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One More Last Chance: Hartstone Series: Book One by Robinson, T.J. (32)

Guilty Ecstasy

"I'm afraid our daughters are going to have a thing for cowboys." Carla announced sarcastically. "Or military men."

"Sam," Nora sighed. “I’ve got to go to Hartstone. I’m pretty certain I need some cowboy in my life."

Sam giggled and snorted. "You two are terrible. It’s no wonder your daughters are boy-crazy."

The group of women reclined in the plush armchairs outside the dressing suite of Carla's favorite boutique. Carla was not a boutique shopper by habit, but when a formal event called for something special, See C Si, was her go-to.

Maggie and Chelsea emerged from the dressing area, Maggie wearing a pale-blue chiffon gown, its graceful layers suspended by thinly beaded spaghetti straps.

"Oh, Baby" Carla gasped. "You look so grown up, so beautiful."

"I love it, mom." Maggie replied softly. “It's really expensive though.”

Sam smiled at her comment. Carla could afford anything within this boutique ten times over. It was a testament to her good parenting that Maggie was a price-conscious shopper.

"This is going to be a very special evening." Carla answered her daughter. "If you love it, that's the one we'll get."

Maggie's happy smile lit the room.

Eight year-old Chelsea stood beside Maggie, her gown a gorgeous layering of burgundy and cream satin. The young girl glanced nervously at the ground, worrying the carpet with her toes.

"Chelsea," Sam addressed her softly, glancing at Nora who gave her a nod. "Your dress is absolutely gorgeous. Do you like it?"

"Yes Miss Sam." Was the shy, quiet reply. "Mags is right though, these are really expensive.” Chelsea looked to her mother who smiled encouragingly.

"Honey, the dinner is going to be a big night for your mom. She's so important to me. If you like that dress, I want you to have it. Okay?"

Chelsea nodded shyly, still unsure about such an extravagant purchase.

"Alright Ladies," Carla interjected. "Now that you're sorted with your beautiful dresses, it's our turn."

A short, two hours later, Sam, Carla, Nora, and the girls walked out of See C Si, their arms full, their bank accounts lighter. Climbing into the backseat of the car they'd hired, Sam wondered if she would ever get over this feeling. Thinking about Stone. Thinking about Stone picking her up, opening the door to him, dressed in the gown she'd just purchased, it made her stomach flip with nervous anticipation. It was absolutely ridiculous, really. If she was going to be nervous, it should be about the important speech she'd give and the people who would hear it. She shouldn't be nervous about one handsome cowboy, what he'd think when he saw her. She shouldn't be, but she was.

* * *

"Why so serious, Sam?"

"Hm?" Sam glanced up from the piece of paper she'd been scribbling on. Nora's curious gaze meeting her from across the room.

"I'm working on my speech... trying to, anyway." Sam tapped her finger on her desk. In two days, she'd give this speech to a hundred and fifty of the wealthiest people in the country. And she couldn't concentrate on any of it.

"Can I ask you something, Nora?"

"Sure." Nora cocked her head, curiosity shining in her eyes.

"Before things went bad, and I know they went supernova bad, did you know? Did you suspect Nick before he got violent?"

Nora's eyebrows shot up, then drew together. "Sam. What are you asking me? Is Stone sending up red-flags?"

Sam shook her head. "No. Yes. I don't know.” She sighed heavily, rubbing the back of her neck. “I feel like he's evasive sometimes, like he's hiding something. I don't have anything substantial to point to, just a feeling. My feelings are usually right, but I’ve never been in a situation like this. I mean, he does all the right things, says all the right things. I just feel like there's something."

"But he's treating you well? Not losing his temper gradually or nitpicking? He doesn't try to tell you what to do or control you?"

Sam shook her head, then couldn't help the blush and smile that tugged at her lips.

"Oh good lord!" Nora exclaimed. “I am not talking about sex. So just stop that right now. In your daily life, are any of those things happening."

"No. No, he's perfect. He's too perfect."

"Well, I'll tell you this then. Keep your eyes open, but don't let suspicion ruin your relationship. Stone seems like a good man. Anyone with eyes in their head can see how much he adores you, Sam. And I can see how good he's been for you. You're different with him. Different in a really good way."

"Thank you, Nora. Maybe it's just that everything is moving so fast, really freaking me out. I always look for the bad thing, try to anticipate and mitigate the fallout. It's hard for me to just enjoy the moment."

Nora's eyes were full of compassionate understanding when she said, "Sam, life is a funny thing. It's what we make it. Keep making happy moments, happy memories. You'll deal with the bad when it comes, but don't try to anticipate it. When you do that, the happy moments pass by unnoticed. Don't let that happen to you."

* * *

"I want to do something different."

Stone raised an eyebrow at Sam's statement. They were enjoying a quiet dinner in her apartment. She'd finally told Alec to go home, spend some time with his wife. The man was grateful and so was Stone. It wasn't necessary for Alec to stay at the apartment while Stone was there, but it was what Sam wanted, and Stone was quickly learning that what Sam wanted, Sam got. But now, finally now, the apartment was empty and there were some things he needed to do. If only she would finish her dinner so he could get started.

"What's on your mind, Love?"

"I'm not sure how to go about doing this,” She paused and he waited. "I want to make some memories."

Stone couldn't stop the smirk that crossed his face. "Think we've made some pretty good memories, you and me."

"I'm not talking about sex!” She blushed in the most adorable way. "But yeah, we have made some good memories."

"I want to date you.” She announced.

He blinked. "You're gonna have to explain that one, sweetheart. Thought that's what we were doing?"

Sam shook her head. "We have sex. Its amazing sex, don't get me wrong, but we don't go out, we don't do any normal stuff that a couple would do."

Oh boy. This could turn disastrous very quickly. Stone worked to keep his face interested, to hide the apprehension rippling through him.

"I know it’s something I’ve never wanted before now, but Nora said something and I... I want to have memories. I want to know what it's like, how it feels, to be out with the person you care about, doing things people do when they're together."

She hung her head in frustration and his heart clenched.

"Hey there," He soothed. “I would love to go out with you. You just need to decide what you're ok with. How much press you're willing to endure."

"I know. I’ve thought about that. I think if we do something boring to start, maybe we won't have to deal with that. Not too much, anyway."

His stomach knotted more with each word she spoke, but he wasn't going to let her know. He was not going to ruin this.

"I'd like to go to a ballet.” She told him shyly. "My mother loved the ballet. My father thought it was a waste of time, but he let us go two or three times. I think that's where I'd like to start. Plus, it's not something anyone would suspect, so I’m pretty certain we wouldn't even be noticed."

"Alright Sweetness. I would love to take you to a ballet. You pick, then let me know and I'll handle all the details."

Sam jumped from her seat and scurried to him. "Thank you!” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissed his cheek, and he thought it might just be worth the trouble.

"Now," He spoke, rising from his chair, grasping her shoulders, rubbing his hands down her arms. "If you're finished, there are some things I’ve been meaning to do. Things I’ve had in my head for a while. And now that I have you to myself, I’m going to do them."

"Okay.” She nodded slowly. Fire, mingled with questions, lit her eyes. “What things?"

Stone showed her exactly the things that had been on his mind.

Finally, he could take her to that oversized Jacuzzi tub of hers, the one he'd had his eye on from the first night he spent in her apartment. Finally, he would have her just the way he’d imagined in his own, private fantasies. He swept her up, carrying her to the bathroom, loving the way she nestled into him, the way she sighed and closed her eyes when he set her on her feet and pulled her shirt over her head. He watched her eyes heat, pupils dilate when he stripped himself, then the rest of her. And then they were in that big, oval tub and she was on top of him. Her breasts full and firm in his hands, giving him everything he wanted, letting him know how good he made her feel. He slid his hands down her body, loving the feel of her skin under his touch, loving the way she sighed and moaned when he lifted his head to lavish her perfect breasts with gentle kisses, first her tattoo, then the scars beneath, laving one taut nipple, then the other with his tongue. "You're on the pill?" He questioned, exhaling against her skin.

She nodded with a breathless, "Yes."

He pulled her out of the tub, drying her and himself quickly.

"Sam." He grasped her chin between thumb and forefinger, raised her gaze to meet his eyes. "I'm clean, you're the only woman I’ve been with in a year. I want you tonight. Nothing between us, but I'll wear a condom if you want me to."

His admission shocked her, but there was no time for explanations. She nodded quickly because she couldn’t say anything else. "Yes. I want that too."

With lightning speed, he had her back between the sheets of her bed, working her over the way he’d wanted to, so thankful they were alone, because she was she was letting him know how good it felt, and he was showing her what it meant to be his. He shifted their positions, did her all the ways he’d imagined, until she was shaking, panting, begging him to give her everything. Sam was bucking underneath him, her body glistening in a sheen of sweat, his own desperate need was driving him mad. And then he gave her all that he had, branding her as his own, the ecstasy of it diluted by the guilt seeping into his heart.