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Rai (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (48)



I had heard everything that I wanted to hear from the commander. He had confessed that he was wrong and that it was a momentary lapse in judgment. I wanted to believe him but there was a part of me that was still scared. It was a fear of being abandoned. When I stepped into the shower, I almost thought that he was not going to return. Had he really come for me? Had he come to rescue me or was he only there because it was part of his mission: it was part of the fight?


This thought was always on my mind, no matter how much he kissed me or held me in his arms. We still had to act in secret around each other. We had already been spotted by those soldiers; I'm sure they thought it was strange and would be reporting it soon. But there was too much devastation going on for them to concern themselves with us; they’d probably already forgotten.


We stayed one more day in order to help with the aftermath of the invasion by the Waysaw. I was astounded at how well the shield worked. Even when it was down, it wasn't down long enough for the Waysaw to defeat us. They needed to defeat the soldiers guarding this mine in order to take the time to quarry it. I was glad that there were not pallets of copper sitting around that they could easily take. No, this mine had become inactive, and if they wanted the copper, they would have to mine for it. It would take a long time. That was part of our defense system. They couldn't just take from us anymore; they had to work for it. Which meant they would have to defeat the forces and hold them off to give them the time to do that.


I helped in the medical center as much as I could. The commander helped with the battalions, both the Earth and Grantsion. We worked separately, so as not to start any rumors. But that night, he came to my cottage.


We stayed the night together, making love one more time because we would be going back to the base the next morning. I did not want to leave, but it was necessary. We would both be wanted back at the base.


The next morning the commander fueled up his speeder, and we climbed in. The base was a good thirty-minute flight away.


“I wish that we did not have to go back there. I wish there was a place that we could disappear to on Earth and live together, as a family,” he said out of nowhere.



“Yes, it is just that we're not going to be able to keep this a secret long; you will eventually start showing, and I will have to come up with an excuse as to why I want to stay on Earth.”


“Yes, that is true. Once the child is born, there will be no denying who the father is,” I said.


“That too. Because of this, I am wary about returning to the base,” he said.



“Yes, but before we do,” he said as he looked around. He slowed down. He veered off to the right and toward a small outcroping of boulders.




“Don't talk like that; you speak as though we will never see each other again if we are punished,” I said.


“You don't know the ways of my race; they are very severe in their rules. It is possible that I will be exiled, both from Earth and my own planet. Please, Nicole, just one more time.”


“I don't want to be sad, but I do want you,” I said as he landed the speeder behind a boulder, sandwiched between two of them.


He looked at me and leaned over and kissed me. I got up from my seat and moved over to his. I straddled him, putting my legs on either side of his hips. He moaned. He grabbed at my uniform and pulled down my top. He took my nipple into his mouth and sucked on it. I threw my head back and moaned.


I moved my hands up and down his strong chest. I wanted to memorize the way it felt underneath my hands. He was so strong and so firm. He was monstrous as far as his physical physique went. I moved my hands over his shoulders and down his strong biceps, feeling them flex. Then I moved my hand further down his hard six-pack abs until I grabbed his cock through his uniform.







“Yes, I want you for all eternity. I want you to be mine. I love you, Nicole,” he said.


I groaned at his confession of love. I moved my hand over his cock, jerking him off through the material of his uniform. He put his hands on my waist and picked me up. He held me out so easily, and I pulled my uniform off as he did so. Now I was naked on top of him as I straddled him again. I eagerly undid his uniform and then pulled it down to his knees. His cock was hard, blue, and perfect. I pulled myself up hovering above it, and then he grabbed it and aimed it on my slick center. I slowly sat down on it, pushing it inch by inch inside of me. We both let out sounds of ecstasy. Finally, he was deep inside of me, and I hungrily kissed his mouth. If it were true that this could be the last time that we would be together, as he thought, then I wanted to take advantage of every moment of this.


We stayed locked together like this; an hour went by, and we were still enjoying the slow movement of my hips as I was grinding myself on him. I went slowly on purpose. I wanted him to last a long time, to make this memorable and to make it count. I kissed him on his shoulders. He moved his hands up and down my back, squeezing my ass. I could tell that he too was memorizing every inch of my body.


But then I began to move faster. The commander put his hands on my hips and helped me bounce up and down on top of his cock. My breasts were jiggling up and down as I did so. He was groaning and wiggling underneath me. I liked being on top. I like being in control. I liked driving him mad. It was sort of a bit of punishment for what he had done to me.


Then with that thought, I released. I threw my head back as I screamed loudly, I could scream as loud as I want because there was no one around. My body exploded into tiny fireworks between my thighs as my body trembled.



His body tensed underneath my fingertips, I felt his biceps flexing. Then he grunted and groaned like a wild animal. I felt his warm juices flow inside of me once more. Then we both relaxed and I laid my head against his chest.


A few moments later, we knew that we had to get dressed and head back. It was a very short ride back, and I wished that it had been longer.


Hours later, we were standing in front of the military base. We were trying to come up with a plan and began to walk to find Leader Nizok to tell him what was happening between us: to confess.


“There you are! I knew it! My allegations were true!” Sergeant Banks said as he came out of the base.



“Oh, did your lover not tell you? Before the invasion, we tried to take him into custody; we know what you two have been up to. He broke the rules, not only of his own race but ours as well. I will be reporting that you have returned, and you will be arrested, Commander,” he said.



“You know why! You were supposed to be mine, Nicole! You have chosen this filthy animal over me! I am not going to just let that go,” he said.


“She is no concern of yours anymore. If you want a fight with me, then bring it to me yourself,” Commander Vycon Dase said.



“Gladly,” Sergeant Banks said as he began to roll up his sleeves and head straight for the commander.


This was not good. Where were my skills of diffusing tension? But this was so much more than your average feud. These were to soldiers that hated each other.


Bam! Sergeant Banks punched the commander in the ribs. The commander didn't even flinch. Sergeant Banks eyes grew wide. I don't think he had ever actually been in a fight with a Zenkian. It was sort of amusing.


“My turn,” the commander said. Boom! Commander Vycon Dase punched Sergeant Banks across the jaw. Banks flew back about five feet in the air before hitting the ground. He was completely unconscious. There was absolutely no competition.





A few moments later, we found ourselves in front of a panel. It was comprised of Earth leaders as well as Leader Nizok and Captain Bidu. We were in deep shit.