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Sold To The Alien King: A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Auction House Book 1) by Zara Zenia, Starr Huntress (6)

Chapter Six


By the time Barsork got back to his apartment he was nearly mad with desire. The thought of how close he had come was overwhelming. He wondered what it would be like to fall in love with a woman like Betty, and marry her, and have a child together without all the complications that the world imposed.

What if there were no auction houses, or crazy Earth rules? What if it really could just be him and her and their love for each other?

Barsork allowed himself to dream about the life they could have together as he released the pent up tension within himself. Never before had he wanted something so badly as he wanted Betty. There was so much depth to her beyond her body, and what she could potentially provide for him.

He wanted to know what was inside her mind, and her heart. He wanted to be able to share the things within his own mind and heart with her, because he knew that she would hear him and care and understand.

Without thought he picked up the phone on his nightstand that Earth people used and dialed the name on the napkin. She answered on the second ring and immediately his face broke into a smile.

“Betty, I couldn’t wait until tomorrow. I want to see you again. My mind and my body and my heart are in so much need of you, and I can’t stand the waiting.”

From the other end of the line Betty’s voice came back. “I feel the same way. I’ve never had a night like the one I shared with you tonight, Barsork. I wish it hadn’t have ended.”

Barsork breathed deeply imagining the feel of her lips on his. “I am glad that you allowed me to share the evening with you. What are you doing right now?”

A long silence filled the air and he could almost see the redness in her cheeks. Finally her soft voice came across the line. “I am embarrassed to tell you what I was doing,” she whispered.

He answered with soft laughter, “In all fairness, I should tell you that I was probably doing something similarly embarrassing.”

Her soft voice came back over the phone in a whisper almost too soft to hear. “Have you ever embarrassed yourself over the phone?”

Barsork gulped. “No have you?”

She shook her head even as she reached her hand down her pants. “You kiss really well,” she said with a soft moan.

Barsork closed his eyes as he listened to her soft voice on the phone and marveled at Earth technology. He felt the stiffness in his hand as he pictured the way her mouth had felt against his. He heard her whispered voice as she described what she was doing and how it felt.

Never on his planet was sex such a powerful element. With Betty, Barsork was truly experiencing for the first time, the joy of love, imagination, and trust. He spoke of things with her he never dreamed speaking of with another. The things they did that night went beyond his wildest imagination, and he knew it did for her as well.

Together they explored the world outside of Earth, or auction houses, or pressures of family. With each other, they broke through the barriers placed on them, and walked together into a new realm.

Several days later, Barsork found himself staring at a poster on the wall of Family Planning. It took him several long moments to realize what he was staring at, and then the images sank in and he took a quivering breath. The poster warned women of numerous abductions, giving instructions to never walk alone, stay indoors after dark, and report any suspicious behaviors to the police.

Barsork read over the poster several more times just to make sure that his face and name weren’t plastered to the warning in some way. After finally convincing himself that he had not, in fact, been caught red handed, he took a slow and steadying breath.

The sound of a woman tapping her long nails on the desk pulled his mind away from the poster and he glanced at her feeling disgusted by the woman’s excessive amount of red lipstick amongst other strange paintings.

When first arriving on Earth, Barsork had assumed that the women’s markings were some form of tattoo custom similar to his own planet. Instead he learned that the ritual was no more than a woman’s way of hiding her true beauty under layers of goo that made them look more like clowns to Barsork than women.

In fact, one of the reasons he had been so drawn to Betty was that she seemed to feel no need to hide herself in such a ludicrous way. Her own features were very attractive by themselves and Barsork felt privileged to see her as she was.

Barsork leaned casually against the desk and rolled his eyes. “Can I help you?” he said to the woman wearing a dress made for someone much smaller than she.

The woman smacked her lips and stuck out her chin before giving her name. “I’m here to get a pill for the morning after. See my boyfriend and I got really hot last night and before we knew it the deed was done. Anyway he forgot to slip on his rubber if you know what I mean, so I just need to get a pill for in case, you know.”

Barsork did not know, nor did he particularly care at that moment. To him one woman in this place was the same as the next, except for Betty. She was proving to be quite different indeed. Barsork took her name down on the walk-in list and pointed her to the waiting area where he hoped she would sit quietly and not make a scene, something he highly doubted.

Sure enough, not two minutes after the woman had taken her seat she began rambling to the others within ear shot. Barsork could not help but notice that the topic of conversation very rapidly found its way to the missing women in the area and the poster hanging on the wall.

Trying not to look too obvious, Barsork leaned further over the counter to hear what was being said.

“A friend of my cousin’s was abducted a few nights ago and so far the police haven’t found anything,” one of the girls said.

“I heard on the news that they haven’t found any evidence and none of the bodies have turned up. Right now it looks like women are just disappearing into thin air with no explanation,” another said.

Barsork pulled a piece of paper from the desk and began making movements with his pencil as if doing paperwork while he listened intently.

“My roommate’s sister disappeared a few weeks ago. My roommate said no one was really looking for her because she was kind of going through some stuff, but my roommate didn’t think she would just run away. In fact, she had come into the clinic here the day she went missing in order to get some birth control because she and her boyfriend were getting serious.”

The other women raised her head at the news. “My cousin said she was here with her friend the day she went missing as well. You know I bet it’s that weirdo behind the counter.”

Barsork pulled slowly away from the desk and began tapping his pencil slowly. Things had gone too far now, and he was not about to go down for all these abductions and spend his life in a human prison.

“I’m taking my break now, Kim. Be back in thirty,” Barsork yelled at the young receptionist behind him.

She nodded curtly without looking up and Barsork slid out the backdoor. He had to play his cards right, or things could get very ugly for him.

Several minutes later he heard the familiar click of the com badge connect and his brothers rough voice in his ear. “Barsork, you have called early do you have a surprise for me?”

Barsork took a deep breath and forged ahead, knowing his lie would have to hit every mark perfectly. “Actually brother, I have called to tell you that you were right. I know you intended to have me stay on Earth until the new season, but I have taken all I can of this horrid place.

“The women here are repugnant and I cannot stand to be here among them, when I could be enjoying them on our home planet instead. I was wrong to doubt you, brother. Allow me to apologize properly and take my place once again.”

There was a long pause over the com-badge and then at last a deep and hearty laugh. “I knew you would come to your senses, Barsork. You have done well and I will accept your apology this once as youthful rebellion. I will send Jion to replace you on the next abduction ship and you can fly home with the team.”

Barsork tried not to let panic overtake him, but this was a twist he had not anticipated. He had not considered having to go home under the watchful eyes of the abduction team, let alone with ten abducted women. How would he explain any of that to Betty?

“Actually Carzon, I wish to leave as soon as possible. Why just today a pregnant woman came in to get rid of the baby. It was all I could do not to take her right there and expose myself. I did not realize how these hateful women would affect me, and I don’t want to jeopardize our mission by acting irrationally yet again.

“Send a ship so I can leave this place, Carzon.”

“And what will I do until the next team is available. We may lose our opportunity if you are not there.”

Barsork pulled the list from his pocket and smiled. “That won’t be a problem, Carzon. In fact, if you can get me a ship by tonight, I can provide you with the names of more women than you can count.

It will be up to you how to get them all off the planet, but with this many women we could repopulate our planet at last. Think about it, Carzon, you would be the ruler who saved our race and led our planet back to its rightful place amongst the stars.”

Barsork could almost hear the wheels in Carzon’s head turning and see the half smile that always made him look somewhat deranged. At last he heard the soft chuckle that let him know he had won this round.

“I must admit, Barsork. I had my doubts about you. But you seem to understand things very well after being on this Earth planet. You shall have your ship by tonight, along with a proper escort for the second born. I am sending a small team to stay behind and evaluate the list you have as well. If all is well, you will be home by tomorrow and the halls will flow with wine over your return.”

Barsork laughed softly. “I will be pleased to see you again, brother.”

With that, Barsork clicked off the com-badge and breathed a sigh of relief. The escort would be troublesome, but not impossible to deal with. This would be easier at least than an entire team with abducted women on board. This he could make work. Now all he had to do was convince Betty to run away with him and they could leave this horrid place behind forever and find their own little piece of the universe to be happy in.

* * *


Betty picked up the phone as she flipped through her notes trying to focus on the lecture points vs. the text-book. “Hello,” she said somewhat frustrated at the interruption. She changed her mind almost immediately when she heard Barsork’s rich voice on the other end.

“Hi, Betty. I hope I am not disturbing your study time too much. I simply couldn’t wait another hour to speak to you.”

Betty blushed and tossed the notebook aside. “Not at all,” she lied.

Barsork laughed and she loved the way his voice sounded, somewhat rumbling and yet smooth at the same time.

“Betty, I can’t wait till this weekend to see you. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I feel like if I don’t see you tonight I’ll go crazy. Please say I can pick you up for a date. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go and we can do anything you want to do.”

Betty didn’t hesitate. “Yes, you can pick me up. I’ve been dying to see you too, Barsork. I feel so good when I’m with you.”

* * *


Barsork quickly announced the time he would be at her dorm, and then hung up the phone allowing her to get back to her studies. He hoped in the end that she would understand what he was doing.

He really did care for her, and the thought of leaving without her simply wasn’t an option. Besides, Betty would be much better off when she was in a place that truly appreciated her.

* * *


Betty hung up the phone and smiled feeling giddy. She couldn’t believe how quickly Barsork had completely disrupted her life, but she wouldn’t want it any other way. No longer able to study, she put her books aside and began busying herself getting ready for her date.

For several long moments she looked at herself in the mirror and considered applying layers of makeup like her roommate Jenny, but then decided against it. She had never been a person consumed with looks, but for some reason she felt that Barsork would disapprove.

He seemed to like her without all the extra applications and there was something in the way he looked at her that made her feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet.

Several hours later, Betty found herself looking once more upon the handsome face of the man she was quickly falling for. Barsork looked even more amazing than she remembered from their first date and she smiled at him pleasantly as he opened the car door for her.

Within minutes they were speeding off down the road and Barsork reached across to take her hand in his. He gently rubbed his fingers across the back of her hand as he drove and the sensations of skin to skin contact was almost intoxicating.

Barsork took her to a very romantic restaurant on the outskirts of town and then afterwards he stopped at a liquor store and picked up a bottle of Champagne. He drove them back to the spot they had been to on their first date and he poured the champagne into two paper cups.

Betty sipped slowly as her hands fidgeted with her skirt. So far Barsork had made no attempt to kiss her and for a brief moment she wondered if she shouldn’t have put more makeup on. The car filled with the eeriness of silence as they both tentatively sipped their drinks trying to figure out what to say next.

Dinner had been filled with polite conversation, but mostly felt like they were skirting around the edges of what they both really wanted to say.

Betty for her part felt such a heightened sense of desire and anticipation that it was difficult to focus her mind on anything else. She wanted nothing more than to feel the pleasure of Barsork’s lips upon hers again, and this time she didn’t want him to stop.

After their romantic and intimate experiences on the phone with one another, the need to feel him again was almost unbearable. She could sense that Barsork too was struggling, but for some reason seemed very nervous. More so than he had seemed on their first date and Betty couldn’t help but wonder if she was doing something wrong.

Finally unable to bare the awkwardness any longer she ventured to ask the question she feared to hear an answer to. “Barsork, am I unattractive to you? I know last time you said that wasn’t the case, but you’ve barely even looked at me tonight. I know I’m not the prettiest…”

She was unable to get out any more words because Barsork’s lips were pressed against hers and his tongue pushed against hers inside her mouth. Betty let out a soft moan as Barsork’s body pressed hers against the car and suddenly her thoughts no longer mattered.

She could feel her nipples harden and the tingling sensation between her legs as Barsork’s hands reached to her back. Without even understanding how it happened Betty found herself outside, pressed against the cool grass with Barsork’s strong muscled body overtop of her. She could feel the stiffness of his manhood and see the need he had for her reflected in his dark eyes.

Her hands fumbled for the button of his pants as her breathing quickened and she wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of her.

The sound of his moans as her hands gripped his firmness sent shivers down her spine. Never in her life had she wanted or needed anything as much as she wanted and needed Barsork. She felt as if she would die if he didn’t take her right then and there. She felt almost drugged in some way, as though all her inhibitions were lowered.

With her other hand she began to unbutton her own pants as she continued to stroke his huge member. Suddenly, as if in a detached state, Betty could see something superimposed upon the shape and contour of Barsork, something that seemed almost alien. She thought that she should feel frightened in some way, but all it did was entice her all the more.

While Betty tried with all her might to pull her pants down and take Barsork’s long and thick cock into her, Barsork began to pant and growl in what seemed to be an internal struggle of some kind.

With a loud wail he pulled away from her, his manhood standing erect against the night sky. Before Betty could even react, Barsork pulled a small device from the collar of his shirt and pressed it against Betty’s neck. Within seconds she was unconscious in his arms and he carried her gently to the ship, which lay camouflaged not far away.

* * *


Unable to stand the pain ripping through his body from the need, he laid Betty down on the small soft pallet and then proceeded to masturbate until he at last found relief.

Twenty minutes later, Barsork was in the air leaving Earth’s orbit for good. He still had no idea how he was going to get them someplace safe, or where they would go from there, but at least for now they were on their way. There would be time later to be together.




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