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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2) by Kyanna Skye (5)

Chapter 5

When Erika fled London, she only took a single overnight bag with her. She had maybe five changes of clothes with her, and only one dress among those. It was a shame. She had left behind many nice things in her flat, but as she reminded herself, none of those things were irreplaceable. Since she had been in LA she had gone shopping a few times, finding herself new pieces she felt she needed. Instead of looking at what she already had, she decided to go buy a new dress for her date.

She wasn’t sure why it was so important to her but she actually was looking forward to their evening. This time she would watch her date more carefully. He might be a danger to her, but now she knew a little better what she was dealing with, she would handle herself and him differently.

It had been a while since she had seen any of Pascale’s people. Emery included. He’d told her that last time she saw him that she only had one more chance to make things right. One more heist sounded easy enough. But these days she was on her own without any help. That was part of the problem. Either she had to work it by herself or find her own team. He didn’t expect her to succeed. No one did. He probably hoped that she would fail: either she would get caught by the police or she would come crawling back, asking to be part of his crew again. He underestimated how much she wanted to be free of him.

“This is foolish,” Emery had said. “You’ve never been caught yet and you’re putting yourself in danger now,” he said. “You think they’ll want you back if you make the slightest misstep while you’re on your own? Pascale only agreed to this because he wants to see you fall flat on your face. You’ll become the story we tell the young recruits when they mess up. No one wants to be the cautionary tale.”

“I don’t want to be the person who stays in the business and gets caught when I should have stopped years ago. And I could have already stopped if he would have allowed it. I know you think it’s crazy but this is my life and my choice. Not everyone can stay in the business forever like you have, Em.”

He smiled then, his expression softened. “Is that your way of telling me I am an old man, dear heart?”

Erika had just shook her head. “It means maybe I don’t have your sense of ego, thinking I’ll always have good fortune. It means at some point I stopped making decisions and you made them for me. And that was okay when I was just a hardheaded kid without her mother. At some point, I have to make my own way---do something other than this.”

“I don’t trust this,” Emery said. “I know you want it but…”

“I’m going to try,” she told him. “I know the consequences if I fail.”

After that, they never spoke of it again. He left and didn’t come back. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t somewhere watching, or that Pascale wasn’t making sure her every movement was scrutinized. She hoped if she was being tailed it was by Emery because she knew he wouldn’t want to hurt her. Anyone that didn’t know her wouldn’t hesitate to carry out an order to kill her.

The handsome, blond man she was meeting for dinner was an enigma but she knew he wasn’t one of Pascale’s men. Maybe, when you had enemies that bad, even a sketchy friend was better than none at all.

* * *

Alec chose to meet at a small Mexican restaurant near Marina Del Rey. He was at the bar finishing his first drink when Erika arrived. She was right on time. He saw her silhouette as she walked through the door. Her dark hair skimmed her shoulders, and the red dress she wore hugged every curve. She walked up to him, said hello, and took a couple of steps back from him.

“Hi,” Alec said. “You look lovely.” He stood up. “Let’s go get a booth.”

Once the server came and took their order for drinks, Erika crossed her arms and sat back in her seat.

“I’m not sure I can trust you,” she said.

Alec smiled. “Well, you probably shouldn’t. I mean, what are the odds that I’m not trustworthy? That said, I’m not a serial killer. I don’t think you’d want to try this again if I were. I behaved pretty well last night, didn’t I?”

The server appeared with drinks and a bowl of chips. He didn’t even ask if they needed more time; having heard Alec’s comment he just smiled and offered to come back in a few minutes.

Erika smiled. “Were you? I usually hold my liquor just fine. I almost wondered if you slipped me something.”

Alec’s face was motionless as stone, but his eyes sparkled. “I’m wondering why you would take my offer to come out tonight then.”

“Curiosity,” she replied. “I’m wondering which of my enemies sent you. Or if you’re just a garden-variety whacko.”

“Whacko? Not so much. I admit to my fair share of issues because it would mean I had some really glaring problems if I didn’t. I’m not a garden variety anything. And as far as enemies? I can’t imagine why a woman like you would have any.”

“Uh huh,” she said.

“What? Don't you believe me? I don’t bite honey unless that’s your thing,” he said. She was trying hard not to show it, but he caught the tug of a smile at the edge of her lips.

Once their drinks were served, she took a sip of hers before answering. “I think we should start again.”

“How so?” Alec asked.

“For whatever reason, I ended up telling you a lot of information I wouldn’t usually share. While you told me a lot of bull. You’re not an accountant. You’ve got some history you weren’t willing to share. Since I was so honest, I think I’m owed the same.”

“What do you want to know?”

“What do you do for a living?”

Alec paused. “I’m a private investigator of sorts,” he answered. “Someone hired me to find you.”


“No, your brother.”

Erika took a long gulp of her drink.

“Why’s he looking for me?”

“He wants to know you,” Alec said. “He didn’t know about you until after your…. I’m assuming you know your Mother passed away?” Alec said softly.

“I do,” Erika said. “I saw her for the last time a month before she died. I knew about my brother, but I’m surprised he wants to know about me.”


“We didn’t grow up together,” Erika shrugged. “He grew up with our Dad and our parents didn’t get along. I suppose mother’s death might have made him question a lot of things. How much did you tell him about me?”

“I haven’t told him that I found you yet.”


“Because he’s a personal friend, and the one thing that was clear to me after last night is you’re in some kind of trouble or have been. I didn’t want to tell him about you until I figured out what was going on.”

“Your interest is professional then?”

“Not purely, no,” Alec said. “Is yours?”

“I’m not a pickpocket,” she replied. “I haven’t done that in a long time.”

“Wouldn’t accuse you of it,” he said. “But you were casing the gallery last night.”

She smiled, and a faint blush brightened her cheeks. “Not like I didn’t overshare last night. But you say that like someone else who knows the business.”

“I haven’t always had a straight job,” he replied.

They ordered their food, which gave Erika a chance to pause before asking her next question.

“So again what was your job?” She asked. “Were you in the military?”

“Something like that,” he conceded.

“I see. Black ops.”

“Well you know the deal with that, right? You can theorize all you want but I can’t confirm or deny anything.”

“Sure. I may have come across a couple of people from that background. You’d be surprised how many people end up working in the same profession as I do, and how many of them come from either army or former law enforcement.”

“Law enforcement?”

She nodded slowly.

“I was under the impression they, uh, wouldn’t trust people of that sort.”

“Please. They don’t trust anybody. There are ways they test people.

“How so?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know? You seem way too intrigued for your own good.”

“Funny you say that,” Alec replied. “Because I already know I am.”

Erika laughed but quickly sobered. “Thank you for not telling my brother about me just yet. I’m curious about him too but I’m not ready to meet him just yet. Not until I get some things taken care of in my personal life. I don’t want to bring him into my mess right now. But I have always wondered about him. Is he okay?”

“That was the same question he asked about you. He’s doing well for himself. No kids yet, not married. He hasn’t made you Aunt Erika yet.”

“Good to know,” she said. “Not sure about being Aunt Erika yet anyway.”

“It would be good if you’re not that aunt in jail,” he teased.

“I know, right?” she said.

The waiter returned with their food, and for a few moments they nibbled and didn’t talk. Erika was the first to break the silence.

“Other than locating me for my brother,” she said. “What exactly are you doing here?”

“I’d like to know you.”

She sat back. It was a simple answer, but not the one she expected.


“I don’t know.”

“Yes you do,” she pressed.

“Alright. I’ll tell you then. You’re a beautiful woman, and from what I can see, smart as hell. There’s no way you pull off museum heists without getting caught otherwise. I’m curious as to why you’d stay in this profession. But you keep hinting at some sort of problem or danger.”

“It bothers you?” she asked.

Alec paused before answering. “It shouldn’t?”

“People don’t tend to care. I’d have expected you to collect your check from my brother and be on your way.”

“Is that what you want?” Alec asked.

She picked up her glass, swirling the last of her drink around. “No.”

“Alright. I’m glad that’s settled.”

“I’d hope you wouldn’t tell anyone about my, uh, activities,” she said.

“I enjoy keeping secrets, Erika. I’m actually pretty good at it.”


“How could I have worked my former job if I weren’t?”

“No, not that. Just surprising, is all. What reason would you have to do that for me?”

“I don’t need a particular reason,” Alec said. “Other than if I don’t you’ll probably pull your gun on me again.”

“That was pretty rough, wasn’t it?” she grinned.

Alec shrugged. “You had your reasons.”

* * *

Alec felt oddly comfortable around Erika, even though he knew she was someone to be handled carefully. After dinner, they had desert and coffee. They talked about art and movies, music and places where they had been. Both were well traveled, though he had the feeling she probably had enjoyed her trips abroad more than he had. When they were done he walked her back to her car. It was dark by then. It was a warm night, and they stood staring at each other. It was time to make a move or part ways.

“I hate to see the night come to an end,” Alec said, reaching for her hand.

“Does it?” she asked. “I hardly think you want to see my apartment again. After that happened there, a change of scenery might be good.”

He was about to say something when she took a step forward. “I’d understand you probably don’t want to invite the girl who breaks into things over to your place,” she whispered. “But a nice hotel…”

Alec grinned. “Yeah. I know just the place.”

* * *

“Either you’re really trying to impress me or you have expensive tastes,” Erika said. “Because this place is lovely.”

It was twenty minutes later, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed in the suite he had secured for them for the night. She kicked off her heels.

“Both,” he replied. “Might as well enjoy the night.”

He was standing in front of the windows. The view looked out over the marina and the sea, the city lights which glowed below. He closed the blinds and turned to smile at her.

Alec took off his jacket, tossed it and his tie onto the couch on the opposite side of the room. Erika got up, crossing the space between them. She stopped when she was only inches away, close enough that she could feel his body heat without even touching him.

“I’m going to regret this,” she said.

“No you won’t,” Alec replied and drew her into his arms.

Erika caressed the back of his neck, drawing his face down to hers. The kiss was rushed, clumsy at first, but then they melted into each other. His hands moved down her back, and he gently rubbed her derriere. When they parted she giggled, taking a step back from him.

Alec was the one to move forward this time. He opened his shirt, and she couldn’t help but run her hands across his pecs and down to his abs. He pulled the shirt off, and she leaned forward to kiss his chest. He pressed his palm against the back of her neck and brought his mouth to hers again. She sighed as his lips made a slow, hot trail down her neck, the tip of his tongue teasing her skin. His hands went to the back of her dress, and she felt the air touch her skin as he unzipped it. She stepped back, and let the dress drop to the floor.

He got rid of the rest of his clothes while she discarded of her bra and panties. They stood there for a moment, naked, letting their hands search each other. Alec moved Erika towards the bed. He sat down and drew her onto his lap so that she was straddling him.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

“Not bad yourself, handsome,” she said, caressing his cheek.

They kissed again, and she let her hands roam his back. It was then that she felt the scars.

Erika leaned into him. He stopped kissing her for a moment as her fingertips traced the scars like a person reading braille. The marks were straight, and they crisscrossed each other. It was no surprise that a man like him would have scars, but it was the multitude of them which shocked her. At some point, Alec had been tortured. The scoring from a whip had left permanent marks on his skin. From what she could tell it had been done for a long time. Some of the scars had half healed when new injuries were caused, making the cracks as numerous as fissures along an interstate. Some of the cracks had little peaks to them. Punctures.

He looked at her with a question in his hazel eyes. She saw the vulnerability in them. “Can I see?” she asked, barely above a whisper.

Alec nodded. She sat down on the bed. He turned his back towards her. She could have imagined it, but she felt a shiver move through his flesh when she touched him. Leaning over, she kissed his skin, pressing her lips against each hard edge. Her hands went to his pecs as she did. He lowered his head. His eyes were closed. Erika took her time, enjoying how she touched him. She sighed every now and again, the low hum working magic against his flesh.

When he turned around to finally stop her, he didn’t speak but pressed her body against the bed. “Baby,” he whispered. He kissed her neck, while his hand gently cupped her breast. She felt his heat, the heaviness of him hovering above her even though only his lips and fingertips touched her skin. She wanted to feel the rest of him, embrace his full body, but he was teasing her. Close enough to feel his breath, she found herself breathing in time with him.

He kissed her areolas, one and then the other, trailing the tip of his tongue along her nipple. She ran her hands through his cool, silky hair, and he looked up at her. His eyes lit upon her with a wicked grin. He sunk his thumbs into the soft flesh of her hips. She moved, just a little twitch. The last thing she wanted was for him to know she was ticklish. Biting her lip, a small sound escaped her throat, and Alec made a low, knowing laugh against her ear.

The next thing she felt was his fingertips between her legs, stroking the most delicate spot of her skin. His touch started off gentle and slow and then increased with pleasure. She laid her hands on his shoulders, sinking her nails into his skin. He moved, lower, lips trailing to her belly button. Lower still, and she almost cried out from the pleasant shock of his cool tongue.

Erika had held back before, but she moaned, a long low animal growl from deep inside her chest. Her eyes grew blurry. When the first shiver caught hold, he moved. Entering her with one long stroke, he moved against her. She followed his rhythm. It was so good just to feel him… his skin against hers, his scent, and his body inside her. She closed her eyes.

Shivers moved slowly through her, at first, just a twinge, a spark, until she felt her body moving with waves of pleasure. She cried out for him.

“Oh yes,” he sighed, his own climax only moments after hers. They lay together, skin hot, breath and heartbeats still racing.