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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties) by C.M. Owens (13)

Chapter 13


The Loss


Drackus is grinning as I walk into the kitchen, but his smile falls when he takes in my aura. I steady myself for the question so I can give a properly articulated and prepared answer.

"I don't see your bond. How did-"

"I found a spell to cloak my aura last night. I've always subdued the colors of my magic, but your library offered me a chance to find something to help the emotional colors I can't contain."

That was a very thoroughly planned and rehearsed lie Gage and I went over numerous times this morning when he brought me back to my room. I think he was a little panicked by the fact he knew Drackus would notice, but he wasn't going to lose his opportunity to be with me while I was throwing myself at him.

"That's good," he murmurs suspiciously.

"So, I'm about to call a cab, unless you have someone heading back toward Edgebrook. Thanks for... Well, I don't know if I got any answers like I had planned, but thanks for letting me... I don't know."

This is all so awkward. I want so badly to believe the man inside my father's mask isn't a monster, but it's so hard to trust that as a possibility.

"Well, I don't know what answers you were seeking, but I'm glad my daughter spent the night in her home. Right now, I want to give you your present. It's outside."

I forgot about the promise of a present.

Out of curiosity, I follow him out to the oversized garage where he keeps a small car show. Every row of vehicles reminds me of how luxurious life could have been. I keep looking around for a wrapped present with years of dust on it.

I don't know why I imagine this present is old. I guess I assume he bought it when I was ten.

"Where is it?" I ask while tucking my hands in the pockets of a perfectly fitting pair of jeans.

He smiles, keeping his back turned as he slowly flicks on the lights. I sort of hope he's sending me home with new clothes.

My wardrobe here is far more impressive than my wardrobe at home. I'm almost tempted to take a bag back with me. This shirt fits every inch of me more perfectly than anything I've ever felt. The jeans aren't the cheap knockoffs I normally cash in on.

"Any of them," he says, breaking my train of thought.

"Any of what?" I ask in bemusement.

He gives me a proud, excited smile as he motions to the garage.

"Pick any car you want. Your mother told me you've been saving for one, and right now isn't the time to be holding a mortal job. These are going to be yours one day anyhow, so you might as well enjoy one as a sample."

My mouth falls open in disbelief. "Drackus, I can't take a car."

He shrugs while opening a box on the wall full of perfectly hung keys, all labeled to go with their host.

"Let's say I'm a few years behind on presents, at least a decade. This should somewhat make up for the materialistic side of that equation. Besides, they're sort of sad just wasting away in here."

I shake my head, though the temptation is almost tangible.

"I can't. It's just too much."

"My dear, Airis, it's never too much. Either pick one or I'll pick one for you and deliver it to your new Edgebrook home myself."

Obviously he's keeping tabs on me. I'll be glad when my new home is finally ready to be lived in. I'm sick of hotel hopping.

The man owes me ten years’ worth of presents. It's not like he doesn't have enough money to replace whatever I choose. There might be some moral high ground I'm supposed to be taking, but I do need a car, and there is one hell of a vast selection in front of me.

This is more like a warehouse than a garage. The true depth of wonder this place holds is lost on someone as unknowledgeable about cars as I am. Each one looks showroom worthy, and each one has a vivid color choice.

One calls my attention more than the others. It's sleek - silver instead of a vibrant prime color - and it has black leather seats that are begging to be felt. The only thing I know is that it's a sexy Jag.

The chrome wheels, intricate details, and custom interior all call to me. It's then I notice the initials engraved on the steering wheel and headrests. The letters A and D.

Airis Devall.

"You knew I'd choose this one?" I ask while turning around.

He smiles and then shakes his head. "I had a sneaking suspicion you might, but that's not why that's there. All my cars have those initials."

I feel a tear trying to slip out, but I hold it back, refusing to let myself fall too much into hope's web. Since I was ten, I've desperately wanted my father back, but trusting him now could destroy me if I'm wrong.

"This is the one," I murmur while carefully stroking the silver beauty in front of me.

"It's one of my favorites. Good choice, Airis," he says while tossing me the keys.

The other cars shift out of the way as he uses his power to clear a path, and I climb into the driver's seat to see a bag sitting on the passenger side. Again, the initials are engraved with the name of a dead girl.

I unzip it and gasp as I see hoards of clothes from the closet I wanted to rob. Drackus is smiling as he walks out, waving behind him as he does so.

"Until next time, dear girl. Be safe."

With that, he vaporizes, leaving me in my new ride to do my worst. As I pull out into the forest, I find the long driveway I remember riding down as a child.

The trees surround me, but the light peers through their thick limbs without fear. It almost feels comfortable. I decide to see how much torque my new ride has, so I gas it, feeling my head throw back from the breathtaking power.

This is definitely not a good car for someone still mortal.

The car demonstrates excellent grip around the winding roads as I head toward Edgebrook, ready to deal with Kane and his addiction.

My phone rings, and I smile as I use my magic to program it into the fancy system while pressing a button on the steering wheel to answer it.

"Did Drackus suspect anything?" I ask when I see it's Gage.

"Not a thing. Where are you?"

"On my way back to Edgebrook. Where are you?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, considering what happened between us last night, but I'm chasing after some sexy blond in a Jag right now."

My grin grows to be painful as I glance in my rearview mirror to see the black Audi gaining on me.

"What if that blond doesn't want to be chased?" I ask, playing along.

"Then I'll just see if she's as good at driving as I am, turn this into a friendly race. I hope she's good at driving because this could go on for a while if she is," he teases, making me blush.

Suddenly, he's on my tail, making me gas the car harder as I skirt around the curves. The immortal behind me doesn't fear something as mundane as a car crash, but I do. He'd walk away from a flaming explosion with a few charred marks on his clothes. I wouldn't walk away at all.

When I'm too afraid to accelerate anymore, I cut him off before he tries to pass me.

"So that's how you're going to play?" he asks, laughing softly.

"I have no choice. Some of us depend on a heartbeat."

He laughs louder, and then suddenly he's gone. Where the hell did he go?

I screech when he suddenly materializes in front of me, speeding away and leading the race.

"That's cheating," I grumble. "You're not supposed to be able to vaporize stuff as big as a car anyhow. What's up?"

"I'm not supposed to be able to vaporize a mortal, but I do it just fine. I've got secrets too, Alyssa. Care to find out what all I can show you?"

I giggle like a fool girl, and then he murmurs, "Hey, let me call you back. I've got a beep."


He's gone in that breath, and I smile foolishly, no longer dreading this meeting with Kane. Gage has freed me.

Suddenly, his car is barreling down the road, slingshotting around the curves as he leaves me behind. I didn't realize it was this big of a race.

I try calling him back, but he doesn't answer. It ends up going to his voicemail, and I'm left with nothing but abandonment issues when his car turns into nothing more than a speck in the distance.

I drive faster, carefully using just enough brake to catch the curves appropriately. In a fraction of the time it took to get to Drackus's home, I'm back in Edgebrook.

I pull up in front of the hotel to see police everywhere. Lights flashing blue and red blare against my eyes even through the sun is still shining. There are all sorts of reporters, news vans, and so much more.

I climb out of the car and try to head into the thick of the mob scene to find out what's going on, but suddenly I'm being whirled around my familiar arms and then staring into green eyes.

"You can't go in there, Alyssa," Kane says softly, secrets in his eyes.

Something's wrong. Something's very wrong. He looks worried, like he thinks I'm going to flip out.

"Where's Gage?" I worry, panic sounding out.

"He's-" His words stop as his eyes trail to the balcony, and I follow his gaze.

Gage is leaning over it, acting as though he can't catch his breath, but air finally enters my lungs.

"What happened? Why does Gage look like he's sick?"

Kane's lips tighten as he pulls me tighter into his arms, a comforting motion I once craved and couldn't receive. Even though his touch still stirs some deep, twisted emotions inside me, I'm not desperate for him now that the bond has been severed.

"Kane, tell me what's going on."

Zee rushes through the crowd, finding us and breathing out in relief.

"Thank fuck your safe," he gushes out, seeming sincere with his worry. "We've been worried sick. We called Gage, but then he showed up without you. Is he okay?"

"He's right there," I murmur with confusion. "Why were you worried about me?"

Kane releases me at long last, freeing me from his intoxicating scent, and then he brushes my hair from my face while staring softly into my eyes with more compassion than I've seen in a while. It figures he'd wait until I got rid of our connection to start being something other than an ass.

"We were worried they got to you, too," Zee murmurs, not really giving me anything explanatory for their bizarre behavior.

A few cops barge past us, splitting me up from Kane, and I see something familiar in one's hand. It's a chain, a coin fastened to a chain, rather. It's in a clear bag labeled evidence. I've only ever seen one like it, and suddenly I feel numb, realizing what's going on.

I look up at Kane expectantly when he makes his way back to me. My lip threatens to tremble as the blood in my body pumps painfully through my veins. His lips stroke my forehead softly before pulling me to him in another comforting embrace, something he wouldn't do at all if my suspicions weren't correct.

I listen as he softly confirms the dread consuming me. "Alyssa, it's Thad. He's dead."