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Rai (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (7)

Chapter 7

General Rai Razook


I woke up with a splitting headache. What the hell has happened? I rolled and looked up at the trees. It was night. Everything came back to me. Had we been attacked by the cyborgs?


“Hannah…” I whispered. There was no answer.


I got up to my feet, grabbing my head. There was a large thick branch on the ground where I lay.


“Unbelievable. The feisty little human,” I said realizing that she was the one that knocked me out. I got out a red light and shined it on the ground. I could see the small imprint of her boots. They turned back in the direction of the ship.


I followed them until suddenly they were gone. I was surrounded by lots of foliage on the ground. She must've walked on top of these leaves. I would need to track her but it was very important that I contacted the fleet first. I was gone and out of radio contact for longer than expected. I didn't want them thinking that I had been taken prisoner by the human colony and then have them launch an assault. That would be very bad.


I marked the area to come back to it. I shifted into weredragon form and flew back to the ship as fast as I could. I opened the door and hopped in. I opened the radio communications.


“This is General Razook. Come in, command ship,” I said.


“General Razook, good to hear from you. What is the status?”


“Change of plans. We did not make it to the human colony yet. The human female ran away. I am going to go track her down and find her. I wanted to alert you that I will be gone for some time, possibly twenty-four hours or more. I want you to hold the position where you are,” I said.


“Understood. General Razook, a question.”




“Lieutenant Qon left on your orders. When are we to expect his return?”


“What? I did not give Lieutenant Qon orders to leave the fleet,” I said.


“He left half an hour ago. He said he was following your orders to scout the human colony for hostiles,” the soldier said.


Shit. The bastard. I did not give him any such orders. Why would he leave the ship like that? He was after something. Then it hit me. He was after the human: Hannah.


“No, I did not give orders for him to leave. Call him back on communications right now. I will wait,” I said.


“Lieutenant Qon. Come in,” I heard the soldier say as he radioed on another frequency trying to get Qon to answer. He said the words over and over again.


“General, there is no response,” he said.


“What all know that Lieutenant Qon has abandoned the suite. Put all on high alert. I will find him. Do not send scouts out. I still do not want to frighten the human colony,” I said.


“That is understood, General. We will wait to hear from you.”


“Copy that. Out,” I said.


I went to the back of the ship and got another smaller gun. I pushed one more dagger into my boot. This was not good. I needed to find Hannah, and I needed to find her before Qon did.


I closed up the ship and flew back to the area where I had lost her tracks. My heart was pounding. I couldn't let Qon get a hold of Hannah. I saw the way he looked at her. He wanted her. She was mine. I would kill him if he touched her. It was enough that he had disobeyed my orders not to leave the fleet, and now he had gone out on his own. It was clear to me that he was no longer my lieutenant but was a rogue soldier on his own. He had been showing signs of being disobedient for a long time now. I never should have allowed him to be with my band of soldiers. He was bad news, and now I was regretting it. I did not want her to get hurt. He was different. He wouldn't be kind to her.


I landed on the spot that I had marked. I found her tracks again. They disappeared into the woods over leaves. But which direction?


I squatted down on the floor and closed my eyes. Then a scent crossed my face. It was brief. But it was her. It was the delicious scent that she had mixed with a bit of the medicine I had put on her back. I followed the smell. This was the right direction. I could see impressions on the ground, crushed leaves where she had walked. I went slowly, but I had to find her before Qon did.


I followed the trail for an hour. She had gone far. But it was nighttime, and there were cyborgs and hostile humans for her to think about. So when I came to a group of houses, I knew that she probably would stay for the night. I walked out of the woods toward the houses very slowly. Then I saw a very low light in the window of a house set back away from the others. It had to be her. She was burning a candle.


I quietly made my way to the house. I looked in the window. She was sitting on the ground attempting to open a can. I smiled. I did not see my lieutenant. This was good. I had found her before he did.


I slowly walked into the house, quietly. I opened the door to the room. She let out a squeal of surprise.


“It is just me,” I said. She stood up quickly.


“I should be the one screaming. You are the one that hit me on the head, remember?” I said to her.


“How did you find me?” she said with anger.


“I followed your tracks of course. Then I followed your delicious scent. Why did you do it, Hannah? Why did you knock me out? Why did you run away from me? Don't you know how dangerous it is out here?” I said.


“I would rather face the machines than be your prisoner. I want to go home. I will go home,” she said.


“You were a prisoner of the machines. Or did you forget that I rescued you from them?” I said stepping into the room getting closer to her. I was angry now. She was ungrateful.


“I only was treated. I went from being a prisoner of the machines to a prisoner of aliens. What's the difference?” she said.


“I think you know that the machines would not to be kind to you. They would hurt you. You would probably be dead already,” I said.


“I hate you! Why won't you just leave me alone? I want to go home to my sister!” she shouted at me. She was trembling with anger.


I felt bad; my conscience was getting to me. I didn't like seeing her so upset. That and the fact that I knew that Qon was looking for her only made me want her more. I had to claim her before he did. It was the only way to keep her safe.


“You want to go home, Hannah? I will take you home. I won't make you speak to the humans for us at Hartford. But if you want to go home, you know what you have to do,” I said getting only inches from her. My voice was gentle. I was no longer yelling at her. I was becoming aroused, and I could not stop it.


“Are you serious? No. I won't do that,” she said.


“Then I will take you back to the ship knowing that you will just run away if I try to get you to speak to the humans for us.”


“That is not the agreement,” she said.


“I am aware. But you are no longer holding up your end of the agreement; why should I?” I said.


She was silent. She looked at me and then looked around the room.


“You are very far from where I rescued you from. You will not get back home on your own. This is the only way,” I said.


“You are such a pig,” she said.


“No, I am a dragon,” I said. I spread my wings. They nearly touched both sides of the room. She looked at them. Her eyes were wide.


“Fine. If this is what you want. Then I will give it to you. But you will take me home when we are done because I will never stop fighting you. I will always be behind you with something to hit you over the head with,” she said.


I smiled at her. Was she giving in?


Suddenly she squatted down and started to unlace her boots. She was doing it. She was going to take off her clothes. She took off one boot, and then the other. She stood up. She slowly took off the long-sleeveed shirt and threw it on the bed. Then she unzipped her pants and pulled them down to her ankles. The bottom half of her body was naked. I looked between her thighs. Soft brown curls hid her sweet center. I bit my lip as I watched her. Her delicate legs were small and petite compared to mine. I looked at her face. She had a look of defiance. She grabbed the last item of clothing that she wore, a shirt with no sleeves. She pulled it up slowly, slowly up her injured back. Then she pulled it over her head.


I gasped. I had seen her naked breasts before, but not when she was completely naked the way she was now. She was absolutely beautiful. I could not stop looking at her soft skin. She stood there trembling in front of me.


“You are beautiful human,” I said.


“I don't care what you say to me," she said.


I looked at her face. She was so angry. I certainly did not want to do this anymore.


"Not like this,” I said.


“What do you mean?” she asked.


“I want you human. I want you badly. But I don't want to take you if it is going to harm you in some way. That is against the king's rules,” I said.


“You are a mystery to me alien,” she said.


Then she walked toward me. Her naked body was beautiful as she moved. Her breasts jiggled. Her nipples were hard and erect and a rosy pink color.


She stood right in front of me and put the palms of her hands on my chest. She slid them up and down. What was she doing? This was not what I thought she would do.


“Kiss me,” she said as she tilted her head back.


“Are you sure?” I asked.


“Yes. Just do it,” she said.


I leaned down pressing my mouth against hers. I was gentle. I brushed my lips back-and-forth on top of hers. Suddenly she let out a soft moan, and I was surprised. What is she enjoying this?


This is a human was complicated. Only moments ago she was angry, and now she was moaning sensually. I didn't know what to think of this; I only knew that my cock was growing harder the more that she touched me and the more that I kissed her. I felt her fingers moving on top of my belt.


“Allow me to take that off,” I said as I took off the belt and set it down on a table. She looked down at my crotch and rubbed her hand over my cock. I moaned. It felt good; it felt damn good.


“How do you take these off?” she asked.


I smiled. “I will do it,” I said.  I sat on the bed and took off my boots and my weapons. Then I stood up and pulled off my pants. Now I stood there naked facing her. Her eyes looked at me up-and-down. I noticed that she was no longer trembling. There was a different look in her eyes; lust had replaced fear