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Rai (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (119)



"Is that all you got?” I smiled as I twirled my large dagger in my hands.


"Perhaps you can take me. But you are not a match for both of us,” the warrior said as another warrior joined him in the practice arena. This was where I spent most of my time. I was a damn good warrior. And I had proven it over and over. I had beaten this warrior to a bloody pulp. Now another warrior joined him, but it did not scare me. I was excited about the challenge.


"No, it is you two that are no match for me,” I said as I put my arms out and waved my hands for them to come at me.


They both charged at me at the same time, screaming at the top of their lungs. Boom. I pushed the first aside with my forearm, and he fell on the ground while I engaged dagger to dagger with the other. Clash. Clink. We fought. The crowd of warriors around us was cheering and shouting. By this time the other warrior was back on his feet. I took them both on at the same time. Punching one and then tripping the other. We went on and on like this until I was standing over both of their defeated bodies as they lay on the ground groaning.


I raised my arms above my head in victory. All the warriors chanted my name “Viqer! Viqer! Viqer!” I grinned. I was a badass and everyone knew it. It felt good for them to shout it above the green plains of the planet Krillis. But then suddenly everyone grew quiet.


"Corillion warriors!” Everyone turned to the platform above the practice arena. Titeq Krillis stood there with one hand up, asking for our attention. He was the second in command on the planet Krillis. But since our leader was away on Earth gathering human females as mates for us, Titeq was currently in charge. We all grew silent and gave our full attention to him.


"I have news. I have news from the planet Earth. It is shocking news of sorrow. It has been reported to me that our leader, Cultan Krillis, has been murdered!"


There was an uproar of anger from the crowd of warriors. Everyone was in complete disarray and sadness. I was filled with rage. Cultan was like a brother to me. He made me into the excellent warrior that I was today. It was because of him that I was a high-ranking hunter and warrior. He had trusted me, and the only reason that I was not with him on Earth was because he had personally asked me to guard Titeq and our home planet of Krillis. Now I was angry that I had not been there by his side. I could have protected him. I had failed him by not insisting on going with him to Earth when we all knew how dangerous it was in this battle between Earth and the Corillion galaxy.


"Yes! Be angry, my Krillis warriors! This is war. I am the most hurt and angry over the loss of Cultan! We were close! We had spawned within minutes of each other. Now that he is gone I am to rule this planet. I take his place as the leader. That is the Corillion way. My first order as your new leader is revenge for the death of Cultan!”


Everyone cheered. I was glad to hear these words from Titeq. I was glad that his death was not going to be unavenged. But I would want to take part in this. We knew this meant that there would be a fleet leaving to Earth to destroy those that destroyed Cultan. I wanted to be among those warriors. I wanted to be the one to get revenge on the killer that killed my leader. I would be a match for any Earth soldier.




"Tonight we celebrate in his honor! Tonight we celebrate the life and mourn the death of our leader!” Titeq shouted as drums begun to beat and drink began to be passed around. But I was not interested in the festivities. I looked at Titeq. He singled me out as I stood in the middle of the practice arena. He moved his head, gesturing me to follow him. I nodded in return.


Minutes later, I was in Cultan's office, which now belonged to our new leader, Titeq.


"Tell me what happened. Tell me who the killer is and I will kill them,” I growled the words. I could not contain my anger as I breathed in and out heavily.


"Viqer Krillis. You are my best warrior. You have the strength of 10 warriors. You have the fighting skills of an Earth soldier and a Corillion warrior together; there is no other like you in the Corillion galaxy. Your knowledge of Earth is plenty; you can fly a Corillion ship and an Earthship. You are our most valuable warrior. I would not want to lose you to any mission when you are needed here. Cultan asked you to remain here to protect your home planet and to stay at my side,” he said to me.


"And look where that got him. I must do this. I must be the one that is sent to get revenge for him. He made me what I am. I owe him this much,” I said in anger. I was starting to feel very pissed off that he was not going to allow me to go get revenge. I had to do it.


"I thought you might say something like that. Are you sure you want this mission? You are very valuable here.”


"Yes. Grant me this mission. I will get it over with and return,” I said to him.




"You did not let me finish. Yes, you will have your revenge. But you will not get it over with and return as you said. I want to see this killer. I want to look the killer in the eyes, the eyes that took our leader from us. You, Viqer, will find this killer. You will bring the killer to me, and only after I have looked the killer in the eyes and learned how and why they took our leader will you be able to then kill them. Then you will take the body back to Earth and make a display of it. Everyone on Earth will know that this killer took our leader and we got our vengeance. That is the mission. Do you accept, Viqer?”


I grinned. I would have my revenge. I would take this killer’s life, and I would take my sweet time. I would torture the killer. I would make sure that they knew that they made a big mistake by taking the life of our leader. I was looking forward to it.



"I thought you might like that. You leave as soon as you are ready. But you must do this mission alone. Only you can do it, and it must be stealthy. You must sneak into Earth, catch this killer, abduct her, and bring her back to me. You must do it quietly and with no help except for one single warrior that you may take with you,” Titeq said.



"Yes. It is a human female. She is the one that took the life of our leader. There were many witnesses. It was one of the human females that had been held captive by Cultan. She was to come to one of us.”



"Yes. I received the report. Five warriors watched from a distance as she shot him twice. She ran away and was saved by an Earth soldier. The secret base on Earth was in the process of being raided by the soldiers. It was a battle. This human female got lucky is all. But now her luck will turn. She will pay for what she has done.”



"The human female goes by the name Saramina Jedsin. She lives on Earth in an area of New York that the humans call Brooklyn. I will give you the exact coordinates to her home. But Viqer, it is very important that you do this quietly. You must steal her away in the middle of the night. You must not be seen and you must not be chased by the Earth army or tracked back to our planet. You must be very careful,” he said to me.


I saluted him. I felt great honor to be chosen for the mission. “I will not disappoint. I will bring this human female assassin to you and then I will kill her and take her body back to Earth. All of Earth will know not to mess with the Corillion army.”


"Ready your ship. I will get you the coordinates to where you will find her.”



A week later, I found myself standing outside the window of the killer of our leader. The city was quiet. The tall building was dark. I slowly opened the window and crawled inside. I was expecting to find the home of a fierce warrior woman. I expected to see weapons of every kind on the wall. I expected to see top secret documents that she worked for the Earth army.


But I saw none of that. Instead, I saw purple curtains. I saw soft gray chairs and colorful paintings on the walls. It was not what I expected at all. I quietly walked from room to room, looking for the killer with my dagger drawn. I promised Titeq that I would do it quietly. So I could not use my blaster gun. I pushed open a door. The bed was covered in white silk with a figure lying underneath the sheet. I stopped at the foot of the bed.


I was shocked by what I saw; a curvy and delicious figure was outlined by the sheet wrapped snugly around her. One long leg was exposed from high up on her thigh down to her feet. Long brown hair was on her pillow. In the dim light, I could see her soft face with light freckles as she slept. She did not look like a murderer to me. She looked very soft and delicate. I thought I must have the wrong home. But she matched the description, and I had the coordinates right.


I found myself drawn to her. Her long leg looked silky and begged for me to touch it. I placed my hand on her ankle and ran it slowly up her leg, over her knee, onto her thigh. She let out a soft moan that made my entire body respond to her. Her breathing grew heavy, and she rolled onto her back. The sheet dropped down to her waist. It exposed a sheer white nightgown covering her breasts with two hard nipples protruding from the fabric. I ached to touch them. She wiggled in her bed as though she was expecting me to take her; she was being sensual.


It was very distracting. I had almost forgotten about my mission. I could not let her distract me. Then I remembered she was the very reason that Cultan was no longer alive. She had taken his life. As I thought about these thoughts, the rage came back to me. I felt extreme hatred toward this human. She would not be allowed to live. It came to me that I would have to take her back to the Corillion galaxy and not finish her right here. I pressed my dagger against her ankle.





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