie held my hand in hers and the sound of my heart matched the roaring whip of the summer breeze outside while we drove.

I had my entire world beside me.

“Thank you, Santana,” she purred. My dick heard the sultry sound of her voice and twitched.

“We gotta tell Pop about us. This shit is going to damn near rip us apart but…”

“We can handle it,” she said finishing my sentence.

“We can.” I gave her a sure nod and tried to figure out a way to tell Pop I was with Samira without him breaking my jaw. I brought her dainty hand up to my lips and pressed a kiss to it.

“I can’t believe I’m going to see what goes on behind the walls of Papa’s.” She sounded so excited it made me smile against my will. That was Sammie though. She always thawed the ice around me.

“It is pretty fucking cool, Sammie.”

“Is it weird that I’m getting turned on right now? The fact that I’m getting to do this with you by my side is making me really…wet.” Her pretty pink tongue darted out and wet her lips. My entire body ached with the need to dig inside of her tight wet heat.

I would once we were back home and she was in my bed where she belonged.

We pulled into the parking lot and hopped out just before Pop walked in. He looked at Sammie with a stern expression hardening his features and said, “Little girl, this is not something you romanticize. This is a fucked up way of life and it will eat you alive. Be terrified.” Then he pulled open the backdoor and led us in.

Sammie reached her hand out and grabbed mine, giving it a squeeze. I could tell Pop’s words didn’t do a motherfucking thing to deter her excitement. It may have even worked against him by making her more excited.

He still didn’t get how much of a dark curiosity that girl had. She was also stubborn as fuck and she would get what she wanted even if she stumbled along the way. Pop would learn that side of her though. He’d learn quick.

“Holy shit,” Sammie blurted once the pallet of stewed tomatoes moved to reveal the hidden door. The stone on stone sound was nothing to me now. I heard it and it signified the entrance into another world. Sammie wasn’t used to it though. She pulled her shoulders up around her ears and shut her eyes at the loud grinding noise.

“Fuck, that’s loud,” she cringed once we stepped through and the door closed behind us. “I feel like we just stepped into a damn dungeon.”

“Can you please watch your language, Sam?” Pop glowered at her while we walked through the maze of hallways to his office.

“Pop, come on now. You’re showing her the business and you can’t let her express herself a little? The girl has a mouth like a disgruntled sailor.” I laughed when I saw him fall to his leather chair and mutter something in Spanish.

“So, this is your office? Wow, Papa, this is nice. I barely even feel like I’m in a dungeon.” Sammie pressed her palms together and brought them under her chin. She looked at Pop and he sighed.

“You sound exactly like Santana. This is not a dungeon,” he corrected.

“It is so a dungeon,” Sammie chirped. Having her back there where we orchestrated intricate drug plans and takeovers was such a contrast. Sammie was bright and she brought her brilliance wherever she went. It was like lighting a flare gun in a cave.

She chased away the shadows and made everything visible. I watched her with amusement while she bounced around the office examining everything from the books on the shelves to the art on the walls.

“That’s so obviously a safe.” She pointed out the once piece of art that was a secret door to the safe in Pop’s office. “You weren’t trying to hide that, were you Papa?”

“Well, yes, mija. I was.”

“Oh…you need something less obvious. Anyone that comes in here knows where your safe is. Trust me. If you left that one and put in another that was flush with the wall or better yet, in the floor and had a remote keypad entry, you could throw people off.”  She gave a nonchalant shrug then squeezed her full hips into the same chair I sat in so that we were pressed together thigh to thigh and shoulder to shoulder.

Pop opened his mouth to protest Sammie’s suggestion until he realized it was actually a good one. “Put a safe in the ground?” He mused stroking his chin.

“Yeah. You can’t be this obvious, Papa.”

“There’s nothing in the safe besides my pagers.” He opened it to show her and she peered inside with the wonderment of a child. It was cute as hell to watch her get excited over something most people would be scared of. “I like your idea but understand this, I’m not incompetent. I’ve gotten as far as I have because I know people. Not interior design. I know for a fact that no matter what kind of safe you have, you can’t trust anyone to be around it.”

From Pop’s office, the stone on stone sound made everyone fall silent. The men were arriving for our meeting. Samira’s bright green eyes lit up until Dom came through the door of Pop’s office.

I bristled immediately, standing to my feet. Sammie tugged on my hand but I slid from her grasp. When Dom looked around me and saw Sammie, a smile slithered across his face.

“Well, well, well, look at who’s here.” Dom took a few steps then realized I was blocking him from Sammie.

“She’s taking it all in. Don’t get too excited. She’s not joining the ranks or anything,” I told him, my arms folded across my chest.

“Well, such a gorgeous girl shouldn’t be back here where men do unforgivable things. Where men aren’t afraid to kill.” His words were meant to strike fear into me but they didn’t do anything but set fire to everything I’d thought or felt toward him my entire life.

“Dom, can you check to see who else is coming? We got a shipment of molly and I need all the soldiers pushing on campuses to be front and center.” Pop yanked Dom’s attention away from Sammie but only briefly. He nodded over his shoulder then looked at Sam again.

“Good to see you again, gorgeous.” He winked at her and she flashed a weak and phony smile his way.

The moment he was out of the office, rage exploded from my chest filling up the area. “Pop, I know that’s your best friend and all but I don’t like the way he looks at Sammie. If I see him doing that shit again, I’m going to bash his face in.”

“Woah, woah, Santana, calm down.” Pop chuckled and stood, pressing his hands into the desk. “You think Dom, of all people, is being inappropriate with Sam?”

“I don’t think. I know. He was at the house earlier and he couldn’t stop hugging her and staring at her. It was fucking inappropriate,” I snapped. I felt Sammie’s gentle touch on my back and I relaxed a little.

“He hasn’t seen her in a while so maybe…” I cut Pop off, slicing my hand through the air.

“Fuck that. I know what I saw.”

“He’s not being crazy, Papa. Uncle Dom was being touchy this afternoon. He stayed there talking to me and staring at me for hours. I had Erin over and we couldn’t even practice because he wouldn’t let me out of his sight.

Plus, he hugged me for way too long and touched me too many times. I know what it feels like when men are being handsy.”

Pop looked from me to Sammie, a frown clouded his features like a rolling storm. “You two serious about this shit?” He asked, no longer amused.

“Very,” we said in unison. Tension stretched from my shoulders down my back.

“I’ll talk to him,” Pop responded. His words were tight and full of irritation. When it came to Sammie, he was like me. There was no room for another chance at fucking up.

“Watch him around her,” I said. “Don’t let him know you’re pissed. Just watch him.” Pop gave me a silent nod then put his arm around Sammie, pulling her close.

“You know I’m here to protect you. All you have to do is point out someone that made you feel uncomfortable and I will murder them.” He kissed her temple and she gave him a smile.

“I know, Papa. Even before I knew who you really were, I knew that.” We moved into the meeting room and Dom’s eyes slid over to Sammie. He traced her legs then moved up to her tits. He lingered there so long that Pop had to pull him in another direction to do something else. Sammie pulled up a chair and crossed her legs when she sat down. She motioned to the space beside her and I pulled up another folding chair to sit down.

“He’s so fucking creepy. I don’t like that,” Sammie whispered in my ear. Protectively, I placed a hand on her thigh and squeezed.

“I know.”

“Santana, don’t fly off the handle,” she warned.

“I’m not. I just don’t like the fact that he can’t control himself around you. It’s one thing to think you’re sexy as fuck because…” I let my eyes take a trip along her curves and she blushed because of it. “What’s bothering me is the fact that he’s clearly unhinged.”

“What? What does that even mean? God, I feel like I’m out of my league.”

“Don’t worry, Princess. I’ll tell you when we get home.” I needed to talk to Pop about it as well.

Off an on during the entire meeting, Dom shifted his eyes to Sammie whenever he thought Pop wasn’t looking. When I had the floor to talk about how the molly should be rolled out and which campuses would be more likely to go for it, Dom pretended to look at me. However, Sammie was right beside me so I knew who he was really paying attention to.

Even when we were back in Pop’s office, Dom hugged Sammie for no fucking reason. “I can’t believe little Sam is all grown up. She’ll be a woman next week, right? Your eighteenth birthday is coming up.” Dom rubbed his hands together like he was getting ready to snatch Sammie right out of that office.

I dared him to even try.

“Yeah, so you better stay away from filthy fucking old men who don’t know how to stop giving out hugs.” My words weren’t meant to be vague. I wanted them to pierce him and piss him off.

They did.

His nostrils flared and his eyes locked on to me.

“You got a problem with me, niño?” His shoulders pulled back making his chest stick out. I let out a soft chuckle and shook my head. I had to pull back. Pop always told me not to be such a hot head. It was hard when Sammie was involved.

“Nah, Uncle Dom. I’m good. Just a little brotherly advice to Sammie that’s all.” I felt her green eyes on me just the same as Pop’s.

“Yeah, well sometimes big brothers need to stay in their place. Chris, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Alone.” Dom left, slamming the door to Pop’s office behind himself. The room was hewn from stone so it did little more than make a loud clap that was swallowed by the rough walls.

“Santana, you have to reel that shit back in,” Pop grumbled. “Although, I’m tempted to let you go wild on him. I didn’t like the way he stared at Sam all night. I sure as hell didn’t like the way he hugged her when we got back in here.

If he wants to talk tomorrow then fine. I won’t be alone though. Santana, I want you to be there with me.” I blinked a few times and looked at him for confirmation of what my ears heard. He wanted me with him when he talked to Dom?

“Do you see why I don’t want you involved in this world, Sam? Men don’t know how to act around women when they’re in this life. Alina did so well because everyone knew she was mine and not to be fucked with,” Pop said.

Sammie nodded then looked at him and countered his words. “I’m sure Mama had enemies and men who wanted to sleep with her though. They just didn’t say anything to you.”

“You’re probably right, but she knew how to handle herself.” Pop grimaced.

“Let’s go home,” I said. I wanted to cut off the back and forth between Sammie and Pop before it started. They were both prone to arguments and pushing back and forth. I didn’t want to hear it.

“When we get in, meet me in the den, Santana.” Pop told me before gathering his things. “I’ll see you two at home.” He dismissed us with a head nod and I held out my hand for Sammie. She grabbed on gladly and we went to the car.

“Uncle Dom was pissed,” she exhaled while clicking the seatbelt in place.

“He was pissed he got called out on how fucking rapey he was being with you. He gave you no less than five hugs.” I pulled off and headed toward home. “I’m going to talk to Pop about freezing him out. I know he’s going to think I’m crazy but I’m not.” I had a hunch about men like Dom and I had no doubt in my mind that he would prove me right if given the chance. I didn’t want to give him the chance.

“What are you thinking?” Sammie took my free hand in hers and slid my finger in her mouth. How the fuck was I supposed to answer her when every thought in my head sank to my dick?

“I was thinking something really intelligent until I felt your tongue on my fingers. Now my dick is getting jealous.”

“Oh? Well, let’s hurry up and get home before Papa and maybe I can make it up to your dick.” I sped the rest of the way home and let out a relieved sigh when I noticed Pop’s car wasn’t in the driveway yet.

Sammie was in my arms the second we walked through the door. I couldn’t move from the foyer before she was on her knees and tugging at my belt. She pulled my cock out like it was a revelation. I was so fucking hard for her, I couldn’t see anything but stars.

I let out a hiss of air when her velvety tongue connected with the head of my cock. With my fist in her silky hair, I guided her head up and down my thick erection. I watched in awe while saliva rolled down her chin. Sammie had no shame. She looked up at me with piercing green eyes and I let out a string of curse words. She was so fucking beautiful. So nasty. So mine.

I thrust deep into her mouth until she gagged on my inches. My good girl didn’t give up though. The gagging seemed to turn her on. She went faster, sending jolts of electricity up and down my legs. My big toe pointed to the ceiling. I’m sure my soul was headed that way soon.

The way she swirled her tongue around my sensitive head and slurped on her way down, pushed me right over the edge. “Sammie, I’m about to cum,” I warned. The words made her suck faster. She cupped my balls in her warm hand and I tipped my head back. It thudded against the front door just as I shot into her mouth.

“Mmm…” she hummed with my pulsing cock between her lips. A violent shudder wracked me. The vibration from her throat was amazing.

“Fuck,” I groaned, smoothing back her messy ponytail. Sammie grinned up at me, licking the last remnants of cum from her perfect fucking lips. I gripped her throat in my hand and made her stand up.

I pinned her curvy compact frame against the door and owned her with a kiss. She was such a good girl. I planned to reward her all night long.

We didn’t get a chance to sink too deeply into our kiss because Pop was trying and failing to open the front door. It wouldn’t budge because Sammie and I were leaning against it.

“Shit,” she whispered, pressing her body against the door for a few seconds longer so I could zip my jeans and fix my belt.

“Sam, is that you? Get off the damn door.” Pop fussed. I nodded at her when I was decent and she flashed me a wickedly beautiful smile.

I felt my heart stutter in my chest a little. Keeping our relationship under wraps would be harder than I thought. I wanted to touch her and hold her no matter who was around. Pop included.

No other woman ever made me feel so strongly before.

“What’s up, Pop? I told her silly ass to stop playing,” I chuckled, tossing a glance at Sammie. She grinned and shrugged her shoulders before heading to the kitchen. Pop wasn’t pleased. He shook his head and motioned for me to follow him into the den. At least he didn’t press the issue about the door. Clearly, his mind was elsewhere.

“Since you were selling drugs way before I knew about it, I have to ask…do you know how to shoot?” He sparked a cigarette and sat on the couch.

“I know how to shoot but I’m not the best,” I admitted. Even though I was only running petty drugs around campus, the guy I got my shit from made sure I was protected and could at least hit my target at close range.

“You need to be the best, Santana. I’m bringing you in deeper now. You’ve been shadowing me for a month and I’ve let you make some decisions. They’ve played out well. I like the way you rerouted the guys downtown and I like the way you commanded the room when you talked about our new move on the campuses in-state.

You know your shit. You bring new, fresh blood to the scene.” He stopped to stroke his chin thoughtfully before breathing in the smoke from his cigarette. It rushed from his mouth creating a gray veil in front of his face. The smell would always remind me of him.

“I think I want you to take Dom’s place as my right hand.” His words were bombs falling high from fighter jets. I stared at him silently in response. It was all that I could do. I didn’t know what to say.

“You’re always in your head, Santana. Rarely does an uncalculated word leave your mouth. I love and hate that about you. See, I like to get inside of people’s heads and someone like you is hard to tap into.

That’s why you were able to get away with so much shit when you were little and hell, even now. You probably have secrets I’ll never know. At the same time, that’s why you’re so valuable.

I saw the way you smoothed Dom over in the office. You have a hunch about him more than just the fucked up way he’s eyeing your sister, don’t you?” I could never deny Pop’s wit. He was sharper than a knife. He was a sword.

I gave him a nod and began to explain why he couldn’t trust Dom. I said, “He wants to fuck Sam. That’s a huge fucking no-no. You can’t trust a man that would do that to you. It’s not like he’s in love with her and he’s been harboring silent feelings.” I thought of myself and shook the visions of Sammie’s perfect smiling face from my head. “He’s a goddamn predator,” I said.

“Who’s a goddamn predator?” Sammie asked, carrying a bowl of ice cream in her hands.

“Dios mio,” Pop groaned, rubbing his forehead. “Samira, go upstairs. Go to sleep. Do something with yourself besides being in here while Santana and I talk business.”

Did she listen?


She plopped her cute ass right beside me and fed me a spoonful of ice cream that I took gladly. Pop eyed us curiously for a second and shook his head. “He’s why you won’t ever be able to keep a boyfriend. Not that I’m complaining…”

“What does that mean?” Sammie asked, tossing her head back to laugh. She was beautiful when she laughed. It took every fiber of control in my body not to kiss her neck while it was exposed.

“It means Santana was your first love. Most little girls love their Papa first but you, Princess, you loved Santana. No boy will ever be good enough or better than your big brother in your eyes. His eyes too,” he muttered that last part as he took in the casual way Sammie’s legs were draped over mine.

I rubbed the soles of her dainty feet because I had to touch her in some kind of way. My fingers would have burned to dust if I didn’t. Pop stared at us for a few beats and I saw his wheels turning.

I wondered if we were transparent.

“Nobody’s ever gonna live up to Santana,” Sammie practically purred while she stared at me and I felt a swell of pride in my chest. I had to tone it down though.

“I’m the shit,” I shrugged.

“You two…” Pop pointed and shook his head.

“So, who’s a goddamn predator?” Sammie asked again with a bright smile.

“Dom,” I answered because I knew Pop wouldn’t.

“Oh, yeah no fucking doubt about it. I swear if he touches me one more fucking time I’m going to knee him in the nuts.” Pop blinked at Sammie then shook his head again before lighting another cigarette.

“You two are gonna be the death of me. I still can’t adjust to hearing my princess curse like a grown man. Listen, I know Dom has been inappropriate and there’s no excuse for it. I agree with Santana. I can’t have a man like that in my circle.

To sit in my fucking face and stare at my daughter like she’s a bitch on the street is unacceptable. So, he’s done.” It was as simple as that. Pop tapped the ashes of his cigarette into an ashtray and stood to his feet, looking at us through the haze of smoke.

“Tomorrow, after work, meet me at the supply warehouse, Santana.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

“I’m coming too,” Sammie declared.

“No. The hell. You’re not.” Pop grumbled at her. He snatched out his cigarette and held it between his pointer finger and his thumb while he regarded her. I wanted to tell him that there was no stopping her but I decided to let him figure it out on his own.

“Papa, I want to know why you can’t meet with Santana at the restaurant. You’re going to show him how to shoot, aren’t you?” She beamed.

“If I see your ass at the warehouse you will be in huge trouble.”

“Okay, okay…” She held up her hands and endured the harsh gaze of Pop until he stalked up the steps and to his room. The moment he was gone, she straddled me and peered down into my eyes.

“He’s going to teach you how to shoot, isn’t he?”

“I know how to shoot. He’ll probably work on my aim though.”

“If you shoot Uncle Dom I’m going to cum on myself, Santana.” Her words were feathery giggles.

“Shit, well I guess I better start practicing.” We laughed and I kissed her neck like I’d been dying to do the whole time Pop was in the room. Sammie reached behind her and set the bowl down on the coffee table then clicked the lamp off, plunging us into darkness.

We sinned when darkness clouded around us. It felt damn good too. I gripped her perfect ass in my hands and she couldn’t help grinding on top of me. “Papa isn’t sleeping yet,” she whispered. Her vanilla bean flavored lips against mine.

“Then I guess you have to be quiet when I make you cum, huh?” I yanked her pretty strands of silk in my fist and her head snapped back exposing that beautiful smooth throat of hers. First, I met her skin with my lips then my tongue, lastly my teeth. Sammie whined and dug her fingers into my broad shoulders but she liked it. I could tell by the way her hips moved.

“Put your dick inside of me right now. You’ve been teasing me all day.” I loved when she got like that. It made my cock painfully hard.

“Is my princess bossy?” I quizzed, lifting an eyebrow. I slid my hand between our bodies and rubbed her clit. She was already soaked for me.

“So bossy, Daddy.” She rocked back and forth, fucking my fingers like a good girl and flooding my jeans with her sweet pussy.

“Save that fucking orgasm for me, Samira. I want to be buried in your pussy when you cum. Understand?”

“Y-Yes, Daddy. It feels so good though.” Her eyes were closed and her bottom lip was locked between her teeth. I wished I could take a picture of her right then. She was ethereal.

I freed my cock and Sammie mounted it like she’d been starving for it. “Shit, Santana,” she moaned while she eased her tight, slippery walls down on me. I dug my fingertips into her waist and rode her motions like a melody.

Her face was covered by shadows but she was still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. How long had I been looking at Samira that way? How long had I known she was a knockout in every area?

I turned my thoughts away from the mounting emotion in my chest and focused on how slick and wet Sammie’s pussy was. “Shit,” I grumbled. “Did I make you this wet?” My fingers found her stiff clit again.

“You always make me this wet.” She bounced faster and I rolled my thumb in a circle all around her clit but refusing to touch it. She was losing her shit. Her moans were reaching a fever pitch.

“Sammie, you have to be quiet. Pop is going to come down here and find you riding my cock and then what? Hmm?” I gripped her slender neck in my hand and squeezed.

Something hungry flickered in her jewel-toned eyes. “Harder,” she rasped. “Choke me harder, Santana.” When I tightened my grip Samira came so hard I blacked out for a minute. Her pussy became a vice that I could no longer move inside of.

I don’t think I ever came that fucking hard before in my life. No words would come out of my mouth. Only animalistic grunts as my cock throbbed inside Sammie’s sweet creamy pussy.

“Oh my god,” she panted, pushing sweaty tendrils of hair away from her face. “I love you.” She took my face in her hands and kissed my lips repeatedly. Each kiss lifted me higher and higher off the ground.

“I love you too. I think I’ve loved you longer than I realize,” I told her with clarity and certainty.

“Me too.” Her throat dipped when she swallowed.

“We have to tell Pop,” I sighed, tipping my head back and letting it rest on the couch. Sammie nodded. She knew it was the next step in our journey. We couldn’t pretend like what we were doing was some kind of fling. It wasn’t.

She meant more to me than that.

“So does this mean you’re my man…officially?” She asked. I could see the twinkle of emotion in her pretty eyes.

“Yes, Sammie. I’m your man. You’re my woman. Now we just have to figure out how to tell Pop.”





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