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Sold To The Alien King: A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Auction House Book 1) by Zara Zenia, Starr Huntress (10)

Chapter Ten


Betty awoke the next morning to the sweet smell of fresh fruit and flowers. She suddenly realized that she could not recall the last time she had eaten and she was famished. She stretched and stood up following the scents of breakfast. She turned the corner and found a beautiful table laid out with a large array of exotic breakfast items.

Barsork shuffled over to her and kissed her softly on her cheek. “You must be famished. I wasn’t sure what foods you would like so I prepared a sampling.”

Betty sat down and picked up a bright pink piece of fruit with a yellow stripe.

“That’s fritz. It’s a very delicate, but sweet fruit from the far side of Wolfban. It’s one of my favorites.”

Betty took a small bite and instantly her mouth filled with a refreshing flavor unlike anything she had ever tasted before. “This is wonderful,” she mumbled before quickly eating the rest of the precious fruit.

Barsork continued to tell her what each item was and where it came from as she sampled. Whether from hunger, or desire, everything tasted amazing. After she had filled up on all she could, Barsork stood and brought over a small cup and filled it with a hot liquid that had a light bluish color.

“This is from my home planet of Xicret,” Barsork said as he filled her cup. “It is like human coffee, but in my humble opinion taste much better. The beans are grown very close to the core of Xicret and the natural energy produced can keep a full-grown warrior going for two days. Sip slowly, Betty.”

She lifted the small cup to her lips and breathed in the aroma feeling uplifted just from the smell. It was like breathing in a fresh spring air coming off the waves of the sea.

She sipped slowly and her body went warm from head to toe as the liquid coursed through her. She had never experienced anything so pleasurable in all her life. She sighed contentedly and couldn’t help but see the smile on Barsork’s face.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

“Ooh very much. I feel like I could run a marathon.” She laughed.

“My planet has a great many things about it that are very wonderful, and this is certainly one of them,” Barsork said as he poured himself a cup and sat beside her.

“What is this drink called?” Betty asked as she took another sip.

“It is called Bentier after the first Xicret to harvest the beans into a beverage. Now Bentier is served all over the galaxy and has become a very large operation.

“This too, is something my brother would see turned foul. He believes the work is beneath the status of a Xicret warrior and he seeks to turn the work over to lesser beings from other planets.”

Betty sat her cup down softly and looked at him tenderly. “Barsork, I know you must love your brother, but it seems to me that what he wants is a world of slaves at his disposal. You must know that what he is doing is wrong.”

Barsork nodded his head, but did not respond. After several minutes he changed the subject.

“If you have finished with breakfast, I would like to show you some of the countryside. We have been given a very luxurious place and we are quite protected here. There is an amazing waterfall not far away. I thought we could take a walk.”

Betty readily agreed and quickly went to change. Once again she found a pair of clothes laid out for her of the same fashion from the day before. She quickly dressed and slid on the foot coverings from the day before.

By the time she made it back out to the eating area, Barsork had already cleaned everything and was ready to go. He held out a small pouch with a string and she took it willingly. “What is it?” she asked.

“Just a travel pack. There are water tablets inside, as well as a dryer, and a case for collecting if you find things you want to take with you.”

Betty looked at the tiny pouch curiously feeling the near weightlessness. “I don’t want to sound disbelieving, but are you sure all of that is in here?”

Barsork laughed and clipped the small pouch to a loop in his pants. He wore no shirt and Betty couldn’t help but admire his perfectly chiseled body. She blushed when he noticed that she was noticing and quickly turned her attention to attaching her own small pouch.

Soon after they headed outside, and Betty was once again astounded by the beauty around her.

“What would you like to see on our walk today?” Barsork asked.

Betty giggled. “I don’t know, pretty flowers, bright sun, exotic birds.”

As they walked down the path, she couldn’t help but notice that the sun felt brighter than it had only moments before, and she could hear the chirping of birds off in the distance.

“Is this real?” she asked.

Barsork smiled. “Yes. It is real. You are inside of a hollo scanner. It is how the planet hides people when they are being hunted. No trace of us can escape this place, because this place isn’t really here. I know it’s a bit complicated, but trust me, we are safe and you should enjoy as much of it as you wish.”

Betty smiled with renewal in her body and mind like she had never known. The Bentier had given her energy and strength, and the warmth and feel of spring made her lighthearted and free.

By the time the sounds of water could be heard, Betty almost completely forgot that she was being chased by hunters, or that she had been stolen from her home. She took two more steps forward and found herself at the bottom of a waterfall surrounded by the most vibrant colors.

The mist from the waterfall was warm and refreshing on her skin and all around were bright colored flowers, their sweet scent filling the air. Above her head, birds flew and then landed in the clearing pecking at the seeds from the flowers.

Betty turned to Barsork with tears in her eyes. “This is perfect,” she said softly. “Thank you.”

Barsork leaned down and kissed her forehead, and then her cheek, and then her lips. Betty felt the world spinning, just as it had the first time he had kissed her and she could feel her body tingling with expectation and anticipation.

She pulled away slowly with a sly smile on her lips and walked down to the edge of the pool. The waterfall was at the back and the mist sprayed its hues across the entire pool, making her feel as if she were standing inside a rainbow.

Slowly, but purposefully, she began to take off her clothes, and slowly waded out into the perfectly clear water. When she turned around, Barsork was still standing on the bank, his mouth open and a look of wonder on his face. She laughed when he turned away quickly.

“I did not mean to stare,” he muttered.

Betty laughed happily. “You cannot go swimming in your pants, Barsork. Come get in with me. Besides, you did promise to protect me and keep me safe.”

Barsork turned around slowly and after several seconds finally began to remove his pants. She couldn’t help but stare at his big blue manhood. Barsork was an image of perfection and she smiled as he slid into the water.

“Glad you could join me,” she teased.

Barsork walked out to where she stood and reached his hand out to her cheek gently. “I have never seen you without clothes,” he said gruffly. “You are even more beautiful than I imagined.”

Betty strode forward pressing her naked body against his and sliding her hands around his waist. “Barsork did you mean what you said last night, about being bonded to me?”

He coughed and his face turned a deep blue. “I thought you were asleep,” he said bashfully.

Betty took a step back. “Oh, so you didn’t mean it then?”

Barsork immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her back. “Betty, I meant every word. I never thought that I would know what it was to be bonded, but now that I am, I cannot change it, and I would not want to. You own me, Betty, heart and soul and body.”

Betty felt tears flowing down her cheeks and she felt his tender fingers wipe them away. “No one has ever looked at me the way you do, Barsork. No one has ever loved me. I want to go home to Earth, but I want to stay with you too.”

He placed a finger on her lips and shushed her. “There is time for us here and now in this moment. That is where I want to be right now. I want to know you, and feel you, and love you, and bring you pleasure.”

Betty leaned forward and laid her hand upon his bare chest and leaned her head up to kiss him. When his lips met hers she felt the electricity flow all through her body. She could feel the rise of his huge manhood against her leg as he pulled her in even closer.

She looked up at him longingly. “Barsork,” she whispered. “I’ve never been with anyone before, like that. What if I mess up, or don’t know what to do? I don’t want to disappoint you.”

Barsork smiled gently. “You could never disappoint me, Betty. Just let me love you, and let yourself react naturally. If you want to stop, just say so. I won’t hurt you.”

Betty nodded as he leaned his head down to kiss her lips once more. She could feel his strong hands around her waist and his stiffness against her leg. His tongue ran across her lips and she groaned against him.

His lips trailed down her body to her neck line where he suckled her and pulled her to him. Her hard nipples pressed against his bare chest as the water lapped around their waists. Barsork’s hand moved from her waist to the small of her back, his other hand moving to cup her bottom.

He ran soft and erotic kisses down her neck and over her shoulders. She felt his lips on her arms, and her chest, and around her breasts until she was moaning with desire for him. When he took her nipple into his mouth she heard herself cry out with pleasure.

His tongue ran across her erect nipples and the sensation was so intense she felt herself getting wet. For a split second she felt embarrassed and tried to stop herself, but almost as if he could hear her thoughts, Barsork shook his head and brought his face to hers.

“There is no shame in letting someone love you, Betty. I am pleasured when you are pleased.”

Without waiting for an answer, he once again moved his head to kiss her breast, this time as he suckled her he cupped both hands under her bottom and lifted her to his waist. She wrapped her legs around him as his tongue ran circles on her nipple and she felt the wetness as her body erupted in orgasm.

As if the orgasm enticed him even more, Barsork walked out of the water still carrying her in his strong arms. He laid her down gently in the soft grass beside the waterfall and lowered himself to her. His lips trailed kisses from her breast to her lips, to her neck, to her stomach and then back again. Betty was lost in a world of bliss.

She felt his hand reach between her legs and gently open them and then he bent down gently kissing the inside of her thighs, and slowly made his way to her womanhood.

She writhed against him with wild abandon as his hands ran across her body and his tongue danced across her clitoris. Betty lost track of how many times she came, but she clearly remembered when she began begging him to take her.

Before she had been worried that the massive size of him would not fit in her, but now she wanted nothing more than to feel his giant blue cock inside her.

“Please Barsork, I need you,” she cried against him.

He sat on his knees in the grass, his massive member standing erect and wrapped his hands around her back. In one swift motion, he pulled her forward sliding the tip of himself into her.

She was so wet already that the feeling of pain others had spoken of didn’t exist for her and she felt herself pressing her hips against him begging for more. She heard his groans as he slid more of himself into her and suddenly she wanted him to feel as much pleasure as he had given her.

She sat up and wrapped her body around his and slid herself down around his cock inch by inch, relishing the sounds coming from his throat. When she had taken all of him in, she began to raise herself up and down moving faster and faster, her breast bouncing softly against her chest.

She could feel sweat dripping down her body as she allowed her body to do what felt natural, just as he had suggested. She slid herself down one last time and then began to move her hips forward in a rocking motion.

Barsork's hands came around behind her to grip her bottom as he pushed himself in rhythm to her own thrusts. He began to groan in a way that sounded more like a growl and she wanted nothing in the world more than she wanted him to release himself into her.

Her own moans of pleasures she was sure could be heard for miles around as she continued to pulse back and forth, and up and down upon Barsork’s manhood. She felt the tightening of him inside of her and knew he was close and she leaned forward planting her lips against his.

As if her kiss unlocked the beast, Barsork spewed inside her, releasing himself in shuddering jolts.

They lay against each other for a long time just breathing each other in and relishing the experience. After a while, they waded once more into the refreshing water and swam together. Betty could not have imagined a more perfect day.

Later that night, Barsork lay on the soft bed back at the hideout while Betty lay against him in her favorite spot on his chest. “I had a really great time today,” she whispered against him.

She could feel him smile. “Me too.”

“I guess I did okay for my first time?” she asked cautiously. His answer seemed very important in that moment.

Barsork moved softly until he was overtop of her and looking into her eyes. “Betty, I know this may come as a surprise, but I’ve never had sex before either. Today was my first. So for what it’s worth, it was most certainly the best I’ve ever had, or could ever imagine having.”

Betty was most certainly surprised to learn that he had been a virgin as well. She had just assumed from his demeanor that he had been with lots of women. Not only had his answer made her feel good about herself, but she also felt incredibly special that he had chosen her to be his first.

“So how did I do?” Barsork asked as he looked deeply into her eyes.

Betty smiled and ran her fingers along his biceps. “Well, I think you did a great job, but we have a saying on Earth.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

Betty laughed softly. “Practice makes perfect,” she said.

Barsork joined in her laughter and they made love again several more times before finally drifting into sleep.