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Sold To The Alien King: A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Auction House Book 1) by Zara Zenia, Starr Huntress (8)

Chapter Eight


Betty awoke and stretched her arms above her head, momentarily forgetting where she was and how she had gotten there. When she glanced around, everything came swimming back and she had to take several deep breaths to keep herself calm.

A medic rushed to her side and she gasped at the site. She had never even contemplated the existence of aliens before and now she was face to face with them. The medic was very short with skin that looked like sandpaper and large eyes that never blinked.

“Do not be afraid,” the medic whispered. “No one here will hurt you. I just came to make sure you do not need anything.”

Betty sat up slowly. “How is it that you speak my language?” she asked curiously.

The medic smiled showing a large purple tongue and a mouth of very small round teeth. “Our communicators allow us to speak and understand any language within our data base, and Earth has been in our system for many, many years.”

Betty didn’t have the slightest understanding of what he was talking about, but nodded and smiled back anyway not wanting to give offense or appear dumb. The medic pointed to a small counter beside the bed.

“We have provided you with some fresh clothes, feet coverings, and a temporary communicator so that you can speak and listen to others on the planet as well. You will also find a Refugee badge granting you access to the planet, as well as an emitter in case of an emergency. Feel free to come and go as you please. My name is very long and difficult to pronounce so you may call me Tox.”

Betty stood slowly and went to the counter feeling somewhat overwhelmed. She had no idea what any of the devices did, let alone how to use them, but she certainly didn’t want to stay in the medical room any longer.

“Thank you, Tox. Can you tell me if a man named Barsork is around?”

Tox smiled again once more showing his purple tongue. “Of course. He has been most anxiously awaiting your presence. I will let him know that you are awake once more.”

“Thank you,” she said softly. Even though she was still somewhat angry with Barsork, and also frightened, at least he was someone familiar and deep down inside she felt like she could trust him, or at least she wanted to be able to trust him.

Tox shuffled out quickly leaving her alone to get dressed. Betty pulled on the soft clothes that had been left for her and almost cooed with delight. The fabric was unlike anything she had ever felt before and her skin tingled with the pleasure of it.

Although loose fitting, the material seemed to move exactly as she did seeming more like her own skin than clothing. In fact several times she had to look down to make sure she was, in fact, wearing clothes. The material was smooth and soft and almost fluid. The colors seemed to shift with her movements and she found herself wanting to dance around.

The shoes, if at all possible, were even better than the clothing. Once they were on her feet, they literally formed to her foot. She felt as though she were walking around barefoot even though she knew she was wearing the shoes. Like the clothes, the color of the shoes seemed to flow from one into the next with each subtle movement.

“How do you like them?”

Betty turned quickly to see Barsork looking at her and she couldn’t help but smile. “They are amazing. I’ve never felt so free before.”

Barsork laughed softly. “A creation of the Mehallen, a planet on the other side of this system. They are renowned for their craftsmanship in clothing as well as other things. Many species travel the galaxies in order to own a piece of Mehallen clothing.”

“I can see why,” Betty said as she twilled around once more.

Barsork smiled at the lightness in her. “You are most beautiful like this,” he said casually.

Betty stopped spinning and looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Barsork came forward and ran his fingers through her hair. “Just as you are. Without the ideas of what you think you should be, but just your true self. Not the shape you wear for others.”

Betty stared into his eyes feeling somewhat confused. “Barsork, I am not like you. I don’t change my appearance. I am human.”

Barsork smiled gently. “No Betty, I think sometimes you are more a shape shifter than I am. My species can become whatever image they choose, but we do so for our own purposes. Your species all walk around with someone else’s images on you, and only when alone do you sometimes become yourselves.”

Betty took a step back from him and thought about the ways in which she tried to look and act the way others wanted her too. She thought about her roommate Jenny and how she constantly plastered herself with makeup to look the part. Barsork was right, they did all walk around in other people’s skin.

“I like you best, when you are your true self,” Barsork repeated.

Betty smiled up at him feeling like the most beautiful woman in the world. “I like you better when you are your true self as well,” she replied.

Barsork helped Betty to put on her refugee badge, emergency emitter, and communicator.

“I would very much like to show you the planet.”

Betty took his hand and let him lead her out of the medical room and into the world.

She was instantly amazed at the brightness and beauty of the planet. Evening was setting and two moons of differing colors hung over the night sky surrounded by crystal stars that shone like diamonds. “Wow!” she whispered reverently.

“Every planet has its own beauty, but I have always liked Wolfban. I think it has something to do with purpose and intent.”

“What do you mean?” she asked as they walked.

Barsork pointed up to a strange symbol that seemed to reflect outward. “Wolfban is a sanctuary planet. It is home to refugees, drifters and political dissidents. Basically this is where people in the galaxy go when they have nowhere else to go.

“The Azu-Ban race run Wolfban because they believe that all species should have a place in the world. They hold no prejudices, no biases, and no allegiance other than to help others in need.

“Because of their beliefs they strive to fill the planet with as much comfort, safety and peace in the galaxy as possible. That is why they provide such clothing and why the temperature and weather here are controlled. The Azu-ban barter with other planets throughout the galaxy to provide the best of everything, without any form of cost to those seeking refuge.

“When you are hungry, you may have your choice of food, when you are tired, you may sleep. If you wish to see a sunrise, or a sunset, or rain, or snow, simply put your request into the hollo scans. I will show you one later if you would like.”

Betty felt so overwhelmed by everything that all she could do was nod her head. “How do you know so much about this planet?” she asked casually.

“I served on the perimeter team some years ago. My Brother thought that seeing such a place would knock sense in me, but it only served to build upon what was already in my heart.”

Betty looked at him strangely and he continued slowly. “Try to understand. I am from a warrior race. For many centuries we have dominated the galaxy with an iron fist. It is in our blood. When the sickness came and destroyed the young as well as the mother’s wombs, our people became weak.

“We had built many enemies as conquerors, and suddenly we were no longer strong enough to defend ourselves. No one wants to be destroyed, including us. Some sought a new way of life, a way of healing and offering services to those we had formally ruled. Those like my brother however began looking for ways to regain the status we had lost, to become conquerors once again.

“I do not believe in my brother’s way, and yet I understand him in a way others do not. He is filled with pride and he is the leader of our race. The decisions he makes will not only effect our people today, but for many generations to come. He feels as though he must have a position of strength, and for him that means domination.

“As a son to the throne, I was required to hone certain skills as a fighter, but the manner in which those skills are honed is left to us. I chose to train and fight here on Wolfban, defending the defenseless.

“My brother Carzon hoped that I would see how futile weakness was, but instead I found that those we would see as weak sometimes have the most strength.”

Betty paused and squeezed his hand feeling very close to him at that moment. “Barsork, you are a very complicated person, but I think that deep down inside you are a good man, and I am glad that I am here with you.”

Barsork smiled and his eyes lit up with colors as he looked down at her. Without thought, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers and then slowly pulled away breathless.

“Betty, I cannot pretend that I am all good, when I am not. I confess that when I came to your planet I found your species a disgrace and I helped Carzon to abduct girls just like you. In fact, your name was on a list to go to my brother, but when I met you, I fell for you and could not bear to see you come to any harm.

“That is why I risked abducting you myself, and bringing you here. I couldn’t protect you on Earth alone, but here, there is a whole planet to protect you. I only wish I could have seen you from the first and maybe my opinions would be different.”

Betty laid her head on his chest. “Barsork, we all have good and bad inside us, it is how we choose to live that defines us. If you have made bad choices, you must correct them. I also think that you should be careful of the ways in which you judge a species. We are not all good or all bad; we simply exist.

“On my planet we fight wars because people cannot agree. We fight over color, race, sex, religion, money, politics, and all kinds of other meaningless things. We too are a warrior race, but amongst us are people who would fight for freedom, and justice just as you. I would not judge your people on only what I know of you, or of only what I know of Carzon.”

Barsork’s eyes shone with an intense blueness that seemed to capture the light of the stars. “Betty, you have given me much to think about, and for that I am very grateful. I too am grateful to know you.”




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