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One More Last Chance: Hartstone Series: Book One by Robinson, T.J. (24)

Ready to Fight

"Nora?” Sam tried to get the other woman’s attention, but she had her head down, scribbling out some notes.

Finally, Nora looked up with a curious, "Yes?” She cocked her head with a smile at Sam's hilarious attempt to gesture for them to go outside.

"You need to practice your subtle gestures." Nora laughed once they were outside the walls of Sam's office. “I thought you were trying to crack your neck... or break it."

"No. what I wanted, was to talk to you without worrying about who's listening."

The two women walked to the elevator, taking it to the lobby.

"Stone said something to me yesterday." Sam began. "We were talking about what I want to do with my life. Will you go with me for coffee?"

"Of course." Nora replied, understanding Sam's need for privacy.

They walked outside, a couple doors down from the main entrance to their resident caffeine hangout.

"You know I want to offload CSM, but we haven't really talked about life afterwards. Do you know what you'll do? What you want to do?"

Nora glanced up thoughtfully. “I don't know. I guess I always assumed I would go where you went, or I’d have enough money to do some traveling with Chelsea."

Sam couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips.

"I'm so glad you said that. Because I do want you with me, Nora. I have an idea, but it's going to be a lot of hard work and much different from running CSM."

"What is it?” Nora asked, her curiosity piqued.

The two slid into a booth, Sam folding her arms on the table in front of her.

“I want to build safe houses, places where people who need help getting back on their feet can get job training, therapy, child care, whatever they need. My thought is that it will be primarily women and children, but I don't want to exclude men. I have no idea how that would work, but it's something I’ve been thinking about."

She sat back and waited for Nora's response. The other woman was thoughtful for a moment.

"Sam. That's an amazing thing to aspire to do. There are so many variables and problems that can arise in that kind of situation though."

Nora reached across the table to take Sam's hand in hers.

"You rescued me when I was a scared mom with nowhere to turn. I thank God every day that you were the one who crossed my path that day. But think about this. What if Nick hadn't been in prison? What if he'd come after me? What would you have done?"

Nora laughed at her own question. "Never mind. You would have kicked his ass. But what if there were others who could be hurt or used to hurt me or you? Not to mention, putting a bunch of abused women together can either be something that works wonders or a recipe for disaster."

“I’ve thought about these things a little, but like I said before, it’s just an idea right now. This is why I’m talking to you. Nora, I want you to help me run it. I want you to be my CEO.”

Nora's eyebrows shot up.

"You want to make a business of helping people?"

"Don't be so shortsighted." Sam huffed. "Everything is a business. But no, I don't want to make it a business. I want to run it like a business.”

"I'm sorry." Nora said remorsefully. “I didn't mean to get your hackles up, but this isn't something you can just snap your fingers at and make it happen. Tell me what you're thinking and I'll give you my feedback. We'll treat this like a work meeting, ok? I'll even take notes." Nora grinned as she pulled her ever-present notepad from her purse.

Sam thanked her, then the two spent the next couple of hours laying out a rough framework for Sam's idea.

It was almost eleven a.m. when they walked back into Sam's office. They were laughing about something Chelsea had done at school when Sam turned to her desk, stopped cold.

"Nora.” She whispered, bile rising in her throat.

"What?" Nora asked, still laughing, until she saw the puppy, laid on Sam's desk, killed by a gunshot wound to the head.

"Call Cameron. Get him here now." Sam managed, unable to pull her eyes away from the scene in front of her. Terror at what it meant shooting through her.

Nora grabbed Sam’s elbow, pulling her from the room, pushing her to sit at the reception desk with one hand, the other holding the phone to her ear.

"Cam, It’s Nora..." Sam heard her say before the spots started dancing in front of her eyes. She leaned down between her knees to take a few deep breaths, counting back from three between each one.

"Sam." Nora said before gently touching her shoulder. "They'll be here in fifteen minutes. Do you want to go home?"

"No." Sam replied more coldly than she meant to. She’d drawn into herself, found the rage she realized hadn't been so prominent these last few weeks, and let it seep through her. At this point in her life, she knew it was unhealthy, but it was her fallback. That rage was the thing that kept her fighting when she wanted to break. It was what her father worked so hard to instill in her. Sam hated it, and she thrived on it. "I'm going down to security. Is your drawer stocked?"

Nora swallowed and nodded.

"Lock the elevator once I’m out. No one comes in except me or Cameron. Got it?"

Nora nodded quickly as Sam turned for the elevator. Whoever was messing with her had gone too far. She would find them and she would make them sorry they'd ever started this game.

* * *

Two hours later, Cameron had completely cleaned Sam's office. He'd carefully removed all the devices that weren't his own and downloaded the video feed. Two of his men had carefully removed the puppy's body and gathered everything that might have been touched in the process of placing it on the desk. They also found another note.


It was something her father used to say. When he was whipping her. He required much, because she'd been given much. If her performance didn't meet his approval, he'd take payment from her suffering.

"Sam, we're ready." Cameron called out, breaking her from her thoughts.

She’d sent Nora home with one of Cameron's team members, told her to be safe and she'd see her tomorrow. Then she'd procured Nora's computer, getting back to work. If there was one thing that wasn't going to happen, it was her being knocked off her game. She had to give some credit to the person behind this. They had good idea of what would get to her. The problem was, they didn't have any idea just how much it would take to actually break her. A dead puppy was a shocker, but it wouldn't be the thing that stopped her.

"Show me." She told Cameron, taking her place behind him to look at the monitor where he'd brought up the image of someone entering her office. He pressed play and Sam watched the same figure as before, still wearing a dark, oversized hoodie, sneak into her office, carrying a bag. When they set the bag on the floor and lifted the puppy from it, the hood slipped ever so slightly and everything inside Sam went cold.

"Stop.” She croaked, leaning on the desk, dropping her head between her shoulders.

"You know who this is." Cameron stated.

“I do. But she's not the one, someone's pulling her strings. I want a team on Nora and Chelsea, Carla and your two kids, twenty-four seven until they're taken down. I want it done yesterday, Cam.”

She looked Cameron dead in the eyes.

"I'm know it's Norman and James. They're sending me a message."

She pointed to the screen as a chill swept through her.

"That's Javier's mother."

* * *

Sam reluctantly took one of Cameron's team members home with her. She was fairly certain that neither James nor Norman would come after her directly, but Cameron had been unwavering in his insistence. She showed Alec to the guest room and locked herself in her bedroom.

She had a phone call to make, and it wasn't going to be a good one.

"Hey Sweetness." The sound of that rich, smooth voice made her throat close around what she was about to say. She swallowed the lump that threatened to choke her and cleared her throat. All she had to do was say it and hang up. That's what her mind kept yelling at her to do. Say it. Hang up. But she couldn't get her voice to follow her commands.

"Sweetness, what's wrong?" Stone asked with a controlled measure of alarm and concern.

"Stone.” She choked. “I can't... I can't do this anymore."

She tried to control the sob that broke from her throat, but he heard it anyway.

"What's happened?" He asked, not hiding any of his alarm this time. "I'll be on the plane in an hour..."

"No! No. I don't want you here. I don't want to do this anymore. I’m sorry."

She hung up before he could reply and pressed her palms into her eyes. She couldn't risk anything happening to him, but this felt like someone had their hands around her heart, squeezing the life out of her.

Her phone started to ring. Stone. She quickly turned it off and changed into her gym clothes.

"Alec!” She called out as she stormed down the hall towards the dojo.

"Yes ma'am." He answered

"Change if you need to and meet me in the dojo.”


"We're going to fight. Now change."

Her blood was thrumming through her veins, tension radiating through her body. She needed an outlet and Alec was ex-military. She wouldn't hurt him too severely.

"Ma'am, I don't think this is a good idea." He protested hesitantly.

"Do you have back problems?” Sam retorted. “Knee problems? Maybe a bum shoulder?" Her irritation rose with each second.

"No ma'am."

"Then today, you're my sparring partner. Let's go."

She strode into the studio, Alec reluctantly following along.

An hour and a half later, drenched in sweat, her chest heaving, it was Alec who made the call.

"Ms. Covington, you're going to hurt yourself. I’ve been commissioned to protect you. That includes protecting you from yourself. We're through with this session."

His eyes softened a little when Sam took a deep, shuddering breath.

"Ma'am. I know this is difficult for you, but you've got to keep your head. Hurting yourself isn't going to make it any easier for me to do my job."

She knew he was right. She'd just been looking for a little relief. The physical activity that usually calmed her and drown out the noise in her head wasn't cutting it this time.

"I'm sorry, Alec.” She apologized. “Thank you.” She held out a hand for him to shake. "You were a great partner, sorry about the rib."

Alec grinned back at her and shrugged.

“It’s just a bruise, I’ve had worse, and you're not so bad yourself. Took me by surprise in the beginning. Would’ve been nice for Cam to warn me."

He grimaced and touched the rib that she'd sunk her knee into.

“I tried to warn you. Maybe next time you'll believe a girl who says she can fight."

* * *

The smell of bacon wafted across Sam's nostrils. She inhaled deeply, then groaned in agony when she tried to sit up. Alec hadn't taken it easy on her last night. Her body was telling her exactly how foolish her attempt to relieve her frustrations had been.

Everything hurt. She felt bad thinking about how sore Alec’s ribs would be, but she was guessing the rest of him was just fine. She thought He must be feeling bad for her too, since it smelled like he was making breakfast.

Getting to the shower was slow going, but once the hot water relaxed her muscles, she felt marginally better. After climbing out, she stared at herself in the mirror for a long time.

Her eyes were still puffy, despite the shower, from crying herself to sleep. Was this what her father had been trying to tell her in his own, cruel way? That allowing yourself to love only brings heartache? No. she thought. That wasn't it. Her father had wanted to make her into some kind of unfeeling machine. She had a job to do and she would do it. She was more determined than ever that she was getting out from under Covington.

After what she'd experienced at Hartstone, the gift she’d found in Stone’s love, she knew she couldn't stay in the world she'd been born into. It broke her heart, thinking about moving on without Stone. Maybe, when all of this was sorted out, and she knew her loved ones were safe, maybe he'd take her back. The thought gave her some measure of hope while she got dressed for work. He loved her, he'd said it often, in many different ways. She had to believe that wouldn't just go away. She would hold onto the hope that if she groveled enough, he would love her again.

She almost smiled to herself. Samantha Covington had never groveled for anything in her life, yet here she was, hoping she would have a chance to do it for love. All of that would have to wait though. She needed to stay focused on what was in front of her. That was exactly what she planned on doing.

That was exactly what she planned on doing until she saw the man standing at her breakfast bar, a meal spread before him, arms crossed over his chest, hip leaning against the marble surface, waiting for her.

"Stone...what are you doing here?"

Her eyes darted all around, but she saw no sign of Alec. What is he doing here? He couldn't be here.

"How did you get in? Where’s Alec?"

"Come sit down, Samantha."

His face was an impassive mask that she couldn't read, his voice level, but commanding.

"Alec let me in after confirming with Cam. He left after briefing me about your little session last night."

His eyes softened a little, but his posture didn't change.

"Are you alright?"

"Pretty sore, but I’m fine. Thank you. Now what are you doing here? I don't want you here."

His eyes hardened while his jaw ticked in irritation.

"Sit down, Samantha. Carla told me everything."

At her look of surprise, he explained, “You called me in a panic. You didn't answer when I called you back."

The way he looked at her made her feel like a child who was being scolded.

“I called the one person I knew would tell me what was going on."

"Carla had no right..."

"She had every right!” He interrupted abruptly. "You don't get to call me like that and expect I’m just going to sit on my heels and let you run away. Sam. Sweetheart, I love you. I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to go and you mean it."

He uncrossed his arms and stepped around the bar to stand in front of her. He'd shed the mask, was letting her see everything he was feeling. She felt the tears just behind her eyes threatening to spill over when he continued. "Sweetness," he spoke tenderly. "You've become my world. You have to understand, I’m not like any other man you've interacted with. I’m not going to stay away just because you decree it. I’m not going to let you just walk out of my life. I love that you want to protect me, but baby, I am more than capable of protecting myself and you."

He reached up and brushed a tear from her cheek with his thumb. She let her eyes flutter shut, leaning into his touch.

"I'm so scared.” She barely whispered. Shocked that she allowed the admission to escape her lips. “If anything happened to you or Carla, Nora, the kids...” She let the tears escape and took a shuddering breath.

"Ah Sweetness, I know you're afraid."

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against himself. The rhythm of his heartbeat, steady and strong, calming her. He leaned back after a minute, gazing down at her with so much affection. She'd never experienced this kind of love. It was more powerful than anything she would have imagined, and more terrifying.

“I wish I could stay, but I can't." He told her regretfully. “I have some business that needs my attention, but I’m leaving someone with you."

He let out a low whistle and the sound of paws clicking on hardwood greeted her ears. She looked wide-eyed at Stone before hopping off her stool to greet the wriggling mass of fur that came from - where? She didn't know, but she didn't care.

"You brought Jasper for me?” She choked out between tears.

"I know he'll take good care of you, keep you company and watch out for danger. Plus," he added ruefully, “if you really do decide to break up with me, you'll have to see me when I come for my dog."

"Thank you, Stone." Sam threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Thank you. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn't just talk to you, give you the chance to make your own choice. You are an expert at weighing risk and I didn't even give you the opportunity to make your own decision. I’m sorry."

She felt the warmth of his smile all the way to her toes.

"This is why I love you, Sam. You’re so ready to fight, but willing to swallow your pride and apologize at the same time."

He bent to give her a gentle kiss, well aware of how close he'd come to ruining everything.

“I have to go, but I'll call you tonight. Jasper has food in your hall pantry. Take him to work during the day, he'll behave himself."

He turned to leave, hoping and praying that they would come out okay on the other side of this craziness.




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