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Something Just Like This by Tracy Krimmer (14)



Juliette twirls around, the multi-colored skirt rising and falling as she spins. This outfit qualifies as the most hideous one I have ever seen, yet it still looks beautiful on her. She’d be gorgeous in a trash bag.

“What do you think? Is this the one?” She rotates once more. If she keeps it up, I’m going to get dizzy.

I put my finger to my lips and cock my head to one side and then the other, pretending to evaluate the outfit, though in my head I’m screaming how horrific it is. How much honesty does she want? In my defense, she praised my candor less than thirty minutes prior. If I’m candid, she can’t really get upset, can she?

“Um…well…” I can’t bring myself to state either way. I can’t lie, and I don’t want to tell the truth. The last thing I want to do is hurt her feelings even if that’s what she’s asking me to do. I think about Courtney standing in her place. What would she expect from me? Would the truth earn me a punch on the shoulder or the silent treatment? Courtney and Juliette are a lot alike, both independent, capable women with high expectations. Courtney expects the truth. Always.

“Come on, now. Be honest.” Her finger is almost in my face now, her lips pinched together so hard I want to kiss them. If I do that, she’ll be so distracted she’ll forget what she’s asking me. Hm. Maybe I’m onto something.

The way she emphasizes the word honest, though, I know what I have to do. I take a deep breath. “No. I don’t like it. It’s the ugliest dress in the entire world. I mean, you…you look amazing in it, but it’s a truly horrible dress.”

“Thank you.” She curtseys with a smile. “You passed my test.”

“Test? What test?” Whatever it is, I’m glad I didn’t fail. Though if I had, would she keep me after class for detention? My mind is wandering again, but it’s hard not to when I’m with Juliette.

“Do you really think I find this dress pretty? I picked out the most unsightly dress I could to test your response. If you told me you loved it, I’d know you were lying. So, now that I can trust your opinion, I can trust you.”

“I thought you already trusted me.”

“Yes, but it’s hard to find an honest man when it comes to clothes. They all walk on eggshells. Trust me, if I ask how I look, I want to know. I don’t want to make a fool of myself! You’ve passed.”

Slick. Now I know not to pad the truth to spare her feelings for things like this. If I do, I’m only hurting her in the long run. Lesson learned.

Juliette disappears behind the curtain again. Only her feet and a few inches of her legs are visible. I catch my breath when the dress falls to the floor. I imagine her behind the curtain, standing there in only her underwear and bra. I glance around the store. Would anyone notice if I went in there? I imagine being in the dressing room with her, kissing her, she’s pressed up against the wall, and our mouths are lost on each other, her leg wrapped around my waist.

“How’s this?”

The curtain whips open, and she steps out behind it wearing a cute pink dress with a belt. I can’t breathe for a moment as my eyes move up and down her body. Every curve, every outline of her muscular body, down to her strong calves makes me bite the inside of my cheek. “Wow.”

“Just wow?”

“Just? Jules, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and in that dress…” I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. “Wow,” I repeat myself as I softly press my lips to hers. She trips where she’s standing, but catches herself when she attaches her hand to my bicep. I pretend not to notice when she squeezes it.

We pull apart, and I ache for more, wanting to keep touching her. I reach out to her, but she steps back into the dressing room.

“Nope. There are about fifteen more dresses in here.”

“That’s the one. You don’t need to try any more on.”

“Yes, I do. I know you like it but I want to be sure this is the right one.”

It is. She knows it is, and so do I. Still, I can watch her do this all day. “By all means keep trying them on, and with every amazing dress, I promise to kiss you again.”

She blows me a kiss before she shuts the curtain again. It’s then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn my head, and my ex-boss Jeff Quinn stands next to me holding a purse.

“The wife’s trying on a few things. I’m the designated purse holder.” He pats the clutch. “One day this will be you,” he mutters.

I don’t tell him that if it ends up being Juliette, I won’t mind one bit. I’ll carry her purse for her anywhere.

“So, how are you doing?” Jeff tilts his head to the side, a pity look if I’ve ever seen one. “Have you found anything yet?”

I should tread lightly here. I want him to think I’m doing well without him and that entire company. So many years of my life down the drain. Sure, I’ve gained experience, and Jeff will give me a glowing recommendation if I ask, but sometimes I still can’t believe I don’t walk through those doors anymore. My routine has been completely interrupted, and I don’t know what to do with myself.

“No, nothing yet. I’m doing some searching, possibly exploring some other options.”

“Oh? Like what?”

Shoot. While I’ve considered what it would be like to be in business for myself, I haven’t gone beyond the simple thought. I joked with Juliette about pyramid schemes and door-to-door salesman type of stuff. We weren’t being serious. What can I even do with my skill set?

“I don’t want to say yet. Nothing is official.”

“Don’t tell me you’re superstitious.” I catch a roll of his eye before Juliette comes out of the dressing room with another gown on.

“Aren’t you stunning?” Jeff says before I even have an opportunity.

Juliette looks at me for an explanation, her eyes squinted together, her face contorted in confusion.

“Juliette, this is Jeff. He was my manager at my previous job. Jeff, this is Juliette, my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? I didn’t know Landon was dating anyone.”

She shakes his hand but pulls it away quickly. “We met recently. It’s nice to meet you. I’m going to change out of this. I think I’ll stick with the first dress.”

“Excellent choice,” I remind her. That dress puts all other dresses to shame.

Juliette returns to the dressing room to change while Jeff and I exchange our goodbyes. When she exits, she puts the dresses she’s not interested in on the rack provided.

“How are you doing?” She reaches her arm around my back.

“What do you mean?”

“That must have been awkward running into him. Are you okay?”

I think about this for a moment, not sure how to answer her. Why am I afraid to tell Jeff I haven’t found a job yet? Am I that embarrassed? All I do know is that seeing Jeff puts things into perspective a bit more. The new year is coming, and I’m stuck in the past.

I give Juliette a long, hard kiss. “You bet,” I tell her, knowing more than anything she’s my future.