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One More Last Chance: Hartstone Series: Book One by Robinson, T.J. (23)

The Lucky One

One week had passed since Sam spent Thanksgiving at Hartstone. One week since she'd opened her mouth and said those three little words that she hadn't spoken since the night of her father's death. The night of Javier's death. It had been one week, and she and Stone spoke every night over the phone. Often, it was his voice that lulled her to sleep, his face she saw in her dreams. It was new and beautiful and unbearably distracting.

"Don't forget that Olivia, Devon and Bennet are coming in today." Nora said over the intercom, bringing Sam back to the present.

She hadn't forgotten. Sam was all too aware of the fact that the shareholders had to vote in favor as a majority to proceed with a merge. Olivia and Devon were solidly in her camp, so she had no worries when it came to them. Bennet and Andrea were going to be the swing votes. They had no true allegiance except to themselves, and Sam knew if she could get one or both of those two, she would have it all. Her father was still screwing with her from his grave. If he hadn't written the company's bylaws the way he did, this would be a non-issue. He'd done the same with his will, which was why she had become CEO in the first place. She never should have been named as such, but in a set of iron-clad legal processes Michael Covington decreed that Sam would fail utterly, or rise to the highest heights.

She'd risen, but it was to prove him wrong, not because it was her highest ambition. In that respect, maybe he'd already won. The thought was a severely depressing one. She could still win. All she had to do was outmaneuver James and Norman.

"They're on their way up." Nora warned from the intercom.

Sam ran a hand over her already smooth hair, took a deep breath, and sank into CEO mode. It was time to start moving her pieces. Whoever had planted the listening devices in her office was going to get some terribly disappointing information.

Devon and Olivia walked in, hand-in-hand, and Sam smiled warmly as she rose to greet them. She genuinely liked the Reilly couple. They owned a very successful line of boutique lingerie. Sam was a loyal customer to their exquisite designs, but it was because of their business acumen that she trusted their counsel and advice. Devon was a phenomenal businessman, Olivia, a creative genius. If you looked up power couple in the dictionary, their picture would be there.

Bennet strode in behind them, looking immensely satisfied to be part of this important meeting.

"Bennet." Sam greeted him, taking his offered hand in both of hers with a firm, warm shake.

Bennet Alexander was a man who loved to be adored. Sam knew that if she showed him a little warmth, a little hospitality, he would be eating out of her hand in no time. What she couldn't do, what she wouldn't do, was make false promises and bribes. James and Norman had her there, because she'd sworn that she would never operate her business that way.

"Can I get you anything before we start?” She asked amicably. "Water? Tea? Scotch?"

"What's your Scotch?" Bennet asked curiously, causing Sam to smile. She'd done her research, many times over.

"Glengoyne, twenty-five year. From our friends in Scotland. It's one of their best."

Bennet raised an eyebrow in surprise as a slow smile slid across his lips. "Why Ms. Covington, I must say that I am pleasantly surprised by your taste."

"Only the best for my valued friends and partners.” She said, handing him a glass while Nora brought waters for Devon and Olivia.

Nora closed the door on her way out, even though it didn't matter because there were ears all over Sam's office. It gave the illusion of privacy, making her guests more comfortable in conversation.

“I asked the three of you here today, because, as you may have heard already, I am entertaining the proposition of a merger between CSM and Carnelian Global Enterprises."

She didn't pause for objections.

"My head of legal, Mrs. Everson, has put together a prospectus which you may take and review in-depth. There have been all kinds of rumors flying around, so I wanted to an opportunity for you to hear it straight from me."

She paused then, looking at each of them.

“If there is a majority vote to move forward with the proposed deal, I think you will be immensely pleased with the results. There’s a lot of money to be made here, some moves that I think you’ll be quite pleased with. Please take your time to read the prospectus and feel free to contact Mrs. Everson or myself with any questions or concerns. I think you'll find we've been quite thorough."

"You have our vote, Ms. Covington. You know that." Olivia spoke up. "We've been with you for a while and I know you've had a lot of offers, a lot of deals come across your desk. If you’re serious about this one, I’m confident it's for good reason. We'll read the prospectus and be in touch if we need to. I can tell you with certainty however, that Devon and my votes are with yours."

"Olivia, Devon, that means more to me than you can possibly know." Sam said genuinely. "Your confidence and encouragement are touching. Thank you."

Olivia nodded and Sam turned to Bennet who was already flipping through the pages of his file.

"Bennet, please take your time. I’ll be calling a shareholder’s meeting within the next couple of weeks, but as always, my door is open."

"Thank you Ms. Covington. I have to say, I’m already impressed. This looks like a very thorough prospectus."

"Carla Everson is the best of the best." Sam replied confidently.

After a few minutes of small-talk, Olivia, Devon and Bennet bid their farewells, expressing their desires to investigate the proposal and hopefully move forward. Sam was relieved to have their verbal commitments, she knew, however, verbal agreements weren’t worth anything until they actually happened.

She was just taking a breath, a sip of that scotch that she couldn't resist, when Nora buzzed her.

"Uh, your boy toy and his brother are here. Ms. Covington."

Sam barked out a laugh.

“I didn't think they would be here until later, but send them in."

She once again smoothed her hand over already smooth hair and stood, just as Stone and Zayne strode through her door. She held back a chuckle as Nora followed behind, mouthing the sentiment, “So Hot!” as her jaw dropped comically.

Stone didn't waste any time at all. He strode straight to Sam and cupped her face for kiss that had her melting into him. At the sound of throats clearing, he reluctantly pulled away, gazing at her with a warm expression.

“I missed you, Sweetness."

“I missed you too." And she meant it. She'd missed him desperately. Missed being around him, missed being in his arms, by his side.

"I'm Nora, by the way." Nora interrupted, shoving her hand forward to Zayne. Sam didn't miss for one second the hungry look in Zayne's eyes when he took Nora’s small hand, engulfing it with his own.

"My name's Zayne. It's certainly a pleasure to meet you, Miss Nora."

Nora giggled and Sam rolled her eyes. She'd have to warn Nora off later. Zayne may have been a handsome cowboy and a great lawyer, but he was a player. Nora didn't need to deal with his kind of trouble.

Stone had introduced himself already, so he offered her another smile, while casting a warning look Zayne’s way. Nora was a beautiful girl. She could have been a fifties pin-up, with her curvaceous body, big, blue eyes and rosy lips. She was just the kind of girl his brother loved to pursue, but Stone knew she was also a mom. He didn't think Zayne was aware of that little fact. Stone loved his brother with all his heart, but he'd yet to see him be serious about any woman. Stone would bet a year's salary that Nora wasn't a one-night stand kind of girl.

"Do you gentleman need water or anything else before I take off?" Nora asked sweetly.

“I could use something..." Stone elbowed Zayne before he could finish.

"We're all good, darlin' thank you for your kindness. How’s your little one?"

He smiled at the sharp intake of breath he heard from his brother. Now you know, little brother.

"Thank you, she’s doing well.” Nora answered. "She'll be just getting out of school, so I should go. Sam, do you need anything else?"

Sam shook her head. "No. Thank you, Nora. I’ll see you tomorrow."

Nora made her escape just as Stone turned back to Sam.

"You have a nice office here. Not what I expected."

Stone had seen a lot of offices, but Samantha’s was the first to make him feel happy to be there. It wasn't only because of the woman who occupied it. The walls were a soft yellow that reminded him of mid-morning sun. The furniture was beautifully finished dark oak, and there were plants in every corner, strategically placed on various shelves. An off-white, leather sofa had him thinking of all the ways they could get it dirty, and her desk was so neat and tidy, he was sure he could have her sprawled across it with ease.

"...wanted to make it suit me a little more."

He'd completely missed the whole first half of whatever explanation had been coming out of that gorgeous mouth. A mouth he would love to see wrapped around his "What do you think?” She was asking, looking at him expectantly. Good god, he needed to get her home.

“It's beautiful. Just like you." He said with a smile and a brief kiss, hoping it would be enough to cover his wayward thoughts.

"Yeah, you didn't hear much of what I said.” She laughed.

Zayne chuckled.

"Heard enough." He retorted. "And I really do like your office, Sam."

She gave him a slow, knowing smile. "Maybe you'll come see it again, then?"

"Oh Yeah. I’m definitely planning on that."

"Ugh.” Zayne gagged. “You two need to get a room. Can we go now? I’m starving."

Stone chuckled. "I'm a bit hungry myself. You ready to get out of here, Love?”

When Sam led them out the door and turned her back to them to lock it, Stone prayed dinner wasn't going to be a drawn out affair.

* * *

“I thought I was going to kill him." Stone growled against her neck when he'd finally gotten her home.

“Me too.” Sam giggled as he peppered her with kisses.

Zayne had done everything possible to delay the end of their dinner. Probably exacting some revenge for Stone’s slip about Nora's daughter. Now though, now he had her where he wanted her. In her apartment, getting naked as fast as their fumbling fingers could manage it. The blouse Sam wore was a gorgeous purple with tiny buttons all down the front. They were exquisite, and they were driving him mad.

"I'll buy you a new one." He rasped, just before he ripped it open, sending buttons skittering across the floor.

Sam gasped.

"Fine. I'll buy you one too." And she returned the favor.

Sweet Mary, Moses and Jesus this woman was hot. And she was climbing him like a tree. One of her legs came up over his hip, and she reached down to hike the hem of her own skirt up over her hips.

"Stone.” She gasped when he bit her neck.

“Oh God, Stone. I need you now."

She was panting, grinding against him, her hands clinging to his shoulders, then around his neck, pulling at him with a desperate need he couldn't resist.

"We'll go slow later, baby."

"Stone Montgomery.” She growled. “If you say the word slow one more time, I'll finish myself."

Ok. So that's how it is.

He spun them, slamming her against the door, grabbing her hips, pulling her all the way up so both of her legs could wrap around his waist. Sam clung to his shoulders, biting his earlobe, his neck, pressing into him even as he pressed her back against the door. Stone reached under her leg, let his pants loose in a well-practiced move, then pulled her flimsy panties to the side.

"Yes.” She was saying. "Please. Yes."

He was right there ready to sink into her when the warning bells went off.

"Shit!" He exclaimed. "Shit, shit."

"What?” Sam asked, suddenly alarmed.

"Condom, need a condom." He managed between breaths.

"I'm on the pill.” She told him desperately. "Just do it. Please."

At her next words, he nearly lost it.

"Come in my mouth, if you're not sure. Just please, I need you."

"You're going to kill me, woman."

"Make me feel it tomorrow.” She whispered the commanded in his ear, and he was gone.

He pushed into her in one violent thrust, and she cried out, her nails digging into him. This wasn't going to last very long, but he'd be damned if he didn't get her there first. He thrust into her without mercy, holding her up with one arm, using the door for leverage, he reached down between them, found her sweet spot. She arched her upper body against the door, her legs a vice grip around his hips, chasing her pleasure for all she was worth.

He felt the tingles starting at the base of his spine and ground his teeth together. He moved his fingers faster, nearly losing his own composure when she groaned against him, when he felt her muscles contract around him. He wasn't going this way, he was taking Sam up on her offer.

"On your knees, Love. Take me in your mouth.” Stone commanded her, his voice strained, rough.

Sam complied without hesitation, like she was hungry for him. Stone groaned as he watched her lips wrap around him, watched her take him as far as she could.

He fisted a hand through her hair, working so hard to maintain some modicum of gentleness while he moved her at the speed he needed. Sam moaned around him, reached up to grab his thighs, and pulled him into her mouth. Harder, faster. Samantha’s name fell from his lips with a groan, his knees almost buckling when she took everything he had down her throat. She tugged against his hand as she pulled away, and he slid from her swollen lips with an obscene pop. Realizing he’d tightened his fist in her hair, he quickly released her.

"I'm sorry, Sweetness." He stammered, still breathing hard. “I didn't hurt you, did I?”

Sam smiled at him like the cat who ate the canary, watching him sink to the floor.

"Mm, not at all. I feel better than I’ve felt all week"

"Come here." He pulled her on top of himself, laying back on the cool hardwood.

He felt her chuckle against his chest, while he brushed his fingers through the silky strands of her hair.

"What?" He asked.

"That was the hottest sex I’ve ever had with most of my clothes still on.” She buried her face against him, laughing. "We were trying so hard, weren't we? To get naked? We just never made it.”

She was laughing so hard she snorted, and that got him laughing too.

“I don't know why that seemed so funny to me.” She commented on a deep breath.

"Ah, Love. I love to hear you laugh like that. If mostly clothed sex is what does it for you, I'll be happy to accommodate you anytime."

She sighed a happy sigh. "You make me laugh, Stone. You make me happy."

She lifted her head to look at him, stroked his cheek with her hand, and his heart swelled at the adoration shining in her eyes.

"That's something I didn't dare hope for, but you've given it to me. Thank you, Stone. I love you."

"Oh, Sweetness. I love you more that you can know. And I’m happy to be the man making you laugh. Making you hope again."

He squeezed her tightly against himself and closed his eyes, savoring the feel of her body on his, her heart beating in time with his own. He pushed down the stab of guilt at what he was doing.

* * *

"What are you thinking about, Love?"

Stone's warm voice roused Sam from her thoughts. She looked across the breakfast bar at him and smiled.

“I was thinking about how fast things go once they start. Thinking about what I'll be doing at this time next year."

"Hope you'll be with me." He remarked seriously. "Whatever it is you're doing'"

“I hope so too.” She replied honestly, which made him smile.

"The hard part about being in my position,” She continued, “Is that what seems so certain can change in the blink of an eye."

"How do you mean?" He asked.

"Four months ago, I was consumed by one objective.” She explained. "My life was consumed by my company, my objectives, and my plans. Meeting someone, falling in love,” She spoke softly. “It was never part of my plan. It was something I would have said was impossible. Yet, here I am, with you. Not only that,” She took a sip of coffee. “but now I have an opportunity to do something with my company that I’ve been working toward for more than a decade. All I’ve ever wanted is revenge on my father. It's been the thing that's kept me going, the driving force behind my early and continued success. I’ve worked so hard because I’ve always felt I needed to prove him wrong."

"Your father is dead though, yes?" He asked tentatively.

"Yes. Yes, he's dead. In my mind though, he's always been there. Always whispering in my ear."

She took a bite of toast, chewing slowly, appreciative of his steady patience.

"There's something I want to do. It hit me all at once, back at Hartstone. Do you remember the jump Bryce and I took from the screaming rock?"

He chuckled. "I remember you found it shocking that we would actually jump off. I didn't know if you'd do it or not."

“I was terrified. I’m not even shy about admitting it. I saw Bryce though, saw that she'd been beaten down so much that she didn't think she was capable of anything, and I knew. I knew that if anyone needed to make that jump, it was her. Remember how I took her hand and we did it together?"

"Yes." He was serious again. “I was so proud of you in that moment."

"Really?” She whispered

"No doubt." He said. "Proud to be with such a strong, brave woman."

"Wow. Thank you. But what I was going to tell you, is that when we jumped, and we came up out of the water, Bryce was crying. Like making that leap released something inside that had been holding her down. Right then and there, I knew what I wanted to do."

"What do you want to do, Sweetness?"

“I want to help them jump.” She said earnestly. "The ones who've been beaten down, abused, abandoned. I want to help them jump. I want to show them, teach them, that they can, that they should."

"Then that's what you should do." He agreed firmly. "Because you'd be one hell of an act to follow." Stone reached across the bar, taking her hand, weaving his fingers through hers. "What would it take? To do something like that, what would you need?"

“I have an idea.” She replied cautiously. “It’s just an idea. I don't have any solid plan or outline of how to make it happen. If I get what I’m asking for in this new deal we're working on, I'll have everything I need to start over, to make a real difference and dedicate my time to something that actually matters."

"Do you think what you’re doing now doesn't matter?" He asked curiously.

“I think it matters to a lot of people. My company provides jobs to thousands of people all over the world. That matters to me. But am I changing lives? Am I making lives better? Maybe. On some level. But I want to see it, Stone.”

She sighed heavily. “I want to make a difference for someone who really needs it. You know about Bryce, but she's not the first one I’ve helped make the jump.”

He raised a questioning eyebrow and she hurried to explain.

"Metaphorical jump. Nora was the first."

"Nora? Your assistant?" He asked, surprise showing on his face.

"Yes. She was working in a cafe, sneaking tiny Chelsea into the back because she couldn’t afford a baby-sitter. I went there all the time back then. I watched her for about a week, then, one day, the owner came in and caught her, fired her right on the spot and gave the manager a reprimand. I’ll never forget the way she looked as she walked out. Dejected, so lost, but fierce at the same time, like she was determined to make it, even though she couldn't see how. I offered her a job and she’s been with me ever since. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

"Wow." Stone breathed.

"Yeah, right? That’s what I want to do. I want to be in the trenches, helping people climb up, get out.”

She squeezed his hand before disentangling their fingers to gather the plates. Stone helped her take them to the sink, wrapping his arms around her when she’d deposited her armful. He leaned down to talk softly in her ear.

"Samantha, you are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. Aside from my Ma." He added quickly, and she huffed a laugh. "You can be, and do, absolutely anything you want, but your heart's ambition is to help others." He kissed her cheek. “I am in awe of you, and I’m telling you right now, I'll do everything in my power to help your desire become a reality. What you want, it's the kind of thing that changes lives."

Sam sniffed. She hadn't expected him to offer his support in such a decisive statement. His belief in her dreams touched her deeply. She turned in his arms, reaching up to cup his face in her hands.

"How did I get so lucky?" Her smile wobbled. "Thank you for believing in me like you do."

"Ah, Love." He breathed. "I'm the lucky one here.”

He bent his head to offer a tender kiss. His lips moving over hers in that seductive way that sent tingles down her spine. She moved her hands to his shoulders as his sneaked under her shirt. She loved the feel of his hands on her body. He made her feel cherished with his touch.

One big hand caressed up and down her back while he brought the other around to cup her breast. When he rolled her nipple between his fingers she groaned, arching into him. He slid the hand caressing her back down to cup her bottom, giving her cheek a solid squeeze before moving down her thigh, pulling her leg up over his hip. She felt her own arousal as she pressed into him, loving the groan she elicited as she moved her hips against his hardness.

She needed more of him. It felt like she’d never get enough. But Stone just continued his slow assault on her mouth, her body, like he had all the time in the world. Like he could just kiss her all day. She slid her hand under his shirt, thrilled at the feeling of his muscles flexing beneath her touch.

"Sam." He growled on a shudder when she slid her hand beneath the waistband of his sweats.

"You're not the only one capable of a little torture.” She retorted against his lips.

Suddenly his hands were gone, her hand was plucked from beneath his pants, and Sam let out a squeal of surprise as he threw her over his shoulder.

"You want to play, baby? I'll show you how it's done."

Her heart was pounding, everything south of her neck was aching for his touch, and she was loving every minute of it. He was almost at her bedroom door, telling her all the dirty things he was about to do, when the doorbell rang.

"He can wait." Stone said harshly, making her giggle.

"Stone, put me down. We have to let him in."

“I hate my baby brother right now." But he let her down slowly, holding onto her waist once her feet were on the floor. "I'm going to finish this." He promised.

"You better.” She retorted sassily.

He gave her butt a swat when she turned to walk away, making her jump and break out in laughter.

She wasn't laughing a little while later though, when Zayne had come and gone and Stone had tied her to her bed. Had slowly and thoroughly showed her just how much delicious tortured he could heap upon her. When they were through, he'd cuddled her against his chest until he had to leave. Before he was out the door, Sam already missed him more than she wanted to admit.