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Player by T.N King, Roxie Odell (51)



Chapter 4



Megan woke up the next morning to a text from Jensen. She smiled a sleepy smile and opened her phone.

All you are going to need this weekend are bikinis and sun lotion

“Mmm,” she said rolling over. “Fun in the sun.” She texted him back.

Good morning lover. Where are you taking me this weekend?

I have exclusive access to this amazing private beach for just you and I. You are going to love it.

Megan got excited at the thought of spending an entire weekend with him in complete privacy in paradise. She lay there and re-read his text. “Bikinis and sun lotion,” she said. She lost her smile and sat up quickly. Looking at her closet doors, she bounced out of bed and ran into Lorena’s room. “Lorena!”

Her roommate jumped awake and looked at her with wide eyes. “What? What’s wrong?”

“I have nothing to wear!”

“You are kidding right?” she asked in a low tone.

“I mean for the weekend, with Jensen! He said I needed bikinis and that was all. Lorena, I don’t even own a one piece.”

Lorena smiled and sat up. “Looks like you need my help. We are going shopping after work today.”

Megan smiled and hugged her. “What would I do without you?”

“You would die.” They giggled and Megan danced out of the room and into the bathroom to get ready for work.

Her day dragged on as she tried to stay focused on her work. It was only Wednesday and the only thing keeping her going was her thoughts about her weekend with Jensen and shopping with Lorena. When her day finally ended, she was on her way out the door when her phone buzzed notifying her that Tristan needed her. She froze and looked at the lit up button. She looked at her door then back at the phone. She quickly snuck out and went down the hallway the other way, away from Tristan’s office. When she reached the end, she looked back and smiled when the hallway was clear. She darted around the corner and took another elevator down to the lobby, smiling as she ran out of the building. She met Black outside and he whisked her away back to her apartment.

Lorena was already home and ready to go and they were out the door within a few minutes.

“Oh, look at this one. It would be gorgeous on you.” Lorena held up a two-piece barely there, bright red bikini.

“Let’s find something a little more… there.

“Oh, girl. You need to let that hot little body out of its shell once in a while.”

“Well, it’s not going to happen in that,” she said pointing to the tiny little two piece. Megan walked to a different rack and picked up a suit. “What about this one?” She held up a two piece that looked like a skirt and a halter.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“What’s wrong with it? I think it’s adorable.”

“That looks like something my mother would wear.” She slapped Megan on her ass and snapped her fingers. “Girl, show off some skin. You are gorgeous. You’ll be alone with Mr. Wonderful. You need to look sexy in something… sexy.” She pulled her over to a bench and made her sit down. “Don’t move from this spot. I will do this for you.”

She disappeared between the racks of bikinis and within a few minutes she reappeared with fists full of suits on hangers. She nodded toward the dressing rooms. “Come on.”

Megan followed her and Lorena stuffed her into a dressing room with the suits she found.

“Is this sanitary?” Megan called out.

“Well, you keep your panties on when you try them on. Have you never purchased a bathing suit before?” she asked, shocked.

“Um, no.”

“I have so much to teach you.”

When Megan was finished, she had several she liked and several she didn’t. She came out of the room and Lorena had two floppy hats stacked on her head as she held up some beautiful cover-ups and coordinating flip flops.

“What is all of this?”

“Your new wardrobe for the weekend.”

“I can’t afford all of this.”

“Come on. You only live once. Why not live it up?”

“No, Lorena.” Megan was obviously annoyed. “I don’t want all of this. One bikini and a cover up is enough.”

“Three bikinis, two cover ups and matching flip flops.”

Megan sighed and looked at the price tag of one of the dresses Lorena held. She took two of the dresses and chose two pairs of flip flops.

“These will go well with this bikini, and these with this one.”

“What about….”

“That’s all.”


“No, Lorena. No hat, no body jewelry, no boating shoes, nothing else.”

“Fine,” she scoffed, taking the other items away. Megan took her choices to the cashier and set them on the counter. She was excited that she was able to pay for her own clothes as she pulled out her very first credit card. She used her company discount card and with the discount she got, she was happy with her choices.

When they walked out of the little shop and into the chilly night air, Megan linked her arm in to Lorena’s.

“Thank you so much for helping me with this. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“You’d look like my mother in a bad bikini. I just saved your love life,” she said, taunting her. Megan giggled and swerved into her.

“Oh, my yes. Thank you so much. I am sure Jensen will thank you too.”

“I sure hope so,” she said with stars in her eyes.

“Hey, watch it,” she teased.

Lorena smiled. “Let’s grab a hot chocolate.”

“Mmm, sounds good.”

They walked arm in arm to a small shop down the street and went inside. Lorena went to the counter and ordered two chocolates while Megan found a table close to the window. She loved watching the people walking by. She always wondered what each one was thinking as they scurried along the London streets. Were they happy in their lives? Were they just content to get by? What made them passionate about life? What made them sad?

Lorena set the chocolates on the table and plopped down across from Megan. She immediately took a sip and let the warmth run down her esophagus to her stomach.

“God, this is good.”

“They make the best in the neighborhood,” said Lorena.

“So, tell me about that guy the other night.”

“What guy?” Lorena seemed preoccupied with her phone in her hands. She was texting away to someone, hardly paying attention to Megan.

“Hello? Earth to Lorena.”

Lorena smiled as she texted and then put her phone down. “Sorry, what were you saying?”

“You have to tell me about the guy, the other night? The one who snuck out of the apartment just as I was getting home? Mr. Adonis?”

Lorena giggled. “He is pretty hot isn’t he?”

“Simply gorgeous.”

“I met him at work.”

“What is his name?”

“Greg. He just started a couple of weeks ago. We got to talking at lunch one day and just hit it off. I invited him over for a couple of drinks after work one day and next thing I knew we were doing it in my bedroom.”

Megan shook her head as she took a sip of her chocolate.


“I don’t know how you do it.”

Lorena giggled. “You don’t know how I do what?”

“You seem so carefree and so… I don’t know… good with sex, and guys, and your confidence and….”

“I am just having fun. Life is too short to be uptight.”

Megan played with her napkin.

"You seem troubled by that. Does that bother you?” Lorena asked.

“No, I mean, well…. I just wish I had a quarter of the confidence you had, to do what you do with such ease.”

“It doesn’t take much.”

Easy for you to say.”

“I’m not kidding. Once you feel what it feels like, you’ll never be insecure again.”


Lorena nodded. “Really.”

“Can you give me some tips and ideas?”

“Always make him feel like he is priority. Touch him with a feminine touch until he begins to get aroused, then…” she leaned forward “turn on your animal instincts.”

“My, animal instincts?” She asked as if it was something completely new to her. “Do I have an animal instinct?”

“When Jensen first dominated you, how did he make you feel? Did he tease you?”

“Yes,” Megan said as her mind went back to her first sexual encounter with him and she smiled. “He was gentle, but controlling. He knew exactly what he was doing. I was putty.”

“Did he tease you? Stop giving you want you wanted?”

“He did, a little.”

“And you wanted to do whatever it took to feel like that again didn’t you?”

“Yes,” she said, nodding her head.

“Think about that. Bring that out of your mind and unleash it onto him.” She leaned forward again and whispered, “Have you ever given a guy a blow job before?”

Megan looked around nervously and Lorena laughed.

“What? I have.”

“Did you do it well?”

“Yes.” She felt her cheeks get warm.

“Recently?” Lorena was digging for information more than she was actually giving pointers at this point.

Megan smiled and put her head down.

“You sly devil! With Mr. Wonderful?”

Megan nodded. “He seemed to really like it.”

“Okay, what about a strip tease?”

“Like a dirty dance?”

“Uh huh.”

“I’ve never done that. I don’t think I could do that.”

Lorena stood up. “Come here.”

“What?” Megan was mortified. “I’m not doing it right here. Are you crazy?”

“Possibly certifiably. Come on. It will be fun.”

Megan reluctantly got up and looked around the café. There were only a couple of tables of people there but one person would have been too many.

Put your hands on your hips and walk by stepping and following through with your hip before moving into the step. Like this.” Megan watched Lorena walk very provocatively down the center aisle toward the front of the café.

“I… can’t do that.”

“Sure you can. Try it.”

Megan put her hands on her hips, glanced around the room to be sure no one was looking and tried Lorena’s toe, hip explanation. When Lorena laughed out loud, Megan put her hands down and crossed her arms.

“This is ridiculous.”

“No,” she said, still giggling. “Try it again.”

As Megan tried again, Lorena led her through the steps until it felt natural and Megan was sashaying all over the café. A couple in the corner applauded as she successfully did her new sexy walk back to her table. She covered her face, embarrassed that she was being watched, but happy she was able to conquer it.

“If you do that,” she said, pointing to her body. “and strip for him, he will be the putty.”

Megan sat down and began to get aroused at the thought of doing a strip tease for Jensen.

“You are ready for this aren’t you?” asked Lorena with a smile on her face. “I can tell.”

Megan nodded. “I am going to do it for him, for his birthday. He will be so surprised.” She shivered at the thought. “Thank you for the pointers. You are the best.”

“I am, aren’t I?” She put her chin up into the air and sneered.

They finished their chocolates and left the café arm in arm.

“I’m so glad I met you. You’re so amazing.”


When Megan got out of work Thursday, she raced home even though she was already packed and ready to go. Black waited for her outside her apartment as she grabbed her things and hugged Lorena.

“I would tell you to be careful, but I really don’t want you to,” she said. Megan knew what she meant.

“I will see you Sunday night.” She smiled and waved as she disappeared out the door.

Black had her at Jensen’s apartment before six. She got out of the car and stood out front at the very door she passed out at the first time she met Jensen. It seemed like forever ago that she had been there. She hesitated before knocking. Why did she feel alienated? She felt like a stranger to the place and it was an uneasy feeling. She looked back at Black who was leaning up against the car, more than likely waiting to take them away to their paradise holiday. He nodded at her as if he was approving her request to enter the apartment after all this time.

She knocked lightly. A thought of walking in on him with Kristina slammed into her mind. She attempted to shake the thought away.

He isn’t with her anymore. He broke up with her before he met me. She is psycho. She is just trying to get him back.

She knocked a little harder. As she stood there, she started feeling foolish. Black was behind her, not escorting her inside. She didn’t feel like she could just walk in and Jensen wasn’t answering the door. What could he be doing in there? Why was she feeling so awkward? She wondered if this was actually a bad idea. What if Tristan was right? What if Jensen was just a really good player and knew how to manipulate women? Her mouth was dry. She didn’t dare turn and look at Black again. What if he knew? What if he was in on it? Megan felt frozen in place. She reached up to knock harder when the door knob rattled on the other side, startling her. The door opened and Jensen stood in the doorway, leaning up against his arm that was above his head. His smile was brilliant and his eyes danced.

“Hello, gorgeous.”

Megan’s heart swelled and all of her horrible thoughts diminished. “Hello.”

“Why didn’t you just come in? You are more than welcome whenever you want to. Don’t ever knock.” He leaned into her, snaked his arm around her waist and kissed her. “If I had my way, you would be living here with me again.”

“Not so fast,” she said.

“I know, I know. You want to take it slow. I respect that, but I’m not going to let you go again. You are too much of a good thing.”

Megan loved the way Jensen made her feel. He was her security when she was insecure. He was her confidence when she doubted herself. He was her pick-me-up when she felt down and out.

“Do you have everything?” he asked.

“I do.” She slid by him and walked into the house. The familiarity felt good to her once she got inside. She looked back at him and used some of her new moves to walk away from him. It made her feel sexy and when she looked back at him, his eyes were glued to her body.

“God, I love the way you move.” He closed the door and sashayed up to her, his arms surrounding her and his mouth covering hers. “If you keep moving like that, we won’t make it to the island.”

“Well, I promise you this.” She looked at him seductively. “If you can manage to keep your pants on until we get there, I promise you there are a few very sexy bikinis in my luggage bag that I invite you to take off me with your teeth.”

Jensen took a deep breath, his chest pressing into her. He licked his lips as he stared into her eyes. “You are killing me, but you drive a hard bargain.” He pretended to have difficulty prying his arms off her and stepping away from her which made her laugh. “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” He walked by her toward his own luggage bag and smacked her on her ass as he did. She yelped and jumped. “I’ll hold off for now, but when I see you in one of your suits, no holds barred baby.”

Megan shivered at the thought of what he would do to her.




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