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Power Awakened (The Feral Book 2) by Charlene Hartnady (5)

Chapter 5

Ten days later…

Kerry shoved the crumpled twenty-dollar bill back into her purse. She huffed out a breath, her eyes filling with tears.


Forget crying.

She rubbed her eyes and pulled in a deep breath. Next, she took a little mirror out of her purse and took a look at herself. She could pull this off. There were still faded bruises around her eye, but she’d concealed those with base. Her lip hadn’t completely healed, but at least the swelling and the worst of the cut was gone. She reapplied lipstick, hoping her old boss wouldn’t notice the remnants of the injury.

She could do this. She had to. Kerry smoothed her blouse and skirt, checking to ensure that the safety pin still held. Her clothes had recently started feeling tight. She couldn’t wear a few of her things anymore. It wouldn’t be long before none of her clothes fit her. What was she going to do then?

She sucked in a couple more deep breaths and said a little prayer. Then she headed for the entrance of The Pink Butterfly, her head held high. It was an upmarket restaurant in the heart of town. She’d worked there as a hostess for two years, working her way up after being a waitress for one before that. She had been next in line for the management position. Kerry may not have had a tertiary degree, and she may have come from very little, but she did have drive. She’d thrown it all away on Jeff. She needed to stop beating herself up over one stupid mistake though.

This wasn’t the time to berate herself for her stupidity; she walked through the door. It was still too early for the dinner service. A pretty, dark-haired lady with the widest brown eyes dashed over, clipboard in hand. “Good,” she glanced at her watch, “evening and welcome to The Pink Butterfly.”

So this was her replacement.

“You’re a touch early but we can still definitely accommodate you by—”

Kerry forced herself to smile. “I don’t have a reservation.”

The hostess looked crestfallen for a second or two. “I’m afraid we are fully booked for this evening. I can help you with a table next week Thursday if—”

“No, I won’t be needing a table.” She wouldn’t be able to afford a glass of water in this place, let alone a whole meal.

The hostess’ eyes went wide. “Oh, okay. How can I assist you?” She smiled.

Damn! Kerry liked her. She was sweet and unassuming. Most importantly she was approachable and made you feel welcome. Still a little rough around the edges but in time, she’d be fantastic at this job. “I’m here to see Chris. Is he in?”

“I see.” The other woman nodded once. “Do you perhaps have an appointment? He’s in, but I’m afraid he’s really busy right now with stock orders.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I don’t have an appointment, but I know he’ll want to see me.”

“Please, can you give me your name and I’ll be right back?”

“Sure, it’s Kerry Thomas.”

“Oh, you are the lady who used to work here.” The hostess brightened up.

Before she could answer. Rick, the bartender, yelled a greeting and waved like a madman. “Hi, stranger! How goes it?” he asked.

“I’ll be back in a sec,” the hostess said, big smile on her face.

“I’m good, thanks.” She took a few steps towards the bar area.

She and Rick made small talk for a few minutes until Chris appeared from the back. “Hi, Kerry, how are you doing?” He walked right over and hugged her.

It was so good to see familiar faces. People she got along with. Working here had been like being a part of a family. Kerry found herself biting back a fresh wave of tears. Her hormones were all over the place, which was to be expected.

“So how are you keeping? It’s been ages.”

“I know I promised to visit.” Jeff had slowly alienated her from her friends and family. How had she not seen that?

“Yeah, you did but you only came once, a couple of weeks after you left. We’ve missed you.”

“I’m sorry about that.” She frowned. “I guess I was pretty busy.” Not!

“You must be with the baby on the way and all the wedding plans.” He looked down at her hand and frowned.

Probably noticed she wasn’t wearing her engagement ring anymore. She’d left the diamond solitaire on the dining room table. “Um…” What did she say to that? “I don’t really want to get into it, but Jeff and I broke up.” Flip, there was a quiver to her voice. Hold it together!

“Hi, Kerry.” A voice sounded from the entrance. “You back?” One of the waitresses had just arrived. “Or just visiting?”

“Hi, Sherri.” She forced a smile.

“Oh.” Chris looked concerned. “Let’s go sit at one of the tables over there.” He gestured to a quieter part of the restaurant.

She nodded. “We’ll catch up in a sec,” she said to Sherri, who nodded.

Chris put a hand to her back, following her to the table. They sat down. “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked, that same look of concern still plastered all over his face.

“No thanks.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to get into the details but let’s just say that it’s over for good. Jeff isn’t going to help out with the baby either.” He’d called and left a ton of messages. Her phone had blown up with text messages as well. Nothing openly sinister, but she could read between the lines. He wanted her back and moreover, he wanted her to drop the charges against him. Kerry had agreed but only if he left her alone. At least the police had everything on record. Just in case. Right now, she just wanted to get on with her life. To move on!

“I’m so sorry to hear that.” Chris didn’t ask anything more. She noticed how his gaze flicked to her lip once or twice. “How can I help?”

“Any chance of getting my job back?” she blurted before she lost the nerve.

“Look,” he huffed out a breath. “Angela is doing great. I recently made her permanent.”

Kerry felt her heart sink. “Of course. She has a ton of potential.”

“She does.” Chris nodded once. “She actually reminds me of you when you first took on the position. I wish I could help you, Kerry.”

“What about a waitress position?”

“Even if I had something, you’d be on your feet for hours.” He shook his head.

“I might be pregnant but I’m not an invalid.”

“I couldn’t give you a position even if I wanted to. I don’t have to tell you that the money is really good. I don’t get many resignations. I could maybe throw you a shift or two a week at best.”


She couldn’t exist on a maybe. What choice did she have right then though?

“That would be great.” Anything would be better than nothing. Kerry could look for something else in the meanwhile. She forced herself to smile through the panic. She had really been counting on getting her job back. On getting actual work of some kind at her old place of employment. Life had gone on without her. Why was she so shocked?

“I can’t guarantee anything though. I can’t even guarantee I’ll give you a permanent spot if one becomes available.” That look in his eyes had gone from concern to pity. “You know how stressful this job can be. What will happen when you’re seven or eight months along?”

“I completely understand.” Of course she did. What Chris was saying made perfect sense. If she had been in his shoes, she would have said the same.

Her ex-boss reached over and clasped her hand. “You’re cold.” He rubbed her skin. “I feel terrible. I can see you’re in trouble.”

“I’ll be fine.” It was getting harder and harder to say those words.

He looked at her for a few moments. Really looked at her. Assessing whether or not she was telling the truth.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be absolutely fine. I’ve moved in with my sister.” It was almost true since she was going to have to move in that same day. Twenty bucks wouldn’t go very far at all. “I’ll keep trying, otherwise,” she shrugged, trying to look nonchalant, “I’ll wait until the baby is born.”

And then what?

Who was going to look after her son while she was at work?

Something must have registered in her eyes because that look of pity on his face just got a whole lot more pronounced. “I’m sure I can fit you in a shift here or there and…” he paused, holding her gaze, “I can loan you some money.”

A loan.

As in, dig herself into a hole.

No thanks! As tempted as she was to take him up on his offer, she couldn’t. She’d seen firsthand what debt could do to a person. How it had destroyed her family. “Thanks, Chris. I appreciate the offer, but I’ll get by. I’ll take you up on your offer of a couple of shifts though. I’ll definitely take what I can get.”

“You sure?” He raised his brows. “You can pay me back once the baby is born. Once you’re on your feet again.”

“I’m sure.”

“Okay then.” He didn’t look too happy. “I’ll call you in the morning and let you know when you can start.”

“I really appreciate it.” He was doing her a big favor. At least this way, she could pay for some of the basics while staying at Susan’s place.