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Running for Love (The Armstrongs Book 10) by Jessica Gray (14)

Chapter 15

It took all of Vivian’s effort, to shut Rock out of her mind and focus on her work. She couldn’t afford a single error in her transcription of the happenings at court.

During a ten minute recess called by the judge, she stood in front of the bathroom mirror and lectured herself. A crush on some random guy – he’s not random – couldn’t interfere with her work. It was imperative that she stay focused on what was being said and by whom, otherwise, she ran the risk of misrepresenting the facts. An error that could very well cost her job and potentially ruin the life of someone. Focus. Pay attention to who is speaking and record exactly what they say. You can do this.

Thirty minutes into the next segment, she puffed up with pride at her renewed focus and ability to stay on task. She was a professional, after all. Still, a sigh escaped her lips, when the judge suspended this case until another date.

She slipped out of the room and headed for the nearest exit. A bit of sun and fresh air would do wonders to her mood, before returning inside to report the next case. Vivian stormed down the marble flight of steps, taking two steps at a time, because she’d seen the ice cream truck parked on the other side of the street.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a man in her way and swerved to avoid crashing into him.

“Sorry,” she shouted a breathless apology, without stopping her pursuit of the ice cream truck.

“Wait,” a well-known deep voice said. Vivian stopped cold in her tracks and turned around to gasp at Rock.

“Trying to run me over again? It’s becoming a habit,” he joked, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

Her own smile faltered as she observed his serious look. Something was terribly wrong.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered, the joy at seeing him all but gone.

“Hi. Do you have time to talk right now?”

Serious worry hit her gut. I bet he’s here to tell me this has all been a big mistake and he never wants to see me again. I totally messed up yesterday…

He looked at her, waiting for her answer, so she nodded and pointed to her left. There was a small private courtyard, designed for attorneys and clients to use, but it was blessedly vacant today.

Rock followed her and then looked at her with so much guilt, she almost doubled over. He’s going to tell me he already has a girlfriend.

“I have to tell you something you won’t like. Can you please listen to me and not make any judgments until I’m done.”

“Okay.” That sounded like really bad trouble.

“My manager was very upset when I told him about my broken ankle. Part of the reason the triathlon does so well at raising funds is because of my personal involvement. He’s just sure that without my participation we’ll lose sponsors. We might not even be able to continue construction of the rehab center.” Rock took a deep breath, pleading with his eyes for her to listen.

This is not what I thought he was going to say.

“Anyway, he’s convinced we need another big celebrity to participate, to help draw advertisers and donations.”

“That kind of makes sense.” Vivian was thoroughly confused. “You come here and scared the hell out of me to tell me this?”

“Well, no.” He scratched his beard. “It’s…look…I don’t know how to sugarcoat it.”

“I don’t need sugarcoating,” she said and tried a smile, but the queasiness in her stomach increased.

“It’s about the celebrity he found to sort of take my place.”

“They can’t be that bad.” Vivian smiled at him encouragingly.

“Yeah, they can.” Before she could say anything else, he continued, “But that’s not the part that has me upset…I met with her today for lunch…I had totally forgotten about the meeting until this morning when Tommy called to remind me.”

“Who’s Tommy?” Vivian asked, getting a bad feeling about what he was going to say next.

“My manager. Anyway, I met her for lunch and she came onto me in a big way. When we stepped out of the restaurant, she kissed me, knowing full well that there were paparazzi waiting for us.” Rock cast his eyes down.

Vivian felt like someone had punched her in the solar plexus. “You came here to tell me you’re kissing someone else? What for? You want my approval? Or you came here to say I was a mistake?” She barely kept herself upright and tears threatened to spill.

“I didn’t kiss her; she kissed me, and –” Rock ran a hand through his hair.

 “You want me to believe that you met with a gorgeous woman, who all but threw herself at you, and kissed you against your will?” Vivian scoffed.

“That’s what happened. I came here to tell you before you saw it in the magazines,” he said, trying to mollify her.

Vivian shook her head. Why on earth did she have to deal with this shit? They weren’t exclusive, so he could do whatever he pleased. Including kissing other women. She turned away because he didn’t owe her any trite explanations and she didn’t want to listen to them.

“Please, hear me out…” His voice pleaded.

“Who is the woman?”

“Carla Dawson.”

“What?” Vivian asked, the pain ripping right through her heart. “You have awful taste.”

“I know. Believe me. After today’s meeting, I know.”

Hearing him confirm her assessment left her speechless.

Rock continued, “Look, I was hoping she was young enough that she wasn’t going to be caught up in the Hollywood games, but she seems like she could have written the book.”

“I made it clear to her that this was only for publicity and that any interaction we have is strictly for business. For the charity, which, by the way, she couldn’t give a damn about. Her words, not mine.”

“She sounds like an entitled bitch.” Vivian squinted her eyes at him.

“And then some. But please, please, can you believe me? I really care for you and I would never cheat on you. She surprised me with the kiss; unfortunately right in front of a bunch of paparazzi. If you give me another chance, I’ll promise I won’t let her kiss me again.”

“Stop seeing her!”

“I can’t.” Discomfort oozed off of him in waves. “I have to do it. We need the publicity for the race. To raise the funds for the rehab center. Tommy, my manager, said it was the only way to get the donations we need.”

Vivian sighed, thinking about Preston and all of the problems he had encountered with the press in the past. As a billionaire, he was constantly being followed and hounded by one reporter or another. And the photographers that made their money off sneaking around and taking pictures of people were the worst kind of piranhas.

Chuck’s girlfriend Linda had also had her share of problems with the media. As the daughter of an A-list actress, Evangelina Ross, she’d often been the target of the paparazzi.

“Vivian, say something.” His dark brown eyes pleaded with her. He seemed to be honest, at least that’s what she read in his eyes. But she could be wrong. It could all be part of his game.

“This isn’t some game, is it?” she whispered. “I don’t like playing games.”

“Sweetheart, no. Never. I’ve never cheated in my life.” He took a tentative step toward her but stopped at the scowl she sent him. Her expression nearly ripped his heart out. His body stiffened and he fisted his hands at his sides to keep from reaching out.

“I believe you, but I really wish you wouldn’t see this Carla person again.”

“I have to. But it’s only for business, promise.” He wrapped one strong arm around her shoulders and she melted into him.

“Still, I don’t like that she kissed you.”

Rock squeezed her tight, relief flowing over him. At least she was going to remain open to the possibility of moving forward in spite of Carla. “Can I hope that’s because you want all my kisses saved for you?”

Vivian nodded and felt blood flushing her face.

“They are all yours. Only yours.” He demonstrated by kissing her, wiping away the last few moments and brightening up her day once more. “Thank you for believing in me.”

Vivian sighed and hugged him, resting her cheek on his chest, loving the way he made her feel. She basked in his presence for a moment more, and then looked up saying, “I need to get back inside.”

Rock nodded and then brushed her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. “Okay. I spoke to the construction site manager and have arranged to give you a tour of the rehab center tonight after work. Can I pick you up?”

“That sounds great.” Vivian smiled.

“Good.” Rock kissed her nose before he grabbed his crutches with both hands again and they walked side by side back to the marble flight of steps. He took her hand and led her back to the entrance from which she’d exited. “Have a good rest of the day. Think of me.”

As if I have the power to do anything else. It’s going to be a long afternoon at this rate.