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Nocturnal Sins by Danielle James (18)



Standing across the hall from Dom made me feel like I was just as much a volcano as I was a man. I wanted to let the anger erupt from me in thick floods of lava that burned him to the core. I hated the way he laughed off Pop’s request. It was disrespectful.

“What is it, Santana? You wanna flex your big brother muscles with me, huh?” His eyes narrowed and a part of his mask slipped and I saw the disloyal piece of shit he really was hiding beneath. Suddenly, I felt the weight of my gun resting in the waistband of my jeans.

I had no problem shooting first and asking questions later. There was no doubt in that at such close range I would kill Dom. In my mind, that wasn’t such a bad thing. His energy made my hackles stand at attention.

“I want to know if you have a problem keeping your hands to yourself. Every time you and Sammie are in the same room lately, you’re all over her. You’re touching her or staring at her and that shit is inappropriate.” I stood waiting to hear his explanation but honestly, I knew it wouldn’t make a bit of difference to me.

Dom was on my shit list and there was no getting off.

“She’s beautiful, what can I say? I’m not blind. Seems like you’re not blind to it either. You’re stepping to me as more than a big brother it seems. Anything you want to tell me, son?” An icy smirk lifted one side of his mouth and I felt my hands itching to pull out my gun.

“Don’t call me son. You might be Pop’s right-hand man but you ain’t shit to me, Dom. If it weren’t for Pop I’d probably lay your ass out right here. I understand loyalty though.”

“Still didn’t answer my question, Santana. Something you need to tell me about Sam?”

“I don’t have a fucking thing to tell you about her except that you need to keep your hands off her. I see past your bullshit and my loyalty isn’t to you Remember that.” I didn’t give Dom another second to respond. I headed back into Pop’s office. Two pairs of green eyes met me. Silence stretched across the room and I sliced through it with a single breath.

“I didn’t shoot him,” I shrugged. Both Pop and Sammie still eyed me curiously. “I didn’t hit him either,” I finished with a laugh. On cue, Dom poked his head in Pop’s office and shot me a glare that I didn’t miss. I didn’t give a fuck about it either.

“Chris, I’ll talk to you later once things aren’t so tense around here. We need to straighten some things out.” Pop grunted in response and we all watched as Dom left, closing the door behind him.

“Dom has to be severed from the business,” Pop said. His words were heavy and solemn. I was glad to hear him come to his senses though. If he wanted to keep growing, he couldn’t have a man like Dom in his ranks.

“I agree,” I said with a nod.

“It’s not an easy decision, Santana. We’ve been friends for decades.”

“I feel fucked up that this is happening because of me,” Sammie frowned. Her plump lips turned downward and even though she was torn and tangled in different emotions, I wanted to suck on those lips and make her forget about everything for a few minutes. I tore my eyes away from her mouth and looked at Pop.

“It’s not just you, Sammie,” I pointed out. “It’s the fact that he’s letting his mask slip. That means he’s been disloyal for a long fucking time and now it’s starting to show through. He can’t hide it.” I sucked in a quick breath and said, “Pop, you know what you have to do.”

“I’m not going to kill Dom, Santana. There are other ways.” I saw the dilemma swirling around him like a tornado and I hated it. He was clouded by his friendship.

“The only way to deal with someone like him is to eliminate him and you know it, Pop. I know he’s your friend but he’s disrespectful and…”

“I know, Santana! Let me handle this. I don’t want you doing anything. Understand me? You’ve done enough.” He didn’t have to tell me I was dismissed. His squared shoulders and tense expression let me know everything.

I started for the door and waited for Sammie to materialize at my side. “Sam, I like your plans for the guys on the east side. I’ll roll it out tomorrow.” His demeanor softened when he looked at her. I understood fully why. I softened every time I looked at her too but for completely different reasons.

“Thank you, Papa,” she beamed. Golden light poured from her when she hugged Pop.

“You two get out of here and steer clear of Dom. Santana, I mean it. Until I get him fully out of the business, don’t let him see you two together…like that.” Even though he was trying to accept our relationship, he still didn’t want anyone else knowing about us.

If I was being truthful, I didn’t know how everyone else would handle seeing Sammie and me together as a couple. A bigger part of me didn’t give a fuck though. She was mine and I was happier than I’d ever been when I was with her.

Everyone else would have to deal with it.

I nodded my head in response to Pop and held out my hand for my golden ray of sunshine. She grabbed on and we blew out of Pop’s like nothing in the world mattered.

“I can’t believe Papa is going to actually listen to my plan.” Sam wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed tight. My heart squeezed too.

“Why wouldn’t he?” I quizzed, opening the passenger door for her. “You’re fucking brilliant and I think you’re cut out for this shit. Pop isn’t ready to accept it but he will be soon enough.” Once we were in the car, we shared a slow kiss that made my cock ache for her.

“You always believe in me, Santana. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” She nearly whispered against my lips.

“You’d be in Dartmouth being a straight-A cheerleader.” I cracked a smile and I saw her green eyes twinkle right before she hit my chest.

When we got back to my apartment, I walked a few paces behind her just to watch the sway of her full hips. I tipped my head to the side and wondered how the fuck I spent so many years pretending not to see how bad she was. The way her ass jiggled when she climbed the steps made it hard not to bend her over where she stood.

I couldn’t though. She was still buzzing and talking about Pop finally listening to her. It made her glow and I loved how happy she looked. Those eyes of here were like treasure chests full of emeralds.  So, as much as the carnal man side of me wanted to pin her down and own her with my mouth, while I sucked on her pussy and listened to her moan, the sensible side told me to let her bask. It was torture though. The fact that she was gorgeous when she was happy wasn’t helping matters.

Once we were finally tucked away in bed and her perfect ass was pressed against my dick, I couldn’t hold on to my willpower anymore.

“You don’t think Papa was just saying what I wanted to hear to get me out of his office, do you?” She asked me for the third time and for the third time in a row, I confirmed that I thought he really took on her idea and liked it.

Then when things fell silent, I turned her to face me so I could stare into her gorgeous seas of green. They made me float away every damn time. I dug my fingertips into her slender waistline and dug my teeth into her slender neck. “Santana,” she moaned. The moment I heard her sweet as candy voice, my dick stood.

“I’ve been trying so hard to let you shine in your moment, Samira but…fuck, you’re so beautiful. If I don’t taste your pussy on my tongue I’m going to lose my goddamn mind.”

“You can always taste my pussy and let me shine in my moment at the same time. I like to multitask.” Her giggle melted into a moan when my tongue danced along the delicate dip between her collarbones. I pinned her thick thighs to the bed as I came face to face with her perfect, glistening cunt.

I didn’t know what famine was before that moment. I was staring down my favorite meal and I needed to have its remnants smeared across my lips and chin. I needed to bathe my face in her. There was only time between us, so in seconds I closed the gap.

“Fuck!” She squealed when I locked onto her stiff clit with my lips. My hungry tongue grazed her surface while I felt her back arch beneath my palms. I slid her closer to me and intensified the suction until Sammie was panting like a wild woman.

Her flavor rolled across my tongue like a sweet wave. I devoured her cream and teased out more with the tip of my tongue dipping inside her opening. It wasn’t long before her legs were shaking violently.

I still didn’t stop.

I couldn’t. My hunger was insane and she was the only thing that would satiate it. It wasn’t just the way she tasted either. It was the way she smelled, the way she sounded, the way she grabbed fistfuls of my hair and rolled her hips so that I was coated in her.

I was hungry for all of it, so I feasted.

When I finally came up for air, Samira’s face was wet with tears. Her full lips were flushed and dry from rapid breaths and there was sweat beaded on her smooth forehead.

I’d done my job well.

With the back of my hand, I wiped away the wetness on my chin and stared her down. I committed every stunning feature to memory because the next few moments would be spent contorting that pretty face of hers into the ugliest expressions.

Samira’s body was my playground. I made full use of it by exploring so deep she whined with each stroke. I bent her over and wrapped her long sandy hair around my fist before making her back concave so I could hammer into her harder.

“I want to feel your slick little pussy squeeze my cock, Princess.” She was so in sync with me. On cue, her walls throbbed around my girth and I let out a low groan. Electricity sizzled through my body with each pulse.

I had to do something to avert my attention before I came too soon. I slid my palms along her flat stomach until I had handfuls of her supple tits. I found her stiff nipple and squeezed it enough to make her whimper. The sound was so erotic and nasty I couldn’t help driving my cock deep inside of her and staying there, stretching her tight pussy until she wiggled from the pressure.

She wiggled again and I pushed my hand up to her neck, closing it in a tight circle. “Take this dick, Samira. Don’t run.”

“Oh my god,” she creaked out from a dry, constricted throat. I hooked my thumb in her wet mouth and she sucked on it like a good girl while I finished making her cum. All I wanted to do was make her rain all over my dick. I wanted to feel her body surrender to me.

Holy fuck did she ever surrender.

Samira dripped puddles of honey all over the bed. Streams of it trickled down her thighs as a powerful orgasm seized her muscles rendering her motionless for a few breaths. Her cunt locked around me like a vice and I was powerless against it. I shot every ounce of my load inside her wet heat until I had nothing left to give.

Sammie took it all from me. She laid me out like a little boy at naptime. I was drowsy as fuck the second I crashed to the bed beside her. “Damn, girl,” I muttered against the cool pillow as I reached back and slapped her round ass. I’d be able to find that ass in the darkest of rooms.

She let out a giggle then let her dainty fingers dance down my spine. “You always bring out my inner porn star, Santana.” Her words sounded like contented purrs vibrating from a lioness.

“Good,” I yawned into the pillow and let my heavy lids close.

“I love you,” she sighed with a yawn of her own. A smile lifted my lips and I found her hand tangled in the sheet.

“I love you too, Sammie. More than anything in the fucking universe.” I don’t remember much else after that but I remember the tight feeling stretching across my chest when I thought about how much I loved her.


“You have a chance to talk to Dom?” I asked Pop while I scrambled eggs on the grill. A few days had passed and I held off on asking him but he hadn’t given up any information so now it was time to ask.

Even though he wasn’t smoking at the time, he squinted his eyes at me as if through a haze of smoke. “Not yet, Santana.”

“Look, I know how shit is between you two so if you want me to…”

“I don’t want you to do shit. I told you to let me handle it.” His words were quiet and tight so I backed off but everything in me wanted to handle Dom for Pop. He wasn’t going to kill him like he needed to. He was going to show mercy and you couldn’t show mercy with motherfuckers like Dom.

“I hear you, Pop.”

“Do you? I need you to understand that I can’t handle things with Dom the way I would with anyone else. He’s been around me the longest. Shit like that takes finesse. You’re too hot-headed.” I rolled my eyes and scraped the scrambled eggs onto three different plates before handing them off to Pop.

I wanted to say something else but Marco came back in from outside and finished up the three orders I’d started. His eyes caught mine a few times and to be honest, it annoyed the fuck out of me. I hated when people stared and didn’t spit out whatever was on their mind.

“Marco, you need to speak to me about something?” I asked with a huff. The orders had died down and we were having a lull between breakfast and lunch. My back was toward him as I scraped down the grill. I figured since he couldn’t say whatever he had to say while he was staring at me he might have fared better saying it while my back was turned.

Up front, I heard the familiar jingle of the bell at the door and suddenly the dusting of dark hair on my forearms stood. My skin heated and my heart thumped harder.


I didn’t have time for Marco right then.

My head jerked up and I looked through the order window to see a flash of long sandy hair and a bright smile. “Hey, Papa. Is Santana back there?” Her voice grew closer and my chest squeezed tighter. There was no mistaking the fact that she was the solitary love of my fucking life.

“Yo, back here Sammie,” I called out, tossing my hand in the air. It was so hard acting aloof when I really wanted to grab her in my arms and nip at those soft pouty lips.

“Hey!” She squeaked, bursting through the kitchen doors. She realized Marco was back there too and slowed a bit in her skip toward me.

“What’s up, Sam?” Marco asked, nodding his head.

“Hey, Marco. How are you?” She forced a tight smile and turned slightly away from me. It was long enough for me to appreciate the tiny pair of shorts she wore that rode up her toned thighs and the sheer white tank top that showed shadows of her lacy red bra. Marco was busy appreciating the same thing.

I wanted to snatch his goddamn eyes out of his head but what man in their right mind wouldn’t gawk at Sammie if they had the chance? She was bad as fuck. My dick thickened at the thought of pulling those tiny shorts to the side and driving deep into her sweet pussy.

“I’m good. Gearing up for this lunchtime rush.”

“Oh, yeah…I bet. Hey, Santana can I talk to you for a second outside before shit gets crazy?” She motioned to the backdoor with her head and I nodded tossing down the white rag I had draped over my shoulder.

I bent down to step through the small doorway and Sammie came out behind me. The second we were alone, she crashed against my chest and slid her hand along my jawline.

“I missed you,” she moaned against my lips. My eyes fell shut as I breathed her in. She was honey and sunshine.

“I missed you too, beautiful.” I slid my knuckles along her perfect cheek and she nuzzled against my touch. “You can’t be in here looking like this.” I grabbed a handful of her ass and she giggled, poking it out for me a little more. She was trying to kill me.

Since her birthday was tomorrow, Erin insisted that Sammie spend a couple of nights with her and the rest of the girls from the cheer squad so they could plan a girl’s night. She didn’t really want to though. She wanted to spend her birthday with me and I wanted the same thing but Pop wanted her to keep up appearances and not lose herself in me. I couldn’t think of a better way to find myself than to get lost in her though.

When she slept at Erin’s last night, it was the worst case of insomnia I’d ever experienced. She must have felt the same because when all the other girls went to sleep, she called me and I refused to let her hang up until I heard the soft rhythmic breathing of her sleeping on the other end. That’s when I finally got some sleep.

“How do I look, Santana?” She asked, batting her thick lashes at me. I hooked my fingers in the belt loops of her shorts after scanning the area to make sure there were no prying eyes then I dipped my head low so that my lips swept her ear. I felt the shudder rip through her body and I saw the goosebumps dot her golden skin.

“You look like you need Daddy’s dick deep inside of you until you cry like you did the other night.” I tugged her warm lobe between my teeth and smirked at the shaky breath she pushed out.

“I do,” she nodded, her honey tresses swishing across her shoulders.

“If you can sneak away from your friends tonight I can help you out.”

“Oh?” Her glossy lips curved up with a curious smile. My dick stiffened and strained against the fly of my jeans when I felt her smooth palm skating up my abs. “Santana, I’ve seen you in everything from a suit to sweats but the thing I love seeing you in the most is a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans with your sleeves rolled up over your muscles and that rag tossed over your shoulder.

You look so fucking good I want to scrape my knees up sucking your dick.” Her hand changed direction and went south, gripping the rigid erection snaking down my thigh.

With a growl, I yanked her hair hard so that her chin pointed at the blue sky. She was playing a dangerous game and she knew it. We both knew it. We were supposed to keep our relationship under wraps but the fire between us was too hot. The flames consumed us both leaving behind nothing that resembled logic.

“I’m not wearing panties,” she whispered. Rocky gravel crunched beneath the balls of her feet as she stood on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear. My eyes raked over Samira’s dangerous curves and lingered on the pert tits and hard nipples beneath her sheer white tank top.

Normally we had the cover of the night to sin beneath. Nobody knew I was fucking my step-sister. We were quickly losing our cover though because the deeper we fell for each other, the less we cared about who saw us.

I stepped over to the backdoor leading into the kitchen and called inside, “Yo, Pop…Marco, I’m taking my fifteen.” I looked at Sammie and ran a hand over my chin. “Might be twenty.” Excitement gripped me as we locked fingers and moved to the chain link fence out of view of the restaurant.

Her body crashed against the metal with a clink and in seconds her legs were wrapped around my middle, and her ankles locked behind me. Every kiss I stole from her sweet lips ignited something so deep inside me I couldn’t control myself.

Determined to slip inside of her, I yanked the fabric between her thighs to the side and freed my cock. Should I have pinned her to the fence behind Pop’s in broad daylight?


But Samira was more potent than drugs. She made me lose my senses and I didn’t care. Being with her was an escape to something far more perfect than anything this world had to offer.

I pinned her dainty wrists above her head and thrust into her wetness. I covered her mouth with mine to stop the moans. I wanted to swallow her passion. Even with our lips fused, I could still hear the way she tried to call my name.

It was full of love I didn’t know if I deserved. She treated me like a king. Like I hung every star in the sky. If I was able to I would though, if it meant seeing her face light up I’d burn my fingers to the bone hanging balls of fire in the sky for her.

They still wouldn’t shine brighter than her though. The way she shone when she was happy was enough to make the fucking sun jealous. It made me want to keep her happy no matter what.

“I love you,” I muttered against her dewy neck. My words were followed by my lips and tongue and she made a noise that told me she loved me too. I knew she did though. She didn’t have to say anything. It was in the way she looked at me.

Sammie’s tight pussy swallowed my cock whole and I squeezed my eyes shut so I could hold on for a few moments longer inside of her. She set her foot down on the ground and I lifted her other leg up so I could dig deeper.

The fence bounced and whined beneath our motions. “I’m gonna cum all over your dick, Santana,” she panted, her nails piercing my shoulders.

“Cum for me, Princess.” I knew my teeth would leave angry possessive marks on her flawless skin but I didn’t care. She was sweeter than the ripest fruit. I needed to have her. I needed to taste her. Always.

The more I made love to her, the more I realized it had always been her. She’d always been the one who caught my eye. I’d just been too blind to pay attention. Too caught up in rules.

Fuck that.

Fuck the rules.

I was in love with Samira and nobody would ever be able to tell me it wasn’t right.

Sammie melted all over my dick like a slick, sweet popsicle in the sun. I pressed my forehead against hers and stared into her green eyes. They blazed so bright and so intense I came in no time. I’d never seen her look so possessive before but it was sexy as fuck.

“Mine,” she growled hungrily. She tugged me down to her level and kissed me, slipping her tongue into my mouth. It was like candy so I made sure to suck on it just as slowly.

“All yours, Sammie.” I pulled out of her and watched with arrogant pride knowing she was full with my cum. I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a chuckle. “You’re going to end up pregnant if we keep fucking like this.”

“So? I mean…is that so bad?” She adjusted her tits in her bra and I fixated on the movement. My mind flitted to a little girl with eyes like emeralds and hair like honey.

“Nah, it’s actually the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever imagined,” I told her honestly.

“Come on, Santana, I need you back in the kitchen. That lunch crowd is coming in.” Marco called out of the backdoor. I could see him from where I stood but the dumpster and a brick wall blocked his view of Sammie and me. We were on the other side of it all.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” I responded. I gripped Sammie’s waist in my hands and pulled her against my chest. “Sneak away from your little friends tonight. I’m serious.” I slid my index finger down the bridge of her nose and her cheeks burned a beautiful crimson. It made my heart knock harder against my chest.

“Okay,” she nodded.

“Good girl,” I slapped her ass and she sighed, shaking her head.

“You’re such a macho alpha, Santana.” She pulled away from me but I grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her back so I could kiss her forehead.

“I know, but you love me.” I winked at her and she pressed a hand to her chest before biting her lip. She knew that shit drove me crazy.

I stared at her fine ass until she was out of sight. She probably went around front so things didn’t look too suspicious. When I went back inside, Pop was laughing it up with a customer and Marco was still staring at me like he wanted to say something.

“I know I have boyish good looks and shit but can you please stop staring at me? I’m spoken for.” The mere mention of Samira even in abstract had my blood pumping faster just so it could get to where she lived in my heart.

“Fuck you, Santana. It’s not like that. I wanted to ask you something and I just don’t know how to say it without you biting my fucking head off.” He shrugged and served up two plates at once before hitting the bell.

“Say what you have to say, Marco. I don’t respect motherfuckers that beat around the bush.” I tossed a pile of seasoned pork on the grill and the heat made it sizzle. Marco drew in a deep breath and glanced around the small space like there were tons of people hanging around. It was only us.

“Um is Sam seeing anyone? She got a man? I wanted to ask you properly if it was cool to start courting her and all that shit before you bashed my face in. She’s gorgeous.”

I couldn’t stop the uncontrollable laughter that rolled from my throat and into the air. It added to the rich spices floating around.

“Wait, you want to date my little sister?” Calling Sammie my little sister after everything we’d been through was strange. The words felt awkward and clunky coming from me. I pushed the meat around on the grill and squeezed a sliced lime over it to divert my attention. “Marco, come on now. You have to know the answer to that shit, man.”

“I’m asking you as a man though. I’m not being a pervert or anything rude like that.”

“Not now but before you were cool with being like that. Look, Marco, she’s seeing someone. Leave her alone.” The thought of him trying to get with Sammie made me chuckle even more as I plated the pork and warmed four tortillas.

“Is she serious about the guy?” He asked with a hint of hope in his voice.

“Yeah, she is. She’s in love and all that shit. Leave her alone. That’s the last time I’m going to say anything about it to you. Don’t ask me again and don’t ask Pop.” Marco pressed his lips into a tight line and nodded his understanding. If he pushed any further, I was going to get pissed off and it would wave a giant red flag because what was mine was mine and I didn’t share or play nice about it.





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