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Silas (A Playboy's Lair Novel Book 1) by S. R. Watson (10)


I quickly finish the three parlors assigned to me. Luckily, my last two were still clean since they weren’t reserved on my shift. Now what? The main club is still occupied, so I can’t get in there to start cleaning the equipment yet. Maybe I’ll find Seth and see if he needs help cleaning his remaining rooms.

My intentions are good until I detour through the foyer to get to the other side of the club. I pass by a door that is cracked open enough that I can see inside. I really should keep going, but my curiosity wins. I inch closer, careful not to be seen. I can clearly see Silas in the center of the room, his elite pupils giving him their undivided attention. They’re in various states of dress—from leather to lingerie. The group seems to have paired off a man for each woman. I wonder if they’re strangers to each other or if they came together. Either way, this is already the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.

Silas is saying something about the bare hand being the simplest yet effective way to try stingy spanking for the first time. My ears perk up as I strain to hear every detail. My back is now to the door, so I can see anyone who happens to come down the corridor. Then I hear him introduce Tory. What? I turn back quickly to look into the club. I really should have just kept going and found Seth.

Tory appears out of nowhere, half naked, wearing barely there lingerie or whatever the fuck it is. A leather bra barely contains her fake tits, and I swear if she moves wrong, her vagina is going to fall out of that leather thong. She flips her hair in that way that annoys me so much and stands next to Silas. I hear him tell her to assume the position, and my throat tightens. It’s like a train wreck. I can’t look away. I continue to watch as he bends her over his knee. He rubs her ass in gentle circles while he says something to his captive audience. Only, now my ears have decided to stop working. They’re clogged with my own monologue of regret and expletives. How could I have been so fucking stupid? He was just in my bed cuddling with me. Now he’s fondling another woman’s ass like he wasn’t just trying to hint that he plans on having me. I’ve been on cloud nine this entire time like our time actually meant something. I can’t even blame him. This has my stupidity written all over it.

“Brennan?” I hear Seth’s voice, so I look up. Yeah, I’ve managed to fuck up the “not get caught” snooping too.

“Hey. There you are. I was just coming to find you,” I fib. “I was going to see if you needed any help cleaning your rooms.”

“What are you doing outside this door then?” He’s not buying my act. “And why do you look so sad?”

I’m about to tell him that I’m fine when a petite blonde wearing a mini skirt and midriff comes to the door. “Excuse me,” she apologizes. “I was told to close this door.” We both nod as she closes it.

Great! I’m sure Silas now knows that I was snooping. Why else would I be standing outside the club’s door instead of doing the job I’m being paid to do?

“I guess we were disrupting their class,” I tell Seth. “At least she didn’t slam the door in our faces.”

“I don’t know what has affected that pretty smile of yours, but you know you can talk to me. Just like our talk earlier, I will never share anything you confide in me.”

“I know. And I can’t thank you enough. The same applies to you,” I reply genuinely. I’m just not ready to discuss what I just saw or how it made me feel.

Silas was open about him teaching the class, so it would make sense that it involves a demonstration. So why does it bother me so much to see it? Is it because it’s her and I know she’s had sex with him? It makes me sick to my stomach to think about his hands caressing her ass like that. One thing is for certain. I could never do anything with him if that’s the way things are between him and Tory. She’s doing me a favor. Now, my virginity can remain intact. There is nothing else for me to ponder.

“Come on, girl. Let’s grab dinner. They’ll be in there for at least another hour or so. We can’t finish our job until then, so let’s go take a break.”

“Sure. That sounds like a great idea. I’m actually starving,” I admit. It takes all that I have to give him a small smile. Today is turning out to be so depressing. I just need to find something else to focus on—like photography. I’ll start tomorrow morning.


I finish day one of the class. It’s been so long since I’ve led one, but it helped to have such an enthusiastic group. They were very attentive and asked plenty of questions. I hadn’t planned on using Tory for the demonstration, but some of the questions I received deemed it necessary. They needed to see my technique, how much pressure to apply, and how to alternate with sensual rubbing. I haven’t spanked a woman in front of an audience since my BDSM club days. I rarely visit them now, other than to research what’s popular and possibly to recruit new members to add to my growing waiting list.

Tory was beyond thrilled to participate since things didn’t quite go well with her visiting Brennan’s room. I still need to address that with her. I don’t want my spanking her for a live demonstration to muddy the already clouded waters. I’m not rewarding her jealous behavior with attention from me. She has already crossed the line twice.

I dismiss the group and instruct them to grab a binder on the way out the door to study for discussion tomorrow. Inside, they will find detailed information on impact play that is partly my interpretation and philosophy. I’ve put together the information they need, such as different types of devices used in spanking in relation to their level of sting or thud as well as other characteristics, aftercare, and more. I don’t necessarily consider myself a dominant in the true sense, nor do I have submissives. I do, however, like control. I’m a kinky bastard, and I like certain aspects of the BDSM world without being fully submersed in it. Spanking is what I enjoy the most—leaving my mark.

Tory walks up to me as I’m about to leave. “Can we talk?”

“Get dressed and meet me in my room in a half an hour. We will talk there.” The corners of her lips turn up in a smile. She obviously thinks she is getting her way even though this is not going to be the talk she wants. I need to create some distance between us. She has changed the rules of the game, and now we can no longer play.

“Absolutely,” she agrees. “I’ll see you there.” She puts an extra strut in her step as she twists her ass away from me. She wants to give me a show, but I have something to do first before I meet with her and preferably get a drink.

I use my master key card to enter Brennan’s cabin. I know I shouldn’t be invading her personal space, but as this is my fourth time, it’s sort of becoming a habit. Besides, I think my justification warrants this impromptu intrusion. Unknowingly, Seth brought it to my attention that she had been outside my class today—but for how long, I don’t know. It does tell me that she is more curious than she lets on. By now, she and Seth should be busy putting the spanking toys and equipment away and cleaning the club. This is the perfect time to drop off one of the same binders that I gave my class to study. It’s an opportunity to introduce her to my point of view on the subject in her own private time. If she is brave enough, she can follow up with questions if she wants. Last night when she was with her co-workers, I sensed unasked questions stirring in that pretty little head of hers.

I place the binder on her bed with another sticky note attached. This one simply says “Book of Knowledge.” Can’t wait for her vanilla perspective to be tainted with the thing that gets me off the most. Her response will determine how I proceed. I back out of her room, unfazed that I’m crossing the line once again.

The closer I get back to my room, the less I’m inclined to deal with Tory. Unfortunately for me, she is already waiting on my deck when I arrive. I opt to forgo that drink for now in order to expedite this discussion.

“There you are, handsome,” she says excitedly when she sees me. She’s wearing some bandage dress that fits her like a second skin. All the dresses she wears are skintight because she loves to flaunt her figure. I smile to myself because even with her overt sex appeal, I can’t help but think about the sexy virgin who is the complete opposite.

“There it is. That’s the smile I miss so much,” she coos. If only she knew it wasn’t for her.

“We need to talk, Tory,” I begin. “Even though I don’t want a relationship, you have been great. I’m so thankful for you, and I appreciate you stepping up to help with my class today.”

“Yeah. I’m a visual learner myself, so anything to help. I mean absolutely anytime. You know I enjoy being spanked just as much as you enjoy spanking.” She pushes off the rail to saunter up to me. “That reminds me,” she adds while running her hands down my chest. I grab her by the wrists to stop her roaming hands.

“This is what I needed to talk with you about. I think we need to take a break.”

“A break from what, Silas? You just said we weren’t in a relationship,” she says, rolling her eyes. I know what she’s doing. She’s trying to bait me into warming her ass up with my belt for the blatant disrespect.

“Expectations are changing. You want something I can’t give you. Your jealous behavior is such a turn-off that I have to reconsider what we’re doing.”

“It’s her, isn’t it? That’s why you’re bringing up the jealousy thing. I’m not, by the way. That girl couldn’t hold a candle to what I offer. My sex skills alone would run circles around her. Just be honest with me, Silas. You owe me that.” She wiggles her wrist free. She doesn’t question my presence in Brennan’s room, but I can see it in her creased brows and sad eyes.

“What is it that you want to hear?” Damn, I should have had that drink. I’m not in the mood for one of her tantrums. The only reason I’m being tolerant is because this is my fault. I let things go too far and for too long. I should have changed shit up a long time ago before I even set eyes on Brennan. Time equates to developing feelings unless you have the apathy that I’ve acquired for love.

“The truth,” she fumes. “You want to end this non-relationship affair with me so you can take a shot at Brennan. She has your attention now.” Her voice cracks with that last accusation. She is not far from the truth. I need to end things with her because she is becoming clingy, and I do potentially want to have my way with Brennan. I’m just not sure if it will ever come to pass.

“This is exactly why. You’re proving my point and making this easy. If we’ve established that we were just fucking, then you have no right to question me. I don’t ask you or care who you’re fucking, and I expect the same in return.”

She drops to her knees, and I’m caught off guard for a second. She pulls her dress beneath her tits to distract me as she reaches for the button of my jeans. She manages to get the button undone and is struggling with the zipper before I can grab her wrists again.

“Tory, stop!” I warn. Desperation is not a good look on her.

“Let me make you forget her—remind you how much you like it when I take you to the back of my throat,” she pleads. Those words hit me with the force of bricks. My cock strains ever so slightly against my zipper because I know just how fucking good she is at giving head. I definitely don’t need to be reminded because it’s part of why I’ve kept her around this long. My brief hesitation is enough time for her to pull my jeans down to my ankles, albeit, I’m still wearing my boxer briefs. She licks her lips in appreciation when she sees my erection.

“See. Even your dick agrees with me. Let me make him happy.”

I’m about to reiterate that we’re done when an audible gasp pierces the air. We both turn to see a pale Brennan frozen in shock.

“Um, I’m so sorry,” she apologizes profusely. She nearly trips as she runs away from us.

Fuck. This is not good. This is clearly not what it looks like, and I have a feeling I just took a million steps back with her. This is the absolute worst thing imaginable that could have happened. The misconception of what she just saw disturbs me more than it should, but I can’t make myself to play it cool. I take one look at Tory’s now smug face, and I lose it.

“Get the fuck out, Tory. We’re done. Don’t come up here again. Get back to keeping shit professional, or I will have to transfer you,” I shout. Fuck the kid gloves. I’m pissed that I let things with her escalate once again. I don’t know who I’m angrier with—her or myself. She knows not to push further. She stands to adjust her tits back into her dress before storming off. That fucking drink is long overdue. I need to find a way to fix this. If Brennan decides not to sleep with me, I want it to be on her own terms, not because she thinks something is still going on between Tory and me.

I’ve remained in my room since the whole incident with Tory today. I grab a pair of swim trunks to throw on because I need to get some laps in to clear my mind. I’m nearly to the bottom step when a familiar sound has me looking at the far end of the pool. Brennan slices through the water at blazing speed. It’s a sight to watch as she changes from freestyle to the butterfly stroke. She looks like a mermaid because her hair is loose and flowing behind her. I hurry to stand at the end of the pool, but she simply flips underneath the water and heads in the opposite direction. I dive into the pool but am careful to stay out of her lane. I’ll wait her out.

She finally tires and comes up on the other side. I waste no time swimming over to her. “That was pretty impressive. Where did you learn to swim like that?” I start with small talk to get a grasp on where her mind is after today. Did she get my binder? Well, of course, she did. The question is did she read it. Probably not.

“My mother,” she replies. Two words are better than none, I guess.

“Well, the butterfly is the one stroke I struggle with because it combines the breaststroke with a dolphin kick. Too much work.” I chuckle. “Maybe you can teach me how you do it.”

“I’m sure you have enough money to hire someone way more qualified than I am to teach you,” she chides. Yup. She is definitely upset about today—just as I thought.

“True, but what if I want you to teach me?”

“What do you want, Mr. Lair? I don’t want to keep you from the laps that I’m sure you came down here to do.” She isn’t giving an inch. Just direct and cold. I know the answer to this suggestion before it leaves my mouth, but I try anyway.

“I was going to ask if you wanted to come upstairs with me and roast marshmallows over the fire pit under the moonlight.”

“I don’t think that is a good idea. I won’t be making any more trips up there anyway. Thank you for the invitation, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline.” She hurriedly gets out the pool to get away from me, and my chest tightens in defeat.

“It’s not what you think, you know. Nothing happened between Tory and me. I was just telling her that things were over when you showed up. She pulled my pants down, but I wouldn’t let her have me. I didn’t touch her. I—” She cuts me off before I can finish explaining.

“With all due respect, sir, it’s none of my business. Please don’t let yourself into my room again. I will return the binder you left in my room to your club tomorrow.” She doesn’t even give me the courtesy of a reply. I’m left watching that damn t-shirt she wears over her one piece cling to her body as she walks away. Why do I give a shit? I told her that I wouldn’t chase her, but now my mind is even more unsettled than before. I have an overwhelming need to make things right.

I swim so many laps that I lose count. And still, thoughts of her muddle my mind. She has the upper hand right now, and the feeling is foreign as fuck. Things can’t be left this way. I just need to find an opening back into her good graces, and fuck me, it can’t have anything to do with sex. I climb out of the pool and rush to my room with renewed hope. I know exactly where to start.