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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2) by Kyanna Skye (19)

The Twin Dragon’s Mate

Calypso wanted so badly to howl at the moon.

As she gazed up at the giant orb, hung in the night sky like an ornament on a Christmas tree, she felt its pull. She was no werewolf, but it was at times like these that she could understand why wolves felt the need to bay up at the silvery moon. There was something positively magnetic about it. And she had learned to appreciate magnets for what they were: tokens of power.

She held the moon in her eyes, feeling again the urge to howl up at it. The moon was after all a symbol of power and every soul in the twilight community to which she belonged knew to appreciate it. But the wolves alone seemed to have figured out the best means by which to show their admiration: howling. To call up at the moon as if it could hear her… to plea for its attention… its favor… its power… there was something in that which she simply could not define to her satisfaction.

But as in all things, the moon would begin waning tomorrow night. She could feel the ebb in its power even now, its luster losing momentum. By this time tomorrow, the moon would just be a reminder of the one day of every month when everyone from her respective community chose to come out and play.

And play was exactly what she had in mind. And shew knew exactly where she wanted to be to let her more devilish desires out.

“Hell with it,” she said to no one as she looked back down upon the city below.

The lights of the L.A. district were nothing new to Calypso. The light of the moon, while beautiful, didn’t hold as much diversion as the city lights beneath her. And from her perch high on one of the more run-down apartment buildings she watched the ordinary folk go by.

Through eyes that no human had been born with she took in the sight of the world below. She saw people in their various pursuits and diversions. She saw them in their apartments… in their cars… the throngs of people on the sidewalks… countless souls who were just living out their lives without a clue as to what kinds of dangers lurked on the streets other than those they created for themselves.

Ignorance is bliss, she thought.

From the roof she was able to discern others like herself mixed in with the countless denizens of the L.A. area. She couldn’t see them exactly, but she could always feel them. And there were other indicators to give them away for others who knew what to look for. Regardless, their presence was always in the back of her mind as if someone were faintly whispering “Here I am,” to her.

She saw a trio of men, all clad in the garb of what ordinaries might consider “punk rocker” attire. Draped in leather jackets and chain-link bracelets with wild Mohawk they looked like kids on their way to some kind of a garage band bash. But the way they seemed to almost glide over the pavement as they walked was what gave them away. Without needing to be close to them she could sense that these three were vampires.

And across the street, disguised as a homeless man pushing a shopping cart and scouring the trash for cans to recycle she could sense an older presence. Even from her perch she could see how the discarded bits of metal seemed to find their way into the hand of the one that sought them. That was the tell right there. She was able to mark the seemingly homeless man for some kind of a Sage. A Metal Sage, perhaps? That seemed appropriate, since their chosen medium sometimes made them slow and this one moved at about that right pace.

In the distance, well above her head, she could see winged figures flying in the darkness. Humans would take no note of them, she knew. It would take eyes that humans weren’t born with to see such things, but she knew them at once to be Gargoyles who only shed their stony visage from off of buildings or as statues in a park somewhere during the light of the full moon. And they enjoyed their solitary nights of freedom, though humans would dismiss them as stray breezes.

She shook her head. It didn’t matter. But the humor in it all remained. That if they were predisposed to do so, those four characters down there – or even the winged creatures above her – could murder everyone on the street around them. Even though there were hundreds of people. Gargoyles were certainly not murderous, but a Sage or even vampires could be moved to slaughter if they felt like it. And more, they would be gone before anyone realized anything had happened. The media would, of course, simply attribute it to some kind of a random event in which people suddenly chose to drop dead in masse on the streets. And the reason for that would never be discovered by any means that humans yet possessed.

The thought struck a curious chord in her head.

She had often wondered if any of her kind was tempted to do that sort of thing. There had been times in history when she – or any other single soul – could have gotten away with mass murder and easily. No one would have been the wiser. Of course that had been in the days of castles, high lords, and when life and death were determined by plague as much as by the sword.

But no… there would be no slaughter tonight. She eyed the traffic cameras monitoring a nearby intersection. At least one of them had a good angle on both the fangs and the Sage. If they chose to do anything untoward their actions would be captured digitally. Sure, there might be some initial confusion and it could eventually be dismissed as some kind of a computer glitch. But there was also the possibility that someone would recognize it for what it really was and before anyone knew it, there would be another witch hunt.

Damn technology, she thought. It was still amazing as to how so simple a device had kept thousands of powerful people like her in check. She, nor any of her kind, was immune to technology. Hundreds of years ago, an event like a vampire slaying or a pack of ravenous werewolves was dismissed as hearsay and folklore. But in this age of digital media and everyone with a camera on their phone, extra vigilance was called for. Some had considered it a real boon for their respective peoples, but by and large she found it more irritating than anything else.

But even so, those simple cameras were enough to keep even vampires at their hungriest of times in check. Willful exposure to humans, except under very controlled circumstances, was treason by any tribe’s standards. And treason, just as it was for humans, was only ever punishable by death.

And if there was one thing that immortals hated, it was death.

She smirked at the quartet of characters as plain people simply walked by, paying them no mind. It was incredible to her, even after nine centuries, that people could be so oblivious to the dangers that were right in front of them. Passing right before their eyes but they had no idea of it.

People didn’t believe in ghosts, goblins, vampires, werewolves, witches, or wizards, and other figures of mythology anymore simply because they weren’t real. But in truth, everyone in the world had seen such creatures. They simply didn’t know it. It was enough to make her want to laugh out loud most often… but then there were times too when the joke seemed to be wearing thin.

Like tonight, ironically when she felt most powerful.

She stood up on her perch. From below, if anyone did see her, they might have thought that a woman was standing precariously on the edge of a building and about to leap to her to death. But no one reacted. No one ever did.

She was twenty stories above the ground and while there were other buildings around her that were certainly taller, she had no fear of being noticed. The nearest building where someone might have seen her was on the next block and this late at night no one could see her. Not even by the light of the full moon.

She sighed. “Well… I’m not getting any younger.” That too was a joke that she privately enjoyed. Though she looked to be no more than a woman of perhaps thirty or so, she had nearly a millennium of years upon her.

She stepped over the edge of the building.

She didn’t fall, at least not exactly. It was as if she had blinked her eyes and found herself on the iron fire escape of the building she had crouched upon one level beneath her. Her eyes darted to the fire escape of the building directly across from her, one level lower. As if the iron railings of the fire escape didn’t exist at all, she passed through them the same way smoke would have and just as weightlessly. And with another blink of the eye she was on the fire escape of the building across the way, one level lower.

Back and forth she went between the buildings, taking one level at a time until finally she arrived in the garbage laden alley floor between them. Steam rose up from the sewer grates around her and the occasional alley cat scurried at her sudden appearance from nowhere. Though she had appeared in the mouth of the alley, with normal people easily within eyeshot of her, nobody turned their head to see her. It was just as it had always been for her.

She was invisible, but only because she wanted to be. It came naturally to those like her. And it added to her longevity more than anything else.

She smirked and walked ahead, entering into the illumination of the overhead street lights. It was then that she allowed it to where people began to see her, and politely avoided her as she walked by, giving her the space that everyone within L.A. thought that they were entitled to: enough room to wiggle their elbows, but no more.

She walked passed an electronics shop and froze as she saw herself reflected in a nearby plasma screen displayed in the window. Unable to help herself she turned and faced her reflected digital twin. She saw the source of the image, a camcorder was mounted on a nearby tripod and innocently filming people as they walked by on the street. Most went by without concern, but she found it interesting in a way.

Though she had no real love for technology, it did offer some pleasant diversions. She looked upon herself in the living mirror. There stood a woman with a slender waist, but full breasts, and wrapped in a long leather trench coat. Her hair was braided in cornrows, she had chocolate colored skin, her eyes a bright and dazzling gray that even humans would have thought interesting if they knew it to be genuine. To the casual observer she could have been wearing contact lenses. L.A. was filled with people looking to stand out in one way or another after all. She simply passed for just such another soul.

All in all, she was not an unpleasing thing to look upon, she thought. And pleasing to the eye was exactly what she wanted to be tonight. She had a special appointment and composure would count for a lot.

“Looking good, Callie,” said a man’s voice from beside her.

She almost jumped at the sudden tone and barely managed to keep her abilities under control, reminding herself that a camera would have easily caught her in action if she lost control of herself. Nine centuries of practice had yielded mastery of her abilities, but sometimes it was just as natural a reaction as closing her eyes to sneeze. Immortal or not, she could still be startled. And while it wasn’t intentional exposure – and therefore forgivable by the common laws – she would still have to uproot and find a new continent to live on until everyone that had seen her in action died of old age. That added up to at least a century of being in hiding.

She turned and saw a rotund man standing beside her. He wore a long flowing brown beard and a head of hair to match. His arms were just as hirsute, but covered by a long sleeved shirt with the logo to some kind of a hiking company that she didn’t recognize. And in his mouth was a stogie that smoldered half through its life. As a whole he was the poster boy for rugged life in the mountains.

“Jesus, Carl!” she hissed at him. “I could have…!” she began, but managed to gain control of her composure. “Damn you!”

He replied with a small guffaw. “I know you better than that, Callie. You had it completely under control.”

“Don’t call me that!”

“You’ve got it down like it’s been nailed to the deck,” Carl said, blowing out a puff of smoke from his cigar.

“And you don’t, obviously!” she said, pointing at the screen through the window. Though Carl was standing within inches next to her he didn’t appear on the enhanced television screen before her. It was as if she conversed with nothing but the air around her according to the camera’s eye. She reached out and tugged on his arm, “C’mon, before someone sees!”

Carl laughed again and as though he were a stately gentleman he hook his arm through hers and put a hand on her free hand as if he were escorting her to a ball. “You know I can’t help it. It’s not my fault I was born this way.”

“If there was any justice in the world – any at all – then all of you damn Light Mages would be invisible to the rest of us too.”

He put a massive hand over his heart. “You wound me.” He dropped his hand and looked her over. “Generations of women, unable to see this?” he said, gesturing to the whole of his body. “Perish the thought. Although, I suppose you should be glad that we’re visible to the naked eye.”

“Oh, I should? And why is that?”

“Yes, you should. Just imagine… the next time you take a shower…”

“Stop right there!” she said tersely, squeezing his arm.

“Ow! Ow! Alright! I’m sorry, I take it back.” Though he spoke as much she had a feeling he wasn’t sorry at all. Light Mages did have a way of sneaking around, but they also had a tendency to get into the most trouble and only because it was impossible for them to be caught on camera doing so. She had a strong suspicion that Carl must have made a few hum-dingers in his time, though he wouldn’t admit to it.

“I notice that you’re all dolled up,” he said after they had walked a short way and seeing fit to change the subject. “Do you have a big date tonight?”

She couldn’t resist taunting him a little. “As a matter of fact I do… sort of.”

“Who is he? I’m terribly jealous.”

“No chance, Carl,” she said, squeezing his arm again.

He covered his pain with a laugh. “You’re dressed to the nines; which tells me that you’re meeting someone special. You were hiding up on a rooftop and watching the peasant folk walk by, which is something that you Wisps usually don’t do, not even on full moons. And then misting down those fire escapes is also exceptionally daring for your kind…”

She squeezed his arm again, looking about frantically for anyone who might have overheard him. “Will you please shut the fuck up?”

He continued as though he had not heard. “And there is a full moon in the sky! My keen sense of intellect tells me that you have someplace you’d like to be tonight and for a very specific reason.” He turned a suspicious eye on her. “Care to share where you’re bound for and who you’ll be meeting?”

She sighed. She had known Carl only for a century or so and off and on at that. But she knew him well enough to know that he was a curious one. And if she held back details he would only pester her until he got the answers that he wanted. And just as it was for all Light Mages, he had the ability to see right through her. So there was little point in lying. Additionally, she couldn’t help lording one small piece of information over him.

“I was going to Dynamo.”

His brow arched in surprise, the jealousy he felt was as obvious. “Dynamo?!”

She nodded.

He shook his head. “Dracula’s nuts! It’s been around for a long, long time.” His eyes twinkled as if some fond memory just passed before his eyes. “I used to visit there when it was just an opium den. Quite often in fact, now that I think of it,” he said as he blew out a reminiscent puff of smoke.

“Oh?” she asked.

“Mortal men… high on the hookahs… it was like having a hall pass. We could do anything we wanted while they were there. The humans… they saw things. Things that were unnatural… and they just attributed it to the herbs they were smoking and they left being none the wiser for what they had seen.” He squared his shoulders. “It felt kind of good. Like we could be ourselves in front of ordinary people and they just dismissed it like it was nothing at all.”

Interestingly she could understand what he meant well enough. More than once she found herself wondering what it would be like if the whole world knew that she and those like her really existed. Could they perform their abilities in broad daylight and no one would care? Would the world just carry on as if nothing had changed?

She doubted it.

Just as immortals didn’t care to taste death; mortals craved immortality beyond reason. If they should see that a vampire or a werewolf was a real thing, they would stop at nothing to possess the genetic traits that would turn a mortal man into an ageless creature. If they were to find out that there were other creatures out there – ones possessed of even greater magicks – that would only sweeten the pot and add to the bloodlust that the mortals would feel. And they would stop at nothing to try and possess such secrets for themselves.

No, it was better to let them all think that everyone like her was just something to be found in bad movies and books. Eternal life was better that way.

“Sounds like something that I would enjoy,” she said honestly. “To be able to do whatever I wanted, even knowing that humans were watching.”

“So that’s why you’re going to Dynamo, eh?”

She nodded. “So you’ve been there?”

“Many times… although not a lot in the last few years.”

She smirked. “Gee, I wonder why.”

He licked his lips nervously. “It wasn’t my fault, really.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t,” she said, her voice full with the same kind of false sympathy as his had been with false apology. She looked around and saw that they were well clear of any cameras or prying ears that might have overheard them. “Well, I’ve saved you from making a complete ass of yourself, Carl. So here is where I leave you, so goodbye for now.”

“No! No!” he pleaded. “Callie, it’s been decades since I’ve been to Dynamo! If you’re going then you obviously know someone with pull! You’ve got to get me in!”

She scoffed. “Why should I?”

“It says on the door “Members Only” and that’s the rule there! I haven’t been a member since the 50’s!”

Her voice was again laden with false sympathy. “Gee… I wonder why.”

“Callie… please!” he pleaded again.

“Forget it, Carl. You’re an ass and being an ass is probably what got you kicked out in the first place. And if you’ve been there then you should know full well that I can’t whisper into anyone’s ear to get you back in. Only the owners decide who gets kicked out and who doesn’t. And it’s up to them to change their own minds. Nobody’s going to do it for them.”

“Callie… the place has changed since I was last there. I’ve got to see how it’s changed! I want to relax a little… have a few drinks… shoot the breeze with some of my fellows…”

“Find a back alley somewhere,” she suggested. “No one will notice you.”

“I’m serious,” he countered. “The club is designated neutral ground and the guys who run it have the ability to enforce that rule. Members of warring tribes have gone into that place before now.”

“No shit, I had no idea,” she said sarcastically. “But if your intention is to sweet talk me into getting you, you’re shit out of luck, Carl.”

“But if you can get in then you still have to know someone who can let me at least have a seat at the bar… get a drink… maybe have a lap dance or two?”

“Forget it.”

“You won’t even know I’m there!”

“Every Light Mage’s motto, that is. But you’re right, I won’t even know you’re there and that’s because you won’t be there.”

“Callie…” Carl said, his voice as pleading as a child’s. “The magic that runs that place is old. Ancient, even” Carl corrected. “I ain’t ever heard of anyone ever finding out just how ancient… but it goes back a ways. Probably even well before you, sweetie.” His tone changed, becoming serious. “Are you really going to go there?”

She nodded. “Yeah… I have business there.”

“I know how you conduct your business, Callie. And it has nothing to do with going to a place like Dynamo.”

“Tonight, I’m making an exception,” she said. She allowed herself to slip back into the veil of invisibility so that ordinaries on the street could not see her. She could sense that Carl was aware of her shifting as well and his face tinged as though he was about to begin crying. “Goodnight, Carl,” she said as she blinked and vanished into a puff of smoke that the Light Mage alone could perceive.

Every time she saw Club Dynamo she was struck by its awe.

Not because it was a spectacle that people from all over the world would venture to see, but because of the kind of power it radiated with that only those of her kind were sensitive enough to perceive. With her age came certain advantages and one of them was to be able to sense the world as humans did while still retaining her ability to see through to the truth of things. Dynamo, and is surrounding structures, were such a spectacle that only immortal eyes could pierce.

To the human observer, the place was nothing special and hardly worth a second look if it at all merited a first look. And that was just how the owners liked it. But to souls like hers, it was something that people from across the world would have ventured to see.

On the outside, the place looked simple. It was a twin-story building, made of old red brick with iron bars on the front window and a balcony on the second floor fronted by iron railings where four tables sat. And sitting at them were people who appeared to be no older than their mid-twenties as they were served beer and food by white-shirted waiters and waitresses.

The lower level had two large windows on either side of the door. Both windows were painted black, to keep prying and curious eyes away. Framed in each of those windows were mirror images to advertise what Club Dynamo offered. In each window were three neon signs. One was an image of a steaming plate of food, the other a generic mug of frothing beer, and the third of musical notes. In short, the signs advertised what the club had to offer: food, drink, and song.

The mortal observer, she knew that this would not be enough to lure curious souls in. Not in L.A. when more was part of everyone’s daily appetite. And unless the advertisement snared people’s interest like a net, no one would bother about it at all. Not here.

The Carver District of L.A. was filled with a variety of clubs that offered so much more than the three basics of entertainment that Dynamo did. What the Carver District, more commonly referred to as “Sin Row”, provided was a myriad of pleasures in all of their forms. Sex, drugs, gambling, all of them could be found on Sin Row and quite easily if one knew who to ask. A simple club like Dynamo would have seemed of little importance to the eyes of others.

She smirked at the simple trick that was used to hide this place. Little did any of the human denizens realize that all three forms of the most basic of pleasures – and much more – could be found only inside Club Dynamo.

As part of its protection, the club looked as dull on the outside as if it were a school building. It was so generic looking, the building, it was if it were something that one could see exact replicas of all over town, but hardly somewhere that they would want to stop if they didn’t have to. In that, its design was flawless for her reckoning.

But as she approached she could feel the power building up inside of her as to the building’s true identity. If mortals could feel the place as she did – as anyone from her undying community could – then they might be inclined to actually stop in and have a look around. And if they could see the club for what it really was then they would forever be transformed and most likely, they would never want to leave.

Her eyes cast up to the building as she drew nearer. The effect was hard to describe, as all ancient magic usually was. The air seemed to almost boil around the building. The shimmering effect rose up by more than two stories… by much more. The effect was grand enough to hide a small hill and she could almost sense that it was just that: a hill.

She almost laughed at the power that had been employed to hide this place. Not out of humor, but out of how impressive it was. The entirety of Sin Row had been built on a hillside that they didn’t even realize existed. She could faintly make out the curve of the formation… the wild brush that still grew there… even rocks that had not been overturned for centuries before settlers had first come here. And the people who bypassed the club had no idea that they were walking directly through solid matter and that it was magic more ancient than anything on earth that protected them.

An amazing place, she thought with a contented smile as she approached the front door, feeling the power that it radiated increasing with every step that she took. It was as if the building could have been on fire and every foot she traveled closer threatened to cook her alive. Yet she remained unharmed, desire and intrigue both lent her strength to draw nearer and the promise of a thrill deep within. Nothing could stop her tonight… not when she had the full moon to lend her strength.

When she reached the door she touched the metal handle and pulled on it. To the human observer, the look of a bustling bar packed with people would have appeared before their eyes and the sounds of a live band playing on stage would have reached their ears. But to immortal sight, what presented itself was much different.

When she stepped inside, the image presented for the sake of human eyes faded away. The magic overpowered her senses and the real world as it should have appeared made its way into her eyes like a conquering army.

Everywhere she looked, the building seemed to expand as if it were made of smoke suddenly caught in a high wind. From the outside the building would have looked as if it couldn’t have been more than twenty five or thirty feet wide. But standing in the threshold of the place she saw it expand to nearly five times that size, like the interior of a warehouse, or more precisely a cavern.

The smell of cigarettes and other smokes tinted the air, as did the smell of booze, blood, and an assortment of other aromas that her nose couldn’t quite identify. Such was usually the case in a setting such as this. Immortals were subject to the power of such human distractions as tobacco and alcohol, as well as other stimulants and substances. The difference being, in most cases, no immortal could become addicted to the actual effects.

There was music that blasted against her ears. Some kind of European techno, she thought it was. She had never really cared for the sound but she knew that there would be souls within the walls who would have appreciated the noise for what it was. And to prove it she saw throngs of people, men and women, all about the club dancing to the beat. They danced on the overly large dance floor in the middle of the club, but there were still too many enthused by the music to be contained to the single surface.

Some of them danced on the structures that had been built throughout the cavernous spaces. Iron tiers, like salvaged fire escapes, had been erected across the interior of the club like skeletal buildings across a miniaturized cityscape. Some of them danced on the overhead balconies, some of them on the bar at the far side, others on tables or in the narrow spaces between them, and some she even saw with a small glint of amusement, were dancing on the rocky walls or around the stalactites on the ceiling as though gravity could not affect them at all.

Yes, mortals would definitely have been swayed in a different direction if they could see this place as it really was. She shook her head as she pushed her way through the crowd. She wasn’t interested in song or dance, not even in music or booze. Her appetites for tonight were much more basic.

Her eyes took in the sights of those that had chosen to attend tonight’s festivities. She could see wolves, vampires, one or two Gargoyles, a warlock, a triad of mages that she couldn’t identify, a whole slew of Kelpies, dark elves, and other creatures of the night. Some of them wore faces that she recognized while others were just as unknown to her as the human rabble outside.

It didn’t surprise her that she could not identify many of them. Not everyone in the immortal’s community was on friendly terms and one was just as likely to recognize an enemy as they were a friend. But the prior was more likely as immortals tended to be envious of one rival tribe or another and for whatever reasons seemed good to them.

But signs of such rivalries would not be found here she knew. Not if those that held on to such grudges wanted to keep their innards internal. It was widely known – and heavily enforced – that peace was preferred in this place. And to those who violated such a rule, the transgressors would not live long to show off their daring.

Not if the owners were watching… and even when they weren’t.

She made her way past the gatherings of people in the club. Some of them were engaged in what looked like friendly conversation while others were clearly involved in some kind of business dealings. Others simply played at light hearted pass times; cards, dice, drinking games, darts, and some even tattooed one another right in the open using means known only to those of the twilight world in which they all lived.

She paid it all no heed. Her mind was set on her own business tonight and she couldn’t wait to get to it. Dawn was still hours away but she knew that she had only until sunrise to make good on her claims. And the sooner she got to it, the better it would be.

She wound her way through the crowds of people, ignoring their dancing and their banter as they went about. Some tried to offhandedly engage her attentions but she ignored them. One or two of them, men and women both, attempted to pull her onto the dance floor but she bypassed them entirely.

The feeling of so much free magic within this place was almost as intoxicating as the drinks that were served here. Her skin tingled… her hairs stood on end… part of her felt the compelling need to dance, but not in the manner to which so many were currently engaged. It was that kind of power that had drawn her here… power that could be sampled only once every month.

Her eyes searched the club, looking for the right people that she needed to accomplish her business. She saw most of the usual L.A. denizens of the undying variety within the club. Most of which she had no real care to deal with.

She stretched out with her senses, looking for the real power here. She closed her eyes, tuning out all of the sounds and distractions. It was as if she were listening to a symphony orchestra and listening for one particular instrument as it struck one particular note. It was simply a matter of patience…

The sound of glass breaking so close to her head shattered her thoughts just as it did the vessel that had clearly flown across the narrow space near her. She opened her eyes and found the shards of glass near her feet. She noted the remnants of what looked like it had once been a beer mug with some of its contents still frothing as it seeped into the highly packed dirt floor of the cavern.

“Bastard!” screamed a loud voice.

She looked in the direction of the sound and saw where the upset in her concentration had come from. And what she saw there was both amusing and terrifying.

She saw two men, both of similar height, but each from a rival pack of werewolves. One of them wore a head of rust-colored hair while the other wore a scalp as white as a sheet of paper. Both looked to be in their thirties or forties, but such things were hard to be certain of given the deceptive nature of immortals. But both wore tattoos on their necks that branded them as members of rival packs and they sat at a table. Though the redheaded one was on his feet now and looking thoroughly upset; his aggravation did not seem to upset the rest of the party-goers around him.

Maybe I was wrong about how well everyone knew the rules of this place, she thought, thinking that maybe these two and their hot tempers were just what she needed to find the owners of this place.

“Bastard!” screamed the same voice again, which she now saw belonged to the red-headed wolf.

“Peace now,” replied the white wolf and more calmly.

“Peace?” Red retorted hotly. “We had a deal! And you back out at the first sign of trouble! I’ve seen mongrel bitches that had more gumption.”

White crossed his arms patiently. “You need to calm down, boy.”

Boy?!” Red cried, his anger rising. “I’m a hundred and seventeen years old!”

The wolf across the table shook his head and slowly got to his feet. “Let me know when you get to twelve hundred years,” White said, picking up his beer mug and drinking the last of its contents in one go. “Maybe we can do business then. Until that day, have a good eternity.”

White turned to go.

Red, looking thoroughly outraged, turned his eyes back to the empty beer mug on the table and reached out to grab it. Calypso didn’t need to be psychic to know what was about to happen next.

She took a cautious step back as Red seized the glass and wound up his pitch for the departing wolf’s back. But his arm never began its descent.

A hand reached out and grabbed the younger wolf’s arm, freezing it solid as if it were bound by iron restraints.

The pup turned to look at who had just stopped him from expressing his rage. His eyes fell on upon a youthful face, attached to a youthful body. A boy of perhaps twenty or so stood there. His hair was raven colored, his skin was fair, but the muscle that rippled underneath his shirt gave testimony to the kind of power that the youth possessed.

“Who the–?” Red began.

“I’ve never noticed you here before,” said the Raven-haired youth to the young wolf. “So let me make this clear: you broke one of my beer mugs. You’ll be expected to pay for that and I’ll be willing to let this incident slide.” His tone changed, becoming g more mature and warning-like. “But if you try to get a big hairball started in my place… your ass is going to become an appetizer.”

“Let go of me!” Red thundered, attempting to pull himself free, but his arm remained as immobile as it had a moment before.

“Not until you understand the house rules,” the youth said, his voice even more stern than it was before.

“I said—!” Red tried one last time.

The youth’s eyes flared with anger and in an effortless move he pulled the wolf off of his feet and dangled him three inches off of the floor as though he weighed nothing at all. It wasn’t an overly impressive sight, but considering the wolf was at least four inches taller than the youth… and because the boy’s skin suddenly glowed as if it were being cracked by fire within his body.

Red’s eyes widened as he suddenly realized the danger that he was in. Calypso smiled at the pup’s predicament. He realized that he had been stomping his feet too hard and that he’d just stepped on the wrong toes.

“Oh shit,” the pup said, his voice nearly as squeak.

The boy that held him smirked as the fire-like radiance of his body faded back to normal. “Good… you understand now, don’t you?”

Red said nothing, but nodded his head fervently.

“Well then… I’m going to let you down now,” the boy said judgmentally. “And if you insist on causing problems, I’ll devour you right here. Or… you can make your way out of my place and maybe make a small donation for that broken glass before you get to the door.”

Red again nodded. “Sure… anything you say.”

The boy held the wolf aloft for only a moment more; looking him over contemplatively, before gently lowering him back to the ground. Once the wolf’s feet touched the earth he slowly circled around the boy that had held him and speedily ran for the exit, reaching for his wallet in his back pocket as he went.

Calypso smiled and with a daring that most wouldn’t have hoped for she approached the boy that had just ended a dog fight before it had even begun. Peripherally she could see that some of the people – mostly women – were watching the strangely handsome youth with a clear intent. She couldn’t help but smile at herself as she came closer to him, knowing that she was entering into their fields of vision and doing what they hadn’t dared do themselves.

She clapped her hands.

The youth turned to look at her. For a brief instant their eyes met and she felt the heat of his body even from five paces away. But his look remained casual, as if he was seeing an old friend for the first time in years.

“You know,” she said when she came into arm’s length of the boy; “I never do seem to get tired of seeing that.”

“Calypso,” the boy said familiarly, crossing his arms as though he held nothing but mild disdain for her. “I’m not surprised to find you here tonight.”

“It’s good to see you too, Zeph.” She shrugged innocently. “And it’s a full moon… all the fun people are out tonight.”

The youth, Zeph, sighed. “You’re here about our business, I assume?”

She nodded her ascent.

“Very well then, follow me.”

She obeyed, very much aware of the gravity of the stares that she was attracting from other patrons as she walked off after the handsome youth. Some of those glares she knew were hateful ones… others were jealous… others were downright amazed. If there was one thing that could be said about the magical community, it was that lesser power always envied greater power. And everyone that was worth the magic in their blood knew that the boy she now trailed held an ultimate power. And if she were to literally clap her hands to get his attention… Oooh! What kind of power she must hold!

The idea made her smile mischievously.

She followed Zeph through the crowds, some of the patrons parting when they saw him coming while others gave him simple nods of familiar acknowledgement. She stayed close until they passed through the largest of the gatherings of people until they came to a bar that had been erected on the far side of the massive cavern. The bar itself was like most others, equipped with the occasional stool or chair where more than a few patrons had planted themselves for a drink.

“Pull up a stool,” Zeph said, pulling a couple of bottles from off of the shelves behind the bar and pouring a mixture of them into a glass before passing it to her. “We’ve got a few minutes at least to wait.”

She took the offered drink. “Where is he?”

Zeph knew who she was talking about. “Knowing him… he’s either completing one last business transaction before he settles for the night…”

“Or…?” she prompted.

“Or he’s getting the meeting room ready,” Zeph said, mixing his own drink and sipping from his glass generously.

She took a mouthful of her own drink. Some kind of gin and vodka by the taste of it and bland, but it didn’t much matter since the effect was the same. She had a look around the monstrous cavern that Zeph protected. “Lots of people in here tonight, I see.”

“As you so keenly observed, it’s a full moon. And that’s when all of the fun people come out,” Zeph said as he polished off his drink and poured himself a second. “Nights like these even the humees tend to notice things are wrong.”

She laughed. “I remember reading about that somewhere. They believe that when a full moon rises it does something to the chemicals in the brain that encourage strange or abnormal behavior. It’s how they derive the word lunatic.”

Zeph smirked. “No shit… I’ve never heard that one before.”

She could sense the venom of irritation in his voice, but she didn’t care. She took another mouthful of her drink. “So how’s business been since last month?”

“You would know… if you came in more than once a month.”

“Hey, it was your brother that made this arrangement. I just follow through with it is all. Besides, it’s an honest question.”

Zeph shrugged as he took another drink. “Kind of slow, really, but it usually is between full moons. Tonight… tomorrow… day after… it’ll be pretty much like it is now. And then it’ll calm down.”

She nodded. “That’s good,” she said with another drink from her glass.

“What about you? Anything fun and interesting going on in the life of the Wisps?”

She chuckled. “The usual… a few gambling debts between players… a couple of shattered relationships… nothing to write home about, really.”

Zeph looked indifferent. “Sorry to hear. But how many of those debts are yours, might I ask?”

She licked her lips at him mockingly. “I don’t owe debts… I collect them.”

“Whatever you say sweet cheeks,” he said, about to take a drink from his glass before he held as if struck by a sudden thought. He looked off into the distance, almost mindfully, as if he were looking through all of the people to someone that had called his name and that only he could hear. It was only a moment before he looked back to her, though she already knew what he was about to say. “He’s ready for us.”

She smiled and finished her drink. “I’ll follow you.”

She walked with Zeph through the many gatherings of people inside the great cavern towards the deepest parts of the overlarge space. The one area that she knew was most heavily protected was at the far end of the cave where a honey comb of smaller caves lived. Few of the caves were ever actually used, she knew, but their purpose meant nothing to her and she had never bothered to find out. But there was only one cave that was of any interest to her… or the club’s owners.

When they arrived at the far end, there were several large creatures that barred her way though they allowed Zeph to pass without any difficulties. She knew these creatures, simply referred to as “Brutes”, though they had many different parentages and names that they were known by. They stood taller than most men, wide as an ox was long. Their bottom lips were large, almost ape-like, with large tusks protruding from out of their lower jaws. Each was dressed in something that looked like a chainmail vest that made them look more than a little intimidating. It was a pair of these that moved to keep her from following Zeph any further.

The pair of them silently looked down on her, crossing their arms like bouncers in a club keeping unwanted rabble out. And neither showed any sign of wanting to let her pass so easily.

“It’s alright boys,” he said to the pair of Brutes. “She’s with me. She has an appointment with my brother and me.”

The Brutes didn’t need telling twice by one of the club’s owners and they stepped aside, allowing her to pass like bouncers would a V.I.P. She felt slightly elated for the preferential treatment as she passed them by.

They entered into a small rocky corridor beyond the watch of the Brutes and as if the tunnel were swallowing the sounds of the club behind them, the noise of song and revelry began to fade away, becoming more of a din than an actual noise.

They rounded a rocky corner, illuminated by torch light, passing out of sight.

Zeph reached out and took her hand, pulling her close to him. His mouth planted on hers with such intensity that it hurt. But not as much as when he shoved her up against the stony wall, thrusting his pelvis against hers.

She responded to his passion, feeling her tension growing within her. She had waited a month for just this kind of reaction from Zeph and now that she could finally indulge herself she felt the walls of her self-control beginning to crumble as if they were made by sand and being washed away by high tide.

She welcomed the intensity of his kiss. Her tongue slipped over his lips, exploring his mouth. She felt the heat of his body, the warmth it generated was unnatural even for an immortal. For a brief moment, even though her eyes were closed, she could see the flaring of light from within his body.

He was hot.

He was ready.

His hands snaked around to her ass, gripping it firmly through her leather pants. He squeezed it, as if he had never felt such a thing before and he hiked her leg up so that it hooked around his leg. He began to grind his pelvis suggestively against hers and she felt herself growing wet from the simple gesture.

His hands found her breasts, massaging them over her leather vest and he squeezed them almost to the point of where it hurt. She moaned softly under his touch, not wanting him to stop, but enough of her senses remained to keep herself in check.

“We can’t… not yet…” she said breathlessly, breaking their kiss.

His mouth claimed hers again, silencing her for a moment before he countered with. “Yes…. we can.”

“But… Zack,” she whispered.

“He won’t care,” Zeph replied, kissing his way over her chin and down her neck. “You know he won’t.” He slid down between her legs, kneeling before her, his hands still caressing her bosom over her clothing. His fingers began to fumble with the buttons of her vest and it took a great amount of effort to reach up and stop him.

“No, no,” she said softly.

He stopped, looking at her.

“We… we have to wait…” she said, feeling her hormones raging and the heat of her own body making her quiver. “Just for a few more minutes,” she promised.

Zeph looked crushed, but didn’t remove his fingers from the fasteners of her clothing. The look on his face confirmed for her that he had been longing for this almost as long as she had and that he was not willing to give up a few stolen moments so easily.

All she could do was stand in silence, hoping that he would see the merit of her argument without her actually needing to make it. Zeph was more impulsive than his brother, she knew and that was one of the things that attracted her to him. But there was a procedure to be followed here and one that she did not wish to forego so easily.

It was only a moment before Zeph freed the clasps and gave her breasts one final squeeze as he rose to his feet, facing her evenly. “Alright,” he softly and even a little breathlessly, “a few more minutes.”

She smiled at him and gave him one last kiss to buy more time. She took a moment to compose herself and began walking towards their final destination.

Zeph followed.

The office of Club Dynamo was more modern than she would have thought, though it was deeply rooted in the more mystical areas from whence it had come. She found it to be a unique blend of ancient and contemporary things.

The office itself was just another cave, of which there were many within this great cavern, but only this one was sealed off for the privacy required for business. Its protective measures looked positively normal, even by human standards, though her greater senses told her that powerful magic had gone into their creation to insure the kind of privacy one would want for business. But she knew that such things only appeared normal, though they were crafted by spells that she couldn’t even begin to understand.

The office itself was a thing of splendor. On the outside, it looked as if the rugged and rocky edges of a cave had been sealed up by a large pane of glass – a two-way mirror no less – that looked out over the club. This allowed the owners of the place to keep an eye on the goings on in their house while remaining unseen at the same time.

The floor inside this miniature cave-turned-office was tile, built in the same kind of old style that old Roman houses had been built in. The walls were of smooth granite. Overhead were fluorescent lights that looked as if they could have been installed by mortals, but the light that they gave off was certainly no light that any mortal had seen – let alone could understand – for hundreds of years.

In the center of the room was a small pool of water. The pool itself was no deeper than knee-height, but the basin in which it was held was smooth as porcelain. At the center of the small pool was an emblem of a dragon modeled in the Asian fashion, clutching around the world protectively… or perhaps malevolently.

The final features of the office were a single desk at the far end of the room, fronted by a pair of chairs. The desk itself was old, made of mahogany she thought, or maybe oak or even redwood and the chairs before it were made of the same material. It looked the proper part of an office, save that there was no computer… telephone… not even a paper day planer rested on surface of the desk.

Though these simple articles were all missing, the man sitting behind the desk was just as any other man of power that she had ever seen or could envision. She could sense his power even from across the room and she didn’t question that he was indeed the lord of all he surveyed.

Combined with the same power that his brother held, the pair of them felt like two large bonfires that had been put side by side. Either by itself was impressive, but the pair of them was far more powerful together than they ever could be apart. And they both knew that, she was sure.

The figure, she saw, was identical to the man who escorted her into the room. Once inside, the door that closed behind them sealed out all noise from the massive cavern beyond. The glass itself, protected by whatever magicks had been employed, didn’t vibrate in the slightest. It was as if the images beyond the mirror were nothing more than the sights of a television screen that had been muted.

She tried to contain her excitement as she crossed the large office and moved towards the desk. The figure behind the desk, his nose pointed down into a book that she couldn’t read the title of, didn’t look up to see her as she approached. She knew that he didn’t have to. He would have been aware of her since she first entered into the club. That was the kind of power that he had.

“Calypso,” said the figure as his twin moved around to stand behind him. “Good to see you again.”

She stopped between the two chairs that faced the desk and didn’t move. “Zack,” she said with a nod, acknowledging her host.

He turned a page idly from his book and she caught a glance at its pages. It was written in some language she didn’t understand, some kind of Middle Eastern text she thought it was. It was a language that she hadn’t gotten around to learning but there was something impressive in seeing Zack able to read it so easily. When he would have gotten the time would have been an interesting story, but she had no interest in learning such things.

Not tonight.

“So,” Zack said, not looking up from his book, “here we are again.”

“Did you expect less?”

He softly chuckled. “I wasn’t sure we would see you again after last time.”

She shrugged it off. “Price of doing business, I guess.”

“I must confess,” Zack said idly, “I was afraid that we had damaged you too badly. A most unfortunate thing, that.”

“I healed.”

“The advantage of being a Wisp, I suppose,” Zack said, his eyes still tracking the words written in his book. “So, since you are here… I assumed that you would like to resume our dealings?”

She gave a single nod.

“Are you certain, my dear? It’s a hefty price.”

“I am,” she replied simply. “I wouldn’t have come here if I wasn’t sure.”

Zack took a deep sigh and closed his book, putting it on the flat of his desk and finally looking up at her. “I find that very reassuring… and I can tell that you’re not lying.” He paused, looking her over for the first time, and it seemed that he was pleased with what he saw. “It’s dangerous, you know.”

She nodded. “I know… but I find that it’s well worth it.”

Zack smiled and looked to his brother. “Hear that? She says it’s well worth it.”

Zeph lightly chuckled. “No accounting for taste, really.”

“That’s true,” Zack said with a nod before he looked back to her. She could feel the pressure that his gaze put upon her as easily as she could feel her excitement boiling up inside of her. This was business, and certainly it was better than any other business she had ever conducted in the whole of her life: all nine centuries of it.

“Very well then,” Zack said, getting to his feet. “If you’re ready?”

“I am,” she said, her excitement rising. She was ready. She had been since the day after she had healed the last time. And though she had really only done this once before, she found it as addictive as any substance that the mortals could procure. But the kind of ecstasy that this provided was unique to the three of them alone.

Zack looked to his twin. “Shall we then, brother?”

Wordlessly Zeph smirked and rounded the desk towards her. His body began to glow with the same kind of fire that she had seen him use to subdue the wolf less than a quarter hour before. But this fire was different, more intense. It was white, shining through the cracks in his skin as if he were kindling breaking apart by flames. His eyes turned an unearthly white, his hair too began to glow with the same brilliance, and though there was no heat emanating from him the fire was somehow still incredibly intense.

So intense that the shirt, trousers, and shoes that he wore flaked and began to disintegrate as if being burned from off of his very body and the ashes scattered like leaves. It was a wonder to behold, being both amazing and somewhat terrifying to be this close to.

But she had learned not to fear it. Rather, she had learned to yearn for it. That white fire was just the kind of power that Zeph and his twin commanded.

She expected nothing less from dragons.

Zeph’s body cooled, returning back to its normal appearance as the last of his clothing was scorched from off of his body, leaving him as pleasingly naked as any man should have appeared. As she had surmised, his muscles were pleasantly formed and rounded and she took in the sight of his dick, already hard and ready for her. She felt herself swelling to match his erection.

He took her in his arms just as Zack’s body also began to glow with the same radiant light, his clothes also turning to ash as he approached them.

Her attentions became divided as Zeph half-lunged at her. Zeph once again put his mouth on hers and she once again felt herself becoming a slave to his passion. His tongue pierced the veil of her lips and her tongue in turn twisted like mad with his inside her mouth. She could taste him… feel him… and not just his power. She could feel him as though he were truly a man and somehow, that made him – made them both – more appealing than either of them would have been in their truest forms. And it was that kind of power that allowed them to have a home, a haven, such as Dynamo where all knew better than to cross their hosts.

This time, she didn’t try to fight him. She was Zeph’s slave, as well as Zack’s. Calypso had never encountered power such as this in the whole of her life. And to be wrapped up in it… surrounded by it… to be literally caressed by it was like nothing that immortal experience could have ever prepared her for.

Zeph’s hands, still unnaturally warm, slipped inside her coat at the shoulders and insistently pushed the garment from off her shoulders. It fell to the floor and though she knew she should have felt a chill in the air, a normal thing for the interior of caves, all she felt was heat. Whether it was her own body or the heat generated by the two brothers, she could not tell.

She felt a second pair of hands on her shoulders. Zack’s. His hands slowly traced their way down the bare skin of her biceps before circling her body, clasping around her breasts, gently fondling them through her vest. She felt his lips on the back of her neck as his hands moved, sending small shivers down her spine. His fingers gently groped their way forward, finding the buttons of her vest.

One by one the small brass fittings were undone and the warm air generated by the brothers began to draw small bits of sweat from her skin as it was exposed inch by inch. It was only a short while before her breasts were freed.

Zeph cupped her left breast. Zack cupped the right.

In this she could sense the difference between the brothers. Zeph’s grip upon her was intense and strong. Zack’s grip was gentle and tender. Zeph’s fingers lightly pinched at her darkened nipple. Zack’s fingers lightly traced at the edge of her areola. To be touched in so powerful a way and by two separate pairs of hands felt better than any other magic that she had ever experienced in her immortal existence.

She arched her head back, breaking her kiss with Zeph under the sensation of the hands of both men on her body.

Zeph dropped back down to his knees, taking his claimed breast into his mouth. She felt the change within him again. His teeth, becoming almost razor like in a human-shaped mouth lightly teased at her skin, eliciting a small gasp from her. The tips of his teeth teased her skin and she felt certain that for only a moment his incisors gently scratched her skin, drawing a nearly indiscernible amount of blood from her. The feeling was both painful and exhilarating.

Zack capitalized on the absence of his brother from her mouth. With his free hand he took her chin and turned her to face him. He kissed her, his passion was no less than his brothers’, though she noted it wasn’t as aggressive. Somehow, that was appealing as well.

Zack’s lips were moist and warm. His lips played at hers once… twice… three times before he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Unlike his brother, Zack used his tongue gently, massaging her tongue inside and out and even drawing it from her mouth so that their tongues danced in the small space of air between them.


Zack helped her to shirk her vest and that too fell to the floor, joining her discarded trench coat. With more of her skin suddenly bare, Zeph’s mouth claimed her other breast, his teeth teasing at her nipple there as well. Zack’s hands lightly traced the flanks of her arms, making her spread them like a bird about to take flight as she stretched them out. And with a gentle touch, their mouths still joined, Zeph caused her to lightly fold her arms until her palms rested on the back of his head, holding their kiss together.

Zeph, more intent on the deeper pleasures, used his hands to unfasten her trousers. She felt claw-like nails form on the tips of his fingers as they slipped inside her leather pants and the hem of the simple thong that she had worn just for tonight. In a single move, Zeph stripped her of her pants and underwear, pausing only long enough to also help her from out of her shoes.

Free of her garb and as naked as both of her lovers, she felt elated… even liberated. Nine centuries of life had led her to sample the delights of the flesh offered by one immortal being or another. She had even sampled sex with humans, with men and even a few women. And while such encounters had been tender and intimate… something had been lacking in such things. But with these twins, she had found a magnitude of power that she had never known existed in the world. And it had felt as if she had finally felt the reason for her birth and while nine centuries had been a long time to wait, it had been more than well worth it.

Zeph’s claw-like hands retracted back into human digits and she felt him pry her legs apart gently. Within seconds she felt his tongue, longer than any human’s, slip inside of her. The power that it generated turned her legs as wobbly as wet grass and she nearly gave under her own weight.

She was saved, first by Zack as he encircled her in his arms at the waist and then again by Zeph as he hiked her unsteady legs over his shoulders, though he remained on his knees. Stabilized, Zack’s hands found her breasts, massaging them while their kiss endured. And Zeph, mumbling almost hungrily as his mouth devoured her pussy, yet did no harm.

She felt like clay suddenly given over to the hands of a potter. She wished the two brothers would make her into anything they wanted. With their hands she knew that they could do precisely that. With the fire they possessed, they could burn hotter than any kiln in the world and make her harder than any pot that had ever been crafted by any immortal race. And once formed she knew that they could fill her with anything they wanted, as long as they did it together.

“Come,” Zack said, breaking their kiss and pulling her away from his brother’s warm mouth. She had thought that Zeph might protest this interruption of his passion, but he said nothing. He simply followed, allowing her feet to find the floor once again.

Zack brought her to the pool in the center of the room and the three of them wadded into its center. The water was cool to the touch at first, but with both brothers suddenly immersed in the shallow waters, small wisps of steam began to rise from the surface. The water would not heat to dangerous levels, she knew, not if the brothers didn’t want it to. But it did make her feel more comfortable, and oddly, it made her feel at home… somehow it made her feel safe.

Zack slipped into the water, sitting down and reclining with his arms outstretched around the rim of the pool as if he were enjoying a Jacuzzi. A smile formed on his lips and she knew what it was that he wanted.

She grew a smile to match as she got on her hands and knees. Bent over, she took a deep breath and plunged her face into the warm waters and took Zack’s cock into her mouth.

As she did so, she felt Zeph curl up behind her. His hands rested on her hips and again he spread her legs as he eagerly put his cock inside of her.


It was so strange a feeling. To have one cock in her mouth and another in her pussy at once! It was a hard feeling to describe. The feeling of holding her breath under shallow water somehow seemed to add to the euphoria of it all. As she bobbed up and down on Zack’s cock she felt Zeph rhythmically pulling in and out of her and she lost all sense of how long she had been holding her breath at all.

When her lungs could no longer stand it, feeling as if they were burning with a heat that had nothing to do with dragon’s fire, she surfaced, gasping for air and moaning at the same time. She was afforded only a few seconds to take in a lungful of air before she felt Zeph’s hand on the back of her head, forcing her back under the water and onto his brother’s dick.

She savored the feeling. To be subject to the will of both brothers should have been an enormous pressure on her, yet she did not feel its weight in the slightest of ways. If anything, she felt more powerful. There were few that knew much – if anything at all – about dragons. But there was one thing that many could agree upon: they didn’t pick their lovers easily. More than that most did not know if a dragon’s lever ever really survived. None had ever told the tale, and she would not be the first to do so. Part of her bargain with Zack and Zeph was to maintain the highest level of discretion. And they would know if she went back on her word.

More flattering than that, she knew that those that they did couple with were usually beings of extraordinary power.

She almost wanted to laugh. She, as a Wisp, held no extraordinary magical abilities. But that these two men had chosen to take her in this way… it made her feel special… unique. Perhaps she was. Of the countless beings of magic across the world they could have had anyone, yet they had chosen her. There was something significant in that for her.

She surfaced again for a second breath of air, the water running off of her face and from her soaked hair in thin streams. She took two large breaths before she was put back under the water, this time by Zack’s hand who looked thoroughly pleased by the ministrations offered by her mouth.

She was not without her pleasure either, feeling Zeph moving in and out of her. He spread her legs a little wider, more of her body was immersed in the warm water, and he plunged deeper within her. His cock too was grander than any human male she had ever sampled. And the depths to which he thrust almost robbed her of her breath prematurely.

She maintained her task until her lungs could endure it no longer and she surfaced, gasping for air. Before she could be dunked under the surface once again, she lunged forward splashing Zack’s face with water. There was something appealing in seeing him wet this way… a feature that she was somehow only able to attribute to him and not his brother.

She began to kiss his belly and licked her way up his torso. Zack’s muscles were equal to his brothers in shape, size, and pleasantness, but there was something tamer about them. While Zeph reveled in his strength, Zack was more reserved… almost demure. The pair of them was as opposite as landslides and glaciers: one was calm and patient while the other was intense and quick to act.

She licked her way over Zack’s pectorals, her tongue circling his nipples before she worked her way to his neck, his chin, and she slipped her tongue within his mouth. He responded, his hands finding her hips and hoisting her up until she straddled him. With her free hand she guided his cock inside of her and just as he had been before, he was gentle with her. His movements were slow, deliberate, he took his time and squeezed every last exquisite ounce of pleasure he could both from her and into her.

She began to moan, still feeling the pressure of holding her breath swirling within her head. Zack’s hands grasped her hips, controlling the power and rhythm of her thrusts within him. He liked it slow… and there was something appealing in that as well.

The splashing of water behind her drew her attention, however briefly. She saw Zeph rising to his feet, circling her and his brother to stand beside them to her right. Water fell from off his body, for only a short time. His body quickly began to heat the water, vaporizing it from off of his skin so that thin strings of steam rose from off of his skin as if he had just emerged from a heated bath.

She almost laughed as she thought, God he’s hot!

Zeph stood close beside her and while she rode his brother, she took Zeph’s cock into her mouth. She pumped him with her free hand and with the alternate she grasped Zack’s hair between her fingers and almost harshly pulled him forward, burying his face between her breasts.

He responded to her action, circling her with his arms and suckling at her teats while her mouth pleased his brother. Zeph reclined his head, almost as if he were staring at the ceiling and a pleased moan left his lips. Zack’s teeth sharpened and she again felt their sharpened edges teasing at her skin and she knew for certain that Zack’s mouth had drawn some blood.

But the teasing of his edge didn’t stop there. She felt Zack’s hands on the small of her back, his fingernails extending to talons. His claws dug at her skin, threatening to tear into her flesh, but his gentler nature endured. His nails only teased her flesh, enough to scratch but not so deep as to make her bleed uncontrollably.

Somehow the gentleness of Zack’s fingers balanced the gruffness with which Zeph moved within her mouth. Zeph’s hands reached and clasped the sides of her head, his fingers teasing at the cornrows of her hair as he almost forced her to suck him harder and faster.

Zack began to buck underneath her, his hands, cock, and mouth electrifying her back, breasts, and pussy. Zeph’s hands and cock also worked their magic, taunting her mouth and somehow managing to make her feel loopier than she had felt under water.

Zack worked from below, his power rising upward through her while Zeph worked from above, his power almost driving deeper within her. It was as if her body was a castle, being besieged from both sides and only her center remained unconquered. But her defenses were quickly weakening… becoming thin… like a sandcastle that could not stand against a rising tide.

“Oh, god,” she murmured, retracting from off of Zeph’s cock to take a deep breath. She dived back into the oral pleasure as soon as she had taken her next breath.

She could feel Zack’s tension growing within her. She could also feel it in Zeph’s body as well. The brothers were inexplicably linked, she knew that much. What one felt, so did the other. And as if their bodies were connected by invisible strings, what affected one also affected the other.

That was part of the reason she was here.

She knew that the two men were nearing their peaks. Their bodies again began to glow with their white light… their skin almost looked as if it could begin to break and blister… maybe even explode. The light was as gentle as the glow of a candle at first, but its intensity began to expand.

She felt the water around her legs and waist beginning to bubble, almost as if it were effervescing. It did not hurt, not yet. As a Wisp she had a greater tolerance for pain and could endure more than any human, but even immortals had their limits. And there was a reason why no one was ever able to withstand dragon’s fire.

She steeled herself, willing her body to endure the pain that she knew was sure to come. The ultimate expression of this kind of passion was closing in on her and she wanted to feel it again. She wanted not only to be swept away by it, but wrapped up by it, lost in it, to be so overcome with it as if buried by an avalanche.

The heat on her skin began to rise. She endured it, keeping Zack’s face between her breasts and Zeph’s cock within her mouth. She continued to milk them both as best as she was able, a velvet purse and a tender tongue that was meant only to please the pair of them. She wanted nothing more… not now… maybe not ever.

The light of their bodies grew, becoming more and more intense so that she had to close her eyes to shield them from the light. But it didn’t matter too much that she did. Even Zeph’s cock radiated with such intensity that the light of it shot up through the roof of her mouth and into her very eyes. The effect was blinding, but she willed herself to endure. The pain of her effort was close… so close that she could feel it.

The bodies of both men began to thrum… vibrate… and the sensation was incredible. Mortal women had spoken of their vibrator toys and how well they substituted for men. She felt no remorse at hoping that mortal women never sampled a delight such as this, as she wanted it all to herself as the vibrations rocked her body both inside and out.

The feeling traversed both through her pussy and through her mouth. And just as she had thought before, the powers of both men were driving towards her center, overcoming her inch by inch.

She counted the heartbeats as they went by.

Eight… twelve… sixteen… twenty-two… thirty-four…

It happened.

The sudden eruption that swirled through her as if she were caught in a firestorm of magma, blended with the sweeping tide of a typhoon. The resulting feeling was not as she had experienced with mortal men when they came inside of her. It was different… better.

It was fire… but also liquid, as if he had plunged headlong into the sun and swam in rivers of fire. The light was more intense, more blinding than before as it spread over her. It filled her every pore, caressed every square inch of her body, turned her over as if she had just been put onto a spit and cooked alive.

The feeling lasted only a few seconds, but her mind raced to savor every last ounce of it. The pain… the pleasure… the sensation that remained… as if she had been sunburned in an instant and that instant had passed almost as soon as it had come.

She blinked, her eyes opening, slowly. Her vision was blurred. She knew that that was going to happen, just as it had before. The fresh air stung her eyes as if the room had been pumped with sulfur fumes. The water in which she had been immersed suddenly felt cool… almost as if it had been ice. She shut her eyes again and submerged her whole body into the shallow pool.

The water was refreshing, kissing the burning of her skin and extinguishing it the same way water was meant to quench fire. She allowed the feeling of being drenched to last only a moment before she surfaced.

She opened her eyes again, her vision cleared.

Zack was no longer beneath her. Zeph too was gone. They had disappeared as if they had never actually been there. And she waited in the small pool only a moment longer, looking about and trying to find her two lovers as her vision cleared.

Then she saw it.

Behind her, at the edge of the pool, there was an orb sitting idly at the very edge of the water. It was large, the orb, the size of a man. It shimmered like a miniature sun, yet it gleamed as if it was coated in something that was a cross between mother of pearl and liquid fire.

The orb held its shape only a moment before it began to retreat in upon itself, shrinking, becoming smaller. She tried to force her vision to return, wanting to see this marvel with perfect clarity, but her eyes simply would not comply. All she saw was the fiery shape slowly changing, becoming humanlike.

The form swirled like liquid, giving way to the form of arms… legs… a torso… and finally a head. More features followed, her vision adjusting almost perfectly to the timing of the figure that emerged before her. A face began to form; eyes, ears, a nose, powerful biceps, pectorals, a belly that she could have ironed shirts on, a pleasant cock emerged, and powerful legs and strong feet were the last to form.

Her eyes finally returned to their normal abilities just as the figure before seemed to cool… becoming flesh again.

Before her stood an idol of perfection.

The man stood up, stretching a perfectly formed muscular back. Bones and tendons stretched and snapped as if this man had just woken from a pleasant sleep. His muscles were full and powerful, even more so than either Zack or Zeph. For a brief moment, his skin rippled like the surface of the water she was in, then became solid. She could see within him, a fire that glowed there, as red as blood but cool and controlled.

It worked, she thought, feeling some small sense of relief.

The new figure sighed before he looked over his shoulder at her. She saw a new face on this man; new, but one that she had seen before. It wasn’t quite Zack or Zeph, but a delightful combination of the two, inside if not out. Many of the same features remained. The shape of the face… the color of the eyes and hair… certainly the physique was more pleasant though she had never been disappointed with it before. And he turned to face her, his body steaming.

“Calypso,” he said with a familiar nod.

She smiled at him, acknowledging the combination of her two lovers. “Zeke,” she said, addressing this new form by the same name he’d had when she’d first met him.

Zeke looked at his hands, stretching them out experimentally before lowering his arms to his sides. “I see that my two halves called you in again to help with my… our resurgence.”

She smiled. “I’m always happy to help,” she said, sitting on the edge of the pool.

His eyes looked her naked form over and though she could see his interest in her, she knew that he would not act on it. This new form had a limited amount of power and for her to drain it sexually would not be a wise thing. This was how it was for Zack and Zeph. It took a certain amount energy to bond them and through whatever devices they could divine, they had found that she could provide it for them. Enough energy to help them join once again… to become what they had always been for centuries: an alpha.

They had become one: a master of all things around them, both that they had created and that which they had only merely incorporated. In either event they were the center of the empire that they had built.

“You’re injured,” he said, pointing out the small love bites on her breasts and a few scratches on her belly that she had not noticed before.

“I’ll heal,” she said dismissively. “I have until the next full moon when you’ll need my help again.”

He smirked. “You truly are a wonderful creature, Calypso.” He tilted his head sideways, almost curiously. “I share the memories of both of my halves… they’re equally pleased with you.”

“As I am with them,” she said honestly.

He licked his lips, almost hungrily. “You know… my energies are spent for now… but I see no reason why we cannot enjoy one another’s company for a while longer.”

She lifted her head hopefully. “Oh?”

He gave a small nod. “You know that I cannot join with you again… my energy would be spent too soon were that the case and I will again revert to being Zack and Zeph soon enough. But, there is one thing that I would like to ask of you, if it would be agreeable?”

She felt her blood stirring, partly from desire but also from curiosity. “Anything.”

Zeke stepped back into the water, the fluid hissing as he did so until he was immersed in it up to his knees. He crossed to her and sat in the pool, the water hissing more and more as he reclined next to her, much the same way Zack had done only a short time before.

“Will you lay here with me?”

She felt a girlish smile forming on her face, a thing that she did not easily give in to. “Really?”

He nodded. “I can sense both Zack and Zeph’s feelings. They enjoy your company and both of them lament that they cannot enjoy your company in so simple and quiet a way. Perhaps… we can give that to them memories to latch onto when next I am… divided?”

She thought it over.

Sometime in the future, it could be a week from now or maybe it would be twenty days later, however long it took for Zeke to expend his power. But sooner or later, Zeke would split and once more become Zack and Zeph. That was the nature of dragons that had been born as twins. The strings that connected them were more powerful in ways that no other member of the magical community could ever understand. Even she didn’t understand it, but she knew that it was a thing that had to be done. And that she could witness it for herself was an honor that she had never hoped for.

And somehow, lying with the end product of the union of the two brothers seemed appropriate. It was her sacrifice as much as her pleasure that allowed the two to become one and maintain their empire. She lost nothing from it, and the brothers gained much – perhaps even everything. It was no great sacrifice to do as Zeke asked.

She smiled and slid into the waters beside him.

She nestled herself in the crux of his arm, curling one leg over his and resting her head on his muscular chest. His skin felt rough, not as if it was leather but more as if it was scaly. He encircled her with one arm and gently stroked her skin.

She sighed and closed her eyes, suddenly feeling sleepy.

Only thirty more days to wait for the next full moon, she thought.

Without realizing it, she drifted off to sleep.

The End




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