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Rescued From Paradise by H J Perry (15)

Chapter 15 | Adam


Lucky they'd become proficient at subsistence survival, because Adam suspected they weren't going to achieve much for the rest of that day, and maybe not the next either.

After washing away the mess from their first lovemaking session, everything felt different between them. Wade didn't try to hide the fact that he liked what he saw as he watched Adam. Adam liked the way Wade lustfully watched him. He thought he'd detected such glances in the past, though previously Wade had been more subtle about it. Now, he boldly stared with wide, dark eyes and dilated pupils.

If he wasn't exaggerating when he said he wanted more, Adam intended to give him more.

Even so, he splashed himself off in the water for longer than it really took to get himself clean. Taking time to attempt to process what just happened. His usual meditative calm eluded him. Even though he'd come, he remained too wound up to consider how he felt about what just happened.

How he felt. That was simple: Elated. Euphoric. On top of the world.

What did he think about what it all meant? It was complicated. They were going to be stranded on the island for a while, it seemed, so there’d be plenty of time for reflection.

A gorgeous man had initiated sex with him for the first time in… Well, this year, certainly. Nine or ten months? Adam couldn't remember.

Not only that.

A one-night stand with a stranger wasn't bad. This was so much more, with someone Adam had come to like and care about. And it didn't hurt, the fact that the guy looked every inch like a chiseled Greek God.

Every damn blissful inch.

Adam sighed. Wade had some damn nice inches, which Adam could barely believe he'd gotten his hands on. And wanted to do so again. Do more.

Right now was the time for Adam to take action. He splashed back over to Wade and pulled him in for another kiss. Finally, Adam could run his fingers freely over Wade's body.

Wade responded with wet, hot, opened mouth kisses until Adam felt overwhelmed by the intoxicating scent and flavor of his island lover.

Never wanting to be a creeper, Adam had suppressed all his fantasies about his seemingly straight companion. And he'd tried not to look. He'd tried not to enjoy their physical closeness when they slept. And he'd tried to ignore Wade's erections in their bed. Really, he had.

It wasn't just semen washed away but the cautious inhibitions they'd both exercised, tip-toeing around each other. Instead, they became bolder with their touches, franker with their comments. They weren't afraid to look at each other anymore and seek out affection.

“I'm thinking, we should get out of the water if we don't want to turn into shriveled up raisins.”

In the water, they had an excuse to be naked for being naked. Wade climbed out, and Adam followed. He didn't avert his eyes, as he might once have done, from watching Wade's long muscular limbs and bare ass moving before him. This time his gaze lingered on the paler skin below the tan line.

Adam wasn't the only one doing things differently. Quickly recovered from his orgasm, Wade didn't try to hide the erection that bobbed before him. Thank God. It was a good look.

Out of the water, Adam walked over to his clothes that he'd laid out to dry on a rock.

“There’s no one around here going to take them,” said Wade, and he reached for Adam's hand. “Let's leave the clothes to dry.”

His heart was hammering in his chest so hard, so loudly with excitement, and his mind blurred with arousal and lack of blood. Even so, Adam noticed how events had turned surreal as they undertook the short walk back to their cave naked and holding hands and altogether turned on. Never in his most secret fantasies—that he never had about Wade—could Adam picture a scene like this.

“I don't fully know what I'm doing here, Adam, but if you're willing I want to get closer to you. At our home.”

“In the cave.” Which came into view as Adam spoke.

They entered the cave. Still holding hands, Wade sat down on their makeshift mattress, pulling Adam to sit next to him.

Not for the first time, Adam wondered why they’d never made separate beds for themselves. After their first nights on the island pushed them to sleep together, neither of them ever suggesting sleeping apart.

“Adam, I don't know whether you understand what this means to me?”

It turned out it wasn't just more sex on Wade's mind. Even though it filled Adam's. Wade wanted to talk. With desire for each other raging, this wasn't the time to talk. What kind of a man was he? But evidently Wade had stuff bottled up, and the cork came out.

What did it mean to Wade? He’d either suppressed his urges for men, kept such dalliances very discreet, or never even contemplated being with men after being brought up in such a homophobic environment and with the traumatic memories of his youth.

“Is it your first time with a man?” Adam decided that was the most neutral way to respond, the entire circumstances surrounding the conversation being very unusual.

“Yes, of course.” Wade looked shocked that this could ever be in any doubt. “I never wanted sex with women. I just wasn't attracted to them. I never allowed myself to think about men either.” He looked tenderly at Adam and ran a hand over his cheek. “I'm so pleased I met you.”

Adam understood the words, and yet it was so hard to understand exactly what Wade was saying fully. Especially when Wade's lips brushed lightly over his.

“Are you saying you're a virgin?” He finally managed to ask.

“No. I'm not a virgin. I guess I don't make much sense.” Wade chuckled, nervously. “I'm not used to talking about these things. But I've never been with a man, and I've never enjoyed sex with another person like I just enjoyed this afternoon with you. I've never felt this way about a woman. I just did what I was supposed to do. The way I desire you is something I've just never felt before.”

While it was thrilling that Wade desired him so greatly, Adam also began to realize how important this relationship was to Wade. He hadn't just turned to Adam because there was no one else available. And there was a certain amount of pressure and responsibility upon Adam to look after the man who at that moment was running his fingers around Adam's jaw.

“I want to do everything with you, Adam. I want to touch you all over and make you feel so good, but I'm not completely sure how.”

At that moment Wade had never looked so vulnerable, except for possibly the entire time on the plane before they crashed. To suspect Wade might be out of his comfort zone was laughable. They were marooned on a deserted tropical island. They'd both left their comfort zone long ago when their plane crashed.

At least for Adam, he was confident of his sexuality. “Trust me, Wade. I'm not going to hurt you. We're not going to do anything you don't want to do.”

“I want you, Adam.”

After pushing Wade to lay back on their bed, Adam straddled him. Threading the fingers of their hands together, he leaned over to kiss him. The kiss began tender and loving, and became more passionate over time as their tongues entered each other’s mouths, hungrily exploring.

To comfortably accommodate their growing arousal, Adam shifted and wriggled on top, gaining some incredible friction as a side effect of his movements. Wade tasted too good. Adam didn't want to break that warm, wet kiss. Especially not with their erections pressed together. However, he didn't think they could stay like this forever, and he wanted to taste more of the hot man beneath him.

Not only lick, taste, and drink on his flavor.

Adam wanted to please in all sorts of ways. To give this man such a good time as he'd never regret. Adam freed his hands so that he could feel down the toned, firm body beneath him.

With his fingers and his mouth exploring Wade's neck and broad shoulders, Adam kissed his way down the gorgeous body without breaking contact, drawing his fingers between the two of them and over Wade's nipples. Wade sucked in a breath and arched his back when Adam's fingers played at the hard buttons, encouraging him to pinch and pull to test the reactions. All good.

He tangled his fingertips through the thick dark hairs of the treasure trail leading Adam's mouth inevitably to the hard, straining cock. It glistened, wet with precum. Adam licked around the swollen head, lapping at the delicious juice. He dragged his tongue backward and forward along the shaft, and around the glans over and over again.

It prompted a surprised groan of pleasure from Wade.

Whether it was the noise he made or the taste of him, Adam felt a surge inside himself. He had to hold his dick for just a moment. Hold it, adjust it. Acknowledge it ached for attention, too. No sex for months and then this.

Too much.


Attention back on Wade's cock, Adam slipped his hand down to the root followed by his lips, before completely sucking it into his mouth.

Another dick-stirring moan came from the man on his back.

“Adam. This is so good. You're so good,” Wade gasped when Adam's fingers circled his balls and squeezed them.

Encouraged by Wade's every reaction, letting his cock fall from his mouth, Adam licked its length from tip to root, nuzzling against the well-grown bush of pubic hair. Without a razor, the fashion for private grooming was unique among men on the island. Growing it long and wild was in vogue.

Adam rubbed his face against the hair, enjoying the smell and texture. Continuing his exploration of Wade's body, he moved south with his fingers and tongue, traveling towards the taint and further. Wade continued to moan and writhe with pleasure until he suddenly stopped.

“No. No.” Wade's fingers curled through Adam's hair, pulling him back up.

Adam quickly complied, moving back up on top of Wade, straddling him chest to chest with their cocks aligned. Wade's cock was hard, his skin flushed, his breathing heavy. But an incongruous expression rested on his face.

“What's wrong?” Adam asked, concerned.

“I'm sorry. I liked it all.” Wade drew in a deep breath. “And I want it all, with you. But I can't go too fast.”

Wanting a moment to process, Adam kissed Wade, who passionately kissed him back.

The kiss. The touches. The body language. They all assured Adam that Wade wanted this, was into this. Was totally turned on by this. Adam didn't need to worry, just go at Wade's pace.

Pulling away from the kiss so that their faces were a few inches apart and Adam could look Wade straight in the eye, he said quietly, “It's okay. We'll only do what you're comfortable with.”

With that, he slipped his hand between them and wrapped his hand around Wade's cock. A sexy grin spread across Wade’s face.

Adam pushed their dicks together, wiped his fingers over their heads, mixing their precum, which he could use for lube. When he had them both in his hand, he asked, “Is this all right?”

“It's amazing. I never knew anything could feel this good.” Wade bit his bottom lip. 

There are so many things we could do that would feel this good, Adam thought.

“I want everything with you, Adam. Eventually, but let's go slowly.”

Wade could've read his mind.

And Adam's mind was racing.

Fingers threaded through his fingers, which wrapped around their cocks.

Adam opened his eyes. When did he shut them? And looked into Wade's.

“Let me do this.” Wade's words came out as a low growl, his breath hot against Adam’s face.

Happy to let Wade take charge, Adam pulled his hand away so he could use both to prop himself up. He planted them on either side of Wade's shoulders.

On impulse, his hips found the rhythm that complimented the hand movement and their cocks thrust together into Wade's tight grip.

So hot. Tight. Sexy.

Looking at Wade's handsome face, flushed with lust, glancing down to watch their dicks pressed together, thrusting together into Wade's hand.

Adam's cock, squashed against Wade’s.

Adam's cock in Wade's hand,


“I'm not going to last,” Adam warned. He felt himself losing control in the other man's hands.

All at once, Wade's eyes came into focus, concentration writ large on his face. “Come for me. I want to see you,” he growled.

Wow. Way to get a man's attention. It was sexy how he made Adam feel as if Adam's orgasmic pleasure was Wade's priority.

“Come on me, Adam,” he commanded.

That was it. Pushing at the tipping point. An invitation he had to accept.

He couldn't have stopped if he wanted to.

Letting out a high-pitched mangled moaned version of Wade's name, Adam's body jerked. His hips stilled. His cock throbbing through the release.

“Adam. I'm…”

When had he shut his eyes again? They shot open to see the pleasure on Wade's face. His body tense. His hand still.

Adam glanced down at the exact moment to behold a glorious vision as ribbons of white cum shot across Wade's body, adding to the still-wet trails that were already there.