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Sold To The Alien King: A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Auction House Book 1) by Zara Zenia, Starr Huntress (15)

Chapter Fifteen


When Betty stepped out of the deep forest and back into the clearing she was quickly grabbed by Kristin and pulled off to the side. “What the hell is going on here?” Kristin asked forcefully.

Betty pulled her arm free surprised at the intensity in Kristin’s face. “I don’t know what you mean?” Betty lied, trying to buy herself some time.

Kristin’s eyes hardened. “Don’t play stupid with me, Betty. I followed you when that man grabbed you because I thought you were in danger. Betty, you called him Barsork.”

Betty did her best to sort through the thought running around in her head. She wanted to be truthful with Kristin and the rest of the girls, but she was scared that they would try to bring harm to Barsork. They couldn’t see that he was different than his brother, they could only see their own suffering.

“It’s not what it looked like,” Betty stuttered not knowing what else to say at the moment.

Kristin took a step back in disbelief. “Really, because what it looked like was you sucking face with Carzon’s brother; the man responsible for our abductions and torture. What it looked like, was that you are in love with him and are helping him to capture us and resell us to the highest bidder, or worse back to his brother.”

Betty held her hands up defensively. “That’s not true, Kristin, please let me explain.”

Kristin made a wretched chuckling sound as she crossed her arms. “This better be a real good explanation.”

Betty cleared her throat and then did what she had to do to protect herself and Barsork. “Barsork abducted me too,” she blurted before she had time to consider anything else. Kristin looked at her hesitantly her face shifting slightly. “Alright, I’m listening,” she said.

Betty started pacing slowly back and forth, something she used to do when studying for an exam. This time the exam could affect the lives of herself and the man she loved.

“Barsork stalked me on Earth and claims to have fallen in love with me. When he abducted me, it was without his brother’s consent and now Carzon is sending hunters after us.

“I don’t really love Barsork, but I have to play along because he’s the only protection I have against getting sold. I know it’s wrong, but I was so scared I didn’t know what else to do. Now that I have found you, I want to get away from him.”

Kristin’s face softened and she placed a slender finger on Betty’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I doubted you, Betty. It must be terrible to be so close to him just to stay alive. We have all one things that we wish we would not have had to do. We will help you.”

At first, Betty felt relieved that her story had been believed, but then she realized that she may have inadvertently placed Barsork in more danger.

Kristin kissed Betty on the cheek. “Don’t worry, we will keep you safe. I will need to share this information with Elena though. She is the smartest when it comes to the hunters. She will know what is best. Please allow us time to talk and then we will tell you what we have decided.”

Betty nodded, grateful that she would not be forced to retell her story of partial lies for the time being. Kristin walked Betty back to the small shelter and left her there alone while she went to talk to Elena and the other girls.

After a while, Betty couldn’t stand the suspense anymore and snuck out to go listen in on what was being said about her, and Barsork. Laying low in the grass she shimmied forward hiding behind one of the closer shelters. She could just barely make out the conversation. It sounded like Elena.

“How do we know her story is true? She could be working with him to bring us back. Just because she looks human doesn’t mean she is. We’ve been fooled by that before.”

Kristin’s high voice answered, “I don’t know, Elena. If she is telling the truth than we have to help her. We can’t leave her in the middle of a war between those two brothers over who gets to have her.”

Elena seemed to think things over and Betty held her breath. “I don’t like taking such a risk when we’ve come so far, but if she is telling the truth she could be a useful ally. When is the next check-in?”

Betty didn’t know what a check in was and she shimmied a tad closer. “Two days from now. Do you think we can wait that long?” Kristin asked.

“I don’t know. But I think we need a backup plan. I don’t like Barsork knowing how to get to us. He could bring the hunters at any time. If he really is being chased then we need to take him out before he can take us out.

“I think it’s time we make a deal with the hunters. Then when Barsork is out of the picture we can figure out whether to risk helping Betty. For now, let’s keep this to ourselves though. If she is with him, we don’t want her tipping him off.”

Betty had heard enough and didn’t want to risk getting caught so she slowly crawled away from the clearing and made her way back to the small hut. When Kristin came in a little later, Betty pretended to be surprised and grateful that they were going to let her stay. She kept the knowledge of their plans to herself.

She needed to figure out a plan that would keep everyone alive and safe, but first she had to buy time. Barsork was in the most immediate danger, and Betty knew what the hunters would do if they found him.

“I want to help!” Betty said out loud. “I know a way to tip off the hunters without risking exposure.”

Just then Elena stepped into the tent. “So, Betty. How exactly do you plan on talking to a hunter without getting caught? Unless, of course, you are already working with them.”

Betty shook her head back and forth. “No, look Barsork has many friends on this planet and a lot of power. In the space we share he has a phase scanner. It lets me change into anything I want. I can disguise myself.”

“That’s true. The first time I saw her she looked like an alien,” Kristin blurted trying to come to her friend’s defense.

Elena grunted. “Go on.”

“Well, Barsork is going to the trading station today to find a ship and he won’t be back for a long time. I can sneak out and use the phase scanner and then go tell the hunters where Barsork will be. This way, the hunter won’t know I am human, and you won’t be exposed.”

Elena seemed to be thinking things over slowly. At last she spoke. “How do we know you won’t simply run to Barsork and turn us in? Why don’t you simply give us directions and we can go use this Phase scanner?”

Betty thought quickly. “It’s too dangerous. If Barsork comes back early and catches you, he will kill you on the spot. But if he comes back and finds me he will think he has me back and will be happy. I can get close to him without suspicion. Please trust me.”

Elena sighed and pressed the tips of her fingers to the side of her head. At last she nodded her head somewhat reluctantly. “Alright, Betty. We will give you this chance to redeem yourself. If this works we will owe you a great debt.”

Elena kissed Betty on her cheeks. “I will send Kristin to lead you out of our hideout. You have six hours. If you are not back by then, we will have to assume the worst.”

Betty returned the kisses and smiled. “I will be back, you have my word.” She turned quickly and left the hut and then stood at the door listening.

“Follow her, Kristin. I want to know everywhere she goes, and everything she does, and make sure to take her out the main entrance where she came in. I don’t want her to know about the secret exit just yet.”

Betty stepped away from the door and pretended to be deep in examination of a purple and gold flower growing on a tree. When Kristin came out, the two headed off toward the exit and Betty put her mind to figuring out how to get rid of Kristin.

A short while later, they came upon the strange entrance and Betty could clearly see the backside of the fruit stand. Kristin put her hands on Betty’s arm. “I just want you to know that I believe you,” Kristin said softly. “I know Elena can be harsh sometimes, but it’s only because she cares so much.”

Betty nodded. “I understand. Thank you for believing me, Kristin.”

Kristin suddenly took a step forward pressing herself tightly to Betty’s body. Kristin’s small perky breast pushed against Betty’s larger breast and Betty froze uncertain as to what was happening. At first she thought that Kristin might be trying to tell her something secret.

Kristin leaned forward some more and the suddenly Betty was being kissed. Kristin’s tongue pushed against Betty teeth and she was so surprised she didn’t know what to do. She felt Kristin’s hand slide down her pants and Betty pulled away.

Kristin looked heartbroken for a moment and then her face flushed and she began apologizing. “I’m sorry. I just, I thought that maybe you, you’re so pretty and I…”

Kristin trailed off unable to complete her sentences as she fumbled for an explanation. Betty grabbed Kristin’s hands gently. “It’s okay, Kristin. I’m not angry, just surprised. I’m sorry if I led you to believe that I liked women in that way.”

Kristin flushed an even brighter shade of red. “I should have asked,” she mumbled.

Betty chuckled. “I think that there’s someone a little closer to you who is interested,” she said winking at Kristin. Betty really did like these women and she didn’t want to see any more harm come to them. She hoped she was able to keep everyone safe.

Kristin’s eyes grew big and round. “Really, who?” she asked curiously. Betty smiled. “Elena, you fool. Can’t you see the way she looks at you and how she cares about what you think?”

Kristin smiled. “Elena, huh.”

Betty laughed again and then kissed Kristin softly on the lips as a friend. She wanted to assure Kristin that there were no hard feelings. “I’d better get going, I only have six hours.”

Kristin smiled and scanned the area before opening the way for Betty to step through. “I’ll be waiting here when you get back,” Kristin said even though Betty knew that she had instructions to follow.

Betty stepped out into the market and began making her way through the crowd looking for a way to get rid of Kristin who was trailing not far behind. She also had to get back to the hideout before being spotted by one of the hunters since she wasn’t in disguise.

When she turned the corner she bumped right into a muscular wall and felt herself grabbed forcefully from behind. Her breath caught in her throat as she struggled to get away.