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Power Awakened (The Feral Book 2) by Charlene Hartnady (19)

Chapter 19

The banging grew louder and faster. As did the wailing and moaning. “Please be kidding me. This can’t be happening.” Kerry wanted to put a pillow over her head. Unfortunately, there weren’t any extras.

Cadon chuckled. “Hagan hasn’t mounted a female in many years.”

“It sounds like she hasn’t gone at it in a while either.”

The banging became so loud that she was sure the plaster was going to crack. Thankfully there were no pictures on the wall or those would have fallen off already.

They had learned that the lady’s name was Tracy. She was very sweet and very attracted to Hagan. Then again, he was very attracted to her. They’d been all over each other on the ride home. As in, he’d groped her breasts and loudly broadcasted how soft they were, how big they were, how good they felt. It was funny, but it was also very embarrassing. Her cheeks had been on fire by the time they got home.

Oh good. Aside from the thudding, it grew silent for a few seconds. Maybe she was finally holding back.

“I’d block your ears if I were you.” Cadon turned onto his stomach.

“Why would I—”

Tracy screamed. Not just a little cry either, an all-out ‘break your eardrums’ scream. Hagan roared. It was a terrifying noise. She knew exactly what this signaled.

The end!

Thank god! Her cheeks must have been blood red because they felt feverish. In fact, she felt hot all over. Why did she have to share a bed with Cadon? Her only conciliation right then was that it was over. She pulled in a deep breath. “Oh, my hat, but that was loud. Was that even for real?” Kerry could feel that her eyes were wide.

“What do you mean for real?” He propped himself up on his elbow. Bare-chested and quite gorgeous in the dim light from the side-lamps. Not that she was looking…much.

“Um…I mean, I’m sure she was faking. No-one screams like that.”

Cadon’s whole forehead scrunched up in a deep frown. His eyes turned hazy with confusion. “What do you mean by faking?”

“Pretending. Play-acting. Her whole ‘scream down the walls’ thing was an act, don’t you think?”

Cadon shook his head, looking deadpan. “No, I doubt it very much. Do human females play-act when it comes to sex?”

Kerry shrugged. “Some do…yes, I think it happens quite a lot actually.”

“Really?” He turned to face her. “That’s unbelievable. Their males can’t satisfy them, so they pretend?”

“Oh, come on, you expect me to believe that guys from your species get it right every time?”

“I’m pretty sure they do, yes. It is normal in our culture to make a female scream at release.”

Kerry choked just then and on nothing. Fresh air, her spit maybe? Who knew. She quickly got herself back under control. “I’m sorry but that’s crazy. Are you telling me that screaming the roof down is normal?”

“Yes.” He nodded, looking deadly serious. “It’s perfectly normal. Hagan would have been teased endlessly if that female had not screamed. We work very hard to make it as enjoyable as possible for the female. We go to great lengths.”

“Clearly.” Her voice was a bit high-pitched and she tried to control her breathing, which was elevated. Who could blame her?

“I can see you don’t believe me. Trust me, if I were to mount you right now, you would scream just as loudly.”

And cue blushing. Hot! She felt hot and heavy and so unprepared for this conversation that it was scary. “I doubt it,” she blurted. “I mean, come on! No way!” she added when he chuckled.

“It’s true. I would make you scream and loudly.”

“No way! I would be too worried about what everyone else was thinking.”

Cadon turned serious, his eyes burned into hers. “You’d be too caught up in the moment to care.” It was like a dare, or maybe a promise. Nooooo! He was just being arrogant. These griffins… Feral… were as arrogant as anything. All of them. Some more than others, but it was certainly a species trait. One that was both a turn-on and highly annoying.

“No way! We are in a house full of people. Everyone can hear them. Surely that Tracy lady must know that?”

“She was out of her mind just then.”

“Or maybe she doesn’t care.” There was that. It wasn’t like she had to face anyone in the morning since Magnar had instructed Hagon to call a cab for her before sun up.

“Might be a bit of that too.” Cadon looked like he was trying to make himself comfortable. Just like that he was going to go to sleep. Kerry felt too wired after hearing that performance.

“That’s how Magnar knows,” Cadon said, fluffing up his pillow.

“Knows what?”

“That we aren’t mounting. He would have heard you. They all would have.”

“Oh flip!” She sat up, the comforter falling around her hips. “I just remembered something.”

Cadon looked at her boobs. Her shirt fit her a bit snugger since she’d gone up a size. He’d also had a good look earlier when she’d taken off her jacket. They had just gotten home and back to the bedroom. Just like earlier though, no sooner was he looking before he looked away. “What did you remember?” he asked.

“Magnar. I gave him a bogus reason as to why we weren’t…doing it.”

“Oh yeah?” Cadon raised and turned onto his back, he folded his hands behind his head. His lips were quirked up at the sides. He found this funny. At the same time, she tried not to notice how good he looked lying there like that. The comforter was about halfway up his torso, so there was plenty of chest on offer.

Like him, she looked and then looked away. Unlike him, she wanted to stare and possibly drool a whole lot more. She fought the urge.

“What was the reason you gave?”

She needed to focus on the conversation. Kerry lay back down, pulling the comforter back over her. “I said it was due to lack of privacy. I couldn’t…do it with you if there was someone outside the door.”

“So that’s why Kwan is all the way down the hall tonight?” He smiled. “You’d better scream.”

“Excuse me?” What was he saying? That they should…?

Cadon chuckled. “If we’re going to pretend to have sex you’d better scream. My reputation is at stake here.”

“This isn’t funny.” She breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Wait a minute.” He narrowed his eyes. “You didn’t think I was suggesting we actually have sex, did you?” Amusement shone in his eyes.

She shook her head. “Of course not. I…” A very soft thudding started up again, followed by a moan. “No way!” She looked at the wall behind them. “You have got to be kidding me.”

Cadon chuckled some more, harder this time. “You didn’t think it would be over after just once did you?”

“Yes, I did.” She could hear the shock in her own voice. “They both…had a good time and…they should sleep now.”

Cadon sighed. “I suggest you get comfortable. Do what you have to do to drown it out, because it’s going to be a long night.”

“You mean…?” She felt her jaw drop open.

Cadon nodded.

“This won’t be the last round? Is that what you’re saying.” No way! Really?

“It’s exactly what I’m saying.” His gaze softened. “Do you want to use my pillow?”

She shook her head. “You won’t have anything to sleep on.”

He shrugged. “Doesn’t bug me. Take it.” The thudding grew louder.

Her whole body was on fire. Her nipples felt tight. Her clit throbbed. She was seriously turned on listening to other people go at it. Cadon looked fine. Like it didn’t bother him at all. She wasn’t sure what bothered her more, that or the noises.

Hormones. She shouldn’t be so hard on herself. Or on him. It was the damned hormones. It had to be.

“Here…” His voice sounded deeper. He handed her the pillow and turned back onto his belly, using his arms as a pillow.

“Oh god yes…there…there…” Tracy shrieked.

“Thank you.” She took the pillow out of desperation.

“What are we going to tell Magnar?” His gaze rested on her with an intensity that had her squeezing her thighs together.








“I’m sure he won’t be able to hear anything through this racket.”

“He’ll hear, and he’ll know nothing happened. Not in this room, that is unless you want to fake…”

“No!” she half-yelled. “I’ve never been any good at faking…that.” She gulped. This was embarrassing, to say the least. “I don’t fake.” Something Jeff hated. He had called her frigid on more than one occasion. It wasn’t her fault that he hadn’t tried hard enough to make it good for her too.

“It’s a good thing, but it puts us in a bit of a situation.”







She squeezed her eyes shut. “I wish they would stop already, I can’t think. That’s it, there’s no way I’m comfortable having sex with that going on next door. I turned you down. We’ll tell Magnar that. Not that it’s any of his damned business. Just blame it on me.”

He nodded. “Okay. If you say so.”

“What does that mean?”

“Just that we’re going to have to do something soon. Magnar isn’t going to buy it for too much longer.”

“Are you suggesting I scream?”

Cadon shrugged. “We need to do something is all I’m saying. Jump on the bed and make all the right noises without actually…”

“I don’t know that I can do that.”

There was more thudding and shrieking, but she ignored it.

“We are a couple. Couples mount and regularly. If we aren’t fucking, he’s going to know something’s up.” He tensed his jaw and breathed out through his nose. “I noticed he didn’t look at any of the females there tonight. He only had eyes for you. I think what may have started as a game to him has turned serious. I’m worried.”

Shit! Cadon was right. He was spot-freaking-on. “You were too busy flirting with Red-lips to know what Magnar was doing.”

“I kept you both in my peripheral vision. Never took my eyes off you once. I even heard some of the bullshit he fed you. Distracting me so that he could move in. Such a dick move!”

Was he jealous? He didn’t look jealous right now.

“Good night, Kerry.”

“Good…” Harder louder thuds, followed by shrill baying that reminded her of a wounded animal, only you could tell Hagan’s lady friend was not in any pain. That much was clear. The baying stopped.

“Cover your ears,” Cadon warned.

There it was again. Hard thuds and a loud guttural scream that spoke of pleasure. The thudding continued. And continued. “Why aren’t they stopping now? Why?”

“He’s going to make her come again.” Cadon sounded bored.

“Again? Like twice in one session?” The shrieks were reaching a crescendo once more. “You mean a multiple? As in a multiple orgasm?” Those were fiction, weren’t they? “More than one as in…?” Why was she blabbing so much? She forced herself to shut it.

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

There was that moment of suspended silence, except for the insistent thudding of that bed against the back wall. It sounded like the frame was made from cast iron. Noisy! The silence was followed by a scream. It was even louder than the other two had been. Hagan roared so hard Kerry covered her ears.

When it was all over, she glanced at Cadon. He was watching her. There was amusement there but something else too. Kerry looked away, this wasn’t the time to analyze such things. Tired and wired, her judgement was off. She thought she had seen desire and longing maybe. His eyes had been bright, his jaw tight. His… no way. She was horny. No doubt about it and feeling all flustered was making her see things that weren’t there.

“Good night,” she muttered as she pulled Cadon’s pillow over her head. It smelled of him. Really good. Like the most expensive cologne, only subtler and better. Definitely better. She doubted she’d ever been more turned on. Her body buzzed with need. It wasn’t long before the thudding started up again.

She might just scream alright, but from frustration.