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Rai (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (116)





I didn't trust Cultan. I didn't trust that he did not betray me and was responsible for my ship going down. But I definitely did not trust him with Trish. I could tell by the way he looked at her that he wanted her. Over my dead body. No one was going to touch her.


I wasn't lying when I said that she was my human. I had said it partly to get Cultan to leave her alone, but I also said it because I meant it. When I saw that the beast in the woods about to charge her, I knew then that I would die for her. I charged that beast without even thinking twice about it. If I had to die in order to save her life, then that was what I was going to do. It was fortunate that Cultan and his warriors were around to shoot the beast, allowing both Trish and me to live.


But because that had happened, it opened my eyes and my heart. I knew then that I would do anything for her. I knew then that I was deeply and madly in love with her. For who else would run straight at a beast like that if they were not insanely in love? I knew that this was who I was. I knew that this was what I wanted, and I wanted Trish.


Leaving her alone with Cultan while the medic checked me out was torture. It was more torture than the jolts of electricity that Dr. Maxwell had given me. I could not stand the thought of Cultan touching her or trying to steal her from me. It was then that I hoped that I had implanted an offspring inside of her. Then he could not claim her. That was the way of the Corillion, but I would have no way of knowing. We had only just laid together.


I walked back to the area where a Cultan and Trish were as fast as I could after I was examined. Just as I had thought, I only had a couple of bruises and no internal damage. The small scratches I had on my body from the bear's claws were nothing to be concerned about. But I was surprised to find Trish alone. I was expecting to find Cultan trying to kiss her.



Trish looked at me with such anger in her eyes. What had changed? Only minutes before she had been crying and hoping that I was safe from the beast. Now she looked at me with such hatred.


"I am fine. Cultan has been kind to me. He has been honest. That is more than I can say for you,” she said to me.



"Trish, you cannot believe anything that he says. He is not to be trusted,” I said to her, realizing that he had gotten under her skin.


"You mean he was lying that you came to Earth in order to get a human wife from the 25 human females that were promised to you?” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. I looked at her with wide eyes. Shit. I didn't realize that he had told her about the arrangements, but I should have guessed.


"No, that is true. That is exactly why I came to Earth and why I brought a cargo ship. But it is not the way—"


"You asshole! You lying piece of shit! You lied to me! You have been using me all just so that you could get here and be with a human female that was promised you like some sort of property. Have you even met her? Why would you do this to me? I trusted you and yet you have proven over and over again that you were not to be trusted! I am such an idiot!"


She ran out of the space. “Trish! Let me explain!” But it was too late; she had already run out. I wasn't going to run after her and put on a show for the warriors all around. I was not going to give Cultan that satisfaction, and I knew that this was what he had set up to happen. It was official; he wanted Trish. Now he had effectively separated us and made her hate me just within the first 10 minutes of our arrival. I would be damned if he would touch her. Rage swelled up and me. He needed to be put in his place; I didn't care if he was the damn leader of this secret hideout.


I sat at the table and finished the food that Trish had not touched. I ate the wild berries, peaches, and apples. I would need all the energy I could get in order to deal with what was coming. I didn't have to wait long.


"The medic tells me you are fine,” Cultan said as he walked into the curtained off area.


"I told you that much already,” I said as I got up and poured me some more water from the giant jug.



"She needed to get some air. Just as you wanted her to,” I said as I chugged the water.


"What do you mean? I just told her the truth. It shocked me that she didn't already know. So what now? Would you like to follow me to where the females are kept? There are no longer 50 of them, and of course, you will not be getting the 25 that were promised to you since you did not go through with your side of the arrangement. But I am still in good spirit to allow you to pick one. I have already chosen a wife, and she lives with me. But there are 10 females left to choose from.”


I put the glass down. I nodded at him. He smiled. I followed him out into the base. I was following him not because I was agreeing to find a new human wife, but because I wanted to get the layout of the place. I wanted to see where the human females were being kept. I wanted to see where the small escape spaceship pods were held. Going along with him was the only way to do this.


To my surprise, we walked out of the underground secret base. I followed him along a very short trail covered by the dense canopy of trees. I noticed small mounds in the distance, only a few meters away. They were the spaceships covered with branches and grass. I could see six of them from where I walked. They would be impossible to see from above, but they were not impossible to see from ground level.


There was another crevice in the rock that led into a different cave. I followed Cultan inside. Directly inside were three armed warriors. They guarded the human females.


"These are the ones that remain,” Cultan said as he pointed to the women in the room. It was a very large room that looked somewhat comfortable. There were various beds tables and sitting areas. The women looked clean and well fed. They did not look like prisoners to me.



"I choose none. As I told you before I already have a human female: Trish,” I said as I turned and walked out of the cave back onto the trail. I needed to go find her. I needed to make sure that she was safe. I did not like her wondering around this place full of Corillion warriors without me. She should be cooled off by now.


"But are you sure that she wants you? It seems that she does not. I think I will take her for my own," Cultan sad as he joined me on the trail.




"I think I like her better than my own human female. I think I will take her as well. Trish. She is fiery and spirited. She will create a good strong offspring. That I can tell,” he said to me smiling.


"Damn you, Cultan. I have already told you that she is mine. Why do you test me so?" I shouted at him.


"I am not testing you. I am simply telling you. I will take her. She will come to me willingly. She now knows that you are a liar; she will not want to be with you. Why would she not want to come with me? I am the one that has been honest with her. I am the one that saved you from that beast in the woods. I am the one that has offered her the safety of this base. And I am the one that will take her to the Corillion galaxy where she would be treated like a queen. So you see, Jedrian, you have no say in it. It will be her choice. She will freely choose me over you.”


I’d had enough of this. I charged him as I yelled at the top of my lungs. Boom! I crashed into his torso and pushed him into the ground. I punched him across the face. He elbowed me in the ribs. I flew off of him backward. He jumped on top of me and punched me across the jaw several times. I punched him on the left side, digging my fist in deep. It knocked the wind out of him. It was enough for me to roll on top of him and gain the upper hand. We fought brutally. We wrestled across the ground. Each of us was a match for each other, even though I had already spent a good amount of my energy fighting a bear.


"Keep punching me, it won't change the fact that she is now mine,” Cultan said.


It was just enough to motivate me even more, and I punched him harder. He did not like this. Finally, that stupid grin faded from his face. He was no longer playing, and he began to fight harder. But as we fought I heard a very familiar sound, one that I had heard before.


Thud. Thud. The sound was faint, but then it grew louder and louder. Suddenly the air on top of us was picking up into a strong wind. I rolled over to see a helicopter hovering above us and Earth soldiers sliding down ropes into the forest. I quickly jumped off of Cultan. I could see more helicopters coming in the distance.


"Trish…” I said as I ran toward the entrance of the other base. I needed to find her. Inside the base, there was a complete frenzy as warriors grabbed the weapons and piled out into the forest.


"Trish! Trish!” I shouted. But she did not respond. I looked through every inch of inside the base and knew that it was much worse; she was outside. She was somewhere in the forest. In her anger, she had stomped off to think things through. I would have no idea of where to look, and I had very little time to find her before the Earth soldiers found her, or found me.


She needed to know the truth. She needed to know that I was not using her and then I had no intent on choosing a wife from this base. I only wanted her. She needed to know that before I fought to my death. There was no way that I was going to be taken prisoner and back to that experiment facility. So I would die fighting for my freedom if I had to but not before I saw her one last time.




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