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Power Awakened (The Feral Book 2) by Charlene Hartnady (16)

Chapter 16

The lower section of the house was crowded. Magnar’s men still looked at her in a way that made her skin crawl. Like they were mentally undressing her. Not just that, that they were picturing themselves doing things to her. She shivered, trying to keep her attention on the conversation.

“No,” Magnar said, his voice calm and unwavering.

Kerry couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. “You can’t say no to such a basic requirement.” She could hear the shock in her own voice.

“I let you message your sister yesterday, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but—”

“I’m not unreasonable then. I’m saying no to the two of you heading off on your own.” Magnar turned his hard eyes on Cadon. “You must think me a fool.”

“I need my clothes and my other personal things,” Kerry pleaded. She may as well have been talking to a wall.

“Why don’t you have all of your things here? The two of you are together, aren’t you? You are carrying his clutch?” Magnar narrowed his eyes, looking from her to Cadon and back again.

“Our relationship dynamics have nothing to do with you.” Kerry put her hands on her hips. “We are together and that’s all you need to know.”

Magnar smirked. “So feisty!”

“My males will stay here,” Cadon interrupted. “All five of them. We will only be gone for a short while. I would not risk them being harmed, so you can rest assured we’ll be back.”

Magnar shook his head. “No! You might be willing to sacrifice them for your unborn young. I know I would be tempted if I was in your shoes.”

Kerry made a noise of frustration.

“You are going to get us everything we need to find mates. These…” he frowned, “clothing cloths that you keep referring to. And the foot coverings. Why can’t you get items for your female while you are out there?”

“I have my own things.” At this point Kerry just wanted to win. “My own belongings.” If she had to live here and put up with this, she could at least do it with her stuff. She’d left her ring and her necklace in her make-up bag. Most of her clothing was at Susan’s place. She might not have a whole lot, but it was all she had in this world and she’d be damned if she let a dickhead like Magnar dictate something so basic.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t go.” More smirking. He was such an asshole. “I said that the two of you couldn’t go alone. I will come with you. This place is becoming repressive.”

“Can we come too?” one of Magnar’s men asked.

“No, Jedrek. The rest of you can stay here.” He paused, his jaw tensing. “If we are not back by sunset, kill these males.” He pointed to each of Cadon’s men. “Remove their heads from their shoulders and burn the bodies.”

Kerry swallowed hard, feeling nauseous. She put a hand to her stomach. “Is that really necessary?”

“Yes!” Magnar said, deadpan and obviously meaning every word.

“I agree, it’s a little harsh.” Andy said, opening the refrigerator. He wore a pair of briefs.

“We’ll be back soon enough.” Cadon shook his head.

“Yes, no need for such talk of violence.” Zaire grinned. “I still have a use for this head.” He pointed to his face “And even more use for my body.” He thrust his hips.

Some of Magnar’s men chuckled and snorted. Kerry was only too thankful that he was dressed, especially since Magnar and his crew were still completely naked.

“Well then, you had better hope that your leader doesn’t try anything.” Magnar turned to Cadon.

“You will need to get dressed,” she muttered in Magnar’s direction.

“I noticed how you keep looking at my prick, it’s more impressive than Cadon’s, I know.” Magnar raised his brows, looking happy with himself.

Kerry rolled her eyes. “What is it with you lot thinking I have any interest in your penises? In looking at them. I don’t! They’re ugly. All dangling and…” She forced herself to stop talking. “I just don’t!” she concluded, folding her arms.

Cadon’s lip twitched. “I will give you something to wear.” He glanced at Magnar. “Come with me.” He kept his arm firmly around her as he walked back up the stairs to ‘their’ bedroom.

Magnar sat down on the bed while Cadon searched through the closet. Kerry stayed at his side. He pulled out a couple of items, throwing them at Magnar, who caught them with one hand. Then he pulled out a pair of boots and handed them to the Fallen general. At least, she’d heard Cadon call him that.


What did that even mean?

It was clear that they were of the same species, only not on the same side. What had happened to make them enemies?

Magnar sniffed the air before standing so that he could pull the jeans on. “We might not have the best sense of smell as a species, but I can tell that you didn’t mount your female last night despite being aroused.”

“We were surrounded by you and your thugs.” Kerry couldn’t keep the venom from her voice, even though she knew she should tread carefully. “There was one posted outside that door.” She pointed to the doorway. “Forgive me, but I was far too afraid to even consider having sex.” The nerve! “Not that it’s any of your business.”

“It is my business since I’m taking you for myself if the two of you are lying to me.” Completely impassive. “I’m still far from convinced you’re together.”

“You can’t just take me. What is wrong with you? How many times do I need to tell you that I’m not interested?”

“Wrong? With me? Nothing. How many times do I need to tell you that once you’ve had me you won’t look back?” He shrugged. “If Cadon isn’t performing his duties, I am well within my rights to step in. You are with clutch and need to be protected and looked after. You should have your needs met and that’s not happening.”

“I am taking care of my female,” Cadon spoke in his quiet, yet terrifying voice.

“What he said.” She leaned against Cadon, holding onto his arm. “I am very happy. Happier than I’ve ever been. Actually, that’s not true…I’d be happier if you left. As in, went far away.”

“Don’t let him get to you.” Cadon leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

“You treat this female like you would a sister,” Magnar spat. “You need a real male.”

“I treat her like she is precious and valued. You wouldn’t know much about that.”

“Thank you, honey.” She tilted her head up to Cadon, trying to look at him lovingly. He leaned in, looking at her lips. The air became stuck in her lungs. Was he? It had to be…he was going to kiss her. He was so going to…Cadon brushed his lips against hers. Quick, soft and yum! One quick touch of the lips, and yet she knew Cadon could kiss. Jesus could he ever. It left her feeling a little breathless.


Not real. Not! She reminded herself, still trying to catch her breath. She realized with a start that she was still staring at Cadon’s soft looking lips. Pillowy was a word that came to mind. For such a hard man, they were…Stop!

Probably all the hormones taking over again. When she looked up, Magnar looked pissed. He was pulling on the boots without socks. Okay! A bit odd but normal for a guy who didn’t wear clothing.

Cadon handed him a thin jacket.

Magnar shook his head. “I feel overly hot already.” He pulled the shirt away from himself. “That and like I’m being strangled.” He made a face.

Cadon laughed. “Welcome to it.”

“We need to acquire more of such…stifling…?”

“Items of clothing,” Cadon finished the sentence for him when he seemed to be reaching for the right words. “Yes, we need a whole lot more of such items and you will be required to wear them whenever you leave this house.”

“House is another word for nest?”

“Yes, you will learn the new way of speaking quickly. Let us go.”

Kerry suddenly felt a bit nervous. The kids would be at school and play group but Susan, Barry and the baby might be at home. She didn’t want them getting hurt. Or worrying about her. What would they think? She decided not to let Susan know she was coming. Her sister would make a plan to be home. This way, there was a chance she wouldn’t be there. Maybe Magnar would let her go into the house unsupervised.

“I live with my family.” She looked Magnar head-on. “You can’t harm then in any way.”

“I am not a monster like Cadon would have you believe. I will be on my best behavior. I would not harm the family of my potential mate.”

Cadon growled.

“You don’t know me. I’m pregnant with another man’s…clutch and back to the ‘you not knowing me’ part. Why do you keep threatening to take me?” She shook her head, sounding exasperated.

“I am highly attracted to you. I know that we would be compatible and that you would make a good mate. I know that you are fertile. I would get you with a clutch of my own in no time.”

“All perfectly good reasons to spend a lifetime with someone.” She realized that Magnar wouldn’t get sarcasm and quickly added, “No thanks. Not now and not ever.”

“Just once, female, and you would change your mind.”

She groaned in frustration. “Just please don’t hurt or scare my family, that’s all.”

Cadon squeezed her hand. “It will be fine. I will be there.” He rubbed a thumb over her palm and she broke out in goosebumps. How stupid was she? “Sit tight.” Cadon said, glancing back at his team of five.

Orrick grunted. Worth grumbled something, not sounding very happy. Andy, Locke and Zaire didn’t say anything.

They took a cab. Magnar was silent most of the trip, his eyes glued to the scenery outside the window. Kerry’s nerves became more and more frayed as they got closer and closer to her sister’s house.

“Maybe this was a bad idea,” she whispered to Cadon.

“It’s going to be alright. You get your things. Don’t mess around, in and out.”

“My sister doesn’t know we’re together.” She widened her eyes. “She might not like the idea.” As in, she had no idea because they weren’t really together. She might blow their cover and give away the fact that Cadon wasn’t her baby’s father. Then what?

“It will be fine. Magnar will wait outside while—”

“Forget it!” the asshole growled. “I will join you. I would like to meet your sister.” He smiled.

Say what? “My sister is married…mated.” She sounded flustered, but it couldn’t be helped. “She and her husband…mate, have three children together. Are you some kind of male slut?”

He quirked a brow. “Jealous?”

“No! Are you crazy?” she blundered on.

“If she is anything like you, I know I will like her. Pity about the mate. I can’t break that kind of a bond. If you really care for this female, you should mate her.” Magnar looked at Cadon like he was the biggest asshole alive.

“Um…” she spluttered. “Butt out! For the last time, it has nothing to do with you. I’m not ready! It’s not Cadon, it’s me.”

“Of course it’s Cadon!” Magnar boomed. “It’s definitely not you, despite your admission to the contrary.”

Cadon growled. A low, warning rumble. Kerry could feel the vibration move right through her.

Magnar laughed. “If you were happy, sated…” he put emphasis on the word, “you would mate him in a heartbeat. It is telling that you are hesitant.”

“Kerry is a human.” He squeezed her thigh, his hand hot on her leg. “You will learn soon enough. Human females are not won that easily.”

“Says you.”

Cadon shook his head. “The last time you tried, the police were called. Police are human warriors.”

“Are you guys actors?” the cab driver asked. His eyes were wide in the rearview mirror. They’d forgotten all about him.

“Yes. How observant of you,” Kerry quickly said, trying to control her smile. Too wide and she’d look like a mad person. Then again, it did feel like she was losing her ever-loving mind.

“A television program or a movie?” He looked interested now.

“Nah.” She waved her hand. “Nothing so fancy.” She noticed that they pulled up outside of her sister’s house. “An advertisement.”

“Oh! What is it about? What’s the product?”

“Sorry, we’re not allowed to say the name of the actual product but it’s for balding.”

The cab driver frowned. “How interesting! Good luck with the whole thing.”

“Thank you.” Kerry smiled some more.

The cab driver told them what the fare was. Cadon paid and they got out.

“I don’t want you scaring my family,” she said, looking at Magnar.

“I won’t say a word. Forget I’m even there.” Magnar was just as tall as Cadon. So, six and a half feet of raw muscle. He had long black hair that hung about his shoulders in waves and a beard. He had that predatory vibe about him with yellow eyes, almost the same color as Cadon’s.

Cadon was slightly more refined but only because his hair had been professionally cut into an actual style. He even looked like he had used gel. He had light stubble and dimples when he smiled, which wasn’t very often. His eyes were more golden and quite beautiful.

“We have a problem. Although the two of you look very different, you have the same eyes. Susan is going to notice.”

“We’re in security, here on contract,” Cadon said.

“What’s that?” Magnar frowned.

“You said you would keep quiet and let us do the talking,” Cadon said. “Let’s stick to that plan. We are from Switzerland and here on business. We’re cousins, that’s why we have a similar eye color.”

“We are cousins,” Magnar smiled.

“You are?” Kerry took a step back.

“Twice removed, on my mother’s side but don’t remind me.” Cadon narrowed his eyes. “Let’s get a move on.”

She watched in shock for a few seconds as the guys made their way down the path that led to the house. Kerry puffed out a breath. Cousins? Okay, twice removed but still, these two were related?

She shook her head and walked faster to catch up. It felt like forever since she left here, not just two days. So much had happened. A part of her longed to see her family. On the other hand, the bigger part of her hoped they weren’t home. Magnar was like a loose cannon. Definitely not to be trusted. She didn’t need to know him to know it was true.

Even though she had a key, Kerry knocked on the door first before using her key to open it. She peered around the jamb. “Sis, you here?”

“Is that you?” Susan yelled from the kitchen. Her sister rounded the bend just as they were walking into the living room area. Susan halted abruptly, her eyes on the men behind Kerry. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were bringing company.” She pulled some loose hair behind her ear and tried to smooth her top. “I just put the baby down for his nap.” Her eyes moved from one man to the other and then back again. Her gaze locked with Kerry’s. “Good to see you.” Susan rushed over, arms wide. They hugged.

“Good to see you too,” Kerry murmured against Susan’s hair.

“Who are your friends?” Susan asked as they pulled away. She narrowed her eyes on Cadon. “I recognize you from that picture Kerry sent. You’re Cadon, the man who hired Kerry.” She held out her hand to Cadon, who shook it.

“Good to meet you and yes, I hired her to come and live in a house full of men ‒ most of whom are young ‒ and well, it’s not for the faint of heart.”

Susan laughed. “I can well imagine, Kerry told me about the porno incident and the mountains of laundry.”

“I’ve banned them from watching that stuff.”

“Yep, will give you hair on your palms alright.” Susan laughed some more, then she sobered. “Oh, how rude of me. I’m Susan, Kerry’s older sister.” She held out her hand to Magnar.

Kerry’s heart leapt to her throat. Here we go!

“I’m Magnar.” The big caveman smiled, taking Susan’s hand. “It’s good to meet you. I can see the family resemblance.”

“That’s one heck of a firm grip you have there.” Susan extracted her hand from his grasp and flicked it a few times.

“Oh…I’m sorry.” The Fallen general looked concerned. “I sometimes forget how soft females can be.”

Susan frowned.

“Magnar is my cousin.” Cadon quickly stepped in. “We’re in the US on business for a couple of months.”

“Oh shoot!” Susan made a face. “So your job is just a temp position?” She turned back to Kerry.

She shrugged. “I definitely have work for a few months at least.”

Cadon cleared his throat. “There will be more crews coming through, so I’m sure…”

“There definitely will be more crews.” Magnar grinned.

“Not too many crews.” Cadon shook his head, his jaw tense. “The house can only accommodate so many.”

“I feel that—” Magnar’s hands were fisted at his sides.

“I can’t stay for very long,” Kerry blurted, noticing how Cadon and Magnar were giving each other a hard stare. Cadon looked especially pissed off. “I need to get back to work. These two came with me for support.”

“In case Jeff was hanging around again?” Susan raised her brows.

“Who’s Jeff?”

“Kerry’s ex-fiancée. Piece of work that guy. I see your lip is looking much better.” Susan’s gaze drifted to Kerry’s mouth. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for something to drink?” she asked the men.

“That would be—” Magnar started.

“We really can’t stay,” Kerry quickly blurted. “I need a few minutes to pack.”

“We’ll help,” Cadon offered. “Both of us,” he added, looking pointedly at Magnar.

Her sister’s smile morphed into a look of confusion and there was maybe some apprehension there too.

“They’re a little over-protective,” Kerry laughed. “They run a security firm.” She was surprised to hear how relaxed she sounded. It was no wonder her sister bought it hook, line and sinker.

Susan’s eyes widened and then she giggled, her cheeks turning a tad pink. “Now that you mention it, they look like they’re in security.” She eyed their arms with interest.

Magnar flexed his biceps, which made Susan giggle some more. “Do you work out? Stupid question, you must work out plenty.”

“Yes, we do. I for one would like to work out a whole lot more.” Magnar was talking about sex. Kerry could tell by the look in his eyes.

“Um… let’s get going. My work isn’t going to do itself.”

Susan sucked in a breath. “What’s left of your toiletries are in the bathroom together with your make-up bag. Your clothes and things are in the hall closet. I didn’t want the kids getting into your stuff.” Susan widened her eyes and sighed.

“We’ll be back in a sec.” Kerry glanced back over her shoulder. “Thank you.” All three of them made their way to the bathroom, which was a little weird. Okay, a lot weird. She packed away a few of her loose items, handing the toiletry bag to Cadon. Her robe was hanging on the back of the door, she handed that to Magnar.

The Fallen general frowned, looking down at the garment. “What is a fiancé?”

Shit! Shit! For a second there she was sure they got away with that.

“A friend,” Cadon said. “Not just any friend, a really good friend.”

“Like the two of you.” Magnar grinned.

“Very funny, prickwad!” Cadon countered, eyes narrowed. “Not anything like Kerry and I. You can move on from that right now.”

“This male, this Jeff, he hit you even though he was supposed to be your friend?” Magnar was frowning heavily.

“Can we have this discussion later?” Cadon asked, his voice had that deep growly quality.

“No! Answer the question.”

“Jeff was in love with me, okay? When he found out about Cadon and I, about the…clutch…he lost it and yes,” she paused, “he hit me.”

Magnar growled, the sound low and terrifying. It caused goosebumps to rise on her arms. “What a coward. To hit a weak female.” He shook his head, looking disgusted. “I hope you killed him,” Magnar said as his eyes moved back to Cadon.

Kerry gasped.

Cadon shook his head. “Human females are timid as well as weak,” he whispered. “My female would never speak to me again if I killed this male.”

“I am not timid!” Kerry had to whisper yell to bring her point across.

“That’s crazy!” Magnar spat. “He hurt you and therefore deserves to die.”

“No! He’ll go to jail. I don’t want anyone killing anyone else.” She put a hand on each of their chests, the space feeling very cramped right about then.

“See what I mean?” Cadon said.

Kerry let her hands drop and groaned in frustration.

Magnar made a sound of agreement. “What is jail?” he asked.

“A cage. He will spend time locked in a cage.”

“Huh!” Magnar spat. “Not good enough. That male could have harmed your young.”

“I would kill him with my bare hands if I could, but I will respect my female’s wishes. However,” Cadon looked down at her, “if he touches you again, he will die.”

Her breath froze in her lungs. Cadon’s eyes were filled with an intensity that scared her. Magnar grunted, turning towards the exit. Hopefully that would be the end of the argument.

Kerry grabbed her make-up bag, checking that her jewelry was still inside. It was! They made their way back to the living room. She bit back a smile when she noticed that Susan was wearing lip gloss and that her hair had been newly brushed. Was that a new top she was wearing? Her sister’s eyes brightened as she spotted the men. Although she and Barry were having a hard time right now, she knew Susan would never cheat. She could ogle though and ogle she did, clearly liking what she was seeing. Even Magnar got a good dose of eyeball attention. Although she thought he was the biggest asshole, underneath all that hair and general rude behavior was an okay looking guy…maybe. Pity about the asshole part.

Cadon put a hand to her lower back. “We need to leave,” he whispered.

“I’ll visit soon,” Kerry said.

“How’s about the kids and I pop in to visit you?” Susan asked.

“Great idea.” Not! No way! Kerry said. “I’ll text you the address.”

“You have your doctor’s appointment in a couple of days, don’t you?” Susan asked.

“Yup, you have a great memory.” Why had Susan brought it up?

“Your twenty-week check-up.” Susan rubbed Kerry’s baby bump and made cooing noises.

Actually, Kerry was contemplating canceling. She was loathe to do so, but what could she do? Everything had been fine at the last check-up and she’d been feeling movements. Surely things were okay? “I’ll let you know how it goes.” She couldn’t tell Susan, her sister would worry.

Susan’s eyes brightened up. “Send me a scan pic.”

“I will.” Kerry nodded, probably being a bit over the top. Guilt did that to her.

“You sure you’re fine?” Susan took her hand and squeezed it.

“Absolutely. How are things with Barry?”

Susan smiled. “He has a job interview.”

“That’s great!” She squeezed her sister’s hand. “Let me know how it goes.”

“I’ll come for tea or something.”

Kerry nodded, pulling Susan in for a hug. “We’ve got to go. That laundry isn’t going to do itself and Cadon and Magnar have an appointment they need to get to.”

“Of course. Nice to meet you both.” More blushing.

“You too.” Magnar touched the side of Susan’s arm. Kerry had to fight not to roll her eyes.




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