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Player by T.N King, Roxie Odell (29)



Chapter 9



“So, how are things going?” Benjamin looked right at home nestled in between two rose bushes as he clipped them and rearranged their stems.

“Good morning,” Megan beamed. “I’m doing wonderfully. Enjoying some morning sunshine before lunchtime.” He handed her a white rose and smiled. “Thank you.” She smelled the amazing fragrance.

“How is the job working out for you? You’ve been here…how long?”

“Just over a month, and I love it. I have a nice little schedule all worked out and I am able to free up some time for myself here and there.”

“Yes, schedules are always good to have.”

“Yep. I sort the laundry in the mornings, iron the clothes and clean the rooms during the day, plan dinner in the afternoon and I leave one day to do all of the necessary errands like shopping, dry cleaning and other things.”

“Sounds like you have everything in tip top shape.”

“How long have you been with Jensen?”

“Oh let’s see. It has to be going on five years now?”

“And you love it?”

“More than life itself,” he grinned.

“It’s always nice when you love what you do. I’m headed out right now. I’m going to the grocer’s. Do you want anything?”

“Oh, no miss. But thank you. Does Mr. Dean let you drive any of his cars?”

“I have once before, but I prefer mine.” She looked toward the house where her car was parked in the driveway. “Not much to look at right now, but she is all mine. I plan on fixing her up when I get the money together.”

“I can see the inner beauty in her.”

“I’m glad somebody can.”


“Jensen keeps bugging me about getting rid of it. He says it’s unsafe to drive, but it’s really not. You just have to know how to work her and know when you have pushed her too far. She’ll be perfect again one day,” she smiled.

“I have total faith in you.”

“Have a wonderful day, Benjamin.”

“You too luv.”

Megan walked out of the garden with a bounce in her step.


She heard the front door open and stopped pulling the groceries out of the bags. She still hesitated when sounds came from the door or the phone.

“I’m home,” Jensen called out.

Megan took a deep breath and continued putting the groceries away, her mind turning toward her plans for dinner. He walked into the kitchen and looked over the things on the counter.

“Anything good?”

“No, Jensen. No brownies.” She eyed him and scooted him out of the kitchen. “Why are you home so early, anyway?”

“My meeting let out earlier than I had expected. I didn’t feel like going back to the office. I actually have a few extra errands to do in London before the day’s end. I figured I would go out to the penthouse this evening and wondered if you would like to join me.”

“It hasn’t been a month yet.” She recalled her contract with him that she needed to clean the penthouse once a month.

“No, but I won’t tell.” His smile was beautiful. She turned her attention back to the groceries and away from him, swallowing her thoughts about him back down where they were supposed to be.

“I could clean it tomorrow, get a jumpstart on it. When do you want me to be ready?”

“We will go after dinner.”

“I’ll be ready.”

He snuck back out and peeked through the groceries again. “What is for dinner anyway?”

“Beef tartar with smoked foie gras, waldorf salad and beef tataki with sesame sauce.”

“Wow. Are we having company?”

“No, I’m sorry,” she smiled. “I am trying some new recipes. I promise they will be small portions.”

“If I’m not careful, between these amazing dinners and your delectable brownies, I’m going to have to go up a size in my trousers.”

 He ate heartily as she picked and ate a few bites of each, more for taste testing than anything else. He helped her clean up afterwards and put the leftover food away. She packed lightly and they drove out to the penthouse spending the night and most of the next day there. She didn’t have much to clean since no one was really there during the weeks she was at the mansion, but she did what she could. She rearranged a few things to change things around some and Jensen approved when he got back from working all day.

“I should have hired you sooner,” he said, winking at her. “I’m going to grab a shower then we can head back to the mansion, unless you have a reason you want to stay longer.” His eyes sparkled.

Megan turned away, straightening some magazines on the coffee table that were already straight. “No, I’m ready whenever you are.” She walked toward the kitchen and didn’t look back until she rounded the corner.

On the drive back, Jensen talked about his business and what he actually did from day to day. He told her he always loved being successful and diversified his business in many areas so if one area failed, or didn’t do so well, the other areas would make up for it.

“It sounds like smart business to me.”

“It definitely works,” he said. “I’m twenty-eight years old and very successful.”

“You have always been well off financially, haven’t you?”

“I have, but even if my family wasn’t I would have made well over enough to retire on and live happily. My great-great grandfather busted his ass as soon as he learned how to make money and through hard work and perseverance, he created his own business. Most of my ancestors worked under him and within a few years, it was extremely successful. Hard work and determination became a virtue in my family.”

“I’m impressed.”

“You don’t have to be. You work just as hard as I do. You just had more hurdles to jump over, not so many breaks.”

“I guess.” She looked out the window.

They pulled into the driveway at the mansion and the garage door opened slowly. Megan looked out around the house as they got closer and she noticed her car was gone from the spot she normally parked.

“Where’s my car?” She opened the door and got out, walking over to the spot. Jensen followed. “Where’s my car? Who would steal….”

“Calm down. Calm down,” he said smiling. “No one stole your car.”

“Then…” she cocked her head. “Where is it?” She knew he had something to do with it and she got angry.

He seemed pleased with himself until he saw how mad she got. “I had it towed away for scrap.”

“You what!” she lunged toward him and pushed at him. “I want it back!”

“It’s gone, Megan.”

“How dare you take my car? You had no right!”

“It was a damned death trap and you know it.” His voice deepened.

“It was a classic, you son-of-a-bitch. I was going to have it fixed up.”

“There isn’t enough money in the world to fix that heap.”

Megan’s mouth gaped open. She was completely offended at his remark. “It was my car!”

“I did it for you.”

“You can’t find classics like that anymore. It was all original.”

“Megan, trust me. I did you a favor.”

“Well, don’t do me any more!” She screamed storming off toward the house.

Jensen walked inside, still happy with his decision. He squandered around in his office, getting nothing done. He attempted a few things on his to-do list but his mind kept going back to Megan. She will see that I did this for her, for her own good. She’ll get over it and appreciate how much I care for her well-being. She will understand.

He looked at the clock. It was almost five and she was still upstairs. Black appeared in his office doorway and handed him an envelope.

“How much did you get for it?”

“Eight hundred.”

“Not bad,” he said surprisingly. “Well, it looks like she isn’t coming down anytime soon. Maybe if I make her favorite dish for dinner, she’ll forgive me sooner.” He smiled at Black, hoping for a little reprieve but got nothing.

When he was just about finished with dinner preparations, Jensen went up to Megan’s room and knocked on the door. When she didn’t answer him, he spoke through the door, “I have something for you.”

A few moments later, she opened the door, not very pleased with him at all. He handed her the envelope and smiled.

“What is it?” She huffed. She opened it and pulled out the check.

“Turns out there were several offers for your car. Black sold it for a good price.”

Megan looked at him, squinted her eyes, and slammed her door in his face.

“Come on, Megan. You can’t be that pissed at me. It was a piece of shit car.” When she didn’t respond, he tried another tactic. “Listen, I’m sorry okay? I shouldn’t have taken your car without your knowledge…or approval.” He listened closely. “I promise I won’t interfere with your personal life again.” He heard nothing. “I was just looking out for your well-being.” Still nothing. He sighed and tried once more. “I made dinner tonight. Your favorite. I promise it will be good. It will be ready in about five minutes. I’ll wait for you.” He hesitated at the door before leaving.

He sat at the dinner table, staring at the chicken he made trying to be patient for a half an hour before dishing his plate up. He picked up his fork and started to eat when he looked up toward the stairs. “This is ridiculous.” He put his fork down and stormed up to her room. He knocked on her door hard and loud.

“I want you downstairs in ten minutes. I tried to be nice.”

“Go away,” she muffled through the door.

“Open the door, Megan. You are acting like a juvenile.” She didn’t respond. “If you don’t open this door, you won’t have one to open when I am through with it.”

She whipped the door open and just looked at him.

“You haven’t had a decent meal all day and I will not let your little temper tantrum deter you from staying healthy.”

“No.” She stood up straight and cocked her head. Her attitude pushed him over the edge and he grew angry. He wanted to shake some sense into her but instead, he lunged toward her and grabbed hold of her. She tried pulling away from him but she was no match for his vice like grip. He picked her up and she continued to struggle to get away from him.

“Let me go!”

He hoisted her up over his shoulder and carried her down the stairs. She punched at his back and screamed at him but he ignored all attempts from her.

“You want to be treated like a child? I will treat you that way.” He walked to her chair at the dinner table and pulled it out, plopping her in it. He grabbed the arms of the chair and leaned down into her face. “Don’t…get…up.” His eyes locked with hers. “Sit there and eat what is on your plate.” He hesitated before letting go and walked to his chair. He shoved a large forkful of cold chicken into his mouth, still watching her. “I hope you’re happy. It’s cold now.”

She was embarrassed that he had to treat her like a child but she tried keeping her emotions inside. She worked hard to fight back the tears that threatened to fill her eyes as she took a bite of the chicken fricassee. She wanted to get away from him, to leave that house and never go back. They ate in silence for the entire meal. He wanted to talk to her, but knew she wouldn’t reciprocate so he didn’t bother. It killed him that she acted so cold toward him.

She concentrated on eating what was on her plate as quickly as she could, ignoring the stomach ache that began. She shoved the last of the vegetables into her mouth and washed them down with the juice she had. Pushing away from the table, she didn’t look at him when she got up. She made it half way in through the living room when he grabbed her from behind.

“Megan. Please, talk to me.”

“I don’t have anything to say,” she said keeping her back to him.

He walked around her and got in her way, his fingers raising her face up to look at him. There was so much he wanted to say. He wanted to scold her for being such a child. He wanted to apologize for treating her like a child. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her. He wanted to say how much it hurt when she acted so cold toward him. He wanted to tell her why he got rid of the car again. Instead, he cupped her face and kissed her.

His kiss stunned her. It felt good, warm, comfortable. It made all of her defenses melt away. She let her anger subside and she kissed him back. The warm, comfortable kiss became more emotional. She felt the urgency in his lips as he deepened the kiss. Arousal stirred deep within her as she felt his hands slide up her back and brace the back of her head. He turned her head sideways and stepped closer to her. She felt his tongue penetrate her mouth and it caught her on fire. She grabbed his shirt and held on, pulling him closer into her.

His cell phone went off, but he ignored it. She couldn’t. It pulled her out of the trance his kiss created and she pulled away from him, covering her mouth with the back of her hand and looking away from him.

“God damn it,” he mumbled. He grabbed his phone, “Hello!” He turned away. “Can’t it wait?” His voice was angry, urgent. “Right now? It better be important. I’m in the house.”

He pocketed his phone and turned back to her. He tried to pull her back to him but she shook her head.

“No, Jensen,” she whispered. “This is wrong.”

“No, don’t say that. It’s so right.”

“This can’t happen again.”


“You’re my boss,” she said directly. “Relationships can’t happen between bosses and employees.” She looked at him for a long time waiting for him to say something but he didn’t say anything. His eyes pleaded for her to kiss him again. “I’m sorry,” she shrugged. “Good night.” She walked around him to go to her room when he grabbed her arm. She stopped and looked at him hoping he would make it all better, make her hesitation and apprehension go away.

The front door opened and Black walked in. Megan shook her head and pulled away from Jensen, running up the stairs to her room. As she rounded the corner she overheard Jensen yelling at Black.

“What the hell, man. You have impeccable timing ya know that? You and your half arsed attempts.”

Megan went into her room and closed the door, plopping down on her bed. She touched her lips with her fingertips and replayed the last few moments over and over again in her mind.


“I think you are going to want to see what I have, Mr. Dean.” Black pulled a tape from his pocket. He handed it to Jensen, still keeping a stiff posture and non-emotional facial expression.

Jensen looked at the tape. “What is it?” Black followed him into his office as he sat behind his desk. He popped the tape into a machine that was hooked up to his computer and waited for it to start playing. Black stood in a relaxed stance by the side of the desk, just close enough to monitor what was on the tape. His hands were clasped behind him.

The front gate of the property came into view. Jensen looked at Black and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Go to the fifty seventh minute,” said Black.

He clicked on the bottom bar and moved it to the proper time, watching with nothing happening. A woman appeared on the outside of the gate but he couldn’t make out who it was. She looked left and then right before pulling a crate from some nearby bushes. She stepped up on the crate and climbed the gate, hoisting herself over the top and landing in the grass on the other side.

“This took place last night.”

“When we were at the penthouse?”


“Who the hell is that?” He half stood up out of his chair as the woman stood up. She adjusted her hair and walked toward the house, closer to the camera. When her face came into view, Jensen plopped back down in his seat. “Kristina.”




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