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Power Awakened (The Feral Book 2) by Charlene Hartnady (15)

Chapter 15

Her hands felt clammy. “You’re very sure there’s no other way?”

“I’m afraid not.” Cadon shook his head.

At least he was wearing pants. They were grey and rode low on his hips, which were narrow. He had that whole V-thing going on. That and a six-pack that could put most male models to shame.

Cadon sat down on the edge of the bed, which dipped. “Nice shirt.” He glanced at her chest, his eyes seeming to linger on her breasts.

She looked down. His shirt was huge on her. It came almost to her knees. “Thanks so much…for loaning it to me.”

“Sure.” He smiled. “Which side of the bed would you prefer?”

Oh flip! She thought she was okay with this. She had been okay with this up until just now, when he’d walked out of the bathroom. It was in that moment that she realized she was attracted to him as well. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t human. It didn’t matter that she was pregnant with another man’s baby and still sporting a split lip. Maybe it was because he had admitted to being attracted to her and the knowledge had sparked something.


That wasn’t it. Cadon was a good-looking guy. That was all! He was hot and she was attracted to him. Having to share a bed with him made her feel uneasy. In a big way.

“I’m not comfortable sleeping with you.” She folded her arms.

“We have to share a bed. If Magnar were to find out that—”

“I know. I know,” she repeated. “We have no choice.” She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut.

“Is it so bad? I will stick to my side of the bed. I won’t touch you. I swear.”

Guilt. That was what was irritating her. Here she was in a dangerous situation ‒ she should be thinking about how to get out of it and she wasn’t. She was too busy noticing Cadon’s abs and how gorgeous he looked when he smiled. She’d had this warm feeling inside ever since he had admitted to finding her attractive. Her. Dammit. She had a sporty frame and a light complexion. Her hair was thin and wispy. She wasn’t the kind of girl the jocks dated…and if Cadon was a human, he’d have been a jock. He’d be looking at supermodel types and not at her.

Then again, he probably hadn’t seen many women since coming here. That had to be it. “I know you won’t try anything,” she finally replied. Of course he wasn’t going to touch her. There was a very big difference between finding someone attractive and actually wanting…to do stuff with them. “I’ll stay on my side of the bed as well.”

Cadon smiled. “I couldn’t help but notice you had some of your things drying on the railing.

Her cheeks heated. “My underwear.” She scrubbed a hand over her face. “Sorry about that. I don’t have anything clean so I had to wash and hang up the set I was wearing so that it will be dry.”

“I need to understand human females better if I am to help the others find mates.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t sure what this had to do with her lingerie.

“Why do human females wear…underwear?” he said the word like it was new to him.

“I take it you don’t wear underwear where you’re from?”

“No.” He shook his head. “We shift from our animal form back to our human form many times a day, so it wouldn’t be practical. We sometimes will wear a loincloth to cover up.” He gestured to his groin area.

“Women too?”

He nodded. “Yes. Women would go mostly naked as well. Tell me about this underwear. Why do you wear it?”

“That’s a very interesting question.” How did she answer that? “I guess because we find it comfortable.”

“You don’t feel restricted wearing something so tight?”

Right now, yes! “No.” She shook her head. “Not at all.”

His eyes dipped back to her chest for a second. “Why the tight breast coverings?” His eyes locked back with hers. Interest shone inside them.

“Well,” she folded her arms, suddenly feeling exposed, “they offer support and give some protection.”

His forehead creased dramatically. “Why would breasts need support?”

Kerry had to laugh. “I’m sorry. Not that kind of support. The other kind.”

He didn’t seem to understand. Cadon waited for her to elaborate. Kerry cleared her throat. “It’s so that they don’t bounce. It’s to hold them in place. If breasts are not properly supported, they tend to droop later on in life. They also bounce around if we jog or make sudden movements and it’s uncomfortable.”

Cadon swallowed thickly. “Oh,” his voice was deep. “I think I understand. Human females have large mammary glands, so it makes sense that…” he cleared his throat again, “there would be need for support.”

“So your kind…your womenkind, don’t have big…?”

He shook his head. “No! Not at all. Feral females are tall and very muscular. Their chests are very similar to ours.” That made her look at his pecks, which were also well muscled.

“Okay. Well that explains why they wouldn’t need to wear a bra.”

“No need. Thank you for clarifying that.” He nodded. “Which side?” He pointed to the bed behind him, using his thumb.

“I’ll just take this side.” She walked to the opposite end to where he was sitting. “Now remember, no stealing the blankets or trying to spoon with me in the night.”

“Spoon. That is an eating utensil is it not? Do you like to eat in bed?”

“No,” she laughed. “I was just making a stupid joke. Spooning is when…” Why had she brought it up? “One person puts their chest to the other person’s back. If you were to spoon me, I would face that way and you would lie at my back with your arms around me. I was only joking though.”

“Do you get cold at night? If you need me to hold you in that way, you only need ask.”

“Thank you but I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She pulled the covers back and climbed into the bed, trying to stick to her side.

Cadon nodded. “Okay then. We’d better get some sleep. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” There was a guard at their door and more than one patrolling outside so that they couldn’t escape. This Magnar character was taking this whole finding a mate situation seriously. She shivered just thinking about him.

“Are you okay?” Cadon asked, as he climbed in next to her.

“Yes. I was just thinking about Magnar. He isn’t serious when he says he wants to mate me and all that, is he? I mean, he doesn’t even know me.”

Cadon shrugged. “He doesn’t need to know you. He suspects he would enjoy mounting you and he is feeling the urge to mate, so yes, he is serious.”

“And that’s enough? He suspects he would enjoy…sex. That’s it?” She sounded panicked.

“We are a simple species,” Cadon nodded. “Yes, if we are horny we mount and if we feel compelled, we mate and start trying for a clutch.” His face got this pinched look. “Even when our females were dying from clutch sickness we were still compelled to procreate. You would think we would have stopped, but we couldn’t. If our females were fertile, we mounted them. The guilt has been eating at…” he sucked in a deep breath, “at our males for years.”

“I can’t imagine how terrible it must have been watching people you love die. Your mothers, sisters and wives. Did someone you know pass away?”

He nodded once. “I would rather not talk about it. I’m sorry! It’s better if you didn’t know any details.”

“Okay.” She suspected he lost someone important. “I understand.”

“I will keep you safe from Magnar. I will die before I let him take you. You need to stay close to me at all times. If a fight breaks out though, get out of the way. Find cover.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “I will. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, I got you into this situation, it’s only right I get you out.”

“You were just trying to help me. I still don’t understand why though.”

He shrugged. “I felt compelled. No-one should go through what you have. I am still going to find that male and make him bleed.”

“Jeff isn’t worth it. I’m going to see that he gets a criminal record. I hope he ends up in a jail cell.”

“You are a strong female.”

Another compliment that made her warm inside. She smiled. “Thank you. Let’s get some sleep.” She was so aware of him next to her it was scary.

“Good night.” She felt him move as he spoke, obviously trying to get comfortable.

“Night.” She wrapped the blanket tighter around herself and fluffed up her pillow.

Cadon switched the light off, plunging the room into darkness. She lay there for a while, listening to him breathing, thinking to herself that there was no way she could possibly fall asleep. Trying to regulate her own breathing. Trying to keep still. The day had clearly taken its toll on her because she did indeed eventually fall asleep.

Something woke her up. What though? She clutched the covers to her chest, listening hard. The door was still closed. No-one was in the room with them. She knew it must be dawn, because low light shone in through the blinds. The room was dimly lit. Cadon moaned. He thrashed, tossing the covers off himself.

Kerry turned fully. She noticed that he was frowning. Maybe having a bad dream or something. Cadon moaned again, sounding like he was in…pain maybe. He pushed out a breath through his nose. Should she wake him up? Roll over and try to ignore him? Was it a good idea to wake someone if they were having a nightmare?

He made a growly noise and rocked his hips forwards, which made her look down. Good lord! Down at his very erect cock. His sweatpants strained to contain him. This time when he moaned, it didn’t sound like he was in pain. This was a different kind of dream.

Her heart-rate went up. Her mouth turned a tad dry. Other parts of her turned distinctly wet as a zing of need pushed through her. She pressed her thighs together. Kerry knew she should look away. She should turn over, place her pillow over her head and try to block out the sounds.

What she should not be doing was watching in fascination as his hips rocked forward again. And again. She shouldn’t be listening to his deep, drawn out moans. She definitely shouldn’t want to touch herself right now while watching him. That was just sick. The way her clit throbbed was even more sick. She was so turned on right now though, watching him in the throes of some erotic dream.

What was the dream about? She knew it was sex but found herself wanting to know more. Who was he having sex with? What position were they in?

His thrusts were becoming more urgent. A tiny wet spot appeared on his sweats. Was he going to…?

She had to look away. Had to force herself to do it right now because…it was about to happen. He was going to come. It wouldn’t be right to watch him do it. His jaw was tight. His hands fisted the covers. His hips rocked with more urgency. Kerry couldn’t look away. Could. Not. She was riveted. Her mouth completely dry. Other parts of her had taken all the moisture. She had to watch as he found completion. Had to— His eyes opened suddenly, locking with hers. They widened in shock. Cadon growled, his lip curling away from his teeth. Then he jumped from the bed and ran, the bathroom door slamming behind him.


Adrenaline coursed through her. That and need. A raging need with no outlet in sight. Kerry fell back, head on the pillows. She squeezed her eyes shut and rolled over onto her side, hoping she fell asleep before he got back. Her heart raced and her breathing was way elevated. It didn’t feel like she would sleep any time soon. Shit! How could she face him ever again?

* * *

Cadon was breathing hard. Panic gripped him. His prick was harder than granite. His balls were pulled so tight they were almost in his damn throat. There was that feeling in the pit of his stomach. An aching need to come that consumed every part of him. So close. He was so very close.

Cadon grit his teeth and growled softly, trying hard to ignore what was happening. Trying to forget the vivid dream. It had been so real. So…With a silent snarl, he yanked down his pants and fisted his prick, turning to the toilet.

So good.

It felt…He squeezed gently and groaned.

So very good!

In his dream, Kerry was on her knees. Her ass in the air. His prick plunging in and out of her welcome heat. He growled, moving his hand up and down his shaft. He pictured her glistening pink snatch. Her full breasts jerking beneath her with every hard thrust. Dream Kerry whimpered and mewled. The little noises turning to all out moans. Cadon fisted his prick harder, picked up the pace. Her snatch was tightening around him just as she was screaming her release. He shuddered as the first spurts erupted. His eyes widened and Cadon had to bite back a snarl as his orgasm hit him with full force. His first in many long years. It almost brought him to his knees.

How the hell was he going to survive this?

It was agony. How was he going to face her day in and day out? Share a bed with her? Then he realized something. Kerry had been watching him. He had been in the throes of a wet dream and she’d been watching him with both interest and…desire. Had he read that in her eyes? Maybe it was his own raging lust talking. No! She had been watching him with rapt interest. It didn’t mean anything though. He needed to keep his thoughts on the job at hand. Kerry was a distraction. One he couldn’t afford to indulge in. She was also alone, hurt and with child. He needed to go in there and apologize.

Cadon flushed the toilet. Thankful at least that his prick had gone back to normal. He felt somewhat better. Good! At least he would be able to keep these urges under control, even if it meant going back to something he hadn’t had to do in many long years. His hand was about to get plenty of extra work. Next, he washed his hands and splashed his face with cold water before making his way back into the bedroom.

Kerry was lying down, facing the other way. The covers pulled up high and her pillow over her head. He smiled. She was going to try to pretend it never happened. So she could call him out on his erection and make him explain but she wasn’t willing to face him after what had just happened. He cleared his throat.

Kerry didn’t so much as move an inch. He got back in bed and touched her on the arm, which had her jumping up, covers flying. “What is—?”

“Sorry.” He tried to bite back a smile. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She immediately looked down at the blanket, her cheeks distinctly pink. Kerry couldn’t look him in the eyes.

“We need to talk about what just happened.”

“No.” She shook her head hard, her eyes wide. “We don’t have to talk about it. It’s fine. One of those things.” She flicked her gaze to his and then back down at the blankets. “We already covered it. You already explained.”

Her chest heaved and her nipples were…what? They were hard, trying to poke holes through the shirt. His prick stirred so he quickly averted his eyes. Was Kerry aroused? No! Not a chance. She couldn’t be. Then again. It was possible.

“I just wanted to apologize,” he blurted. “This kind of thing…” he cleared his throat. “That kind of dream, hasn’t happened to me in many years. Not since I was a teenager.”

“Oh um…it’s okay.” She was completely flustered. Not able to hold his gaze for more than a second or two. “One of those things,” she mumbled. He could see that she was hoping he would drop it.

“I’m sorry but it might happen again. I’m not used to being so close to a female.” It had a lot to do with his sudden awakening. With the testosterone flooding his system.

Her cheeks grew redder. “Oh…um…” Her breathing was definitely elevated. “Thanks for the heads up.”

“You feel free to look if you want.” He winked at her when she flashed her gaze back to him.

Her mouth dropped open. “I was not looking. Not in that way! You woke me up with all your moaning. I was about to wake you up. I thought you were having a nightmare or something.”

“I don’t get a hard prick during nightmares. I saw you looking at my—”

“No, I did not!” she practically yelled.

“Shhhh, you’re going to wake up the whole house.” Cadon chuckled. “You didn’t look like you were going to wake me up. You looked interested. Like you were waiting for the big moment.”

She sucked in a breath. “No way! You’re really full of it,” she whispered. “I’m pregnant, I don’t have much of a libido.”

“Libido?” He frowned.

“I don’t feel like sex at the moment.” She rubbed her belly. “It’s a side-effect of being pregnant.”

“Are you still feeling sick?” Now he was worried. He had been so sure he saw interest in her eyes. More than just interest, desire maybe.

“No,” she shook her head. “It’s not that. It’s a normal pregnancy symptom.”

“Okay. It is the opposite for Feral females. They wanted more sex when with clutch.”

“Our species are different, I guess,” she mumbled, lying back down. “It’s still early, I’m going to catch some shut-eye.”

“Good idea.” Cadon lay down and tried to get comfortable. It was an impossibility when his prick was becoming hard again. There was a part of him that was happy this was happening. And another part that felt guilty in the same breath. He missed Zara but at the same time, he wanted to live again. There was a chance he might be able to find a mate. Not that it was a priority right now. In fact, it was off the table until Magnar and his lot were gone, but the last thirteen years without Zara had been lonely. The thought of not having to spend the rest of his life alone eased something in him. They lay there for another hour while the sun came up. Neither of them slept.