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Nocturnal Sins by Danielle James (14)



Hearing Samira be so raw with me split my chest in two. My heart was beating in the atmosphere somewhere. There was so much love in her eyes that I knew right then and there I could never leave her or hurt her.

I’d endure whatever Pop threw at us as long as Sammie was by my side. I tugged the ponytail holder from her sandy hair and it fell around her face and shoulders like waves of sunshine.

Fucking perfect.

The world would end before I stopped loving Samira.

“I’m in love with you too, Sammie,” I told her once I pulled away from our kiss. She scrambled into my lap and pushed her fingers through my hair while her sweet mouth found mine.

Our tongues danced against each other while my hands worked to undress her. Her body was gorgeous and I could never get enough of her smooth curves. My hands knew them better than they knew anything else.

Her landscape was mine to explore and I’d explore it as long as I had breath in my body. I laid her down and spread her legs so I could feast on my favorite meal. I stared at the way her pussy glistened for me. She was so wet I wanted her to paint my face and turn me into a work of art. I’d still pale in comparison to her though.

I dove into her wetness, lips first. Her clit was stiff and standing, ready for attention. It called me until I had to grant its every wish.

Sammie’s body jerked forward when I connected with her stiff nub. My name materialized on her full lips while I lapped at her river, drinking her until she spilled over and dripped down my chin.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She cursed while I flicked her clit with my tongue. I fucked her nice and slow with my fingers while I slurped and sucked on her pussy. It wasn’t long before she convulsed and I hit the jackpot. Her sweet cream painted my tongue just the way I wanted.

I came up and let her taste her honey on my lips and I thought she would devour me. While she licked and savored herself, I spread her thick pussy lips and sank into her. She gasped while my lips hovered over hers.

“You always feel so good, Samira.” I stared at her expressions and committed them to memory while I held on to her ankles and dug deep enough to make her spasm around my cock.

The sound of our bodies moving together drove me crazy. I drilled into her so she could maybe feel an ounce of the passion I had for her. It ran deep and it wasn’t soft and romantic. It was real. It was concrete.

That’s exactly how I fucked her too.

I fucked her until I rendered her speechless. Her mouth hung open and only short gasps were allowed to escape. The bed groaned and complained beneath us.

I looked down to see her cunt gripping and sucking my dick and I couldn’t handle it. “I need to feel you cum on my dick, Sammie. I’m so fucking close.” I shut my eyes against the beautiful sight of us.

“Me too,” she moaned. She met every thrust I pushed out and before I knew it we both gave into the tide pulling at us until we were drained dry. Her climax made my breath stutter. My dick had no issues reacting though. I came so hard I had to shut my eyes. Even then, I saw a tidal wave of stars.

We finished just before Pop came home. I heard the door close downstairs. I slid out of Sammie’s wet warmth and flopped over on my back. “It’s like he has a sixth sense that ells him when we’re fucking,” she whispered, gathering her clothes and clutching them to her chest.

“I know,” I agreed, sitting up. Sammie’s green eyes roamed around my bare chest for a moment before she dashed to the door connecting our rooms. “Go, I’ll talk to Pop,” I told her. She nodded but I saw the small glint of defiance in those cat eyes.

I made sure I was decent before I headed downstairs to talk to Pop. Even though I washed my face and hands, I still tasted hints of Sammie on my tongue. Nothing could wash that away and I didn’t want it to.

Pop lifted his gaze when I entered the kitchen. Something was different with him. Maybe it was the realization that his two kids were more to each other than brother and sister.

“Are you going to talk to me, at least?” I asked him finally.

“Talk to us?” Sammie’s voice came from behind me and I hung my head low. I knew her little ass couldn’t stay put. She had to come brave the storm with me.

Pop poured himself a glass of whiskey. Straight. Then he sat down and looked at us. I couldn’t read his face and that worried me.

Sammie pulled up a seat at the kitchen table and sat beside me. Beneath the tabletop, she linked our fingers together and squeezed. I didn’t know how much I needed that moment of solidarity.

“I should talk to you two,” Pop began. “I just don’t know where to start or what to say. I just…” He gave an empty shrug to match the look in his eyes. I felt a pang of guilt tug at me but nothing would ever make me regret Sammie.

“Papa, what’s going through your head right now? Do you…hate us?” Sammie’s voice wobbled a bit. It was my turn to give her fingers a squeeze.

“Hate?” Pop turned his stare to his daughter. “How could I ever hate my own children? Confused, angry…livid actually would better describe it.” I didn’t see rage when I looked at him but his fingertips had turned white from how hard he was gripping the glass in his hand so maybe I was wrong.

“Livid?” Sammie almost whispered.

“I know we should have come to you but there was never going to be a good time to do that, Pop. I didn’t know how to tell you I was falling head over heels for Samira. It all happened so fast and without warning.” I finally looked at him hoping not to see rage.

“How do you fall in love with your sister? How!” His voice exploded out of nowhere sending shockwaves through the kitchen. I drew in a deep breath and let it roll off me.

“She’s not my blood,” I responded calmly.

“Blood couldn’t make you any closer, Santana. This was not supposed to happen. This was not what Alina wanted.”

“You can’t speak on what my mother would have wanted because she’s not here. That’s not fair. You don’t know if she would have warmed up to the idea.” I bristled at the mention of my mother in any regard.

Pop let out a pained chuckle and took a long drink from his glass. “I’m not just some guy off the street trying to get with Sammie. I love her. I know how fucked up this seems but nothing will change the fact that we’re not blood siblings Pop.

I’m not going to stop loving her. I’m just sorry you found out instead of us getting a chance to come to you and tell you in another way.”

“Would you have told me, Santana? Would you have told me that you were fucking my daughter as if you were never my son?!” I cringed at the power behind his words and Sammie winced beside me.

“We never meant to hurt you, Papa. You can’t help who you love though. I understand if you have to take time to digest this but…” Sammie’s words were cut short.

“Time, Samira?” Pop chuckled and finished the rest of his drink. “I have to keep a cool head around my men now that I brought Santana in. I can’t let anyone know there’s discord under my fucking roof. If I did I’d have all kinds of goddamn fires popping up that I’d have to put out.

So now, I’m stuck having to pretend that things are fine when they are absolutely not fine. Right now, I don’t want to look at either one of you.”

Sammie was more hurt than I was because she’d always been his princess. She could do no wrong in Pop’s eyes. She wasn’t used to be on the troublemaker’s side of the fence.

“Okay,” I nodded. I couldn’t change how he felt and I didn’t expect him to feel any differently than he did. “Pop, I’m sorry that we didn’t tell you sooner but we really didn’t know how. I love you and respect you.” Pop laughed at that last bit. “I’m willing to talk whenever you are.” I finished before standing up. Sammie sat still as stone in her seat but I wanted to get away from Pop to give him time.

He needed lots of fucking time no matter what he thought.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going, Santana?” Pop grumbled, standing.

“To my room,” I said, slipping my hands in my pockets. He glared at me and shook his head vehemently.

“You don’t have a room in this house anymore. You think I’m going to let you two stay under the same roof when I know what’s going on between you? When I’ve seen you all over each other with my own fucking eyes? No. You’re not staying here so you can have free reign, Santana.

I didn’t go talk to Dom this evening like I planned. I went and set up an apartment for you. You can stay there but I refuse to have you living with Samira. She will graduate high school and go off to New Hampshire in the fall and you will not lay a finger on her.” His words trembled like they were full of anger and popping at the seams.

My brows crashed together and I took a step closer to him. I could take anything but him trying to pull me away from Sammie. She was everything to me.

“Samira, I forbid you to have any more contact with your brother,” he spat the word at my feet bitter and gnarled. “I can’t believe you would ever do something so fucking salacious. Do you know how this would have made your mother feel?”

“No, I don’t. But I do know that Mama was all about love. Even if she would have started off angry, she wouldn’t stay there and she damn sure wouldn’t make Santana move out of the house.” I hated the way Sammie cried. I hated seeing tears roll down her smooth cheeks and splash on her chest.

I wanted to wipe them away. I wanted to wipe every piece of pain away and make her smile again. My throat tightened at the sight of her scarlet tipped nose and cheeks.

“Well I’m handling things and I refuse to have you two around each other.”

“You can’t stop me,” Samira’s tears turned from sad and hurt to angry and defiant in a blink.

“Look, I’ll go. Fuck this. Sammie, I don’t want you getting into any more trouble because of me.” I leaned down and kissed her forehead in spite of the bullish way Pop exhaled through his nostrils.

“Santana, don’t leave without me,” she begged. Her voice was a tiny squeak that ripped me apart from the inside out. I was always respectful to my father but right then I stared him down like he was just another man on the street.

Sammie’s red eyes and trembling lips set fury loose inside of me and I needed to get away before I did something stupid. I was fine with being kicked out but I hated what it did to Sammie.

I hated the thought of not sleeping beside her like I’d grown accustomed to. My bones felt heavy as I moved toward the front door.

“Samira stay here. I’ll take Santana to his new apartment.”

“I don’t need a fucking guide. Just give me the address,” I snapped.

“Santana, please. Let me come with you,” Sammie clutched my hand in hers and my resolve began to melt.

“Sit down, Sam!” Pop boomed. She didn’t flinch or budge though. She held on to me for dear life. His directions meant nothing to her. She was waiting to hear from me.

“Listen to me, Sammie…” I smoothed her hair back and pulled her face closer to mine. “Nothing can break us apart. You know that, right? Me and you, we’re nocturnal and as long as night time falls, we’ll be together.” She curled her pinky around mine and I chuckled a bit but it was a pained sound.

“Pinky swear?” She asked in the saddest voice I’d ever fucking heard.

“Pinky swear,” I nodded earnestly.

When she let my hand fall, she hurled a furious stare at Pop and said, “I will never speak to you again if you try to rip us apart, Papa. If you try to force me into a space without Santana, I will cut you out of my life no matter how fucking bad it hurts.” Her words rang out with the clarity of a sword being unsheathed. Sammie was ready for war.

“Go to your room, Samira,” Pop growled, slamming his hand down on the kitchen table. His glass rattled at the power behind his fist. Sam gave me one last glance before she rushed up the steps tearfully.

It took everything in me not to march up the steps behind her and toss her over my shoulder. She should have been with me. I didn’t want to cause any trouble for her though and it seemed like that’s exactly what I was doing.

So, I left the house and slammed the door behind me. I sat in my truck for a few minutes staring into the inky black sky. After a while, I moved my gaze to Sammie’s window. Her light was still out and I hated the thought of her crying alone in the dark.

“Follow me,” Pop knocked on my window, breaking apart my concentration. I didn’t nod, I didn’t speak, I just revved my engine. And waited for him to get into his car.


The apartment Pop got for me was almost on the other side of town. The neighborhood was nice, not too flashy. Pop slowed his car to a stop and punched in a code at the gate.

My apartment was on the third floor. It was already furnished and looked like it belonged to someone. I looked at Pop and he leaned against the doorway leading into the kitchen.

“This is a place I go when I need to lay low. It’s yours now.”

“I don’t need to lay low,” I told him with my brows lowered and my eyes narrowed.

“You do now. I don’t want you around Sam.”

“We’ve already done everything you’re pissed off about. Splitting us up isn’t going to accomplish much.”

“Santana, do you really think you have leverage with me right now to speak to me like that? You and Sam have done something I could have never fathomed. You have crossed the line.”

“We fell in love.” I shot back at him. I felt the muscles in my neck pressing against my skin. Blood stomped through my veins as Pop and I stared each other down.

“How? When? How is that fucking possible, Santana?” He tossed his hand in the air so close to my face he almost hit me.

“I don’t know. All I know is when I saw her after I got expelled…she didn’t look like the same little Sammie I remembered. She was different. She was beautiful in a way I can’t explain,” I raked my fingers through my hair and sighed. I knew I was probably making shit worse by telling him everything but I couldn’t keep it in anymore. It was out in the open in front of the one person I was terrified of telling.

Nothing would stay put. My feelings refused to be locked away behind the shadow of night. “She grew up and we connected in a way we’ve never connected before. It was some kind of perfect storm.” I lifted my eyes to look at Pop and pulled my shoulders back.

“Enough, Santana. You’re telling me you’re in love with your sister. In love?” I saw it. I saw it in that split fraction of a second. I saw the way he considered what I said. Beyond all the anger and confusion, he wanted to understand.

He was pissed and hurt but I knew at that moment that he’d work through it. “Yeah, we’re in love. I don’t want anyone else.” We stood toe to toe and I watched the idea sink into Pop’s head. He was still pissed though.

“I’m done talking about this shit. Come by the restaurant in an hour,” he told me.

I nodded and watched him leave without a goodbye.

The second I crashed on the couch, the weight of everything sank into my shoulders. I closed my eyes and spoke to my mother in my mind. I begged her to let Pop see that love was love and to finally come around.

I wanted to obey his wishes but I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away from Sammie for too long.





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