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Omega’s Seed by Lyons, Stephan (7)

Chapter 7

Lancaster sat on the couch, his back buried so far into the cushions that he felt as though he was part of the couch. It was the only way he could get comfortable these days, with his stomach so bloated and rotund. It was a nightmare. If he’d known how awful being pregnant could be, he would have better protected himself.

Sure, when the baby arrived he would be blissfully happy, he knew that. But, right now, as he sweated into the couch cushions surrounding him, he was miserable. The only bit of joy he had was Reggie’s delightful company. He’d been there through everything—helping him up from sitting and fetching him any food or drink he needed, especially as the pregnancy dragged on.

It was hard not to be frustrated with the pregnancy, but he tried his best. Reggie was so desperate to be a father; Lancaster could see it every time they talked about baby things. His eyes would light up and his face would glow as he grinned. All he wanted was to be a dad and it pained Lancaster that he had gotten pregnant and they hadn’t. He wasn’t ready to be a dad and yet here these two wonderful people were, ready yet unable. It broke his heart.

“How are you feeling?” Reggie asked as he handed Lancaster a glass filled with ice and freezing cold water.

Lancaster took it gratefully, listening to the ice cubes tinkle against the glass.

“Still sweaty?” Reggie asked. “I can open another window if you’d like.”

“It’s fine,” Lancaster smiled. “Thank you. I’m fine.”

“Well,” Reggie sat beside Lancaster with his own iced tea. “If you need anything just let me know.”

Lancaster sipped at his water as he tried to get comfortable in the seat. Reggie was about to get up and help him adjust his pillows, but Lancaster shook his head in a firm no. He could adjust himself; he didn’t need to be waited on. As much as he appreciated everything, sometimes it was a little stifling.

Reggie settled into the other end of the couch. “Only two weeks left now,” he said happily, as he idly stirred his iced tea with a straw. “Not long and there will be a screaming baby in the house.”

Lancaster smiled, not feeling happy by the idea at all. He was already shattered, and soon he would have to go through the hell of birth. After that, he’d be even more exhausted as a new father. He expected that it would be another three or four years before he got a decent night’s sleep again. If only Reggie’s optimism and excitement could be shared, distributed evenly between the three of them.

Augustine—sitting across the room from them, watching TV but not really watching it—was just as unhappy as Lancaster, it seemed. He very rarely spoke to Lancaster, or even acknowledged his existence unless he absolutely had to. The house was a hostile environment most of the time, even if nothing nasty or mean was ever spoken in Lancaster’s presence.

“Are you okay?” Reggie asked, leaning forward with his hand touching Lancaster’s forearm.

“Uh,” Lancaster sighed. “I guess.”

Reggie looked up to Augustine instantly and they shared a worried look. Augustine didn’t return his eyes to the TV and Reggie gripped Lancaster’s arm tighter in his hand.

“What’s wrong?” Augustine said. “Is something bothering you?”

Lancaster laughed uncomfortably. “Oh, you know,” he said, looking down into his lap. “I’m the size of a small house and I live with two other men in a relationship and neither of them really want me here and the father of my child is absent and I’m alone and vulnerable and...”

Reggie shook his arm gently. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “We both want you here.” He looked away from Lancaster and pointedly looked at Augustine.

“Reggie’s right,” Augustine said instantly. “We want you here. Both of us.”

Lancaster’s chin wobbled as he tried to hold back his tears. Reggie grabbed his chin before glancing back to Augustine. Lancaster saw a strange look pass between them and, eventually, Augustine nodded and looked away, toward the TV. Reggie pushed his plump lips onto Lancaster’s, gently kissing him.

“No,” Lancaster moaned, “what are you doing?”

“It’s fine,” Reggie whispered. “It’s fine.”

* * *

It took a moment for Augustine to muster up the courage to look over. Watching his boyfriend make out with his ex-boyfriend was a hard thing to swallow. When he did glance over, though, he was glad he’d looked. Lancaster looked happy and so did Reggie. All of the sexual tension between them had vanished and they were able to act on their feelings. Augustine wasn’t sure if he had feelings for Lancaster anymore, but it was obvious that Reggie had developed some sort of crush. Lancaster had everything he wanted—a cock and a baby.

Their hands wandered over each other’s bodies. Reggie’s hands mostly stayed around the stomach, feeling the rotundness and gently rubbing it as he kissed Lancaster. Augustine knew that Reggie loved that baby an unhealthy amount. This could lead down a dangerous path for their relationship, or it could lead them to their salvation.

Augustine could only watch intently as Reggie and Lancaster began to undress each other. He didn’t expect it to go so far so quickly, but he wasn’t going to stop it. It aroused him to watch his lover and ex-lover touching each other. It was a strange feeling—sharing Reggie—but it was a good feeling, too.

The material of his jeans got tighter around his crotch as he looked at Reggie. He was pulling the shirt off Lancaster’s back slowly, kissing the skin that removing the shirt revealed. Lancaster’s head was thrown back, his mouth gasping at every kiss and slightest touch that Reggie planted on him.

When his body was exposed, Augustine took the time to look at Lancaster’s swollen belly. He had some stretch marks and the skin looked sore. He wondered if Lancaster had truly been taking care of himself and suddenly realized that maybe they should all step in and help each other. No one else in the world was going to look out for them so they may as well look after each other.

Reggie paused, as if he suddenly remembered that Augustine was there, and looked over. His eyes were wild with lust and his breaths were ragged. Between his legs, his cock was raging beneath his jeans. Augustine nodded, allowing them to continue. Reggie reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom. Within a second, his jeans were down to his ankles.

“Wait,” Lancaster said, out of breath himself. “Stop.”

Reggie stopped opening the condom and looked at him questioningly.

“You’re okay with this?” Lancaster asked, looking at Augustine.

The only reply he could muster was a curt nod. If he opened his mouth, he knew he would end up moving over to them and getting involved in what they were doing. For now, he wanted to sit by and watch. It was tantalizing, watching them together.

Reggie helped Lancaster out of his clothes and the two of them stood together, naked in the living room. Their eyes locked as they stood together. Augustine waited patiently as Reggie helped Lancaster to his knees. He opened his mouth wide and enveloped Reggie’s hard cock into his mouth. Reggie gasped audibly and stared down, watching his cock disappear into Lancaster’s mouth.

Augustine felt his cock harden even more in his pants. He wanted his cock to be down Lancaster’s throat, he wanted to plunge deep inside him and fuck him senseless, but he knew he needed to let them have their time together. It was excruciatingly hard to stay away, though. He clamped his hands onto the arms of his chair as he watched them, forcing himself to stay in his seat.

Reggie took hold of Lancaster’s head, stopping him from moving, and slowly began to thrust himself. His balls hit against Lancaster’s chin as he thrusted deeper and deeper down his throat. Lancaster squeezed his eyes shut as he started to pump on his own cock, his arm moving so quickly that his whole body started to shake. Reggie gasped and hissed through his teeth as he came closer and closer to orgasm.

Augustine couldn’t take it anymore. He got up off the chair suddenly. The movement shocked both of the men. Reggie let go of Lancaster’s head and stepped away, his cock dripping with saliva. Lancaster let go of his own cock and looked guiltily at Augustine.

There was only one thing Augustine could do—he unzipped his pants and brought his cock out into the air. Then he stepped over to Lancaster and shoved it down his throat. Lancaster’s bright blue eyes bulged. He looked up to Augustine as his cock vanished down his throat. Augustine sighed and thrusted harder and harder, unable to believe how good it felt to have his cock inside Lancaster after all these years.

Reggie got onto his knees and squirmed between them, eventually able to crane his neck and take Lancaster’s cock into his own mouth. He put his hands on Lancaster’s bloated stomach as he sucked. Augustine could barely control himself. If he kept looking at what they were doing, he was going to orgasm right there. He took his cock out of Lancaster’s mouth.

“Reggie,” Augustine snapped. “Get on your knees in front of me.”

Without missing a beat, Reggie did as he was told. Augustine planted his hand in the middle of Reggie’s shoulder blades and shoved his face down to the floor. Augustine didn’t waste a moment, or even bother to put on a condom, he just plunged straight inside. Reggie let out a sharp yelp but Augustine paid it no mind. He needed to fuck and he needed it now.

“Take it!” Augustine said, growling.

Lancaster positioned himself in front of Reggie’s mouth and he was instantly taken inside. Lancaster looked up, his eyes locking with Augustine’s for a second, before they closed as he felt the pleasure of Reggie’s mouth around his cock.

Augustine slammed into Reggie from behind. The sound of their skin slapping together filled the room, as well as their moans and groans and the sound of Reggie taking cock deep down his throat. As he came closer to orgasm, Augustine grabbed Reggie’s hips harder and harder as he thrusted faster and faster. His back broke out into a sweat as he pummeled Reggie from behind. Soon, he was unable to keep sucking at Lancaster’s cock, so he pumped him with his hand as he screamed out in pleasure. Lancaster watched with wide eyes as Augustine’s huge cock pushed in and out of Reggie.

Augustine managed to stop himself, somehow. He pulled out of Reggie and moved over to Lancaster.

“Your turn,” he said, his voice gravelly. “Turn over.”

Lancaster’s eyes went wide but his mouth smirked. He did as he was told, turning over so Augustine could have his way with him.