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One More Last Chance: Hartstone Series: Book One by Robinson, T.J. (7)

Buns of Steel

Early morning rays of sun peeked through the bedroom window, moving Sam slowly towards consciousness. Last night had been rough and sleep hadn't come easy. She knew the trauma of being lost and having a minor injury contributed to the nightmares that visited her, but knowing what caused them didn't keep them at bay. The last bits of sleep were jolted from her by the pounding on her cabin door.


With a groan, she squinted at the old, wind-up clock next to the bed. Seven-ten a.m.

"Hang on!” She called hoarsely. “Hang on, I’m coming."

Pushing out of the small bed, she pulled the soft, flannel robe she'd bought just for the ranch theme around her shoulders and shuffled to the door. Quickly, she worked her fingers through her hair and patted her cheeks, willing herself to look better than she felt.

Hopeless. She thought dejectedly.

After she pulled the door open, the thought crossed her mind to close it again, to tell the man standing there with his dog to go away, maybe come back in an hour. He looked too good, standing on the porch in a puffy, gray flannel shirt, its bulk doing nothing to hide that broad chest, those muscular arms.

A bit of unshaven stubble lined his strong jaw, and of course, her mind wandered straight to nibbling her way across it. With strong effort and a smile, she pulled herself back under control and tried not to think about how she must look in contrast to his raw beauty.

They'd agreed on a seven a.m. meet-up, so she swallowed her pride and her hormones, raised her chin, and said, "Good morning, Stone. I’m sorry I’m not ready. Turns out, you were a better alarm than the actual clock."

“Ah, Sweetness,” He responded easily. “I can be your alarm every morning if you like."

He winked.

Sam rolled her eyes.

She was not going to let him know that he flustered her. Only a very tiny bit.

A lot of practice had gone into remaining cool and steady regardless of what was happening inside, so she was relatively certain she could pull off “you don't phase me”. That one, however, usually came with people calling her a bitch, which was not the impression she wanted to leave with Stone.

Instead of going full-on Samantha, she schooled her features, made her voice a touch softer, offered a half-way pleasant smile, and said, “Please, come in. Have a seat and I'll be out in a minute. Does Jasper need to stay outside? It’s ok with me if he comes in."

“Nah, he’ll come in. He likes to feel like one of the humans.” He told her with a grin.

She smiled at that and held her hand out to Jasper, giving a small clap. "Come here, boy.” When the big German shepherd trotted happily to her, she took his head in both hands, scratching behind his ears. Jasper's eyes shuttered, his tongue lolled to the side. "You're such a good boy.” She whispered, blinking back her emotions. She gave him a final scratch, then straightened, leaving Jasper looking at her quizzically with one ear cocked.

Sam took a breath and turned a forced smile on Stone.

“I hope we can stop by the bathrooms for me to brush my teeth. I don't want to offend anyone else with this morning breath."

Stone chuckled. “I don't find anything about you offensive, Sam. But yeah, we'll stop off at the bathrooms."

* * *

Stone watched Samantha walk into the first bedroom, turn out the lamp, and then go to the other, shutting the door behind her. He looked at the two candles, burned all the way down, at the table where he sat. Doesn't like the dark. He surmised, putting the pieces together, realizing she must have had a hard time sleeping last night. I could help with that. He’d like to anyway. If she’d let him.

Samantha was ticking all his boxes.

Not a complainer. That was plain from the moment he'd found her yesterday. She hadn't said one word about being wet and muddy and cold. Had just owned the mistake she'd made and come out on the other side. Sure, she'd said she was leaving, claiming this wasn't her scene, but when he'd challenged her, she'd met him head on.

This morning, when she opened the door, clearly just rolling out of bed, she hadn't apologized for her appearance like most would. She apologized for being late, owning her mistakes again. That was just as rare as a woman who didn't fish for a compliment to make her feel better about being an early-morning mess.

Not that she needed to fish. Samantha straight out of bed was a sight he could get used to. All that red hair being unruly, asking for a hand to be pushed through it, fingers wrapped around it, pouty pink lips begging him to take them under his own. Then there was that robe, all soft and plush and wrapped around a body he could get lost in.

Yeah, he thought, ticking all the boxes.

Trouble was, she was ticking some of those boxes on the other side too. The ones that usually made him steer clear.

He hadn't missed the way she flinched, tried to cover it up, when he raised his hand for his comms yesterday. Hadn't missed the way she never turned her back to a man in close proximity, the way she barely ate at lunch or dinner. Now, he knew she needed light where others would be comfortable in darkness.

As a rule, Stone didn't get involved with damaged women. He'd done it before. Thought he could help her, save her.

In the end, his failure nearly broke him. He'd sworn he wouldn't do that again. But Samantha, he hadn’t expected Samantha. Something about her called to him. She was just as reclusive as he was, but he needed to get to know her.

A short, ten-minutes later, the bedroom door opened and she stepped out, wearing those jeans that looked so good hugging her long legs. Her long sleeve t-shirt, not loose enough to hide the swell of breast beneath, had him working overtime not to stare like a teenager.

"What should I wear?” She was asking, making him pay attention. “For shoes? My ankle is still a bit tender. I’ve wrapped it up, but do you think boots?"

"Nah.” He replied. “Wear the trail shoes, bring the boots. We'll go to the stables and let you meet the rest of the four-legged crew, maybe get you in a saddle."

“I don't know about that.” She said hesitantly, pulling on the trail shoes. "I’ve never been a real animal person. I know I rode with you yesterday and I probably seemed like a pro,” She grinned up at him. Had him thinking it was the best thing he’d seen all morning. “But, I’ve never actually been on a horse. I mean, I’ve gotten to pet the carriage horses in New York from time to time, but that's the extent of my equine interactions."

“No worries.” He assured her. “I’ll get you with Beauty. She’s gentle, patient. She’ll be good to you.”

She grabbed her boots. Sensible, brown, working boots, and headed for the door, Jasper at her heels. Stone got to the door in front of her and pulled it open, taking the boots as she walked through.

"Thank you." She smiled, surrendering the load.

He'd expected an argument that she could carry her own boots, was pleasantly surprised that she let him do it without a fuss.

The trio walked to the bathhouse first, slowly, because she was still favoring her ankle, and Stone waited with Jasper while she went inside.

“I could have brought the gator for you." He said when Sam returned and they were walking again. "No need to strain that ankle anymore."

“No, it's fine.” She told him. “It feels good to stretch it a little. I wrapped it like Alex showed me, so as long as we don't need to run from any wild animals, I’m all good.” She chuckled softly. “Besides, I think Jasper will protect me. Won't you buddy?"

Jasper, who'd abandoned Stone to walk at Sam’s heel, looked up at the sound of his name, tail wagging. When Sam reached down to scratch his head, Stone thought, aaand I’ve lost my dog. Jasper seemed to have a special place in his heart for the woman he'd found in the woods.

"Does Jasper go everywhere with you?” Sam asked curiously.

"Yeah.” He responded. “I got him when I was overseas. He was a year old when he was assigned to me and he's been with me ever since. Hasn't left my side for six years. That is,” He amended with a rueful smile. “Until you showed up. Must be that you're prettier."

He winked, giving her a lopsided grin.

Sam looked away, clearing her throat.

"Stone.” She hesitated just long enough to take a breath. A breath that told him she was about to say something he didn’t want to hear.

“I feel like you're trying for something that's not going to happen."

She stopped walking and turned to face him. It was her business face, he could tell. The one she wore when she needed to be firm. When maybe she didn't feel firm, but she needed the other party to know that what she was about to say wasn't negotiable.

She looked straight into his eyes.

And lied to him.

Oh, he was certain she didn't know she was lying, but he knew. He saw the way she looked at him when she thought she was hiding it so well. You didn't get through sixteen years of military service and four years of building an international business without being able to read a person quickly, accurately.

Most of the time, he knew what someone would do before they did. He would let her have her say though. Stone understood how important it was for her to feel like she was the one in control, calling the shots.

“I didn't come to Hartstone for anything more than a vacation.” She laughed and rolled those beautiful green eyes. “I didn't even choose this vacation! Carla, you know Carla and her family?”

Stone nodded. He knew Carla and Cameron well.

"Carla’s the one who sent me here. I didn't even want to come. I wanted to go to a beach. A warm, sandy beach, where I could relax and have some luxury. She insisted this would be good for me, so here I am. But,” She added emphatically. "I'm not here for a fling. I don't do flings and you seem like the kind of guy who does.” Stone reminded himself to not take offense at her words as she took a breath and continued. "So, I need to tell you that I appreciate your kindness and attention and I’m grateful to you for rescuing me, but I’m not interested in anything else. If you want to get someone else to take me around, I understand completely."

Then she kept looking at him, eye to eye, waiting for him to concede. Steady, patient, not backing down.

She was good, he'd give her that.

He was better.

He smiled a slow, broad smile that he let go to his eyes. "No need for that.” He promised. “Thanks for letting me know where you're at, but you should know that nothing, and I mean nothing, Samantha, will happen that you don't want. I like you. I'll be the first to admit it, but if all you want is a friendly face while you enjoy your stay, I’ll happily be that for you."

* * *

Sam breathed an inward sigh of relief and started walking again. That had gone so much better than she'd anticipated. Thankful that he'd not tried to persuade her his way, because she was sure Stone excelled in the art of persuasion, she said, “Thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate your honesty. I mean, that you like me. People don't usually like me.”

She paused, tamping down the pang she felt at the truth of that statement. Samantha Covington was a business first, a woman second, and a person last of all. Sometimes, she felt like it was just too much. Then she'd remember her plan, her one objective, and she'd continue for another day. Carla was the only person she would say was a friend. Nora could be considered a friend on some levels, but their dynamic was different. Of course Sam had other dreams, other ambitions, but those would have to wait, because until she succeeded in laying desolate everything her father held dear, she would never find peace.

"Tell me about your family" Stone coaxed, as if reading her thoughts, interrupting them.

"Not much to tell.” She sighed, looking to the distant hills. "My mother died when I was nine, my father when I was fifteen. I don't have any brothers or sisters. I met Carla in college and we became friends. She's like a sister to me, maybe even closer, but there's no one else.”

She was silent for a few steps, listening to the crunch of grass under their feet, then added in a quiet voice, “I would do anything in the world for Carla and Cameron. For their kids."

She left out the parts about her father being dead because of her, her mother committing suicide, meeting Carla at Harvard while she took over a multi-million dollar company with a hostile group of shareholders.

Stone didn’t need to know all that.

"My father appointed a guardian for me.” She explained. “So I didn't go into foster care after his death.”

Then she left out the part about her guardian being an attorney on her father's team. A man who made sure she got into Harvard, then disappeared. Sam was used to taking care of herself, making hard decisions, being an adult.

She had never been allowed to be a child, so she thrived. Her father taught her to be ruthless, like himself. He'd wanted a son, so he’d done his best to harden her, to make sure she understood that softness was unacceptable.

They reached the stables and Stone turned to her, deep compassion settling in his eyes.

"Sam.” He moved his hand as if to touch her, then dropped it back to his side. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you had to go through that."

The way he said it made her believe he truly was sorry, even though he didn't know any of it. Hearing him say the words nearly brought tears to her eyes, but she pushed them away. Sam didn’t cry. Not for anyone to see.

Instead she let him have a sad half-smile and said with sincerity, “Thank you. That means more than you know.”

"What about you?” She asked, turning the conversation from herself. "Growing up with four brothers must have been quite the experience."

"Yeah.” He blew out a breath. “I guess it was, when we were young.” He shoved his hands into his jean pockets. “I joined the military as soon as I turned eighteen. I grew up here on Hartstone, but I wanted to get away as quick as I could, wanted to do something noble. So I joined the Marine Corps, left everyone behind until I got my head out of my ass, figured out that my family was the best thing I had going for me. It took a few years of hard knocks, but I came 'round. I started coming home on every leave, writing my younger brothers every chance I got. Started rebuilding the relationship with my parents. I loved the Marine Corps. Those guys become your family too, but my dad needed me to take over part of our business about four years ago, so I retired the military, came home, and did what needed to be done. We've enjoyed great successes. Now, I can’t imagine being anywhere else.”

And what Stone didn't say, was that his family needed him, but he'd needed them just as much. Needed the comfort and familiarity, needed to be close to his twin who knew him better than anyone. Needed to know that he was okay when he felt so broken. Needed a purpose greater than patrolling a foreign country for people who would never appreciate him, never appreciate his sacrifice, never know him from the guy serving next to him. He needed to be in a place where he mattered. That place was this place. The place he'd left all those years ago. That place was home and he'd been welcome back with open arms.

They stepped into the oversized, warehouse-style barn and Stone explained how the horses would stay there for the winter. He took Sam to the first stall on the left. Jasper immediately sat in front of the door, his bushy tail sweeping back and forth across the floor, waiting for it to be opened.

Stone chuckled. "Watch this.”

As soon as Stone slid the door to the side, Jasper darted in. Horse and dog greeted each other, licking the other’s nose with sloppy enthusiasm.

"They're friends?" Sam asked with a smile.

"The best." He told her. "Beauty was a two year-old when I came back. Dad gave her to me as a welcome home gift. She and Jasper are my teammates in this operation.” He smiled down at her. “Come on, let's get this girl out and I'll give you a lesson."

Sam watched attentively as Stone grabbed a bunch of stitched together leather from a hook on the stall door.

“This is a halter.” He explained. “Goes on her head,” He demonstrated by slipping the contraption onto Beauty’s nose, fastening it behind her ears. “Like this.”

Sam stood back while Stone led the big, black mare through the aisle-way to an open space about the same size as a stall. He clipped a set of ropes, secured on each wall, to both sides of Beauty's halter, then handed Sam a stiff-bristled brush.

Sam knew enough to rub the brush across Beauty’s coat, but apparently, that wasn’t quite good enough, because Stone felt the need to give her instructions.

"Here, let me show you."

He stood close behind her. Close enough for her to feel the heat radiating off of him, and she wished she could trample the butterflies flitting around in her stomach. Stone placed his hand over hers, guiding it in a flicking motion that had the dust on Beauty's coat lifting and flying off.

"That's good." He told her. “It’s all about the timing, making sure you've got just the right stroke to get the job done right.”

Sam felt herself flush, immensely grateful her back was turned to him, because she was absolutely positive Stone was not referring to horse grooming. She played it off, pretended not to notice, because no. Just no.

She was not getting hot and bothered from the tone of his voice, the way he leaned into her. His words did not slip images of tangled up legs, of skin sliding on skin into her mind. No, she definitely was not having any of that. And even if she was, he would never know it.

She groomed Beauty's ebony coat to a glossy shine while Stone retrieved an assortment of items, which just looked like tangle of leather pieces, from the place he called “the tack room”. Sam guessed that was where all the horse stuff was stored, but she had no idea what tack actually was.

"Right." He turned to her once everything had been arranged. "All the equipment you use on the horse is referred to as tack.” Ok, there’s my answer. “I’m going to show you how to put the saddle, bridle, and breast strap on Beauty."

He laughed, seeing her cringe at his last words.

"The breast strap attaches to the saddle on either side. It goes across the front of the horse's chest to keep the saddle from sliding too far back."

Sam grinned at him. “Thanks for the explanation. I was afraid you were getting a little kinky there for a minute." And immediately regretted saying it, because Stone's eyes darkened, one of those strong eyebrows raised in challenge.

“I thought we weren't going there, Sweetness. If you'd like to renegotiate, I’m on board."

"No. No.” She shook her head. Sweetness? “I’m all good. Please continue with the lesson."

"As I was saying then,” Stone gestured to the equipment stacked around them. “All tack. Saddle, bridle, breast strap, splint boots.” At her puzzled look he added, “They protect the horse's lower legs. The ones we use when we're out steering cattle are leather, but these are neoprene. They're more comfortable, but harder to clean."

"So, this is all tack.” Sam repeated. “And it goes on the horse so you can ride her. It looks really heavy, cumbersome. Isn’t that a lot of weight on her back? You, plus all this stuff?"

"What are you trying to say?" He asked with a smirk. "You think I’m heavy?"

"Well, yeah.” She replied. "You're quite solid I think, unless I’m mistaken and everything you've got going on under that shirt isn't what it looks like."

He quirked that eyebrow again.

"For someone who said she wasn't going there, you sure do keep coming ‘round to it. Checking out my body, talking about getting kinky."

He stepped into her space. Close. Way too close. Sam swallowed and forced her eyes to meet his. She wasn't going to be the one to back down. He reached one of his hands up, smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear, let his fingers caress the ridge of it before pulling away. It took all her willpower to not beg him to touch her again. Stone saw her struggle. She knew it the moment a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"I’d say you're finding me just as appealing as I’m finding you. Like I said before, your choice, Sweetness."

He turned away, leaving Sam with juxtaposed feelings of emptiness and relief.

"Let's get Beauty back in her stall. We'll come back for the rest of your lesson after breakfast."

* * *

Stone led the way to the main house, thinking about the contradiction that was Samantha. On one hand, she was bold, willing to face the thing that intimidated her head-on. On the other hand, she'd run from the thing she so obviously wanted.

He felt the chemistry between them, knew she did too, but she was doing her best to shut him down. It doesn’t matter, he thought. He had two more days and a dance.

If Stone Montgomery couldn't break down those barriers with some well-maneuvered dancing, he might as well hang up his boots and turn in his hat.

* * *

“Does the whole family work on the ranch?" Sam asked once they were seated.

Stone knew what she was doing. Trying to make conversation. Trying to overcome her feelings about this thing between them. He would let her, for now. Samantha wasn’t like any woman he’d met, but what she didn’t know, didn’t understand yet, was that he wasn’t like any man she’d ever met.

Stone looked at his plate, full of foods Samantha likely never even dreamed of eating. Bacon, eggs, fruit, yogurt, toast, fresh orange juice and coffee. Then he looked at her plate, neatly arranged with eggs, yogurt and fruit. A cup of steaming tea with honey set beside her. He smirked to himself. Mission: Get Samantha to eat bacon. Mission accepted.

“Mom and dad are the head honchos.” He said in answer to her question. “But my brothers and I do our part for the business. Speaking of my brothers,” He gestured behind her with a nod of his head. “Looks like the boys are going to give us some company. You ok with that?"

"Yes, of course.” Is what she said, but she shifted nonetheless, straightening her back, placing the hand not holding a fork in her lap, schooling her features, preparing to engage five men in conversation.

Stone watched the transformation, could hardly believe it, though he knew all about it. This woman in a man's world, becoming something outside of herself, or maybe something more within herself. Samantha didn’t have a thing to worry about with his brothers, but the change that came over her, fortifying herself to deal with the testosterone descending upon them, was fascinating to witness.

The fact that she couldn't remain the relaxed, confident woman he'd been sharing the morning with bothered him. Nothing to do about it now though, because the boys were pulling out their seats. Zayne and Andrew sat on either side of Samantha. Dean and Rylan on either side of him.

Rylan was the first to speak, giving Sam a brilliant smile as he did.

“Morning miss. How's it going for you so far? Sleep alright? Stone here giving you any trouble?"

Samantha smiled at him like he was the most important person in the room just then.

“I slept just fine, thank you. It's beautiful here and I’m enjoying my stay so far.”

She took a small bite of food, looked back at him like he was the only one at the table and the other boys were watching now, paying close attention.

"How about you? Did you sleep well, Rylan?"

The kid absolutely beamed at her use of his name. Stone rolled his eyes.

Sam kicked him under the table.

How did she even see that?

"Yes ma'am! Rylan replied enthusiastically. “Slept like a baby. Slept real good."

Sam smiled again. “I’m glad to hear it.”

Then she turned slightly to her left.

“And how about you, Zayne? How are you this morning? Hungry, I see."

She nodded to his overflowing plate, then flicked her eyes back to his. Zayne grinned down at her. Stone recognized that look. It was the one Zayne gave all the girls he thought he could have a good time with.

“Yes, ma'am. Seems I’m always hungry. Big appetite I’ve got." Zayne winked at her.

“I can see that." Sam said with a grin.

Stone wanted to punch his little brother, but Sam had already turned her attention to his twin.

"Morning Dean, will you please tell Alex how grateful I am for her help yesterday?"

Dean nodded. “Sure, I'll pass it along."

Then it was Andrew's turn and Stone could barely contain his curiosity.

Sam made the same moves. Turning to him, looking straight at him, working to make him feel like he was the only one that existed in that moment.

"Andrew, how are you this morning?"

"Yes, ma'am.” Andrew replied hesitantly, averting his eyes. "I'm just fine. Glad to hear you're getting along ok. Stone showing you the ropes and all.”

Andrew was painfully shy, especially around women. Stone never knew exactly why, always wondered about it. He watched with intrigue as Sam lowered her own eyes to her plate, shifted her posture to match Andrew’s, then took a bite, chewing slowly.

"Andrew, you plan the day's activities, right? Do you mind telling me what you've got planned for us today?"

Andrew visibly relaxed. Sam continued taking slow bites, nodding encouragement while he unraveled the day’s events for her.

That's why she makes the big bucks. Stone thought as he watched his brother, who never said more than a few words to any woman, even kept to himself with most men, go on about day’s plans.

* * *

"You're pretty impressive." Stone remarked when they were walking back to the stables after breakfast.

"What do you mean?” She said with a laugh.

"Charming my brothers like that. Can't say I’ve met another woman who can handle them all so easily in one place. Well, Ma can, but she raised us, so it's a bit different." He laughed. "We're all still afraid of getting on her bad side. Five big men, still afraid of their mama."

"No.” She countered thoughtfully. “I don't think it's that. I think you respect her so much, love her so much, you fear disappointing her."

She thought for a moment, then corrected herself. "Not fear. You dread it. For you guys, disappointing your parents is a gut-wrenching proposition because they've raised you so well, loved you so much themselves. You want them to be proud of you and you work hard to make it happen."

She shrugged. “I could be wrong. It's just my opinion from what I’ve seen."

"You'd be one hundred percent right." Stone agreed. "Ma and Pa have given us everything, with love and acceptance to spare. Of course we want to give it back to them, much as we can."

"You're fortunate.” She said as they reached Beauty's stall. "Kids should grow up knowing they're loved, working for that instead of working to avoid punishments."

Stone handed her the halter and opened the stall door.

"That how it was for you?” He asked. “Working to avoid the punishments?"

She fastened the halter the way she'd seen him do before.

Remembers everything. He noted.

A sad smile tilted her lips. "Something like that."

She started out the door, beauty following behind.

He wanted to ask more questions, wanted to know what she wasn't saying, but he let it go and followed her to the cross-ties.

He showed her how to put the saddle on, secure the front cinch and back cinch, attach the breast strap, and put the bridle on. Then, he told her to pull on her boots while he went to the tack room for the final item.

"Exactly how wild are we getting?” She questioned when he came back with a helmet.

"Hopefully, not wild at all. You're gonna be high up though, and it's your first time. Better to protect that pretty head of yours from the start than to have something happen and wish we had."

"Hey, I’m on board. I need this head in tip-top shape. I’ve got a lot riding on it." Suddenly she doubled over in laughter. Stone threw her a puzzled look.

"I’ve got a lot riding on it! Get it?" He just shook his head and led Beauty out of the ties.

"Hey, it was funny! Alright, maybe it was corny,” she conceded. “Maybe it was totally corny."

Whatever it was, she was laughing and he was loving the sound of it.

"Right." He said once they'd entered the oval shaped riding arena in the middle of the barn. "Remember yesterday, when I helped you up onto Beauty?”

"Yes, I remember."

"We won't do that today."

Okay… So how are we doing this?

Sam had her answer a moment later when Stone tapped Beauty at the top of her front leg until the big mare went to her knees, then another tap and she was lying down.

Is that okay?" Sam asked, astonished. "Is it okay for her to lie on the saddle like that? It doesn't hurt her?"

"Nah, just the stirrup on the other side. Soft dirt underneath. She won't be here long. Come on.” He motioned for her to get closer. “Climb on. Once you're up, I'll ask her to stand. Nice and easy on that ankle of yours."

Sam just stared at him open-mouthed.

“I can't do that. I’m too heavy. It'll be too much for her!"

Stone shook his head, chuckled, and moved to Beauty's side. He lifted his leg over and across Beauty’s back so he was astride the saddle. After he settled, he made a clucking sound with his tongue. The mare unfolded her front legs, pushed up to a sitting position like a dog, another cluck from Stone and she pushed all the way up, gave a shake of her head and stood patiently.

"See.” Stone shrugged. “She can do it just fine with me and I outweigh you by at least a hundred pounds. She's strong, made for heavy work. This is nothing for her. Come on now." He gave her shoulder a tap with his foot and Beauty lowered herself to the ground once more.

Stone pulled his feet to the side just as Beauty's belly and hindquarters went down, settling into the soft dirt. The mare heaved a sigh and blew it out, like all this demonstrating was boring her.

"Um... Ok. Ok tell me how again." Sam still wasn’t sure about it. Stone made it look easy, but that didn’t mean much for her.

"Come on over to this side, out of the way of her legs.” He placed his hand on her back, guiding her into position. “Now, throw your leg over the saddle and sit.”

Sam did exactly as he said.

“Hold onto the horn.”

She grasped the protrusion firmly.

“It's going to be a bit of a rocking motion as she gets up. Just hold on and keep your butt square in the middle of the saddle. Ready?"

She nodded, even though she didn't feel ready at all.

Stone did that clucking thing with his tongue again and Beauty hefted her front legs in front of her and pushed up, making Sam feel like she was going to slide off the back the horse’s back. When Stone clucked again and the big horse pushed all the way up, Sam let out a totally involuntary squeal, then clamped her hand over her mouth. Stone had said "a bit of a rocking motion”. That was not “a bit”. That was like a boat capsizing. In any case, they were up. Sam grinned, not even aware she was doing it. She reached her hand down to stroke the silky hair on Beauty’s neck.

"Such a good girl, Beauty. Thank you."

Beauty sighed, her ear twitching back toward Sam, as if she was really listening to the words.

"Now you're up.” Stone remarked proudly. “Good as gold. We'll start out with walking around, doing some circles and eights."

Sam was just getting comfortable sitting there and he wanted her to actually go somewhere? That was asking a lot, but okay. She was Samantha Covington. She negotiated million dollar deals. Steering a horse as good and amicable as Beauty around a pen should be no problem at all. Right?

Stone grabbed a rope from the nearby fence and turned to face her, holding it in both hands.

"Here's how it works with our horses," he began. "To go forward or faster, squeeze your butt, then your legs. Think, buns of steel."

Sam laughed at that, but the picture worked. She could see exactly what to do.

"To stop or slow down," Stone continued. "Relax your body. No squeezing, no pressing with the legs. Relax everything. If you need more, pull back gently on your reins. Like this." He pulled both hands holding the rope up slightly. "As soon as you're stopped or slowed, set your hands back down. We don't want to keep pulling on her mouth."

Sam nodded. It seemed like a lot, but also pretty straightforward.

Stone continued his explanation. “To turn to the left, take your left hand with the rein to the side while pressing her with your right leg."

That one was easy to remember. It was like her martial arts training. As one foot moves to center and the other pushes away, the hand also moves to the side, following the leading foot.

"Same thing to go the other way, just reverse it. Ready to try it on the move?"

Sam was feeling more comfortable, getting the hang of sitting up there.

"Yes.” She nodded. “I’m ready, tell me what to do."

"Right. Got these cones.” Stone showed her two cones, set a few feet apart from each other. "Start with a left circle around this one." He pointed to the one closest to her.

She did like he’d said. Thought, buns of steel, squeezed her butt and her thighs, and Beauty started to move.

"I'm doing it!” She exclaimed excitedly. Then beauty was moving faster and Stone was saying, “Relax, Sam. Relax your legs."

But the horse was moving faster and Sam was just trying to hold on until she heard his sharp command.

"Samantha! Relax."

Sam immediately relaxed her body, and just like that, Beauty stopped moving.

Stone came up beside her, looked up at her with concern while he placed a hand on her thigh.

"You alright?"

She gave him a wobbly smile, let out a shaky breath.

"Yeah. Yes. I just got nervous. I’m ok. Let me try again."

Her hand trembled ever so slightly, but she said, “Please, let me try. I'll get it right this time."

And she did.

Before long she was steering Beauty around those cones in circles and eights like a pro. All at a nice, steady walk, but still feeling quite accomplished about it just the same. After fifteen minutes or so, Stone called her over to the fence. He sat there looking like every woman's fantasy. So calm, so sure of himself, totally owning the space around him.

"That was good.” He praised. “You've impressed me a few times today. That's doesn’t happen often. Good work."

"Thank you." Sam grinned, glowing under his warm approval.

Stone looked up at Sam, thinking she was the most beautiful thing he'd seen in a long time. Sitting up there on his horse, looking so pleased with herself, radiant with the joy of her accomplishment. It was a scene he’d like to see again.

“It's ten.” He informed her. “We need to get ready for our trip to the lake."


Sam was still smiling, not even aware she was doing it and the site of it was going straight to his heart.

"Take your feet out of the stirrups, swing your leg over the back and I'll help you down."

Stone thought about having Beauty lie down, but abandoned that idea in favor of getting to put his hands on Samantha again.

She did as he'd instructed, letting him lower her to the ground. His hands were around her waist, her back to his front as she slid down from the saddle. He nearly groaned with the desire to spin her around and cover those luscious lips with his own. His body was humming, but he took a step back and let her turn to face him, pleased when he saw the tinge of color on her cheeks.

Feeling it too. It’s just a matter of time Samantha.




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